Fallen World: The Complete Trilogy

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Fallen World: The Complete Trilogy Page 46

by Tom Jones

  The cat looked at the HH-60 on the helipad, and he noticed that he had not closed the doors on the way out. He figured that he probably should close the doors just in case it rained while they were on the fort, for he would hate to have the interior soaked. Bocchino climbed inside of the helicopter, and he reached under one of the seats. He pulled out the XMP-1. It still had both of its magazines in place, but they were completely empty. Arcades told the cat to take the XMP-1 when they got off the C-5M, but he changed his mind halfway to CDI’s HQ. The fox had wanted to show CDI the weapon in person, but he feared that they would think that he had ulterior motives behind bringing the unknown weapon. Bocchino held the rifle by the original sling that had been attached, and he placed the sling around his body. The cat closed the helicopter door that was opposite of the helipad stepladder.

  Before the cat went to exit the helicopter, he noticed there was a picture that was pinned on the cockpit next to the door. The cat took a look at the picture. The picture was of Arcades and Bocchino standing next to the helicopter. The cat remembered when the picture was taken as it was around the time when Fox Security was first founded. The cat took note that Arcades’ was holding a standard Colt M4A1 rather than his Salient GRY as the fox did not have a Salient GRY back then. The cat took a moment to remember the times that he and the fox had together. Bocchino was beginning to regret the things he thought and said previously.

  “Your Highness, what have you found on the USB drive?” The guard had returned to the Prince. The Prince was playing through the video, and he was listening to what the two Omega Foundation men were talking about. The Prince paused the video again, and he said, “Well… The fox was telling the truth it seems.” The guard had not seen the video, “What do you mean? What is his evidence?” The Prince spoke, “When he said that the Omega Foundation is secretly trafficking anthros, the evidence looks like it backs that up.” The guard did not want to believe what he was hearing, “Bloody hell… I’ve never even heard of this Omega Foundation. You mean that they’ve been doing all of this stuff in the shadows?” The Prince nodded, “I’m afraid so. I looked them up to see what information is publically available. From what’s on the clear web, they’re just listed as a nonprofit research organization.” The guard was curious, “Researching what?” The Prince replied, “Well… Apparently how much they can sell anthros to by the looks of this.”

  Bocchino walked back in the room with the XMP-1, and he announced his arrival, “I got it. This is what we got off of the train.” The guard was the first to notice the irregularly shaped weapon, “What in the hell is that thing?” The Prince answered the question before the cat did, “That’s a weapon that Omega has apparently been producing.” The guard shook his head, “They produce weapons and traffick anthros?” Bocchino sighed, “Yup, probably something like that.” The cat’s face was evident of regret. The Prince could see that, “Say, Bobby. What’s up with you? Your face looks different than it did before you left to get that weapon.” The cat frowned as he propped the weapon up against the wall, “I just probably shouldn’t have said that stuff about Kurt earlier. I just don’t think he should be in the PMC business if you ask me.”

  The Prince required more context, “Why’s that?” Bocchino continued, “Kurt is someone who has a heart in a business that is full of heartless people. The PMC business is no joke, and -- If you ask me, or practically anybody that works in the business, it just makes you look very weak.” The guard scratched his chin, and the Prince was wanting more information, “So, what’s the business that you guys have, again? I think he said it earlier, but I forgot what it was called.” Bocchino replied, “It’s called Fox Security, and it’s Kurt’s business. He started it a little less than seven years ago after he quit his job working for the US Government. During the time he had it, he only got about forty people to join. I have been there since the beginning.”

  “So, where did you two meet?” the Prince asked. The cat replied, “We originally met online. Then, we ended up meeting in real life. Before he started the company, he told me about the idea that he had to start the company as his government job was paying really well for him. Since I wasn’t employed back then, he offered to hire me if I did some contract work with him.” The Prince nodded. The human spoke again, “Forty people? CDI has hundreds of thousands internationally, and that company was only founded around twenty or so years ago. What was holding back his company?” Bocchino answered, “It was not the money. He paid us generously, and he still had plenty to spend on equipment. What really held him back was the fact that everybody just says that he is weak.” The Prince remembered what he said about the fox when he had first arrived. The Prince said, “I mean, it can’t be that bad now, can it? I know his arms were pretty bloody thin, but he can still do what he needs to do. Right?”

