Fallen World: The Complete Trilogy

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Fallen World: The Complete Trilogy Page 10

by Tom Jones

  “Hey, Johnny. Mission is a success, but some stuff happened down there that we’re going to need to discuss. I have one wounded with me. I’m alright, but some unknown hostile force killed all of the other guards in the compound save for one. My ETA to the airport is about eight minutes, so be ready for me when I get there. We’re gonna need paramedics on standby.” Johnny then responded with, “Alright, Kurt. We’ll be ready for you.” Arcades ended the call, and the wounded guard started to speak to him. “You are named Kurt? American?” Arcades figured what the man was asking, “Oh, yes. My name is Kurt Hofmeier. It’s a German name, but I’m an American.” The wounded guard asked another question, “You are German?” The fox shook his head, “I’m descended from Germans, but I’m an American. I was born in the… Wait, no. I was born an American. It’s interesting because I was born outside of the US.” The guard had a difficult time understanding what the fox was saying. He then asked, “So, you were born German?” Arcades shook his head, “Nah, it wasn’t Germany.” The guard asked, “You are not German? You are American?” The fox nodded his head, “Yeah, that’s right. My parents were both Americans.” Arcades was surprised that the man was understanding at least half of what he was saying. He did not really care though; his main focus was keeping the man alive. Arcades then decided to say the most important thing, “Hey, this is more important than anything else. If you repent and trust in Jesus to forgive you of your sins, the Holy Spirit will grant you everlasting life. I need you to remember that. Can you?” The guard somehow understood, “Yes, American. I will remember.”

  Arcades finally pulled into the airport, and a few Fox Security operators let him into the airport. He stopped the vehicle, and both Johnny and Jason were waiting for him. Arcades exited the vehicle, and he moved around to the passenger side. He opened the door and revealed the wounded guard to the crew. Johnny asked, “Where’s he hurt?” A few Fox Security operators moved in, and they helped the man out of the vehicle. Arcades informed his fellow operator of the situation, “He’s been shot in the upper right thigh. The bullet went through. He lost quite a bit of blood, but I think I got him stable. He’s been talking to me, so that should be a good sign. I injected him with some morphine, and that should be taking effect if it hasn’t already. He speaks some English, but it’s not the best. You’re going to kinda have to make-do with that.”

  After Arcades finished, Jason asked, “Boss, you got the jade cane we came all the way out here for, mate?” The fox nodded to the wolf, “Yeah, I have it in the back of the trunk. While I was there, some other force came in, and they shot up the place. It surely was not a good sight as I made my way out.” The fox moved to the trunk of the car, and he opened it. After digging through all of the other stuff he had in the trunk, he pulled out the bag that held the jade cane. The fox placed the bag on the roof of his car, and he opened it up. Arcades removed the jade cane from the bag and showed his men the item which was so sought after.

  Johnny saw the peculiar markings and asked, “What are all those markings on the handle supposed to mean?” Arcades was hoping he would ask that question, “Yeah, that’s the problem. I think these symbols are the reason why the contract opened in the first place. Honestly, I think it would be best that we don’t turn it in to the contractor who wants it. Though we wouldn’t get thirty million dollars, I don’t think that price is worth the secrets that are contained on these symbols.” Johnny raised an eyebrow, “How are you sure about that?” Arcades answered the question reluctantly, “I recognize some of the symbols.” Johnny was confused, “What? What’s inscribed on the cane, then?” Arcades needed Johnny to listen, “I don’t know exactly what they represent. All I know is that these are symbols that the occult uses. If occultists get their hands on this cane, they are going to use it to perform some sort of ritual with it.”

  Johnny’s face lit up, “What the fuck? Kurt, how the hell do you know all that?” Arcades then said, “Look, I used to do covert operations way before Fox Security was a thing. I learned a lot during those times… I’m sorry, it’s really hard for me to explain.” Johnny was silent, but Arcades continued, “I think that we should destroy the cane to prevent the occult or whomever from obtaining it. You know, now that I think about it. I have a feeling that those hostile forces could potentially be affiliated with the occult, but I cannot confirm this. Why else would someone be so reckless for this cane?” Johnny then asked, “So, you’re going to throw away thirty million dollars?” Arcades looked straight at Johnny, “I’m afraid so. The information on this cane is way too dangerous. Nobody should keep it. We must destroy it.” Johnny forgot that Arcades was his boss, “Kurt. This is the second time we’ve been on a mission that you abort it because of some other factor outside of the mission. The first time it was this wolf, and now you’re aborting it because you’re scared of some magic secrets?” Arcades disagreed, but did not change his tone, “This war is not fought with flesh and blood. It is fought with principalities and powers. This is a spiritual war, and the enemy is very powerful.” When Jason heard Arcades speak, he remembered what the fox said to him back in Alaska.

