Kelley (Were Zoo Book Six)

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Kelley (Were Zoo Book Six) Page 14

by R. E. Butler

  “You bet,” she said, smiling. “I want something with whipped cream. Or like, ten things with whipped cream.”

  He tugged his socks on and shoved his feet into his boots, bending and lacing them. “We’ll have to stock lots of interesting things in our fridge at home for your cravings.”

  “I wish I could speculate what the cravings were going to be. I wake up wanting something off the wall.”

  “Mom said it only lasts through the first trimester, so only about two and a half more months to go.”

  “That’s a lot of grocery runs,” she said.

  “You’re worth it,” he said, leaning over and kissing her gently. He peered into her eyes. “Do you know how much I love you?”

  A purr rumbled to life in her chest as she smiled. “How much?”

  “More than I ever thought possible. You’re not just part of my life, you’re my whole life.”

  “Aw, Kelley,” she said, her eyes glistening. “You’re going to make me cry.”

  “Only happy tears,” he promised, kissing the tip of her nose. “Let’s go get you something with whipped cream.”

  She hummed as he helped her stand. “Maybe peanut butter toast.”

  He stifled the urge to wrinkle his nose. She’d eaten some strange combinations of things the past week, but one thing that had remained fairly constant was peanut butter on toast, which she had with every meal, including last night’s dinner of steak and potatoes.

  They stepped out into the sunshine and both shielded their eyes. “Are you ready to head home?”

  “Yes and no. I’ve really had a wonderful time here, and I could stay forever I think. But I miss the zoo, too. The circus feels like home, but the zoo does even more so.”

  “My parents were talking about changing some of their traveling plans so they’re on the east coast more often. They’d love to be a bigger part of our lives, especially once our little one comes.”

  “That’s so sweet. I’d love to see them more than once a year.”

  “Me, too.”

  “Hey,” she said, stopping and turning to face him. “In about eight and a half months, we’re going to have a baby.”

  He took her hands and squeezed them, smiling down at her. “Yep.”

  “Can I ask you a favor?”

  “You can ask me anything, sweetheart.”

  She smiled. “I want to get married before the baby’s born. I want us to have the same last name so that we’re a family in every way.”

  “Of course. I was planning to talk to you about getting married soon anyway, so I’m glad you brought it up.” He let go of her hand and cupped her face. She was so beautiful inside and out, he couldn’t believe how fortunate he was to have her for his mate. “I want to ask you properly when I have a ring.”

  “I’d love that.”

  “Love you,” he said, kissing her. “My soulmate, the mother of my young, and soon my wife.”

  “Awesome. You forgot to say how awesome I am.”

  He chuckled. “You’re awesome in every way.”

  “You are, too. And sexy.” She wiggled her brows at him and he couldn’t stop the big smile that made his cheeks hurt. He adored her, and every day he learned something new and fell a little bit harder for her.

  “How about breakfast and then we’ll hit the road. I’ve got an engagement to plan.”

  As promised, Rhapsody put whipped cream on her peanut butter toast, and also a plate of pancakes, which she dotted with peanut butter, too. He teased her about loving peanuts now that she was having a half-elephant child, and she just grinned at him. After the meal, they said goodbye to the memory. Luna and Diego brought Rhapsody a bracelet made of intricately braided leather strands. It had a silver clasp and a panther charm hanging from it.

  “When panthers were mated in our clan, the females make a gift for the couple in the form of a piece of jewelry for the female. Sometimes it’s a ring or a necklace, but Diego and I thought you’d like a bracelet.”

  Rhapsody held out her wrist and Luna put the bracelet on her. “It’s lovely, thank you.”

  “Diego and I made it last night. Alpha Donovan found a jewelry store and we bought the charm.” She pressed her hands lightly around Rhapsody’s wrist and said, “May the Great Panther Spirit bless your mating and your baby.”

  Rhapsody sniffled and hugged the young female and her brother. “Thank you both for being so sweet.”

