Mrs. Robin's Sons

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Mrs. Robin's Sons Page 7

by Kori Roberts

  “Hey, babe.” Nick smiled, and Rylee grabbed the hand that he held out to her as he pulled her into his lap.

  “Did you sleep well?” Nick’s breath teased her skin as he nuzzled along her jawline. “Oh, yeah.” Rylee chuckled. “You two made sure of that.” Her laughter quickly turned into a soft moan when Nick’s lips found hers briefly before moving down her neck again.

  She glanced at Noah over Nick’s head. He leaned against the kitchen counter watching them intently. Rylee could feel the heat in his eyes from across the room, and her body responded immediately to it.

  “So, what were you two in here whispering about when I came in?” She watched them share a look before Nick turned to her.

  “You.” Nick’s simple and honest response surprised Rylee. She hadn’t expected him to admit what she’d already suspected so easily.

  “What about me?” Rylee looked between them, suddenly unsure where the

  conversation was heading.

  Nick’s hand palmed her cheek, and he pulled her face toward his for a brief kiss. “We wanted to make sure that you were okay with what happened this morning.” Nick’s gaze moved past her, and Rylee glanced over her shoulder at Noah, who was now seated in a chair next to the couch.

  “I love you, Rylee.” She turned around at the sound of Nick’s words, and her breath caught at the intensity in his eyes. “I’d never ask you to do anything that made you unhappy, and if you told me right now that you didn’t like what happened between the three of us earlier, I’d never ask you to do it again. But, I was hoping” — Nick looked at Noah briefly before he focused on her again — “we were hoping that it was as incredible for you as it had been for us, and that you’d want it to happen again as badly as we did.”

  Rylee was speechless. Nick and Noah had no idea how much she wanted to be with both of them again. She woke this afternoon with thoughts of their threesome still fresh and vivid in her mind, with every kiss, every touch, every moan and groan of pleasure, permanently branded in her memory. What Rylee had shared with these two men had been nothing short of spectacular. It was unlike anything she’d ever experienced, more than she’d ever imagined. And she wanted nothing more than to be with them like that as often as possible.

  “What are you saying, Nick?” she finally whispered, too afraid to wish, to dream that he meant what she hoped he did.

  “He’s saying that he’s in love with you, and I’m already halfway there.” Noah had moved out of the chair and now kneeled next to her. “And I can’t imagine anything better than to share the most incredible woman I’ve ever known with the best friend I’ve ever had.”

  “I…I don’t know what to say.” What they offered should have shocked her, how

  people would view a relationship like theirs should have bothered her. Instead, it just felt oh, so right. The idea of having two men to love, and who loved her in return, frightened and excited her at the same time.

  “Say that you want to be with us as much as we both want to be with you.” Rylee looked at Nick, and then Noah. Their expressions were mirror images of each other, filled with a mixture of love, lust, and longing. And all of it was aimed at her.

  “Yes…” Nick engulfed her in an embrace, and his mouth closed on hers before she could say another word. He finally released her, and Rylee barely had a chance to come up for air before Noah pulled her against him and kissed her breathless once again.

  Without another word, they all stood, and Rylee let them lead her back into the bedroom.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Are you ready to go, angel?” Rylee looked into Nick’s gorgeous face as he smiled down at her. She leaned up and took the kiss he offered her. Her gaze shifted to Noah, who was equally as handsome, and who wore a similar smile on his face. Nick was the more vocal of the two brothers, but Rylee knew that Noah’s feelings for her were no less intense.

  She’d officially been seeing Nick and Noah for two months, and even though it was the middle of the week, they’d driven to Chicago to celebrate with her.

  It was the first time that the three of them had gone out together, and the feeling was bittersweet for Rylee. She knew that she couldn’t hold and touch both of them in public like she wanted, and that bothered her.

  And, as far as their family and friends knew, only Nick and she were dating. As much as they’d hated to do it, they had agreed not to tell anyone about their three-way relationship yet, knowing that some people might not be as understanding about it as they were.