  Jason’s memory raced back to Alaska. He remembered what Arcades said, “The spiritual war between sin and God. Jesus is the only one who can win the war.” Jason stood back, and he watched as Johnny continued to criticize Arcades’ decisions. “You’re running a company. What the fuck are you thinking? You’re letting your bitchass feelings get in the way of doing your fucking work!” The fox gently placed his hand on Johnny’s shoulder, “Look, this is greater than all of us. I’m going to do what God’s best interest is. What profits a man to gain the whole world when he loses his soul in the process?” Johnny shrugged off the fox’s hand, “You motherfucking son of a bitch. You fucking handcuff yourself for fun. And then you go on to tell me all of this bullshit? Yeah, you’re fucking real special aren’t you?”

  Arcades’ eyes widened, and he began to slightly shake. “Wha? No…” The fox was at a loss of words. Jason was also astonished by what Johnny said to his boss. Johnny did not stop, “You’re fucking pathetic. You know that, you little bitch? You let your damn feelings get in the way of your work. You fucking let people cuff you and everything because your sick fucking anthro degenerate ass enjoys it. All of you fucking anthros are all the same! You shits fucking are all pathetic little bitches. You’re a terrible soldier, Kurt! You’re weak! YOU FUCKING TOLD ME YOU MAKE YOURSELF LOOK LESS INTIMIDATING ON PURPOSE! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? WHAT KIND OF EXAMPLE IS THAT? THIS IS WAR! WAR DOESN’T CARE ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS!”

  Arcades was now shaking more, and tears were welled up in his eyes. He tried to say something, but he couldn’t, “No.. Wh-hy did… Please…” Johnny was not having any of it, “And don’t even try to fucking bring God into all of this. You’re just trying to push away the reality of the situation. When will you wake up and realize that nobody gives two shits about your fucking feelings!?” Jason stared at the fox that had rescued him back in Alaska, and he did not look the same at all. Jason figured that Arcades now looks as vulnerable as he did back in Alaska. Jason did feel sorry for Arcades, but he did not know what to do. Johnny ripped off the Fox Security patch he was wearing, and he slapped it on Arcades’ left shoulder. Johnny then remarked, “Here’s to your fucking joke of a company. You weak pathetic bitch.”

  The fox’s breathing was now accelerating and was becoming less controlled. Johnny then started removing items that were in his pockets that belonged to the company, “Have your shit back, you fucking bitch.” Johnny dropped most of the stuff on the ground in front of the fox, but then he pulled out one particular item. Johnny removed a pair of hinged handcuffs from his cargo pocket, and had an malevolent idea. Johnny held the cuffs up in front of a distressed fox and taunted, “Hey bitch. How about this?” Johnny forcibly grabbed the fox’s shoulder and spun him around. He then grabbed the fox’s right wrist and locked the cuff around it. He then grabbed Arcades’ other wrist and cuffed it in the opposite directio
n of the first. Jason was confused, but he knew that Arcades did not deserve this. The wolf yelled, “Dammit Johnny, stop!” Johnny pushed the fox to his knees, and he turned around to look at the wolf. He then looked back at Arcades. Johnny pushed Arcades to his stomach and let go of him. Before turning to confront Jason, he taunted the fox, “How’s that feel bitch? You fucking enjoying yourself there? Yeah, I fucking thought so.” The poor fox was shaking in the restraints, and he was quietly crying.