  After saying goodbye to the memory, Kelley’s parents followed them back to the trailer and they spent a few extra minutes saying goodbye.

  “I’ll let you know when we’re home,” he said, hugging his dad and then his mom. “Thanks for everything.”

  His dad kissed Rhapsody on the cheek and said, “Keep our grandchild safe, and yourselves, too.”

  His mom hugged her tightly, swaying back and forth with a hum. “I’m so happy for you both. Take good care of yourself and my son and our grandbaby, too.”

  “You bet,” Rhapsody said. “Thank you for everything. I’m so glad to call you my family now.”

  His father turned slightly away and murmured to Kelley, “When you set a date for the wedding, let us know and we’ll come for the ceremony.”

  “I was hoping you’d be able to,” he said. “I’ll let you know.”

  “Safe travels, Son.”

  Kelley opened the door for his mate and shut it firmly, then got behind the wheel. He turned on the engine and backed away from the trailer slowly, then waved at his parents as he pulled away. Rhapsody waved, opening her window and leaning out to continue to wave as he followed the trail through the campground and out onto the road.

  She sat back in the seat and put the window up, brushing her hair out of her face. “I’m going to miss them, but I had a great time.”

  “Aside from almost dying, of course.”

  “Right,” she said with a laugh. “I didn’t want the time to end, but I’m also glad to be going back to the zoo. I feel like we lived a lifetime in two weeks with everything that happened.”

  He did, too. It was funny how time could be like that, both fast and slow at the same time. He loved Rhapsody, and often felt like he’d known her his whole life. The reality was that they’d known each other just a couple of weeks, but as she’d said, they’d lived a lifetime in those days.

  He lifted her hand and kissed the inside of her wrist. “If I didn’t say it yet today, I love you dearly and I’m so glad you’re my mate.”

  “I’m so glad you’re mine, too.”

  * * *

  The memory was waiting for them when they got back to the zoo. Alastair, Cael, and Indio had a big lunch planned in Alastair’s home to greet them, and Kelley and Rhapsody spent the afternoon catching up. His family was thrilled to hear about Rhapsody’s pregnancy and couldn’t wait to welcome the newest member. While Rhapsody helped Cael in the kitchen with the dishes, Kelley spoke to his uncle and cousin about his plans to ask his mate to marry him.

  “My dad gave me my grandmother’s ring,” Kelley said, careful to speak in low tones so she wouldn’t be able to overhear. “I’d like to plan something cool for when I give it to her.”

  “Like dinner out?” Alastair asked. “There are several nice places in the area.”

  Kelley shook his head. “No, I want to do something really unique. I was thinking about being in my shift, and giving her a box with the ring in it.”

  Indio said, “What if you have her act as a keeper one afternoon while we’re in our shifts?”

  “Hey, that’s not a bad idea,” Kelley said, rubbing his chin. “The other mates sometimes work in the paddocks during the larger tours. It wouldn’t be out of the ordinary for me to ask her to do that. I think she’d enjoy it.”

  “It’s a great idea,” Alastair said. “When do you want to do it?”

  “How about Friday? That gives me a few days to get things ready.”

  “I’ll let the alphas know, and we’ll get her an outfit,” Alastair said.

who a what?” Rhapsody asked as she came into the family room and sank down into the couch next to Kelley.

  Thinking quickly, Kelley said, “The soulmates sometimes hang out in a uniform with their mates in the paddocks. I thought you might like to do that this week.”

  “Like a zookeeper?” she asked, her brows high.

  “Yep,” he said. “We have tours on Fridays that are for larger groups, not for the VIPs, and it’s not a bad idea for humans to see that we have workers tending to the animals.”

  “What would I do?”

  “Clean the paddock, give us snacks, and just hang out,” Cael said.

  “Snacks, huh? Like peanuts?” Rhapsody teased.

  “Sure, but we also eat a lot of produce like fruits and vegetables,” Cael said with a grin.

  “I like apples the best,” Indio said.

