Three Wishes

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Three Wishes Page 6

by Reana Malori

  “Jordan? I thought we were going to go back to your place,” Meghan’s voice grated on his nerves. Stomach clenching, he knew he’d given her that impression. It had been part of his efforts to see if he could truly move on from Leticia. Even before dinner started, he knew calling Meghan had been the wrong decision.

  Her blonde hair, which he used to love seeing brush along his bare chest as she rode him, no longer attracted him. Those green eyes that used to beckon him to get lost in her body now looked calculating and cold. At one time, she was the only woman he could see. Without fail, when she came to him, even if he were with someone else, Meghan was the only one who could turn his head. Make him forget about anyone but her and what she could do to him in the bedroom.

  Four years ago, when she’d cheated on him, using the excuse he spent too much time at the office, he’d known then that she was toxic. Bringing her on the trip to Jamaica with him and Leticia had been a test for him, and he’d passed with flying colors. Swore that he was done with her, that only one woman could hold his attention. A dark-skinned, curvy woman with too much hair, who had him in knots since the first day he met her. That he called up Meghan tonight was a sign that he’d hit rock-bottom. Leticia hated Meghan with a passion. If she ever found out what he’d done, she’d never forgive him. His top lip curled up in disgust.

  “You were wrong. Good night, Meghan.”

  Walking away from the table, he felt a weight lift from his shoulders. It was time to embrace the woman that was his future. A week without the woman he loved had torn him up inside. Sure, they’d talked on the phone, but he’d forced himself not to see her. Not to go to her house and let her touch him, hug him, even if it was just a friendly gesture. He would have had her up against the wall fucking her until her voice went hoarse from screaming his name.

  Strolling over to them, he saw her friend’s eyes widen. She had a look he recognized well. Fear. But the closer he got to them, her expression changed. A smirk came over her face, “About time,” she mouthed. With that cryptic statement, she turned back to the conversation with the schmuck trying to take her home tonight.

  The unlucky guy standing next to Leticia had just given her his card when Jordan strolled up. “Leticia, we need to leave.”

  A squeak escaped her lips as his voice sounded behind her. Her hand flew up to her chest. Leticia turned to look at him, her face reflecting shock and surprise at seeing him there. “Jordan. Wh-What are you doing here?”

  Giving her a hard look, he didn’t even bother to look at the guy who’d stood up from the bar. He was looking between the two of them, confusion marring his brow. “Um, Leticia. Who is this guy? Do you know him?”

  At that, Jordan finally turned to look at him. Sizing him up, he concluded that if needed, he’d break his fucking neck if he continued to question Leticia. “Don’t worry about who I am. Leticia, let’s go.” Her expression was changing each second that passed. Jordan noticed every emotion, ticking them off as each one was displayed on her face. Shock. Surprise. Confusion. Joy. Anger. Hurt.

  “Come on, Jordan. Don’t be like that. I was just saying goodbye to Stone.” She turned back to the man standing to the side, watching their interaction. “Yes, I know him. This is my long-time friend Jordan. I’m actually surprised to see him here.” A growl must have escaped Jordan’s throat because Leticia stopped talking and turned to him with a look of concern. “Plus, Jordan, since you want to be all bossy, I came with Cassie. I can’t just leave her by herself.”

  Cassie turned in her direction. “Oh, I’m ready to leave. I’ll even call a taxi.”

  “No need. I’ll have my car service take you home.” Pulling out his phone, he made a call to his service, requesting two cars. As he turned his head toward the entrance, he saw Meghan staring at them with hatred in her eyes. Not that he gave a shit. He was a fool for calling her tonight. He’d been thinking with his dick, but even he’d turned on him. As soon as her perfume hit his nostrils, his little friend had turned tail, refusing to come out and play, or even consider the possibility. “They’ll be here in five minutes. Hey, Chase, can you put this on my monthly bill?”

  “Sure, man. You got it.” Jordan had seen Chase talking with Leticia earlier that night. If he’d had a chance in heaven, he was positive Chase would have tried to take her home that night. Little did he know that shit wasn’t happening with anyone but him.

