The Baby and the Rock Star (Rock Star Kisses Book 2)

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The Baby and the Rock Star (Rock Star Kisses Book 2) Page 12

by Veronica Blade

  He didn’t turn back around and I couldn’t see his face, but the air thickened and India’s face sobered. “You promise you’ll be here when I get back?”

  She grinned. “I don’t have a car and I doubt I’ll get very far dragging around two big suitcases. I’ll be here. I promise.”

  He rose, closed the distance between us and held out his hand to me. I took it and he levered me up. We stood toe-to-toe, our faces inches apart. I broke eye contact first and plucked my purse from beside the couch.

  “It was really great meeting you, India. I’m sure I’ll see you soon.”

  She bounced off the couch and dashed over to me, folding me into a hug and squeezing hard. “Thank you so much. For everything.”

  “You’re very welcome.” I held her face and turned it down to drop a kiss on her forehead. “You two be good to each other.”

  Fifteen minutes later, Sebastian pulled the Land Rover into my driveway. “Thanks for the ride.” I hopped out, hoping for my sake that would be the end of it and he’d take off. Instead, he killed the engine and got out. Damn. I needed to make things clear to him, let him know that whatever had started couldn’t continue. I barreled toward my little house, thinking he’d get the hint and leave. But he didn’t.


  I halted just before I got to the door and spun around to face him, trying to keep a casual air. He’d just reunited with his sister. He didn’t need me causing that perfect little bubble to explode. “Thanks for the ride,” I echoed.

  One side of his mouth curved up and he entwined his fingers through mine, then he brought our joined hands to his chest. “Thanks so much for what you did today.”

  “I loved every minute of it. Seeing you two together—” My breath caught in my throat as his neck arched downward and his lips brushed the top of my hand.

  He released my hand, but snagged an arm around my waist, throwing me against his chest. “I downright detest you right now.”

  “And I’m pretty sure I hate you,” I said on a breathy sigh.

  As his body shifted against mine, his fingers weaved through my hair and curled around my neck. Pressing his forehead to mine, he shut his eyes. “Tell me who the father is. I need to know who I’m competing against.”

  Tears sprang from my eyes. He deserved to know the truth, but what if something unforeseen happened in the next few weeks? Then he’d mourn the loss of his baby. He didn’t need that kind of grief. I’d wait until after the first trimester, before allowing him to become emotionally invested. I had to power through the next three weeks and then he’d know everything.

  I laughed to lighten the mood. “Don’t worry, I can’t think of any other man I dislike as much as you.”

  His mouth crashed down on mine and we fell against the door. I swallowed his sexy moan with a deeper kiss, rolling my tongue against his and running my hands up his muscular back.

  Oh, hell. I wasn’t supposed to be kissing him. I disentangled myself from him, shaking my head. “Okay, well…”

  He chuckled. “I’ll call you later tonight and let you know how everything went with India.”

  I grinned, unable to dodge his infectious attitude. “Good. Do that.” I waved and disappeared into my house. Once inside, I let my purse drop to the floor as I leaned against the door.

  I’d been trying to resist Sebastian, telling myself we weren’t right for each other. Instead, I’d let myself fall completely in love with him.

  I was in so much trouble.

  Chapter Fourteen


  When I steered the Land Rover into my driveway, I immediately saw Theo’s old Corvette. Damn, I did not want that guy alone with my sister. Though Theo had seemed to mellow out over the last couple of months—he’d gotten the same verbal lashing from Liam that had inspired my rehab trip—I still didn’t trust him with women, especially not my little sister.

  I shoved the door open to find them in the living room with plenty of space between them. They definitely hadn’t been doing what I’d been doing with Violet. I rolled my shoulders in a circle, crossed the room and fist-bumped with Theo. “Hey, man, what’s up?”

  India popped off the couch. “You two do whatever. I’m going to start unpacking. Nice to see you again, Theo.”

  “Wow, I didn’t expect to see India. When did this happen?”

  I sat across from him on the coffee table. “Just this morning.” I left it at that because Theo wasn’t a chick. If he wanted to know more, he’d ask. “What brings you by?”

