GEORGIANA (Pride & Prejudice continued... Book 3)

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GEORGIANA (Pride & Prejudice continued... Book 3) Page 2

by Sue Barr

  Fortunately for him, Nathan’s wedding held far more pleasant recollections than vile stories of Viscount Stanhope and his treachery. His best memory, the one he brought to mind on an almost a daily basis, was his too brief of a dance with Miss Georgiana Darcy. Although not formally out in society, she’d been allowed to partake in a few sets at Nathan’s wedding ball because it had been held at Pemberley. For a half hour they’d been able to converse without people leaning in to hear what they had to say. Or more specifically, what he had to say.

  Their set had concluded far too soon for his liking and he’d returned her safely to a watchful brother. This year she would make her curtsy and he planned to court her. Not in a brash manner like most of the young bucks carried away not only by a pretty face but a handsome dowry. She was far too refined for a direct approach. No, he planned to woo her gently and like a lustrous pearl, coax her out of the shell of shyness. He’d waited a long time for this. A few months would not matter.

  Chapter Two

  Before the week was out, the Darcy’s had arrived in London and were almost immediately beset upon by Lady Matlock and Colonel Fitzwilliam.

  “Aunt Lucinda, Richard, you are here at an ungodly hour. We have only begun to break our fast.” Fitz stood and gave their aunt a kiss on the cheek.

  Georgiana and Lizzy started to push away from the table to stand, but Lady Matlock waved them down. Richard called out a cheery ‘good morning’ and promptly attended the sideboard. Lady Matlock settled beside Georgiana and accepted a cup of tea from one of the footmen.

  “To what do we owe the honor of your company so early, Aunt?” Fitz asked once he’d resumed his place at the table. “Richard, I know, came only to stuff his face with my food.”

  He gave his cousin a mild glare as Richard sat down next to Lizzy after filling his plate to near overflowing. Richard’s reply was to raise an eyebrow and take a bite of his fresh baked roll.

  “We have no time to waste,” Aunt Lucinda began. “Elizabeth and Georgiana’s presentations are but a scant eight weeks away. Not near enough time to accomplish everything I’d like. I have arranged several fittings at Etienne’s, for which I am eternally grateful to the Duchess of Adborough. Normally, Madame Etienne has a line weaving down the street for her services, but Margaret was able to exert her influence and hire her exclusively to attend all our girls.”

  “Caroline and Kitty, as well?” Lizzy asked.

  “Oh, yes. Margaret adores both of them and is determined to have them shine this upcoming Season.” Lady Matlock let out a satisfied sigh. “There are rumors the Prince Regent himself may attend in honor of Lord George’s loyalty to the Crown. I would not be surprised if he doesn’t bestow on George his own dukedom.”

  Georgiana’s memory briefly touched on the near-scandal a few days before Nathan and Caroline’s wedding. Guests at Pemberley had been informed that a gun accidently discharged in the stables and Viscount Stanhope had been tragically killed. She knew that to be a falsehood as she’d overheard Fitzwilliam and Cousin Richard discussing Stanhope’s treachery.

  “I hear the Barwick Duchy is vacant.” Richard volunteered the information around a mouthful of ham. “At least two hundred acres of valuable farmland and long-term tenants.”

  “Yes, of course. And there are the secondary titles of Marquis of Glanworth and Viscount Mandeville.” Lady Matlock enthused.

  “You are a veritable walking and talking volume of Debrett’s, dear aunt,” Fitz teased.

  “You laugh now, Fitzwilliam, but when you and your lovely bride begin to move among London’s finest, you will be glad to know whom to avoid and whom to curry favor with,” she decreed with an elegant sniff. “If not for your sake, then for Georgiana’s. We expect her to make a splendid match this season. Already there are rumors the Marquis of Trevayne is on the hunt this year.”

  “Dear God, Mama. You make it sound like he’s about to call the hounds.” Richard exclaimed. “Trevayne needs to find a wife, that’s a certainty, but he is not about to stalk the halls of Almack’s and pounce on innocent debutantes their first night out.”

  “Be that as it may, I expect the foyer of Darcy house to be filled with flowers and cards when eligible gentlemen discover how beautiful my niece is.” Aunt Lucinda patted Georgiana’s hand.