  “I’m not talking about being physically weak. That fox is thin as a rail, but that’s not what I was talking about when I said weak. Everybody thinks he is… Well… A bitch.” The Prince opened his eyes wider than they were before, “Damn. Any specific reason why?” The cat continued, “Like I said earlier, he has a heart in a heartless business. He shows way too much emotion. Emotion is what can get you killed. He also hesitates a lot. I think he avoids shooting people. Whenever I see him at the range, he’s proficient with the weapons that he uses, but he just never shoots anybody out in the field.” The Prince nodded again, “Yeah. I think I see what you mean now. In this video, though, he shoots at some of the guys trying to stop him on his way out.” The cat pointed at the screen, “If you watch what happens, he looks up to see if that guard is still alive or not rather than just fleeing.”

  The Prince rewatched the part in the video, “Damn. So, he’s avoiding shooting people at all costs?” The cat nodded, “I believe so. He always talks about Christianity, as well. That drove a good chunk of people away from Fox Security.” The Prince asked for more information, “He believes in Jesus or something?” The cat nodded, “Yeah. Not so common for anthros to believe in all that.” The Prince asked, “Is that another reason why people think he’s weak?” Bocchino raised both eyebrows, “Phew, oh yeah. Many people just don’t want to listen to it.” The Prince felt that he understood enough. He moved on with the reason why the anthros went to Sealand in the first place, “So, does Kurt want this evidence uploaded to our servers?” Bocchino nodded, “Yup. The Omega Foundation has been trying to eliminate it from the internet and suppress anybody with knowledge of the events that take place there. Kurt needs you guys to upload it to HavenCo, if I remember correctly.”

  The Prince replied, “Damn, that’s a name that I haven’t heard in a long while. I know that we have our servers online again, but I didn’t think anybody had anything that was super important to put on there.” Bocchino spoke again, “Can you get this evidence on the internet?” The Prince replied, “I sure can. I can imagine this would surely stir up some shit on the internet.” Bocchino scratched the back of his head, “Yeah, about that. Arcades wants to take down the Omega Foundation.” The Prince shook his head, “Damn. From the looks of the video, they’ve obviously got plenty of resources. I mean, they’ve got plenty of equipment, and they’ve got to be raking in plenty of money with their anthro trafficking operation. It must cost a bloody fortune to be able to afford and operate a facility of that size.”

  The cat leaned up against the wall right next to the XMP-1, “That’s why he went to CDI. He believes that Omega was the one behind the NSS’ terrorist attack.” The Prince remembered seeing the article. He asked the cat, “So, what do you believe happened? You were there, right?” The cat looked up at the Prince, “Seeing the way things have been going lately, I think I would trust the fox on this one.” The Prince chuckled, “Heh, that’s something you don’t hear everyday. Trust the fox…” Bocchino sighed, “You know, that’s another thing. Man, sometimes I feel sorry for that fox.”

  “Oh really?” the Prince said. Bocchino looked down at the floor, “Yeah. He takes things pretty per
sonal sometimes. Many humans and other anthros treat foxes as if they’re all untrustworthy, and Kurt takes it personal.” The Prince shrugged, “What? How bad does it get?” Bocchino did not speak for a moment. He finally continued, “Let’s just say he thinks all he deserves is to be locked up in chains.” The Prince’s eyes lit up again as he was not expecting to hear this. He put two and two together, “Is that why he acted like that earlier?” Bocchino delivered a solid nod in response. The Prince sat back in his seat, “Bloody hell…”

  “Kurt, are you feeling any better now?” Jason asked. The fox was still laying on his side in the same spot that Jason had left him in. Though he’d stop crying, he did not say anything to the wolf. Arcades finally spoke, “My whole entire life, I’ve been a suspect. It’s always the fox that causes trouble. It’s always the fox who is a burden to humans and anthros alike.” Jason shook his head, “Come on Kurt, you can’t listen to those people, mate.” Arcades spoke again, “Then who can I listen to, then?” Jason answered, “Listen to Jesus. You always told me that.”