  “Checkin’ in on you. Violet’s kept you so busy, we’ve barely heard a peep from you.” A mischievous smile took over his face. “Guess you guys are getting along pretty good, huh?”

  I’d never been big on kissing and telling, but how the hell did Theo know anything at all? Even if Liam, Faith or Emma mentioned Violet being here last night, we definitely hadn’t acted at all like a couple. “We’re working together. What makes you think anything else is going on?”

  He threw his head back and laughed. “You’re kidding, right?”

  Baffled, I blinked. “No, I’m not. What am I missing?”

  The smile slowly faded and he tilted his head. “Are you seriously denying that you slept with her?”

  I scratched my chin, my brows inching lower. “Yes.”

  His mouth dropped open and he shook his head, raising his palms to face me. “Hold on. So you’re saying that when I came to check on you the next morning after Liam cut you from the band, Violet wasn’t doing the walk of shame down your driveway and slinking into her car?”

  “Violet’s never been here that early in the morning, and she sure as hell didn’t do a walk of shame.” Maybe Theo had been seeing things. “You sure you were at the right house?”

  “Sebastian”—he leaned forward and gripped my arm—“I knew how to get to your other house. Aidan hadn’t heard from Violet and her car hadn’t been parked at the house when he arrived from the airport around six-thirty that morning. He had an important meeting across town with a client at eight, so he asked me to drop by your place since I lived so close to you. I got right out of bed and raced over—just after seven, too early for Violet to be coming over on business. I saw her sneaking out of your house, that red hair all over the place and looking like she was making a getaway. No one else, no mistake.”

  Violet had spent the night at my house? Why didn’t I know this? Well, obviously I’d just forgotten, because I’d been so wasted.

  An image of Violet assaulted my brain, her naked with me on the bed, my hands full of her breasts. And she felt amazing. I’d had a few flashes of images before and thought they were just my torrid thoughts running away from me. Were those pictures real memories and not my imagination? Her face swam before me again, her eyes smoldering as she climbed over me and straddled my hips. Naked.

  Yep, we’d had sex.

  I darted to the calendar hanging on the side of the fridge. She’d said she was nine weeks pregnant. I flipped the pages back. Nine weeks took me back to right around the time Liam had ousted me from the band. Either Violet had been with another guy within days of being with me—she didn’t seem like the type for one reckless encounter, much less two—or the father of the baby was me.


  My stomach bottomed out and I sucked in air like I’d just been under water for an eternity. I had talked about having a family one day, looked forward to it. But right now? And did I want that with Violet? A few hours ago, I was certain I wanted to be with her and be a stepfather to her baby. Surprise! I wouldn’t have been just the stepfather, but the actual father.

  “You okay, bro?” Theo slapped me on the back and I realized I’d bent over, my hands levered against my knees while I struggled to catch my breath.

  I was going to be a dad. With Violet.

  Violet, who had known for days that I was the father and couldn’t be bothered to tell me. Violet, who’d let me believe that some other guy had slept with her, some other guy had made a bab
y with her. Violet, who I had opened up to and who had dodged my questions. When was she going to tell me I was that guy? Was she going to wait until she was about to give birth? Or had she planned to keep me in the dark even then?

  “Dude, do I need to call an ambulance or something?” Theo patted my back again. “You’re worrying me.”

  I straightened, composed myself and looked Theo in the eye. “Nah, I’m fine. I think it was a flashback from all that garbage we ingested in Cabo last year.”

  “What’s this ‘we’ crap? I wasn’t stupid enough to touch any of that poison.” He bobbed his head closer, narrowing his eyes. “You sure you’re okay?”

  “I’m good.” I forced my face into some kind of normalcy, though I felt anything but composed. I wanted to peel out of my driveway and storm into her house and demand to know why she’d kept the baby from me. But I wouldn’t. I’d stew on it a while, plan a rational attack. “So, how is everyone? Brett measuring up all right?”