  Georgiana’s insides shrivelled at her aunt’s sentiments. Her aunt meant well, however, she knew, just knew, many eyes would be on her because she was a Darcy and because she was wealthy. Not for the first time she was grateful Elizabeth, Caroline and Catherine would be by her side the whole season.

  “Mama would be in raptures if Kitty became a titled lady in her own right,” Lizzy said with a laugh. “She will be hard put to remain humble if that happens.”

  “As soon as you are finished with breaking your fast, we shall meet the Duchess at Etienne’s. With six of us to outfit, she will need all hands-on deck.”

  “Mother, where have you learned Navy terms?” Richard slathered more creamy butter on yet another roll. “Your second and most favored son is an army colonel” – Lady Matlock raised an elegant eyebrow – “one would assume you would use terminology more suited for land warfare.”

  Lady Matlock waved a hand in Richard’s direction, as though shooing his concerns away from her thoughts. “I do know a few Admirals and Navy Captains, Richard. My social circle is quite wide, which you would know if you attended some functions with me.”

  “Ah, but then you’d expect me to dance attendance on some fresh-faced chit of a girl and make polite talk with dewy eyed innocents.”


  “Sorry, Mother. That was quite unchivalrous,” Richard apologized, casting a slight eyeroll in the direction of his cousin, Fitz.

  They all knew very well that Richard gave no thought, what-so-ever, to finding a wife. He was happily situated as an army Colonel and had no intentions of settling down. Aunt Lucinda would be better served finding a wife for her eldest son, Viscount Ashton. Although, he’d proven just as wily as Richard when it came to avoiding young misses and their ambitious mama’s.

  “Is Kitty meeting us at the modiste?” Lizzy interjected, obviously trying to move the conversation past the dangerous territory of Lady Matlock’s marital plans for her two unwed sons.

  “No, George is escorting both Catherine and your sister Mary here. In fact, I’m surprised they’ve not arrived yet.”

  “How lovely,” Georgiana enthused. “I cannot wait to see them both again. I delight in their companionship very much.”

  As if on cue, Hutchins appeared at the door for the second time that morning.

  “Lord George Kerr, Miss Bennet and Miss Catherine Bennet have arrived. They are in the blue drawing room.”

  “Thank you, Hutchins. Would you please find out if they would like some tea while we finish in here?” Lizzy instructed.

  “Already taken care of, ma’am.”

  Hutchins gave a polite half bow and left the room.

  “Brother, I have finished my breakfast, do you mind if I go on ahead and visit with Mary?”

  “Of course, Georgie. We shall be along shortly, that is unless Richard fills his plate again, then it’s anybody’s guess when we will be free.”

  “Richard can sit here all by himself. I wish to see my sisters.” Lizzy placed her napkin on her empty plate and stood. “Aunt Lucinda, do you care to join us?”

  “You read my mind, Elizabeth. I’m more than ready to reacquaint myself with your two sisters.”

  The three ladies made their way to the drawing room. With one sweeping glance Georgiana noted Lord George next to a radiant Kitty, and, on the couch across from them sat Mary, quiet as always. Georgiana hurried to her side.

  “Mary, I am so glad you’ve come.” She took one of Mary’s hands in hers as she sat next to her and leaned in to whisper. “Were you surprised by Kitty and George’s news?”

  “No, even though Kitty swore she’d never marry.” Mary replied, her tone exceedingly dry. “As an unofficial c
haperone, I witnessed a few encounters between them. The outcome was inevitable, in my opinion.”

  “It sounds so romantic,” Georgiana sighed out. In her mind’s eye she pictured Lord George thundering down the lane on a white horse, snatching Kitty up and demanding she marry him. Much like Lord Godfrey did with Lady Desdemona in the latest novel she’d read.

  What would it be like to have someone declare their love so passionately? Her breath hitched at the thought of Maxwell Kerr holding her in such a daring way. Maybe even closer than he had during their dance. Close enough for a kiss. Her chest and neck began to flush at the thought. Fortunately, Mary interrupted her wayward thoughts before she turned bright red all the way to her hair line.