  The fox gave a faint smile, “I’m glad you still remember that, Jason.” The wolf sat down next to the fox, “Kurt, I truly am sorry for what happened a few days ago, I just wanted to let you know that. I’m so thankful that you gave me a second chance.” Arcades still kept his smile, “It’s what God would do.” The wolf placed his hand on the fox’s right arm, “I know, and that’s why I’m thankful. I know that I still have a ways to go, however.” Arcades did not brush off the wolf’s hand, “Sanctification lasts during your entire life.” Jason began speaking again, “I’m really glad you met me back in Alaska. I probably wouldn’t even want to change if it wasn’t for what you said.”

  “Sometimes one person is all it takes,” the fox replied to the wolf. Jason looked around, and he noticed that Arcades’ ankles were still locked in the steel shackles. The wolf continued, “Kurt, I’m sorry that foxes are seen in the way that they are. I just want to let you know that I trust you even if no one will.” The fox smiled again, “Thanks, but I can’t accept that. The only one you should trust is Jesus.” Jason was not entirely satisfied with the response, “Kurt, you don’t have to be like that.” The fox closed his eyes, “What else am I supposed to do? I am just a fallen being, much like everyone and everything else in this world. These chains are a constant reminder of that.”

  The wolf took notice as the fox moved one of his ankles upwards in the air only for it to be stopped by the chain. Jason looked back at Arcades’ face, “If you have your keyring, I can take those off--” The wolf was interrupted by the fox, “No, I don’t want them off. I do have my keyring, but I’ll wait until later to take these off.” Jason did not understand, “Kurt, why do you still want to wear these chains?” Arcades decided to give an answer, “Because the humans here on Sealand would probably rather have me chained up and under control.” Jason did not quite believe the fox, “Kurt, you heard them. They offered to free you. Look, they didn’t even bother with me or Bobby.”

  “And why would they allow a fox to roam their nation free from restraints?” Arcades spoke in response to Jason. Jason now realized that they were now back to where they started, “Kurt, you can’t keep living like this. You shouldn’t be acting like everyone is out and against you like that just because you’re a fox.” Arcades did not say anything, and he only remained silent. Jason tried to remember which pocket held Arcades’ keyring. The wolf felt Arcades’ left back pocket, and he could indeed feel the keyring. Jason took Arcades’ keyring out.

  “Jason, what are you doing?” Arcades asked when he felt that his keyring was being removed. The wolf rolled the fox over to his stomach, and he grabbed the fox’s bound wrists. Jason examined the different keys on the keyring, and he was unsure of which key would be compatible with the cuffs. Jason decided to take a guess and choose the ZAK Tools extended universal key. The wolf inserted the key into the keyhole, and he turned the key only to have it stop. He realized that the cuffs were double-locked, so he turned the other way the whole way around until he could feel the double lock disengage. After the wolf completed this, he turned the key the way he had attempted the first time. Arcades now had one free wrist.

  The fox remained silent as the wolf freed the fox’s other wrist. Once he finished, Jason went to free the fox from the shackles that were around his bare ankles. Jason repeated the same process for unlocking the fox’s ankles as he did when he unlocked his wrists. The wolf finished freeing the fox, so he placed the keyring back in the fox’s pocket. Arcades sat up when Jason was completely finished. Arcades said, “You could’ve kept me like that.” Jason replied, “Why should I? You’re clearly not in the mood for it.” Arcades nodded slowly, “I guess you’re right on that one.” The wolf sat the restraints aside on the ground, “When did all of this start, Kurt?” Arcades had an idea of what Jason was talking about, but he was not entirely sure. The fox asked, “When did all of what start?” Jason clarified his question, “When did you first start desiring to be chained up?” Arcades was silent for a moment while he was debating on what to say next. The fox finally spoke, “It’s a very long story.”

