Fallen World: The Complete Trilogy

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Fallen World: The Complete Trilogy Page 85

by Tom Jones

  Chapter 9


  Arcades felt the plane as it touched down on the runway. Though he was still blindfolded, he could still feel the distinct bump of the wheels of the aircraft coming into contact with the ground. He could also feel the plane during its process of slowing down as the plane reduced its speed in order to properly taxi. Arcades could feel that the plane was now slow enough to taxi, but the fox still did not know where he had been taken. This was not the aircraft's first stop, so Arcades did not know if he had finally reached the destination the ISG had originally planned. The Learjet finished taxiing, and it was shutting down its engines after it was completely stopped. The main door of the aircraft opened, and Zeta-Kappa was greeted by Alpha-Omega who brought two black International MaxxPro MRAPs to transport the two anthros. Alpha 1 spoke to Zeta-Kappa, “You got them both in there?” Zeta 1 nodded as he stepped aside to let the ISG Special Forces Unit enter the aircraft.

  Alpha 1 motioned for Alpha 3 to remain behind as he and Alpha 2 entered the Learjet to retrieve Arcades. Zeta came with Alpha while Kappa went with Omega 1 and Omega 2 to retrieve Jason. Arcades listened as he heard the cage open, but he could not see who was looking at him. Little did the fox know, he had already run into this particular ISG unit on more than one occasion. Alpha 1 commented upon seeing the fox, “Yep. There he is. Slimy little fucking bastard he is.” Alpha 1 moved closer to the fox, and he spoke to Arcades directly, “You thought you could snoop around the Omega Foundation?” Alpha 1 stopped talking as he waited for the fox to try and reply with some fashion or another. Since Arcades was still muzzled, he did not bother to try and speak, for he knew that he would not be able to do so anyways. It was not worth wasting his energy.

  Alpha 1 was unhappy with the fox’s silence, so he delivered a kick into Arcades’ stomach. The fox was unable to anticipate the kick, so he was equally unable to brace himself for the sudden impact. Arcades slumped forwards in pain, and he let out a small grunt from behind the muzzle. Alpha 1 smiled as he looked down at the fox in pain, “You deserve worse than that, bitch.” Arcades, still slumped forwards, tried to bring himself to sit up straight, but he was quickly dragged forwards by Apha 1 before being suddenly dropped. Arcades landed face first on the floor of the aircraft, and his bound hands were unable to brace the impact for him since they were locked behind his back. Alpha 1 stepped away from the fox and spoke to him, “Now get your ass up, dipshit.” Arcades, unable to use his hands, tried to stand up by rolling to his side enough to bring up one leg to prop himself up, but the fourteen inch chain that connected the leg shackles together prevented the fox from bringing his legs forwards enough. After a moment of time, Arcades was finally able to get to a kneeling position, and Alpha 1 waited for the fox to do so before walking behind him and kicking him forwards to the ground. Arcades landed on his face again, and he lied on his stomach as he heard the human berate him, “Your dumbass can’t even stand up! What a worthless fucking piece of shit you are.” The fox was starting to realize that it was pointless to do what the ISG told him, for they would only purposely impede his progress and then blame him for the lack of progress.

  When Alpha 1 noticed that Arcades was now no longer making further attempts to stand up, the human grabbed the fox by the shoulders, and he yanked Arcades to his feet. The human continued to berate the fox as he pulled him upwards, “You’re a real fucking piece of shit you motherfucking bitch.” When the human finally had Arcades standing up, he took a step back and waited to see what Arcades was going to do next. Alpha 1 wanted to shove Arcades to the ground again, but he remembered that One had specifically asked for Arcades to be in good condition upon arrival. Alpha 1 decided he had physically abused the fox enough for now, so he grabbed the fox by his restrained wrists, and he began to force him to walk forwards. Since Arcades was still unable to see, Alpha 1 had to walk closely to the fox in order to prevent Arcades from potentially walking the wrong way down the Learjet’s ladder and accidentally sustaining a serious head injury. After all, Alpha 1 had only been recently informed that the fox had been knocked unconscious by a blow to the head before he was put on the aircraft in the first place.