  So, instead of giving Noah a kiss like she wanted, and he deserved, Rylee settled for reaching out and taking his hand instead. Noah winked, his face full of understanding, and it just made her love him even more. “Rylee, is that you?” She turned at the sound of the familiar voice and found herself looking into the face of an old acquaintance from her days with Ethan.

  “Monica” — Rylee offered her a stiff smile — “how are you?” There was never any love lost between Rylee and the other woman, their tolerance for each other always superficial and disingenuous at best. Monica worked at the same law firm as Ethan, and she’d always been extremely up front about her interest in him and her desire to replace Rylee as the leading lady in his life.

  Rylee laughed to herself. She and Ethan hadn’t been together for almost four months, and Monica still hadn’t managed to secure that spot yet.

  “Apparently, not as well as you, it would seem.” Monica’s voice was as insincere as her smile, her eyes bouncing back and forth between the three of them. Nick and Noah excused themselves, and went to wait for her by the doors.

  “So” — Monica’s eyes were glued on them as they walked away — “are they both yours?”

  Yes. Rylee wanted to shout it out. She wanted to walk over and lay her claim to both of them. She wanted to show the entire club just how much they meant to her, so that this bitch, Monica, and any other woman in the room would know to stay the hell away from them.

  “I’m just with Nick,” she responded instead, motioning in his direction, hating the lie, even as she said it. “And that’s his brother, Noah.”

  Monica glanced in her direction. “I knew that Ethan had broken up with you, but I had no idea that you’d have to resort to searching playgrounds just to find a replacement.” Her smile became a little more evil. “Although, I must say that they are definitely worth risking a little jail time for.”

  Monica’s snide remark had Rylee ready to rip her head off, scratch her eyes out, and kick her fucking teeth in. “You know, I figured you would be sick and tired of always waiting around for my leftovers, Monica.” Rylee gave the woman a disdainful smile. “Especially after the way you wasted two years waiting for Ethan and still came up empty-handed.”

  Rylee saw the flush that spread across Monica’s cheeks as her face went tight with anger.

  “Well, it’s not your boyfriend that I’m after, it’s his brother. And, since you seem to have more on your plate than you can handle anyway, I’m sure you won’t mind if I help myself to some of your dessert.”

  “Whatever, bitch,” Rylee muttered. As Monica brushed past her, she barely refrained from grabbing the woman by her bleached blonde hair, throwing her to the floor, and stomping her into a puddle.

  Rylee walked in the direction of the doors, and she could see Monica working hard to impress Noah with phony smiles, blatant looks, and none-too-subtle touches. And Rylee watched with no small amount of satisfaction as Noah politely, but firmly, rejected her.

  As she approached the group, Noah and Nick’s focus shifted to her. The looks on their faces were filled with so much heat that Rylee knew without a doubt that she was the absolute focus of their attention.

  Rylee glanced at Monica, and she could practically see the woman’s hatred pouring off of her. “Better luck next lifetime,” she murmured next to Monica’s ear before she slid an arm around Nick and Noah’s waists, and they walked her out of the club.


  “You’re up late, aren’t you
?” Rylee jumped at the sound of Noah’s husky voice against her neck, his strong arms around her waist. She was so wrapped in her thoughts that she never heard him enter the kitchen where she stood making coffee. “Hey.” She smiled up at him. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make so much noise and wake you up.”

  Noah shrugged and leaned against the counter next to her. “You didn’t. I don’t sleep that well when you’re not there, anyway.” He reached out and stroked her cheek. “What’s wrong?”

  Rylee was silent for a long moment before she finally responded. “I don’t like not being able to claim you, Noah. I don’t like having to pretend that you don’t mean anything to me.

  I’m not ashamed of our relationship, and I’m tired of denying that I love you as much as I love Nick.”

  Noah nodded slowly. “So, you think that just because you can’t tell everyone about us that will change the way you feel about me, or how I feel about you?”