  “So, where does it start?” Jason had asked since the fox did not say anything. The wolf knew that Arcades did not want to talk about it, but he insisted. Arcades spoke, “My whole life, I’ve always been the suspect. Even if I never did anything.” The wolf had heard the fox say this previously, but he wasn’t sure how related that was compared to the issue at hand. Jason asked further as he held up both of the restraints, “No, when did this start and why?” Arcades decided to answer, “I couldn’t really give you a set time for when, but I know that happened when I was just a little fox. Why? I’m still not entirely sure.” Jason was confused, “I thought you did it because you felt that everyone suspected you.” Arcades shook his head, “No, that’s something else entirely.” Jason did not understand, “I don’t understand, mate.” Arcades gave a slight smile, “That’s fine. I didn’t expect you to understand, or anybody to understand.”

  “So, this is HavenCo? Kurt tells me about it. What is it?” Bocchino asked the Prince as he almost finished compiling the video files into one large file. The Prince spoke, “It’s a data haven that we started here in the early 2000s; However, it went defunct for a while. Due to the demands for VPN services that arose in 2025, we reopened HavenCo to the public. Now, anyone can host their files here…. Well, as long as it is within limits. We don’t want people uploading illegal stuff.” Bocchino raised an eyebrow, “Hey, aren’t you guys independent?” The Prince replied, “Sealand is, but I still live in the United Kingdom. Also, our country isn’t really recognized by the UN or anybody, as we’re just a micronation according to the internet. Not too many people even know that we exist here.” The cat thought about what he was hearing, “I can see why Kurt would bring us here. Kinda off the grid more or less.”

  “You know what, Jason?” Arcades asked. The wolf was still sitting next to the fox, “What’s that, mate?” The fox continued, “We should go ahead and get on with business and convince the Prince to upload our files. We can’t stop the Omega Foundation down here, now can we?” Jason nodded, “Alright, mate. After you.” The fox stood up first, and he helped the wolf get up. Arcades began ascending up the stairs that would bring them to the main floor. Jason was following the fox up the stairs, and he was still trying to figure out why exactly the fox had a thing for being restrained. The more he tried to think about it, the less he could figure out. One part of him wanted to assume that the fox was sexually attracted to it, but then he reminded himself of what happened mere days ago. The wolf could not understand Arcades.

  Bocchino heard some noise coming towards the room he and the Prince were in, so he peeked out the door. Upon looking out the door, the cat could see the fox and the wolf approaching. Bocchino decided not to alert the Prince to the presence of the other two anthros. The cat was wondering how Arcades got out of the restraints that he was put in, though. Arcades saw the cat, an
d he walked into the room. The fox spoke, “Hey, Bobby.” When the Prince heard the fox speak, he turned around in his chair, “Oh, Kurt. You made it up here.” The fox nodded before continuing with the mission, “Yeah. Can you upload my files to HavenCo and distribute them?” The Prince realized that was exactly what he had started, “Oh, I was doing that right now.”

  Arcades looked at the screen of the computer, and he did indeed see his video was uploading. The fox continued watching the progress bar move, “Oh, that’s good. Looks like you’re already one step ahead.” Bocchino was the next to talk, “Kurt, we got it taken care of already.” The fox was glad to hear the good news, “Many thanks.” The fox knew that the footage would be sure to awaken people to the inner workings of the Omega Foundation. Arcades remembered one other thing, “Oh by the way, can you do one other thing for us?” The Prince was listening. Arcades spoke, “My helicopter is out of fuel. We need to get back to CDI in order for us to get them to help us take down Omega. Is there a way you can get us back to the mainland?”

  The Prince remembered the helicopter that was still parked on the helipad. The Prince asked, “How much fuel do you need?” Arcades replied, “The S-70 series has a fuel capacity of about three hundred gallons.” The Prince chuckled, “Heh, you Americans with your customary system.” Arcades realized that the Prince was more familiar with metric, “It’s going to take about a kiloliter for us to be back up and flying again.” The Prince shook his head, “Shit… Yeah, I’m not going to be able to get gas for that. I’m not sure if the boat that I take here could even support that.”


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