  Alpha 1 continued to verbally abuse the fox as he was escorting Arcades off of the Learjet, “Fucking piece of shit. You foxes all deserve to fucking get fucked and die. Eat shit you fucking bitch.” At this point, Arcades had already begun to realize that the ISG was supposed to verbally abuse him, so the fox was trying his best to ignore all of what the humans were telling him. When Arcades finally reached the bottom of the Learjet’s ramp, he felt himself being suddenly jerked by Alpha 1 to walk in a different direction. The verbal abuse did not cease, and Arcades was hoping that he would be thrown into another vehicle so that he would not have to listen to the human for too much longer. The fox was also not sure what was happening to Jason, but he figured that the wolf was getting equal treatment from the ISG.

  With every step the fox took, he could still feel the extreme discomfort caused by the irregular restraints the ISG made him wear, and he was wondering how long he would have to be restrained in such a manner. Arcades was forcefully stopped by Alpha 1 when the human had taken the fox directly behind the MaxxPro. When the other two members of the Alpha ISG unit had fully deployed the rear ramp of the vehicle, Alpha 1 forced Arcades to enter. The fox could hear the Omega unit verbally abusing Jason, or the fox thought as he heard a human pass behind him that was continuing to shout insults and other similar words even after the human was no longer near the fox. Arcades was then forced to enter the vehicle, and he did so with less reluctance as before since he was basically eager enough to get out of the way of the verbal abuse.

  Arcades was shoved again once he had entered the rear of the MaxxPro, and he fell on his knees in the vehicle as the door behind him was quickly closed. The fox felt that the MaxxPro’s rear compartment seemed to be larger than the Caiman’s, but he was not actually sure if this was true or not because he was still not able to see or feel the vehicle in which he was now inside of. The fox moved off of his kneeling position, and worked to maneuver himself so that he would sit with his legs outstretched. However, the fox could feel the wall of the MRAP with his feet, so he had to scoot himself in order to face a direction in which he would be able to sit with his legs fully extended. After being cramped up in an aircraft for hours, Arcades was glad to have slightly more freedom of movement than he did before, for merely stretching his legs felt like an abundance of freedom to him despite the fact he was still heavily restrained and unable to see or speak.

  Arcades found another wall of the vehicle, and he pressed his back up against it the best that he could with his hands bound behind his back. The fox tried to relax himself despite the fact that it was difficult to do so with the intense physical and emotional stress on the fox. Arcades then began to feel the vehicle as it was moving. He would not be able to see where he was being taken to, but he could barely hear the ISG members speaking amongst themselves in the cockpit of the MaxxPro. Alpha 1 spoke first, “We should be at Facility One in about an hour and a half.” Alpha 2 replied with a question, “Do you think One will be impressed with this fox?” Alpha 1 nodded in agreement, “Oh yeah. He’s the same fox that took the Jade Cane before we could get to it. He’s also the fox who broke into Facility Eleven and Facility Five. Apparently, one of the other ISG units found him after he was involved in a raid on Facility Twenty-Four.” Arcades knew that the ISG now knew very well of who he was.

  “Alright Bobby, you know what to do,” Jim spoke as he landed the helicopter at the lot where Arcades had stashed three vehicles while the team was in Africa. The cat hopped out of the helicopter, and he turned to see the Prince of Sealand was also disembarking from the HH-60 as well. Bocchino looked over to the cars, and he removed the key fob for the Ford Mustang from his pocket before he unlocked the gray vehicle. The Prince moved over to the dark gray Toyota 4Runner, and he looked to the cat to watch him start the vehicle’s engine. Bocchino shift
ed the automatic vehicle into the ‘drive’ configuration, and he wasted no time slamming on the gas and speeding away from the other vehicles after turning up the volume on the car’s radio. Though the noise generated by the rotors of the Pave Hawk was already very loud, the Prince could still easily hear the noise generated by the Mustang’s 5.0L V8 engine as well as the noise from the radio. As the Prince scoffed and shook his head in disapproval, he started the engine of the 4Runner, and he briefly looked up to see Jim fly the HH-60 in the direction of the port.

