The Patchwork Quilt of Happiness

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The Patchwork Quilt of Happiness Page 19

by Ava Miles

  I’m good either way? He was a moron.

  “I’ll shut up now.”

  She lifted onto her tiptoes and kissed him softly on the cheek. “I…ah…bought condoms. I…ah…wasn’t sure what kind to get, so I got a few. Oh, goodness, this is embarrassing. I had no idea there were so many varieties. I mean, it was like trying to buy nail polish.”

  He bit his lip. “Nail polish.”

  “Only a woman would understand,” she said, her eyes narrowing. “Wait until Jess and Haley start doing their nails.”

  “You think they haven’t tried to talk me into that already? I have eight kinds upstairs.” He shuddered. “Trust me, I get the reference. Quick dry. Glitter. Topcoat. Sadie, I…ah…bought some too. To be prepared. It wasn’t assuming. Only…ah…hoping.”

  He felt it was important to add that last part.

  “Go call over the girls then,” she said. “I’m going to look at my fabric.”

  Would it be too obvious if he ran out of the house at full speed to fetch them? Mark would laugh for sure. Paige too, likely. Although maybe it would be kind of weird for her, him having sex with her sister? He wasn’t going to think about that. Everyone was an adult, after all.


  He turned around from the doorway.

  In her arms was the silk kimono he’d fantasized about her wearing after they made love. He might ask her to keep that one. And the textured gold dress…

  “Thank you.”

  She hugged the fabric to her as if it were the most precious treasure in the world, exactly as he’d intended. He walked out of his house at a measured pace to fetch the girls, smiling.

  When everything was this perfect, there was no reason to hurry.

  Chapter 19

  The girls were adorable as they sat on the dining room table flanking the treasure chest, telling Sadie how beautiful her quilts were going to be with the fabric Riley had bought. They peppered her with questions about the kinds of designs she imagined. Was she going to make a baby blanket? A princess quilt? Their voices were honeyed with hope when they asked her that.

  Jess had strong opinions about the silk kimono being perfect for a princess quilt. Hadn’t they made a Disney movie about Mulan, who’d saved China by dressing up as a boy to serve as a soldier?

  Riley finally called it quits, telling Haley and Jess it was time to go back to the Bradshaws. Paige had sent her hellos but hadn’t come by, likely sensing they’d want to be alone with the girls. Sadie kissed each girl on the cheek and hugged them tight.

  When Riley returned, he held out his hands. “Whew! Those two. They get riled up so easily. I kinda felt bad, leaving Paige and Mark to deal with it.”

  He shifted on his feet, and she realized he was nervous. How sweet! She felt a wave of nerves roll through her own tummy as the silence in the room grew more pronounced.

  “Are you hungry?” she asked.

  “Are you?” he asked right back.

  She wasn’t sure she could eat much. Her stomach wasn’t giving her the best indication of anything right now other than anxiety. “I could eat something. You made it, and you’re probably hungry.”

  “Okay,” he said, shifting from right to left again. “It’s…I need to turn on the grill. I made kebobs.”

  She found herself smiling. “You did?”

  “It’s a trick I learned with Jess,” he said, shrugging. “If you make food pretty and colorful she’s more likely to eat it. Also, she likes to build things, and with kebobs, she can help.”

  She was struck anew by the thoughtfulness that went into so many of his everyday choices. Was every parent conscious of such things? Tammy and J.P. were, but she’d thought they were unique.

  “You really are a great dad,” she told him.

  “Flatterer,” he said, lurching forward like he needed to unseal himself from his spot. “You haven’t seen me on my bad dad days. We flew to my brother’s place for the holidays when Jess was about a year old, and we got stranded in Chicago. I had to carry her on my shoulders through the airport, our luggage and her carrier seat in my hands, because she started to cry every time I sat down. I ended up barking at a man who ran into me, and it got a little contentious when he got in my face. I might have called him a few prize names, ones I was grateful my daughter couldn’t pronounce at the time.”