  “Yeah, he’s good. A little soft, but the chicks like him. And when I say ‘soft’ I mean he’s way too good. For a while there, I even suspected he was still a virgin.”

  “I doubt that.” I laughed. “Want a beer?”

  “You still keep beer in the fridge? You don’t find it tempting?”

  “Not at all.” I fetched him a bottle, flipped off the top and handed it to him. “Not into it. I’ve been on both sides of the fence and I’ve chosen the side I like best.”

  “Good to hear.” He meandered into the living room and I followed him. He glanced toward the arched doorway where my sister had vanished.

  “By the way, she’s off limits to you. Just saying.” I jerked my head toward my sister’s room. “Don’t even think about going there.”

  “Zero interest, bro. I grew up with her, just like you did. She’s like a baby sister to me.” He shook his head. “Besides, if I was into dating my friends’ sisters, I’d hook up with Faith.”

  “Liam’s Faith?” My eyes bugged out and my body shook with laughter. “Oh, I hope you do try something, because the fireworks from that show would be absolutely mesmerizing. Wait.” I punched him in the shoulder. “You grew up with Faith, too.”

  “Not the same at all. She was two years older and almost never around. Always had a boyfriend or she was out with her hot friends. I didn’t really grow up with her. On the contrary, I grew up worshipping her.”

  “You are so screwed.” I sent my knuckles into his arm.

  “Who’s screwed?” India strolled into the living room.

  I glanced at Theo and he shook his head. “No one,” I answered her.” Theo, are you staying for dinner?”

  “Don’t be a moron.”

  That meant yes. Good, between Theo, India and my cooking task at hand, I might be distracted enough to keep myself from beating down Violet’s door.


  My sleep sucked and I woke the next morning more tired than when I’d gone to bed. All the thoughts that had followed me to bed had festered and ripened into a big, explosive bomb, ready to detonate. By the time I crawled out of bed, I’d built Violet into a total villain. I mean, why not? I should’ve followed my original instinct that she was cold and bitchy. Whatever. I wasn’t going to waste any more time on someone who didn’t think I was worth being a part of my own child’s life.

  Except that I had to hash it out with her at some point. She was carrying my child and no way would I let her cut me out. I wanted to be a part of my kid’s life. But not yet. Violet was only a couple of months along. I still had six or seven months before I even met the child.

  I didn’t trust myself to talk to her in person. The urge beat down her door and storm into her house, maybe even scream some choice curse words, raged through my veins. Since my anger was building, I didn’t know how not to explode. She and the baby didn’t need the added stress.

  But I had to say something or I was going to burst. As I grabbed my toothbrush, I knew I couldn’t hold back. The fuse had already been lit and the bomb in my head was about to go off. I tossed the toothbrush into the sink and went in search of my phone.

  Why didn’t you tell me I was the father? I texted her. No point in beating around the bush. You know what? Never mind. Any excuse you give me won’t mean anything anyway. I sent the text, then stared at the screen, so very far from being satisfied. After a beat, I typed out, You’re fired, then turned off my phone and chucked it on my bed. Screw her.

  “Good morning.” India poked her head into my doorway, a grin waiting for me. “I was thinking about making pancakes. Hungry?”

  “Yes.” I eyed my phone, wondering if Violet would come looking for me once she realized I’d turned off my phone. For all I knew, she was already on her way. “Let’s go out to eat. Be ready in five.” I shut the door in her face and busted my ass to get ready, racing against time. I didn’t want to be here when Violet showed up. In fact, a trip out of town sounded like a good idea. “Pack some overnight stuff. I want to take you somewhere.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  One full week. That’s how long Sebastian’s phone had been turned off. The same amount of time his Land Rover had been missing—as near as I could tell every time I’d let myself through his gate and peeked into the window of his garage. Which, embarrassingly, was about twice a day.

  And today was no different. I scanned the grounds, looking for any sign he’d been home. A flyer had been wedged on the latch of the gate the other day and it was still sitting in the exact same spot. Sebastian didn’t like clutter. He would’ve picked it off if he’d seen it, which told me he hadn’t been anywhere near his house.