  “Let’s go.” Grabbing her clutch off the bar top, he positioned his body in front of Stone. Grabbing her arm, he helped her off the stool. “Walk.”

  “Will you stop being so damn bossy,” she whispered angrily.

  Glaring down at her, he did everything he could to control his temper. It wasn’t like him to get so upset in public. He usually reserved that for his mixed martial arts training, allowing him to pour out all his anger and frustration into his flying fists as he took on his opponents in the ring. But tonight…well, it was his tipping point. “Why the fuck are you out here dressed like that? Why are you letting these men stare at what belongs to me?”

  At her gasp, he lifted his gaze. “You know what? Don’t bother answering that. We’ll discuss when we get to the house. Now move your ass up those stairs before I put you over my knee and spank your ass in front of all these nice people.”

  Her eyes went wide, but she did as she was told. Turning, she grabbed Cassie’s hand, rushing up the stairs as fast as she could. Not once looking back.

  “Goodnight, Leticia,” he heard the man call out behind him.

  His hard gaze turned to the man who was in more danger than he knew. “Stone, is it?”

  “It is,” the man smirked.

  “You don’t want this. Forget you met her. In fact, forget her name. If I ever see you around her again, I’ll break your fucking neck.” His temper was boiling over. He didn’t know this guy and didn’t care who the fuck he was. That he’d touched Leticia was all Jordan cared about.

  Lifting his glass, the man didn’t respond to the taunt, but Jordan could see that same fire inside him. Jordan smiled at the thought. This is one guy who could probably give him a run for his money in the ring. “Don’t worry man. All good.” Taking a sip of the dark liquid, Stone remained at the bar as Jordan turned and headed towards the stairs.


  “WE’RE HERE,” JORDAN CALLED OUT to her in a clipped tone. It was the same tone he’d been using with her since they left the lounge. Get in the car, Leticia. Not right now, Leticia. We’ll talk about this later, Leticia.

  With the way he said her name tonight, you’d think she was a child. What the hell was he so upset about anyway? She went out with a friend? Was it a crime for her to go out and have a drink now? Anger festered inside her at his overhanded ways. Sure, she knew he could sometimes be controlling, but this was ridiculous. One entire week since she’d seen him last. And the one time she does see him, he practically forces her to leave a bar, embarrassing her in front of her new friend, Stone. She wasn’t sure what his issue was, but she was not happy at all with him.

  “Get out of the car,” he snapped at her again.

  “Fuck you,” she said, stepping out of the opened car door. “Thank you,” she said to the driver. Just because she was pissed at Jordan was no reason to be rude.

  “Oh, don’t worry. That’s coming later.”

  “What did you say?” she said, whirling around to face him. There was no way he said what she thought he did.

  He said goodbye to the driver and came up behind her. “Inside.”

  Digging in her heels, she stopped, refusing to budge another inch. “No. Not until you tell me what the hell got into you tonight.” It was a good thing he lived in an exclusive neighborhood. His home set back from the road a little due to the large front yard. He’d told her his mom had guilted him into buying a big house. She said it gave her hope that he’d marry one day and give her grandkids. Leticia loved his home. If she could create her dream house, Jordan’s was about as close as you could get. Any other time, sh
e’d love to go in there and have it out with him. But something told her if she went inside his house tonight, it would change things.

  With the way Jordan was acting tonight, something was pushing his buttons. Whatever demons he was holding back looked to be winning the war. Without warning, he bent his knees and grabbed her around the thighs. Lifting to his standing height, he walked to the front door. Unlocking it in short order, he stalked into the foyer. Kicking his foot back, he slammed the front door. The loud bang brought Leticia out of her daze.

  “Did you just…? Put me down Jordan,” she yelled. The loud smack from his hand hitting her ass sounded in the room just before the sting was felt. “Ow! Jordan! You hit me,” she accused, her voice trembling from hurt. Not just the physical kind.

  “Are you done acting like a spoiled brat?” Jordan’s voice was loud and angry.