  She kept smiling.

  “I’m babbling,” he said, holding out his hands. “Are you nervous too? It’s kinda caught up with me.”

  “Me too,” she said, inching closer to him. “Maybe you should hold me. That always makes me feel good.” Calm, she almost added, but didn’t know how he’d feel about that, especially right before they made love for the first time.

  He pulled her against his chest. “Like I said, it doesn’t have to be tonight.”

  She’d stayed awake all night and been a total flake at work thinking about nothing else. “I don’t want to wait any longer.”

  “When you make up your mind, you’re… I’m the same way.” His fingers brushed her cheek. “Would you come upstairs with me then?”

  She suddenly found it difficult to breathe. “Yes. Should I bring the—”

  “I’ve got that covered,” he said, fighting a smile.

  “Are you laughing at me?” she asked.

  “No,” he replied immediately. “I’m only…I can almost see you in the store. Worse than nail polish. That’s pretty funny.”

  When he started laughing, she socked him. “You shouldn’t laugh. I was trying so hard to figure out what to buy. I almost called Shelby, but I was too embarrassed. Plus, then she’d pepper me with questions about you and when she was going to officially meet you.”

  His brows drew closer together.

  “You don’t have to meet them until you’re ready,” she added. “I mean, it’s totally cool.” What was she saying? Totally cool?

  “Do you want me to meet everyone?”

  “Of course.” She didn’t even have to think about it. “But I know this is a big step.”

  So was telling her about Mandy. He nuzzled her neck. “Making love is pretty big. Let’s focus on one thing at a time. Ready to go up?”

  She fought the urge to gulp. “Yes, of course.”

  When he took her hand, she curled her fingers around his. He looked down at her, his blue eyes filled with love. “It’s going to be great, Sadie. Trust me.”

  “I do,” she whispered.

  He kissed her, ever so slowly at first, until they both seemed to flow into each other again. Her rapid heartbeat smoothed out as he ran his hand up and down her back, settling them both down, getting her used to his touch.

  She broke the kiss. “Let’s go upstairs.” Love was flooding her heart, and the nerves had retreated to the edges of her consciousness now.

  The stairs creaked here and there as he led her up. She’d never been upstairs, and her gaze eagerly took in the colorful artwork on the hallway walls. One was a landscape done in what looked like black pencil while another boasted a superhero cloaked in a black cape, only his eyes showing.

  “Are these yours?” she asked, unable to see a signature in the low light.

  “Yes,” he said, kissing her hand. “Jess’ artwork is in her bedroom and a few other places. She loves to see it when she wakes up every morning.”

  “I love that you encourage her talent.”

  He stopped in a doorway and flicked on a light. “This is me. Let me turn the lamp on. Candles?”

  She felt a little lonely when he let go of her hand, so she wrapped her arms around herself. His room was decorated with a combination of black and white with a few splashes of red. Somehow he’d brought color and panache to the minimalistic décor.

  “I like it,” she told him.

  He looked up from smoothing out the wrinkles on the bed, something she might have normally found amusing. “I’m awash in girly colors mostly, and that’s okay. But I needed something a little more…”


His perfunctory nod was endearing. “Let me grab the candles from the dining room. I totally forgot… Be right back.”

  He left the room at a quick pace, and she measured his progress by the squeaks on the stairs. When he blew back in, he was using the bottom half of his black T-shirt to hold the candles.

  “Glass got hot,” he explained.

  She caught a flash of his flat abs, and a ribbon of heat twirled through her. They were about to get naked. More heat danced through her senses, and she had the urge to fan herself.

  The candles clattered when he set them down, and she heard him swear under his breath.

  “Did you burn yourself?” she asked, crossing to him.

  “Third degree,” he said with a dramatic eye roll. “We need to find a doctor immediately.”

  She felt her mouth twitch. “Let me see.”