  I eased my exhausted body back behind the wheel and dropped my head against the back of the seat. What was I supposed to do? I’d already rescheduled three appearances and a telephone interview. But should I also reschedule the ones I’d arranged over the last few days?

  After rummaging through my purse again for my phone, I turned on speech-to-text. “This is ridiculous. I’d planned on waiting until after twelve weeks before telling anyone. Even you.”

  If only India had a phone. But she didn’t, so I had no way to reach either of them. They were obviously together, because she hadn’t been home either and I couldn’t see Sebastian leaving town without her so soon after getting her back. “If I don’t hear from you by tonight, I’m going to start calling hospitals.” I clicked Send and tossed my phone on the passenger seat, started up the Lexus and cruised out of his driveway.

  Stupid Sebastian. But that hadn’t stopped me from falling for him. I pounded a fist into the steering wheel and wiped the tears dribbling down my cheek. I missed him. I missed ogling his stomach—and the rest of him. I missed his sense of humor, the way he took care of me and, damn it, I missed his cooking. Mostly, I missed the way he looked at me, the way his eyes smoldered when he wanted to kiss me.

  Thirty minutes later, I was making myself a salad when three knocks sounded at the door. I dropped the metal mixing bowl with a clatter and rocketed to the door. I opened it, ready to hug Sebastian. My face fell.

  “Dad, what’s up?” My shoulders sagged as I shuffled back to the kitchen, knowing he’d follow.

  “Just checking on you.”

  I scooped a generous portion of salad onto my plate. “Want some?”

  “Rabbit food?” He snickered. “No, thanks.”

  I grabbed a fork and slid onto a stool. “So what brings you by? For real.”

  He leaned on the counter at my side. “Worried about you. Sure you have everything under control?”

  “Yes, Dad.” I sighed at his lack of faith. “It’s just a little hiccup. I’ll make it happen, just like I always do.”

  “Good. Then you won’t freak when I tell you that Sebastian called and asked me to relay a message to you. He says he’ll be home in a few days and to please reschedule all his appearances for next week, anytime after Monday.” He beat his fingernails on the counter. “And, uh…”

  “That me
ssage doesn’t seem freak-worthy. Is there more?” I prayed Sebastian hadn’t told my dad about the baby. I didn’t want him finding out from someone else.

  “He requests that you stop calling him.”

  My face flushed as embarrassment smothered me like an icky rag. Great, now I looked like a pathetic girl chasing after some idiot guy. Worse, I was still working for Sebastian after he’d fired me. But I was confident that once he heard me out, he would unfire me. “I’m not stalking him, Dad. We’re working together. I can’t do my job without him.” I clenched my jaw. “What a jerk.”

  “Look, honey, I’m not an idiot.”

  I prayed he hadn’t figured out I was pregnant. I’d just die. I mean, he needed to know at some point and pretty soon, because I couldn’t hide it for long. But I hoped by then, I had a plan together for my future, so I didn’t look like a total loser. “I know you’re not an idiot, Dad.”

  “Then why do you keep acting like I’m supposed to believe you when you say everything’s fine?”

  I chewed my lip, knowing I had to tell him. But I wanted to put it off as long as possible. “I’m sorry. I don’t think you’re stupid. I’m just not ready to talk about it yet.”

  “When your mother took you away and I had no way to find you...” He swallowed and closed his eyes a moment before they landed square on me. “I’m afraid I’m losing you again. I know I’m not big on the hugs and mushy words. But, honey, I’d die if anything happened to you.”

  Tears sprang from my eyes and I threw myself at him, wrapping my arms around his neck. “I’m not sick or anything.” I sniffed and released him. “Just pregnant. I was too embarrassed to tell you.”

  And I bawled. My shoulders shook and I knew my face was getting hideously splotchy. The ugly cry. Yay.

  Dad stroked my back until the sobbing subsided. “I’m going to be a grandpa.”

  I could hear the smile in his voice. I grabbed a tissue and laughed. “Yes, you are.”

  “Do I know the father?”


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