  “Why did you do that?” Jason asked the former operator. Johnny indirectly answered his question, “This dumb little bitch here? He’s your leader? How could you get to be more pathetic than that? Look at this dumbass. He’s fucking crying like a bitch.” Jason shook his head, “But, after all the work he did-” Johnny cut the wolf off, “He did fuck all! That weak son of a bitch is who you call your leader? He didn’t even fucking try to resist that! He probably likes it that much, anyways.” Jason raised his voice, “Well, at least he rescued me!” Johnny shook his head, “That bitch didn’t rescue you. Some other dickhead who killed your dumbass brother did! Wanna know why? Because his feelings got in the way too! That’s how people get fucking killed in war!” Jason had enough, “Don’t you bring up my brother.” Johnny chuckled, “Haha. What is your bitchass gonna do about it? Come and have at me, motherfucker!” Johnny whacked his chest with his hand to get Jason to attack him. Jason took the bait, and he rushed at Johnny. As Jason was coming, Johnny taunted, “Ah yeah! I get to bag myself two pathetic fuckass anthros!” Johnny grabbed Jason’s arm, and he pushed the wolf backwards before sending his elbow into the wolf’s back. He then pushed the wolf to the ground, and he purposely stomped on his tail. Jason yelped in pain, and he bit his lip. Johnny then kicked the downed wolf, “Your ass is even weaker than your fucking excuse of a leader, and that passive-ass bitch is locked up in cuffs. How pathetic. Fucking faggot-ass bitches.” Johnny then stood behind the defeated fox, “Here’s one for the road you bitch!” Johnny strongly stomped right on Arcades’ tail. The fox jolted forwards in pain, and he let out a loud cry.

  A nearby operative heard the commotion and came to see what happened. As he approached the scene, he saw Johnny giving one last kick to Arcades before turning around. The operative raised his SCAR-L at Johnny, “Hold it there.” The operator said as he held his former colleague at gunpoint. Arcades got to his knees, and he turned to face the two humans. Though he was still in pain, he managed to say, “No… L-let him go. H-he can get out of here. It’s what he wants.” The soldier lowered his rifle, “Boss?” Johnny turned around and gave an evil smile, “Wow, you really are fucking weak. Get out of my sight, bitch. Motherfucker...” Jason stood back up, but did not pursue Johnny. As Johnny walked away, Jason turned to his leader. “Boss, you’re just going to let him go?” Arcades lowered himself on his knees, “Some seeds landed along the path, and the birds came and devoured them. He who exalts himself will be humbled.... Jason, I turn the other cheek. It’s the right thing to do. He’ll get what’s coming to him, so don’t pay him any mind.”

  Jason then asked the fox, “Are you alright, man?” Arcades nodded, “Yeah… He’s got a hard heart. It’s a real shame. Some people just don’t like the Gospel.” The operator wielding the SCAR approached the restrained, kneeling fox, “What happened? Did he do this to you?” Arcades did not give a direct answer, “Too much happened…” Arcades then was relieved to see that the jade cane was still sitting in the bag on top of his vehicle. The fox said, “Glad that’s still there. We’re going to destroy the cane, so nobody can use it for wrong.” The operative then asked, “But boss, it’s an open contract worth thirty million dollars.” The question reminded Arcades of the encounter that he had with Johnny, but the operative calling a defeated, kneeling, and handcuffed fox ‘boss’ caught his attention more. Arcades finally had something to say, “Sometimes, you have to do what’s right. Even if the money isn’t.” The soldier then asked, “Do you need help to get out of those?” Arcades shook his head, “No, I’ve got the key in my pocket. I’ll get out of these… When I’m ready… What’s the status of the guard I pulled out of the compound?” The soldier replied, “He’s stable, and he’ll be alright. We took him to a nearby hospital. He would have died without your help.” The fox took a sigh of relief, “Phew. That’s a good thing. I even got to share the Gospel with him. Maybe that’s why he didn’t die.” The human soldier nodded, “I suppose so. Is there anything else you need, boss?”

  The fox remembered that they needed to get home, “Prep for exfil. We’ll be leaving soon. Alright? Just make sure everything is where we need it. By the way, we’re melting the cane down. Make sure that’s safe until we get it to base.” The human soldier nodded again, “You got it, boss. Take care.” Arcades was feeling worn out, “Yeah, that’s nice. Thanks…” The human boxed up the cane, and he took it to the parked C-130 Hercules. A few tears were still in Arcades’ eyes, but he could not wipe them away because he was still restrained. The wolf turned to face the fox, “Look, man… I’m sorry.” Arcades looked up towards Jason, “No, it’s not your fault.” He took a long pause before continuing, “I don’t see how someone could call an anthro on his knees and in handcuffs ‘boss’ either.”