  “I guess it was romantic.” Mary shrugged. “If you believe in that sort of thing.” She peered at Georgiana. “Are you all right? You look quite flushed.”

  “Have you no romantic fantasies? Nothing you’ve thought about since you were a little girl?” she asked, hoping to divert Mary’s attention from her flustered behavior.

  “Me?” Mary gave an indelicate little snort. “I have been ‘out’ in Meryton society for many years with no offers, no interest shown in me by any man young or old, and do not think this will change in the near future.”

  “The men of Hertfordshire are fools if they cannot see what is set before them.” Georgiana declared. About to extol Mary’s best qualities, her attention was diverted by her brother and Richard entering the room. Fitz immediately went to George and Kitty, extending his congratulations while her cousin joined her and Mary on the couch.

  “You look well, Miss Bennet.” Richard said before sitting in the chair across from them.

  Georgiana felt Mary start at Richard’s words. There was obviously some truth in what she said about men not noticing her.

  “Thank you, Colonel.”

  “Are you still at Longbourn?”

  “I remain at home, if that is what you ask.” Mary replied through stiff lips and pulled herself more erect than Georgiana thought possible.

  “I meant no offense, Miss Bennet. I do not keep abreast of all the gossip and only meant to inquire to your wellbeing.”

  “I am quite content. In all things.”

  Well said, Mary.

  “Georgiana, are you and Mary ready to leave or does my son require a few minutes to gather more gossip from Hertfordshire?” Aunt Matlock had risen to her feet and looked pointedly at Richard.

  “Mother, I am but inquiring after the health of Lizzie’s sister and was about to ask if Miss Bennet had continued with her shooting lessons.”

  A few weeks after the incident with Viscount Stanhope, Richard insisted that Elizabeth and Georgiana know a little about pistols and how to take care of themselves if caught alone and unaware.

  “I’d forgotten that you’d instructed the girls in the arts of self defense.” Lady Matlock gave a nervous laugh. “And to think Lady Catherine was concerned about the arts and allurements of young ladies. She’d succumb to apoplexy if she knew you’d shown them how to shoot.”

  “After the incident at Pemberley, Darcy and I felt it imperative they know how to take care of things if we were not around.” Richard turned his attention back to Mary. “Have you continued with your lessons?”

  “No, Papa is uncomfortable with me having such a deadly weapon.”

  “Such a shame. You had natural talent.”

  Of the three girls, Mary excelled and had shown an uncanny ability to hit the target at various distances causing Richard to declare that if Napoleon didn’t surrender, he would escort Mary to Paris himself and let her deal with the little man.

  Often, Georgiana privately wondered if anything would ever blossom from their quirky friendship, but Mary had returned to Longbourn and Richard to his flirtatious ways. As far as she could tell, there didn’t seem to be a spark of interest in her cousin’s mien.

  For the next week and a half Georgiana was busy with fittings and a mad social whirl of afternoon teas, musicales and plays. By the end of the second week she could barely hold her head up and began to nod off at supper.

  “Fitz, I don’t want to seem ungrateful to Aunt Lucinda, she’s done so much, but Georgiana and I are exhausted.” Lizzy cast a sympathetic glance toward her. “We are not used to Town hours and I refuse to go out this evening. Do you think Lady Fosscroft would mind so much if we missed her poetry reading?”

  Georgiana roused herself enough to murmur, “I truly don’t mind−” and hid a huge yawn behind her hand. She smiled, feeling a bit sheepish. “I am tired, but I also do not want to disappoint our aunt.”

  “Let us continue this discussion in the family sitting room.” Fitz signaled the footman to begin clearing the table. “I will send our regrets to Aunt Lucinda.”

  “Thank you, brother,” Georgiana impulsively took one of his hands in hers and pressed it to her cheek. “You always know how to make me feel more comfortable.” To Lizzy she said, “Shall we put on our dressing gowns and have a nice cup of hot chocolate before retiring?”

  “That sounds divine, Georgie. It will make us feel like we are back at Pemberley.”

  “I shall meet you in the sitting room in a half hour.”