  “And you?” Rhapsody asked Alastair.

  “Steak, medium rare.”

  She laughed. “Seriously?”

  “Okay, I actually like apples, too.”

  “I bet I know what you like,” Rhapsody said to Kelley.

  “Do you?”

  “Circus peanuts.”

  “Ugh, woman,” he said with a groan.

  The others made faces.

  She laughed until tears leaked from her eyes. When she’d laughed her fill, she sat back and brushed at her cheeks. “Maybe if some of our kids can shift into panthers we can have a panther paddock. I would love to be out in my shift for tours.”

  “I’d love that too,” Kelley said, kissing her temple. “I’ll be the zookeeper for you, and give you lots of peanut butter toast.”

  “And whipped cream. Plus, fruit snacks,” she said, ticking the items off on her fingers.

  “I think it’s time for us to head home,” Kelley said. “It’s been a long day.”

  He stood and helped Rhapsody stand. “Are we on shift for the norms tomorrow?”

  Cael said, “Unless you need a day to recover from your vacation.”

  “I’m good if you are,” she said, looking at Kelley.

  “Then we’ll handle it,” Kelley said. “See you guys tomorrow.”

  Waving goodbye, they left and walked to their home.

  “I’m glad to be home,” she said when they entered the house.

  “Me, too.”

  “I think we have something to do,” she said.

  “Oh?” He couldn’t miss the gleam of interest in her eyes or the way she nibbled on her bottom lip.

  “Yeah, we have to celebrate our baby.”

  “Any ideas?”

  “I have lots of ideas, starting with the bedroom.” She crooked her finger at him as she walked backward toward their room.

  “Have I told you that you have the best ideas?” He tugged his shirt over his head and followed her.

  “Being with you gives me all sorts of good ideas.”

  He caught her around the waist and carried her the rest of the way to the bed, planning to share some of his ideas for celebrating with her, too.

  Chapter 16

  The next morning, Rhapsody dressed in her uniform to work with Kelley and the norms.

  “I’ve got a surprise for you,” he said from the bedroom.

  “A sexy surprise?” she asked as she walked out of the bathroom.

  “Well, not really,” he said with a chuckle. “Now I wish I had a sexy one, too.”

  He handed her a box, and she sat on the bed and opened it. Inside was a pair of tan work boots.

  “I replaced the laces with pink ones to make them look prettier,” he said.

  She took them out of the box and put them on. Standing, she looked down at them and smiled at the bright pink laces and then looked at Kelley. “I love them, thank you! You’re so sweet.”

  “Now that you’re officially working with us, you needed the right shoes.”

  “They’re perfect. You’re the best mate.”

  He pulled her onto his lap and devoured her in a kiss that she felt all the way to her toes. “I wish we didn’t have to work today,” he murmured against her lips.

  “Me, too. But duty calls.”

  With another lingering kiss, he set her on her feet. They fixed coffee in travel mugs and headed out of their home. They started the morning with the giraffes, and then the hippos, ending with the deer, antelope, and one cranky moose. Rhapsody helped prepare the food and then sat on an upturned bucket to wait while he fed them.

  Something knocked on the door.

  “Kelley?” she called.

  There was another knock followed by a scraping sound.

  She called his name again but didn’t hear a reply. She walked to the door and pushed it open a few inches, gasping when she came face to face with Tank. He made a grumbling sound and snuffled at her.

  “What are you doing here?” she whispered.

  He grumbled again and pushed at the door with his nose. She let it swing open and stared at the big beast in mute surprise. He lowered his head and gently touched her belly, making a happy sound.

  “Rhapsody!” Kelley shouted. “What are you doing?”

  “I don’t know,” she said. “He was scratching at the door.”

  She touched Tank’s head, giving him a scratch lightly between the antlers. He closed his eyes with a happy hum and blew out a breath. Kelley joined them, staring at her and the moose in surprise.

  “I think he likes me now?”

  “Did he touch your stomach?”


  “He may smell the baby.”