  Leticia didn’t know what else to say, so she answered truthfully. “Yes. I’m done.” He reached one hand down to each foot and removed her shoes. Flinging them away from them and toward the wall. Even though the shoes cost more than she’d ever spent on a purchase before, she wasn’t going to open her mouth to say anything about what he did. Grabbing her around the waist, he set her down on her feet, stabilizing her before releasing his hands.

  As she stood in front of him, he just stood there looking down at her. Nostrils flaring. Blond hair mussed. Large hands resting on his hips. If this was how he looked in a courtroom, she never wanted to be on the other side of the table from him. After a few more minutes, she wanted to say something to move this little game along. She still didn’t know what the big deal was. She was a grown ass woman of thirty-three. If she wanted to go out to have a drink and talk with a sexy man who was interested in her, it wasn’t anyone’s business.

  His eyes flared, those beautiful lips thinned, and his face turned red. “What do you mean, it’s not anyone’s business? It’s my business. You pranced around there tonight in this short dress that I’ve never seen.” Jordan began pacing, pointing to her shoes against the wall. “Wearing those ‘fuck me’ shoes that had every man in there wishing they were near his ears, your legs over their shoulders. As you gave them something that only belongs to me.”

  “What,” she managed to squeak out just before Jordan took two steps in her direction. Her face was trapped in his large hands as his eyes captured hers.

  “Never wear this dress again. As a matter of fact,” Jordan got a wicked gleam in his eyes right before grabbing the dress, pulling it over her head. Once she stood in front of him in only her bra and thong panties, he licked his lips. “Stay here.” Walking over to the fireplace, he turned the dial to its highest setting, the fire blazing up with a roar. With a flick of his wrist, he threw her favorite dress in the fire where it was quickly caught up by the flames.

  “Oh my god! What did you just do?” She went to go toward the fireplace when he stood, turning his icy glare on her.

  “Didn’t I tell you not to move?” he roared.

  Leticia’s body froze, her eyes going wide and her bottom lip trembled. She had no idea what was happening. Why was her friend acting this way? She’d done nothing wrong. For over a week he’d ignored her, even when she’d begged him to come by the house. Now he was burning her clothes, forcing her to stand naked in front of him, and yelling at her in ways he’d never done before. None of this was making sense. Shivers began coursing through her body as she began reacting to the night’s events. Eyes watering, she tried not to let the tears fall but knew it was no use.

  “Jordan. What’s wrong. Why are you acting this way? Saying these things?” When she saw his face immediately soften, she knew he’d seen her tears. Fuck, she was so damn weak with him. She never wanted to be like this with any man, but with Jordan, everything went out the window.

  His footsteps sounded on the marble as he came over to stand in front of her. “Look at me.” Holding her gaze away from him, she tried to gain control of her emotions before she faced him. “I said look at me!” he forced out, his tone harsh.

  Her eyes went to his face. She took in his furrowed brow, pursed lips, and intense gaze. Knees weakening, she attempted to take a step back. Something in his eyes told her exactly what he was thinking. His eyes roamed her body from her mouth to the bottom of her feet. His tongue coming out to moisten his lips as he took in her almost naked form.

  “Do you even know what you do to me? When you walk around in those too small shorts and tank tops because you don’t think I like your body? How good it feels when you take a nap on me as we’re watching a movie and you’re lying on top of me, your pussy resting on top of my dick? You have no idea how many times I’ve wanted to grab you up, kiss you mindless while I sink inside you, making you cum all over my dick as you scream my name.” His gaze settled back on hers as he tilted his head in question. “Do you Leticia? Do you have any idea what you do to me?”

  No words could come out. He was saying all the things she’d wanted him to say for so long. That he wanted her as much as she’d wanted him. But it had been over two years. He’d had girlfriends. Hell, he never should have brought that bitch Meghan on their trip to Jamaica. Why would she think he wanted her? In all this time, he’d never looked at her this way. Or had he?