  Three weeks later

  Max was seated in a very comfortable chair at White’s, a snifter of brandy in his hand. Across from him, sprawled out in his usual, careless way was his newly married brother George and next to him sat Nathan.

  “I have to say, after the last month or two, this is a much-deserved respite.” Nathan said.

  Max silently agreed. The past month had been hectic, what with George and Catherine’s wedding and the mad rush to prepare all the ladies for their curtsy before the Queen. Truth be told, he hadn’t seen his mother so animated in years. He felt a twinge of guilt. As eldest, he should have maintained some form of entertaining, but that would have opened up a completely different kettle of worms in the form of advanced matchmaking by the matriarch of the family.

  “Speak for yourself, brother.” George grumbled. “I had to leave my new wife of two weeks to come here and she is much better company than you two clods.”

  “How is Catherine faring since the wedding?” Max asked.

  “She fares very well.” The smile that lit up his brother’s face told him more than words ever could. “She is nervous about her upcoming curtsy, but having Caroline, Elizabeth and Miss Darcy alongside eases her disquiet.”

  “Given what the two of you have been through, a curtsy before Her Majesty will be nothing more arduous than a walk in the park.”

  “I know my Catherine can do anything, but she’s still a young woman finding her way in Society. At times it can be overwhelming.”

  “Mother adores her and no one would ever cut her direct.” Max said. “Their bond was solidified when Mother and Mr. Bennet sat down and shared memories of Father.”

  “The Lord has a wonderful way of bringing people together,” Nathan mused. “If Darcy hadn’t gone to Hertfordshire in support of a friend, he’d never have met Lizzy, then I would never have met Caroline and George would never have met Catherine. This was all pre-ordained by God.”

  “I will add a hearty amen to that,” George said. “His ways are not ours and I am much appreciative of His ways.” George turned his attention to Max. “What of you, Max? Is this the year you choose a wife? Mother said there are some lovely girls making their debut this year and as a young Duke with a fine estate, you will have your pick.”

  “I am not rushing to the alter. I wish to marry someone I can respect and love.”

  “I thought at one time you would offer for Lady Celeste. You were quite inseparable and then – poof – she no longer came around.”

  “She departed for relatives in Scotland, I believe.” He fought the urge to squirm in his chair. Memories of Lady Celeste Townsend were not pleasant ones.

  “She married a successful attorney, if I remember correctly,” Nathan mused. “I guess she got tired of waiting for you to propos

  “I never intended to propose to Lady Celeste. She was an amiable companion and that was all.”

  “Don’t get your cravat all twisted over this. Everyone knew she’d set her cap at you,” George teased.

  Max refused to comment and keep the conversation going. No one but their deceased father knew the perfidy of Lady Celeste. During a house party hosted by his parents at Adborough Hall, Lady Celeste and her parents were one of the many guests. Max had joined his father in the library to discuss estate business. Something they often did before retiring, even if there were guests on the premise.

  During one of these sessions, his father had gone to the second level to retrieve an old journal that showed ancient crop rotations. Not the most delightful subject for a young man of one and twenty, but even at that young age, Max knew these were things he should learn. His father had barely ascended the spiral staircase when the door to the library eased open. Upon spotting Maxwell, who had risen to his feet, Lady Celeste entered the room and closed the door behind her.

  “I hoped to find you in here.”

  He felt a slight shiver of alarm, but shrugged it off. He and the beautiful debutante had enjoyed a few dances and conversations and he’d been most impressed by not only her beautiful looks, but charming demeanor. He given some serious thought about approaching her father in order to court her properly and was going to discuss this same matter with his father that evening. About to say he would escort her back to the drawing room, and her mother, Lady Celeste moved toward him.

  She advanced until their bodies almost touched. “I know you are enamored with me, seeking only the proper incentive to make your feelings known.”

  Shocked by her brazen attitude, cold fury settled into his heart. He’d been played the fool.

  “I assure you, I haven’t.”

  “Not even once?”

  Her eyes went wide, disbelief evident. Trailing a finger down his chest, she leaned closer. Max, seeking to evade, took a step back and his legs hit the chair. With a squeal of delight, she launched herself into his arms, propelling them both into the overstuffed chair. It was at that exact moment the door flew open and her mother rushed into the room.


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