  When Bocchino pulled out onto the road, he accidentally drove into the right lane of the road out of habit, for he rarely had to drive in a left-hand traffic country. The cat immediately realized that he was on the wrong side of the road when he could see an oncoming vehicle in the distance. The cat turned the steering wheel towards the left in order to enter the left lane before he would collide with the oncoming Vauxhall Crossland X. As the cat pushed the speed limit, he looked over to his left to briefly watch Jim gaining altitude with the helicopter. He then looked in his rear-view mirror to see that the Prince was just now pulling out of the car lot with the 4Runner. Bocchino could also see the MH-60X Stealth Hawk which was still sitting in the lot where he had taken the two cars from. The cat looked ahead, and he remembered which route he was supposed to take to arrive at the port. He would wait with Jackie at the port while the Prince would take Jim back to the lot in order to retrieve the Stealth Hawk.

  “Typical Americans…” the Prince spoke under his breath as he watched Bocchino speed away from his SUV. The Prince looked at the speed limit sign as he passed it, and he did not try to exceed it. He knew that getting stopped by the police would cost valuable time, but he figured that Bocchino did not really care at the moment. The Prince reckoned that the cat had decided to just take his chances. As the Prince continued down the road, he checked the fuel gage of the 4Runner, and he could see that the vehicle had just about a full tank of gasoline. He knew that if he did not waste his gas by revving the engine too much when accelerating, then he would have plenty of gas to spare when all of the vehicles were finally at the port. The Prince then looked at the clock in the SUV, but he noticed that it looked to be set to an incorrect time. The human briefly looked down at his watch in order to confirm that the 4Runner was not properly set for the time zone which he was currently in. Disregarding the time displayed by the SUV, the Prince believed that he would have a good amount of time to spare if the group brings all of the vehicles to the port in a reasonable timeframe.

  Arcades could feel the vehicle begin to slow down to a halt, but he was not sure if he was just stopping at another light or if he had arrived at Facility One. The fox wondered how other traffic cars on the road felt about at least two armored vehicles driving down the road, but the fox also did not even know if he was indeed inside of an armored car. For all Arcades knew, he could have been just shoved into an irregularly shaped van and then taken to the Omega Foundation. The fox tried to consider how much time had passed since he was in the back of the MRAP, but he did not have any indicators on how much time had actually passed. Though it certainly felt like an extended period of time to the fox, he knew that he could not judge the passage of time simply on how long it felt to him. Since the vehicle’s engine sounded as if it had been disabled, Arcades wondered if he had actually arrived at Facility One. The fox listened for the ISG as they moved over to the door that was apparently directly in front of him. The door opened, and Arcades immediately heard the ISG, “Alright, you fucking fox, get your ass moving!”

  The fox tried to scoot forwards to get into a better position to stand up inside of the vehicle, but he could feel his shackled ankles abruptly grabbed by gloves hands as he was forcefully extracted from the MaxxPro. The fox’s bare buttocks quickly came into contact with the steps extending from the rear of the vehicle as he was dragged out, and the fox could feel the device in his anus proceed further up his rectum as the chain between his buttocks pushed the device higher. Arcades grunted in pain, for the device felt extremely unpleasant as it proceeded further up his rectum. Before the fox could do anything else, he was dragged to his feet by Alpha 1 and Alpha 2. Alpha 3 walked behind the fox, holding his XMP-1, and he looked to his right to see that Jason was also being extracted from the second vehicle in a very similar fashion as to how Arcades had been removed from the MaxxPro.

  Still blindfolded, both anthros were escorted into Facility One, and the blindfolds on the anthros prevented both Arcades and Jason from examining their surroundings to determine their location and to prevent them from devising a potential escape route. Arcades did not know where he was being taken to, but he did not think that he would be able to see Jason once he was inside of Facility One. A voice which the fox did not recognize spoke once he and Jason were at what Arcades presumed to be was a gate. This voice spoke to Alpha 1, “That’s him? You guys got the fox? The Site Director specifically asked for him in his office. Here, I’ll let you in there.” Omega 1 pushed Jason forwards, and the noise the chains made was loud enough for the other Omega employee to direct his attention towards Jason, “And a gray wolf? Eh, One didn’t ask for him specifically, so he’ll just go with any other anthros we take here.” Arcades listened to the sound of Jason’s chains as they moved away from him, and the fox concluded that he was at an alternate entrance to Facility One. He would keep this in mind in case he did manage to escape the compound. Judging by the voice of the ISG member at the gate, Arcades was able to conclude that he was either in the United States or Canada. The temperature also felt very warm, so this indicated to Arcades that he was above the equator since it was towards the end of July.