  As if on cue, Tank bumped her belly ever-so-gently and then looked back at Kelley. “Aw, he likes me now.”

  She walked to the counter for a bunch of carrots and brought them over, handing one to him. He took it eagerly and chewed noisily, never taking his eyes from her. She petted him again, enjoying how soft the fur on his snout was.

  “Tank’s just a big old softy,” she said. “Aren’t you?”

  He grumbled and opened his mouth for another carrot.

  “I’ll be damned,” Kelley said. “We have to tell Cael. This is really cool.”

  “I didn’t know they had that good of a sense of smell.”

  “Me, either. But he’s not threatened by you anymore, which is very cool. Want to come out of the shed?”

  She looked toward the deer and antelope. “If you think it’s okay?”

  “They look to Tank for leadership. If he’s okay with you, I think they will be, too.”

  She followed Kelley and Tank out into the yard. The moose kept close by her, as if he were guarding her. The deer and antelope, which had scattered before when she was out in the paddock lifted their heads, looked at her and then Tank, and then resumed eating.

  “What a great morning,” she said, handing Tank another carrot. “You’re my favorite moose.”

  He grumbled at her as he chewed, and Kelley laughed. “Nothing like a baby to soften a heart.”

  “Even a grumpy old moose’s heart.”

  * * *

  Friday after lunch, Rhapsody changed into a beige jumpsuit for her role as a zookeeper for the afternoon. She was looking forward to being in the paddock with her mate and the memory while they were in their shifts. The larger tours ran for two hours starting at noon, and then the VIP tours were scheduled to start at three. She’d be with the elephants until two and then she and Kelley would leave and get some work done in the norms paddocks while the rest of the memory stayed for the VIP tours.

  Grabbing a hair tie from the drawer, she pulled her hair up into a high ponytail. Checking her reflection in the mirror, she smiled and pressed her palm to her stomach. Kelley walked into the bathroom and said, “I never thought a beige jumpsuit could look so sexy.”

  She grinned at him as he stepped behind her and rested his hands on top of hers on her stomach. “You say the sweetest things.”

  He kissed her neck. “How’s my soulmate and our little one?”

  “Excited. I hope the tour patrons believe I’m a zook

  “You’ll be great.”

  She exhaled and leaned back against him. “We’ve got about eight more months until we meet our baby.”

  “I think the time will fly, don’t you?”

  “It’ll probably be one of those situations where it goes fast and slow at the same time.”

  The soulmates in the zoo were thrilled to hear that Rhapsody was pregnant. Adriana had promised to host a baby shower for her in a few months, once they discovered the sex of their baby. Kelley wanted to paint one of the other bedrooms but was going to wait to find out what color they should pick.

  “We should get going,” Kelley said. She turned in his arms and went onto her toes, brushing her lips against his. He hummed. “My tempting sweetheart.”

  She rested her head over his heart, listening to the steady beat. “Love you.”

  He hugged her a little tighter. “I love you, too.”

  * * *

  By the time Kelley and Rhapsody reached the paddock’s storage barn, the other elephants were already in their shifts and milling around. The ring his father had given him for Rhapsody was in a silver box in his pocket.

  He said, “The produce is in that box.”

  She peered at the wooden crate. “Can I carry the box out or should I just take a few things at a time.”

  “It would be easier for you if you carried the box out. It’s not heavy.”

  She hummed a little tune and smiled. “Lettuce for Indio, apples for Cael and Alastair. What do you like?”

  “Besides you? Carrots and apples.”

  “I just realized that I won’t know who is who in their shifts, except for you of course.”

  “Alastair’s tusks are the biggest and Cael has bigger ears than Indio.”

  “Okay. How about I just throw all the produce into the air and they can get what they like?”

  “That’s one way to do it,” he said with a chuckle.

  He kissed her soundly, distracting her as he pulled the box from his pocket and set it on the table.

  “I’m glad you’re here.”

  “Me, too. Having an elephant for a mate is awesome.”


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