  “No! It’s just…” She sighed heavily. “You don’t deserve to be ignored in this

  relationship, as if you’re invisible, or not important.”

  “I’d like to consider myself as more of a silent partner,” Noah joked softly.

  “You know what I mean, Noah.” Rylee knew she sounded frustrated.

  Noah pulled her into his arms and stared down at her. “Listen to me, Rylee. I know you’re not happy about having to hide our relationship. I can’t say I’m too thrilled about it, either, and I wish it didn’t have to be this way. But, for now, it’s necessary. Besides, the only thing I deserve, the only thing I need, is you.”

  “Me, too.” They turned around at the sound of Nick’s voice in the doorway. He moved in behind her, and Rylee found herself pressed between their bodies. She leaned her head against Nick’s shoulder and stared into Noah’s eyes.

  “Not being able to say how we feel about each other in public doesn’t make our feelings any less real, or our commitment to you any less strong.” Nick’s voice was soft, his words comforting in her ear. “Believe me, baby, if I thought it would make a difference, I would tell anyone who would listen about us.” Noah leaned his head against hers. “But I know how ignorant and judgmental some people can be, and I refuse to put you at risk of being hurt just because other people have a problem with how we choose to live our lives.”

  “You’re right,” she said quietly. “I just don’t know how much longer I’m going to let other people’s issues dictate our lives and our ability to express our feelings for each other.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Hello?” Nick smiled when Rylee’s sleep-filled voice drifted through the phone, so soft and sexy.

  “Good morning, angel. Did I wake you?”

  “Mmm-hmm…was dreaming about you and Noah.” Nick’s cock perked up at her

  words. “God, Nick,” Rylee moaned, “I want you both so much right now.”

  “Oh, yeah, baby. We want you too. It’s been a long week. Miss you so much.” Nick’s cock was hard as steel, aching with need.

  “Wish you were here with me right now,” Rylee whispered. “I’d ride you, and then Noah, until none of us could walk.”

  He groaned. “Love how you look when you ride Noah, how you feel when you ride

  me. All tight and wet and hot. God, I’m so hard for you right now, baby.” He was panting; his voice was low and rough as sandpaper. “So hard, it hurts.”

  Rylee made little whimpering sounds that made his cock jerk.

  “I…God, baby. I need you right now,” Nick whispered hoarsely.

  “I know. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to leave earlier, but I’m the hotel manager. I have an obligation.” Aggravation and need filled Rylee’s voice. “It’s okay, babe.” Nick tried to mask his own disappointment. He knew that having a long-distance relationship with Rylee would be challenging at times, but the longer they were together, the more he missed not being able to be with her, to hold and touch her, hell, to just be able to look at her for as long as he wanted, whenever he wanted.

  “God, this distance shit sucks.” Rylee suddenly became quiet, and Nick swore softly. He hadn’t meant to speak out loud, but now that he’d said the words, he refused to take them back.

  “I can’t help where I live, or what I do for a living, Nick. And I can’t just walk away from either one, no matter how much I’d like to at times.” Nick could hear the hurt in Rylee’s voice through the phone.

  “I know, babe. And I’d never ask you to give up either one.” No matter how much he so desperately wanted to at times. “It’s just that I wish we weren’t so far away from you.”

  “You were the one who told me that distance wouldn’t be an issue.” Nick grimaced at Rylee’s reminder of his earlier words when they’d first met.

  “And it still isn’t an issue. I won’t let it be an issue.” His voice was adamant. “But I also won’t deny that I’d give anything for all of us to be together on a more regular basis.”

  “Me, too.” Rylee sounded as frustrated as he felt. “I…I just don’t know what to do about it.”

  Nick didn’t have any answers at the moment, either. But, he decided to drop the subject because he didn’t want Rylee to be any more upset than she already sounded.

  “Listen” — he tried to keep his voice light — “we’ll talk about it more when we see each other later, okay?”