  He held out his hands, and the size of them struck her anew. They were large and strong. And pretty soon they were going to touch her. Maybe he needed encouragement.

  “Riley,” she said in a husky voice.

  “Yes, Sadie?” His voice was equally affected.

  “Put your hands on me.”

  Was that too bold, she wondered? But then his blue eyes flashed dark, and his hands covered her breasts. She inhaled sharply. Well, he didn’t mess around. That was probably best. The way they were dancing around making love, someone needed to move them in the right direction.

  His fingers stroked her through her thin bra. She’d gone with her most romantic bra and panty set made of lace the color of ripe apricots. When he tugged down the bodice of her dress, he hummed in that way he had, telling her he liked what she’d chosen.

  “You are so beautiful,” he said. “Let me show you how much.”

  His fingers tugged her dress down, and she stepped out of it and the strapless heels she’d specifically chosen for tonight. He ran his hands down her sides and then rested them on her hips. Under his intense study, she felt lush and a little vulnerable.

  “My God, Sadie,” he said, his hands tightening on her waist. “Your curves are going to drive me wild.”

  She felt a part of her soar, the one who was all woman, the one who wanted to feel sexy in the arms of her man. “I’m glad, but are you planning on getting undressed anytime soon?”

  His eyes locked with hers. “You think you’re ready for that?”

  He’d meant it to be a joke, but she surprised herself by lifting up his shirt and running her fingers along that flash of abs she’d seen earlier.

  “Okay, yeah, you’re ready,” he murmured, lifting his shirt up and off.

  Her face started to heat when he unzipped his cargo pants and slid them down his legs. She wasn’t surprised to see him wearing boxers, but she tried to fight a grin in response to the design. Superheroes, of course.

  He gestured to them, shaking his head. “I didn’t know about your plan. Otherwise, I would have worn something different.”

  The Batman symbol covered his erection, and the word POW! was illuminated with a yellow spotlight over his left leg.

  “When I’m having trouble drawing, which I struggled with today because I couldn’t stop thinking about seeing you tonight, I put these on,” he explained. “They’re my favorite boxers. You can laugh. Clearly you win the underwear contest.”

  “Do you have more superhero boxers?” she asked.

  He waggled his brows. “I’ll save that answer for another time. A man has to have some secrets. Are you sure you still want to make love with me? I mean…this is major geek stuff.”

  Her shoulders shook from repressed laughter. “Ah…are you planning on saying, ‘Pow,’ or quoting any other superhero while we’re making love?”

  He pressed his fingers to his brow. “God, no! I swear. I know I drop into Disney and superhero quotes sometimes, but I promise that ends in the bedroom.”

  Clearly he’d taken her seriously. Way too seriously. “Riley, I was kidding,” she said through giggles, “but thanks for reassuring me.”

  “I’m glad you’re finding this so amusing,” he said. “Well, there’s only one thing to do.”

  He shucked his boxers down and threw them across the room into the corner. “I figure this has to be better, right?”

  Her breath stopped at the sight of him. She’d only seen one other man completely naked, and she didn’t remember much in all honesty. The sight of Riley standing there, so firm and hard, made her gulp. He was so big. She knew she was staring, but she couldn’t help herself.

  “Did I shock you?” he asked. “I can put something on if it’s—”

  “Don’t be silly,” she said, forcing her gaze off him. “I’m…you’re…”


  “Big,” she blurted out.

  His lips twitched. “Only big men can wear superhero boxers.”

  She didn’t believe that for a minute, but she found herself smiling. “Is that so?”

  He leaned in, his body not touching her. “Yes, in fact, there’s one other rule. Only men with herculean stamina in bed can wear them too. Care for a demonstration?”

  Lord, she was going to overheat. “You’d better before I explode.”

  He picked her up, and her muscles froze in surprise. Walking to the edge of the bed, he laid her down and settled himself on her side. He lowered himself to her and took her mouth in a hot, drugging kiss.