  He was still waiting for an answer to his question, but she was at a loss for words. Dropping her eyes down, her gaze couldn’t help but stop at the tent in his pants. She gasped, one hand going to her bare stomach as she stared the vision in front of her.

  “Eyes up here, sweetness.” Once she tore her gaze away from the monster trying to escape his pants, he continued. “I saw you there tonight, and I lost it. All I could see were other men coming up to you, buying you drinks, and trying to take you home with them. Something snapped. How did you know I was there tonight?”

  “I-I, um, I didn’t. Cassie suggested we go there, so that’s where we went.” Now that she thought about it, she had a question for Jordan, “Why were you there?”

  After a moment’s hesitation, and a pained look on his face, he turned the conversation back to her, “Don’t ever go there again. Not without me.”

  “I don’t take orders from you,” she sassed.

  “You say that now? Standing in my home, your dress burned, and you at my mercy? That’s your response to me?” He’d stepped closer to her, the material of his shirt brushing up against her nipples.

  She prayed her bra was thick enough to hide the pebbled flesh. Bending down, he kissed her neck at the point between her shoulder and her ear. A shiver went through her body. This time it was one of need.

  “Do you have any idea what I’m going to do to you tonight?” His teeth nipped her ear, sending ripples of pleasure through her body.

  A loud moan escaped as her pussy slickened. A bolt of electricity shot through her body.

  “You should be afraid of me Leticia. I’ve been waiting too long for this moment.” Leaning back, he looked into her eyes, waiting to see how she’d respond to his words.

  “Whatever you’ve wanted to do for two years, I’ve wanted it more,” she stepped closer to him, pressing her soft body against his harder one. “I’m not afraid of you Jordan. You can either give me what I need or move the fuck aside and let another man try.” There. She’d said it. Now that she knew Jordan’s anger earlier was due to his jealousy, any concerns about what was going on had disappeared.

  Maybe it was the pent-up sexual tension from two years of being best friends with someone of the opposite sex. She didn’t know and didn’t care. All she wanted was this moment with the man who’d filled her dreams for so long. And based on the bulge in his pants, wasn’t lacking in anyway shape or form. His eyes flashed, and she knew her words had hit home. Good. It was time he realized she’d been by his side all this time because she chose to be.

  “Move aside? For another man? Never happen. You’d better get used to that. I’ve given you enough time. Your time is up.”

  “Enough time? What…?”

gh talking.” Lifting her by the ass, he pressed her hot pussy close to his straining cock, both releasing a moan as their bodies connected, the heat curling around both of them. He turned their bodies toward the stairs and began walking. She tried to rest her head on his shoulder, but he wasn’t having any of that. “No. Look at me. There’s no hiding from me. From us.” Her eyes were on his face for the remainder of the time. Her pussy became wetter with each step he took as his cock rubbed against her. Soft moans escaped her mouth the further he walked.

  “Just wait until my cock is inside you, baby. Do you know how much I’ve wanted you in my bed? I’ve pictured this in my head so many times. You, here with me. Lying naked underneath my body, your dark skin slick with sweat, as I give you every fucking inch of my dick. No other man can look at you the way I do. No one else gets to touch you the way I do. Two years, Leticia. I’ve waited two years to have you. I won’t let you go.” Entering his master bedroom, he didn’t bother closing the door. They were the only ones in the house, so there was no need to be modest.

  Lying her down on the soft blanket covering his bed, he stood up to look at her as she lay there unmoving. “You’re so fucking beautiful.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “Don’t thank me for telling the truth. When I see you, my mind conjures up images it shouldn’t. Things I shouldn’t be thinking of but can’t help hoping for.”

  His hand rubbed along her bare leg, and she shuddered in need. This is what she dreamed of each night. Jordan looking down at her with desire in his eyes, his every thought of her. His every move meant to give her pleasure. His words telling her how much he wanted her. His body coming alive for her, showing her that everything he said was the gospel truth. “I need you, Leticia.”

  “Then take me,” she whispered, spreading her legs wider. Her wetness was on display as her lace panties had darkened where her juices encountered the light material.


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