  The fox heard a loud buzzer followed by the noise of a door opening, and he was soon forced to walk forwards again as Alpha took him inside. He could feel the cold floor beneath his bare feet, which had a very metallic feeling to it, and this was very similar to how the floor at Facility Five felt. Arcades could feel himself being turned in multiple directions as he was escorted through the facility, but he was beginning to wonder why he was not still being insulted. Arcades maybe thought the ISG had run out of ideas of rude things to say to him. The ISG was forcing the fox to move at a rather brisk pace, and this pace proved to be difficult for Arcades to keep up with given the excessive amount of restraints in which the fox had been placed in. The pain in Arcades’ rectum was now becoming more and more prominent the more he was forced to keep walking, and Arcades was hoping that he would not have to keep moving for a good amount of time if the Foundation wanted to keep the device up his anus.

  Arcades could feel himself being brought to a stop, and he soon heard a beep after a few moments of waiting. The beep sounded awfully familiar to the Omega Foundation’s electronically activated security doors. When the door had opened, Alpha 1 grabbed the fox by the collar and dragged him in the room. Despite the fact that a leash had been attached to the fox’s collar, none of the ISG members even bothered to use it. The fox was starting to wonder if the leash which was locked on his collar was also used as a tool to further humiliate him rather than to serve any actual practical purpose. When Alpha entered the room with the fox in hand, they forced him to stop once more. A new voice sounded, “Look what you guys dragged in. You did a good job. Now, I want you to leave us two alone, and gimme the keys.” Alpha 1 looked over to his colleagues, for he did not have the keys to the fox’s restraints. Alpha 2 dug around in his pockets, and he managed to pull out the correct key for the uniquely-keyed BOA handcuff Medeco lock cylinders. As Alpha 2 handed the keys over to One, and Alpha 1 commented as the exchange of keys occurred, “Where did you get those from?” Alpha 2 replied, “Zeta-Kappa told me that they were about to leave them in the Congo, but the other ISG unit over there handed them over before the plane took off.” Once the keys were exchanged, One gestured for the three operatives to leave the room, “You guys did good. Now, leave me here with this little bitch.” The Alpha ISG unit soon left the room, and One waited for the door to close and loc
k before he proceeded. One turned to look at the fox after he put out his cigarette, and he could see that Arcades was still standing up straight. The human smiled and chuckled before speaking to the fox, “Heh, enjoying yourself there, Kurt Hofmeier?” The fox did not reply in any such way to One.

  One looked over the restraints the fox was wearing, “Damn. Looks like they got you chained up real good. Good. You foxes should be chained up anyways, but I’m going to have to unfortunately briefly take those off because I want to see how tight you are.” Arcades did not believe what he was hearing, and he was hoping that the human was merely bluffing. However, the fox felt a sensation around his torso as the human grabbed the padlock locking the chain to his waist. The human looked at the padlock’s keyhole, and he concluded that he was going to need a standard handcuff key in order to unlock the padlock. One walked over to his desk while keeping an eye on the fox to make sure that Arcades did not try to flee. In a way, the human was hoping that Arcades did attempt to flee, for he would find enjoyment in watching the fox collide with the objects in his large office while trying to look for an escape. One grabbed the key which he was looking for, and he returned to his captive.

  The human grabbed the padlock dangling from the fox’s chain, and he inserted the key before turning it to release the padlock. Once the lock was off of the chain, One was able to remove it from between the fox’s buttocks. The human wanted to remove the device in Arcades’ anus, but the fox’s restrained hands were still in the way. The human unlocked the padlock which connected a chain to Arcades’ wrists, and he then removed the padlock which was in front of the orange lockbox which covered the keyholes of the BOA modified Smith & Wesson handcuffs. The metal piece holding the lockbox together fell to the ground, and the orange lockbox soon fell to the ground seconds later since it now had nothing holding it in place. Since the padlock in front of the lockbox prevented the Martin link from being removed from the chain, the Martin link slipped through one of the links, and the chain around Arcades’ waist fell to the floor.


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