  She opened to him, and his tongue slid inside to dance with hers. The kiss held more power than the ones they’d shared before, and she knew it was because he wasn’t holding back. When his hands ran down the sides of her waist, she wiggled closer, fitting herself to his front. The heat and hardness of him had her squirming. Then he rolled onto his back and pulled her on top of him, his hands grabbing her butt. She lurched. He seemed to undulate against her, which sent more heat flashing through her belly.

  “Oh, Riley,” she whispered, “I want your hands all over me.”

  His hands opened the back of her bra, and together they took it off. He shifted them again, flipping her onto her back this time. His fingers caressed her softly, first up her arms and then settling on her breasts. Soon they were tingling with desire. She wanted to open her legs, she realized. Wanted his hands there too. She wasn’t sure how to tell him, but then his mouth lowered to one of her nipples, and she forgot everything except his lips on her flesh. When he started to suck, she was sure she was going to lose all sense of decorum.

  Her fingers slid into his hair, and as he tugged on her breast, she tugged on his curls. He switched to her other breast, and her back arched off the bed, trying to get closer to his mouth. Feeling an urgent need between her legs, she squirmed under him.

  As if he could read her mind, or her body, he slid his fingers under the edge of her panties and touched the wet heat of her.

  She moaned. “Take them off.”

  He slid them down her legs, and even the slow caress of the fabric sent a frisson of heat through her. She was burning from the inside out. He ran his hands up her legs slowly, and even though her eyes were closed, she knew he was looking at her. She had a moment of embarrassment, and then his fingers started to stroke her where she was burning.

  “Yes, please,” she heard herself utter, her voice husky.

  She felt warmth fill her insides as he stroked. Her legs started to shake, and the edge beckoned to her. This time it felt higher, and there was a brief moment where she wanted to draw back.

  “It’s okay, Sadie,” he said, continuing to touch her softly. “You can trust it. Just let go, love.”

  Sinking into the bed, she seemed to fall backward. Her body clenched around his fingers, and she moaned low and deep in her throat. Her legs shook as he continued to caress her through her release, and it felt so luscious, so powerful, tears filled her eyes.

  “Oh, God,” she cried out.

  “That’s right, babe,” he said, shifting away from her.

  She opened her eyes and watched as he rolled a condom on. He took her hand and placed i
t over him. He was hard and beautiful, and she felt the words rise within her.

  “I love you. So much.”

  He placed himself between her legs, and as he slid gently inside her, he said, “I love you too. Come with me again.”

  His hand drew her leg up, and he inched inside deeper, making her body tighten again. She gasped as he filled her. Her hands grabbed his shoulders as he started to move.

  “That’s right,” he whispered. “Move with me.”

  She closed her eyes and surrendered to a rhythm her body seemed to know. He thrust. She rose. He retreated. She followed. Love and heat created a special beat inside her.

  He started to thrust faster, deeper, and both of them were making love sounds. She came again, and he froze over her. For a moment, their bodies seemed to beat with the same pulse, and their groans mixed with the same fervor as their sweat.

  “Holy crap,” Riley said, falling over her, his elbows preventing him from crushing her.

  “Oh, Riley,” she whispered. “It’s never been like this.”

  “Me either,” he said, kissing her neck. “My God, Sadie. You…”

  He didn’t finish his sentence, and he didn’t need to. “I know.”

  After he rolled off her and disposed of the condom, he brought her back to his chest. She felt sweaty and realized she didn’t mind a bit. The feel of it against her body made her feel sexy, like she was maybe the sexiest woman in the world.

  “That was like poetry,” she whispered, searching for words to make sense of what had been such a monumental moment for her.

  “Yes,” he said, kissing the top of her head and then running his hands through her hair in the sexiest way possible.

  “I’m going to want to do that again,” she said, kissing his chest. In fact, she wanted to shut herself away with him for three days and do nothing else.

  “Me too,” he said, turning on his side so they faced each other. “Sadie, I love you. I think I should meet your family.”


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