  “Yeah.” She sighed. “I can’t get to Wisconsin fast enough.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want Noah and me to visit you in Chicago instead? You’ve been working a lot of hours, angel. I know you have to be tired.” Concern laced his words.

  “We can be there by the time you get off work this evening.” “No, I really want to come,” she assured him. “Your place is so much more peaceful than here, and I always feel so relaxed when I’m there with you and Noah.” She laughed softly. “Besides, your mother’s already planned a dinner party for Noah’s birthday, and I don’t think she’d appreciate him not being there for it.”

  Shit. He’d forgotten all about that. Nick sighed. “Okay, angel. Go on and take care of your hotel, so you can come and take care of Noah and me later tonight.”

  “I can’t wait to see both of you,” she said.

  “Yeah. Same here, babe.”

  “Give Noah a kiss for me.”

  “Give Noah…” The sound of laughter filled his ear. “Be careful, angel. Saying things like that will get you spanked.”

  “Ooh, you promise?” She sounded a little too excited at the idea.

  “On second thought, scratch the spankings. You just might enjoy them too much.”

  “You just might be right.” She laughed softly.

  His voice turned serious. “I love you, angel.”

  “Love you, too, Nick. I’ll see you tonight.”

  Nick hung up the phone, and the smile slowly slid off of his face. He sat there for several long moments, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t figure out a way for the three of them to be together permanently. One thing was for certain, in spite of how he tried to reassure Rylee otherwise, Nick knew that he couldn’t take having her as a weekend lover for much longer.


  “Thank God for weekends.” Drew sighed and stretched a little. “Oh, my back is killing me.” “Your back?” Mya snorted. “Try carrying around another person for nine months. Then you’ll know what real back pain feels like.”

  Rylee looked at Mya, her face flushed and glowing, her belly round and full, and she tried to ignore the twinge of envy that flared within her.

  “Well, you look beautiful,” Rylee told her, and Mya beamed at her words.

  “So, what are you doing for the weekend?” Rylee asked.

  “Baby stuff, and more baby stuff. You know — the usual.” Mya sounded exasperated, but the sparkle in her eyes told a different story.

  “What about you? What are you doing this weekend?” Mya got a wicked gleam in her eyes. “Or, should I say, who are you doing?”

ll, that’s a no-brainer,” Drew chimed in. “Damn, Rylee, your boy toy must really be something for you to voluntarily spend so much time in Wisconsin.” He shuddered.

  “Although I can’t imagine any dick being good enough to distract me so much that I wouldn’t notice the smell of cows all day.”

  “Don’t call him that. And he breeds dogs, not cows.” Rylee scowled at him. “Smartass.”

  “Dog shit…cow shit.” Drew’s nose wrinkled in distaste. “It stinks all the same.”

  “Besides, they keep me so well occupied that I don’t have time to notice any smell.”

  Rylee realized her slip as soon as she’d finished speaking.

  “They?” Mya’s eyebrows shot up.

  “You’re doing both brothers, aren’t you?” Drew’s tone was accusing. “I can’t believe you, Rylee! What are you thinking?” he scolded her and shook his head. “Do you purposefully look for relationships that are going to cause you heartache?”

  “Rylee, honey.” Mya’s voice was a little calmer, but no less disapproving. “Please tell me you’re not —”

  “So what if I am!” Rylee snapped, suddenly feeling defensive and not appreciating it one bit. “You think that gives either of you the right to sit here and lecture me?”

  She looked between her two friends. “I would think that of all people, you two would understand what it’s like to be in a relationship that’s outside of what most people consider traditional. And you have the nerve to try and judge me?”

  “Rylee —” Drew started.

  “No!” she cut him off angrily, “Nick and Noah are very special to me. I’m thirty-six years old, and these two incredible men make me feel things I’ve never felt in my life.

  Together, they make me happier than I’ve ever been before.”

  She looked at them, her eyes dead serious. “And I refuse to make excuses or feel bad for finally finding happiness.”


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