  “Man, what happened to the camera feed?” Alpha 1 said as he viewed the camera footage. Omega 1 asked, “Are you sure you’re looking in the right place?” Alpha 1 nodded, “Yeah, there’s nothing here. It’s like the footage was corrupted or something.” Omega 1 then said, “View the cameras now. They should be working.” Alpha 1 flipped a few switches, and the live feed displayed on the screen. He then switched to a few more cameras, and they also flashed upon the screen. Omega 1 was getting impatient, “Let me do this. You’re obviously doing something wrong.” He motioned for Alpha 1 to stand up, and he took the seat instead. He looked at the camera inside vault three and started rewinding the footage. He got to a point where a stainless steel case appeared in the vault. Alpha 1 asked, “Is that supposed to be where the jade cane was? Was it in that case?” Omega 1 made an assumption, “It’s gotta be in there. I don’t see any other place where it could be.” Alpha 1 then said, “Well, how about we find out who took it then?” Omega 1 was still impatient, “What does it look like I’m doing?”

  Omega 1 scrolled through the camera feed, and he sped up the footage. Suddenly, the case disappeared, and the vault door was open. Omega 1 shook his head, “There’s gotta be something missing. That door can’t just open like that. He rewound the video, and he examined it frame by frame. On the video’s first frame, the case was in the vault, and the door was closed. He switched over to the next frame. The case was gone, and the door was open. Alpha 1 asked, “Who cut the video out?” Omega 1 had an idea, “How about we check and see who opened the doors? That’ll tell us who took the cane.” He set the time back to before the cane went missing, and he switched to the camera overlooking the control panel.

  The poor lighting of the control booth combined with the poor quality of the camera made it difficult to see who was at the controls. Alpha 1 pointed, “Right there. Look. Someone is at the controls. Is that one the guards? It looks like he is wearing black.” The operatives watched as the figure in front of the control panel turned around. Omega 1 blinked twice, “Is that an anthro?” Alpha 1 took a closer look at the fuzzy image, “Wow, that sure looks like one. He’s definitely not one the guards.” Omega 1 then questioned, “How did he get in there without getting caught?” Alpha 1 pointed to the blurry image, “He doesn’t even have a gun. He probably slipped in there when we were fighting the guards.” However, Alpha 1 could not tell that Arcades had a holstered G17. Omega 1 then said, “I don’t see any patches. Not even any flags. There’s no telling where he came from.” Alpha 1 asked, “What race of anthros is he?” Omega 1 replied, “He looks like a red fox, but I don’t know if his main fur coat color is actually black or the camera makes it look like that.” Alpha 1 was intrigued, “A black red fox? Those are pretty rare. He probably made out with the cane.
If we had the cane and him, then I’m sure the Site Director would be extremely happy. Remember what he said? He said that anthro red foxes carry some of the most energy. More than any human does. Whatever that’s supposed to mean.”

  They continued to watch the video feed, but it cut out after Arcades flipped a switch on a device he had. Omega 1 commented, “There you have it. He’s using an EM-RF jammer. The doors probably are activated by a radio frequency. He had to disable it to open the door.” Alpha 1 then came up with a conclusion, “That’s why the cameras weren’t working, either. That guy looks like he knows what he’s doing. Too bad we can’t tell where he came from. I guess that also means he has the jade cane…” Alpha 1 thought for a moment, “Actually, remember that this was an open contract? We came because we were already looking for the jade cane, but maybe this guy did it for the thirty million dollars? He’d probably turn it into the contractor. We should be able to get it from the contractor after he gives it up. That shouldn’t be too hard to track down.” Omega 1 asked, “How are you sure he’d give up the cane? He could potentially know about all of the symbols on it.” Alpha 1 replied optimistically, “What the Foundation does is secretive enough. All of its personnel are under a strict NDA. I doubt he knows about the symbolism that the Site Director mentioned to us.” Omega 1 shrugged, “He could still potentially know about it, or maybe he just wants to keep it for himself.” Alpha 1 was still optimistic, “Hey, we did find a nice diamond, and a hybrid weapon prototype. Let’s call for exfil and get out of here. We’ll figure this out later when we get back to the Foundation.”

  Just then, Omega 1 remembered something important. “Wait, remember when those other guys from Facility Five went to buy that anthro red fox from Las Vegas several months ago? She was taken too.” Alpha 1 shrugged, “Yeah? So what?” Omega 1 rolled back the footage to Arcades facing the direction of the camera. He said, “I got something to show you.” Omega 1 paused the security footage, and he moved to an adjacent computer. He started the computer, and he toggled the language setting to English. He then opened Tor, and he logged onto LiveLeak. Alpha 1 asked, “Why do you need Tor for that?” Omega 1 replied, “It’s China. Their internet is censored.” Once the website loaded, Omega 1 inputted text in the search bar, “Car chase gunfight Las Vegas.” He clicked on a video with a relevant upload date, and he watched the video.


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