by Tim Bowden
home service 261–70
joining-up 4
New Guinea 345–53
return to Australia 182–9
sailing to war 29–30
Syria invasion 125, 140–7
training 20–2
Holt, Len 189
homebrew 333, 342
Honner, Colonel Ralph 300, 304, 305, 311
Horii, Major General Tomitaro 305 hospitals
2nd Australian General Hospital 29–30
2/1st Australian General Hospital 320
2/2nd Australian General Hospital 39, 41
2/7th Australian General Hospital 169
insane, for 332–3
routine 54–5
Houston 204, 206, 233
Howlett, Lieutenant Hec 283
Hughes, Charlie 77–8
Hull, Roly 253
Humphreys, Jack 60–1
Huntington, ‘Slim’ 262
Hurley, Joe 267
hygiene corporal 364–5
Hyland, Jimmy 106
Ibbotsen, Lieutenant Alan 114, 118
Il de France 180
Indian soldiers 209
Ingleburn camp 2, 20
Inman, Frank 52–3
Isle de France 31, 33
The Isle of Doom 125–7
Italian forces 70–9
Jackson, Alf 186–7
James, Albert 401
James, Clive 401
Japanese forces
2 Guard Force 383
5th Imperial Guards Division 211–13
17th Army 354–5
102nd Infantry Regiment 324–5
455 Battalion 383
atomic bomb 353, 388, 389
Australia attacks 261
cannibalism 266, 313, 317–18, 344–5, 349–50
Emperor’s birthday celebrations 219–20
gold teeth 351
hari-kari 383
Imperial Guards 216
prisoners, treatment of 214–19, 221
racism towards 210
submarines 188
suicide 220, 313, 393
surrender 379, 383, 388–90, 393, 395
two-toed shoes 337, 352
Java 199–209, 225–30
Jerusalem Detention Barracks 21
Jerusalem Gaol 39–41, 52
‘Jimmy the Shit’ 42
Johnson, Charlie 70, 78
Johnson, Private 273–4
joining-up 1–7
Joyce, Lieutenant Ken 383
Kanimbla 384, 385
Katoomba 319, 353
Kelly, Jack 82
Kennedy, Captain John 205
Kokoda Survivor 410
Kokoda Track 290–305
Laconia 182–3
‘Lady Blameys’ 51, 269, 365
Lalchere, Ray 386–7
Laverack, General 200
Lebanon and Syria 133–47
Lecardio, John 6
Levy, Patrick 403
Lieutenant Brian 45–6
Little Red Military Handbook 9
Lloyd, ‘Killer’ 192
‘Lord Kitchener’ 190–1
‘Lovie’ 269
Lush, Sergeant George 137
MacArthur, General Douglas 258, 286–7, 307, 315, 317–18, 344–5, 395
McBain, Sergeant Snowy 105–6
McCracken, Captain ‘Whips’ 267
McCulloch, Clarry
departure 197–8
preparations for war 49–52
air strip patrol 203
arrival 199–201
prisoner of war 225–30
promotion, chance of 203
surrender 206–9
recollections 410–11
sailing to war 31–4
Syrian campaign 135–40
Thai-Burma Railway 246, 251–2
Thailand, journey to 230–4
training 11–17, 410–11
Macdhui 291
McDonald, Billy ‘The Pig’ 264
McGann, Johnny 359, 366
McGee, ‘Mary’ 359
McGregor, ‘Wee’ 109, 143
MacIntosh, Henry (Mac) M 57–8
Mackay, Ivan 124
McKee, Porter 84
McLean, Lieutenant Doug 296–7
McNeilly, George 222
McVicar, Sergeant Jika 146, 267
malaria 226, 248–9, 345, 352
Malaya 209–14
Mark VIII ammunition 51
Matthews, ‘Nigger’ 265
Mauretania 28, 31, 34
Maxwell, Gordon 395
Medcalf, Lance Corporal Peter ‘Slim’ 355–80
medical examinations 3–7
Melbourne Cup 223
Menell, Lieutenant 283
Menzies, Joe 269
Menzies, Robert 1–2, 44, 83, 94–5
Milard, Captain 252
Milford, Major General Edward 286, 384
military police 18, 39–40, 49, 53–3, 60, 64, 92, 180–1
military units xi
minefields 166
Miss Townsville 336
Molloy, Captain Arch 53–4, 57–8
Mombasa 184–5
Montefiore, Stan ‘Monty’ 100
Montgomery, Bernard (Monty) 149, 154, 162–5, 171–2
Moore, Don 217–18, 223–5, 239–40, 252–3, 397–8, 402
Moore, Jack 387
Morgan, Sergeant Leslie 276
Morris, Corporal Tom 215
Morris, Major General 289, 292
Morse, Captain Bill 283–4
Morshead, Lieutenant General Sir Leslie (Ming) 149–52, 286, 384
Moss, Cliff 210, 216, 398
Mount Martha tent camp 26–7
Muir, Sylvia 404
Murray, General 282
Mussolini 44, 68–70, 85
Myors, Ray 237, 395
Nagasaki 353, 389
Nairana 181
Ned ‘The Glut’ 81
Neilson, Chris 392, 404
Nelson, Dr H.N. ‘Hank’ x, 396–7, 401, 409
New Amsterdam 179–81
New Guinea see Papua and New Guinea
New Zealand forces 114, 117, 121
21st Battalion 108–10
Cairo club 168
Newton, Reg 246
Noble, Don 396
Noble, Rear Admiral Albert G. 384
Norfolk Islanders 269
North Africa 36–93, 148–75
return to Australia 176–8
Noyes, Lieutenant William 150–1
O’Brien, Rusty 403
O’Connor, Geoff 238, 405
Okabe, Major General Toru 324–5
Oliver, Jimmy 217
Oop, Ali 269
Operation Compass 45
Operation Lightfoot 164–5
Orangerie 188
Orcades 29, 197, 199–200
Orontes 190, 192
Otranto 30–1, 34
Overall, Lieutenant Colonel John 281
Owen, Colonel 295, 298–9
Owen Stanley campaign 264–7
Padre Bill 372–4
Panaotie, Jack 407
Papua and New Guinea
Aitape-Wewak campaign 327, 344–53
‘The Beachhead Battles’ 315–18
Bougainville 344, 354–80
disease 310, 316
Huon campaign 270, 323–7
Kokoda Track 288–315
Lae, battle for 329–30
Lae Hill hospital 331
Long Ridge attack 349–50
Nadzab airstrip 331–2
natives 350–1, 352–3
New Britain campaign 335–44
Okabe Detachment 324–5
Owen Stanley campaign 264–7
Papuan Infantry Battalion (PIB) 294, 319–22
Wau airfield 323–5
parachute drops 395–7
paratroops 271–87
Parker, ‘Tich’ 88–93, 144, 265
Parkin, Ray 244–5, 249–50, 3
Parkinson, ‘Snowy’ 21, 87, 146, 348
Pearl Harbor 257
Peat, ‘Snow’ 217
Percival, Lieutenant General Arthur 209, 214
Perry, Johnny 262, 349
Perth 122, 204, 206, 227, 233
Pett, ‘Tarzan’ 266
‘Phoney War’ 64
phosgene gas 13
Pickett, Sergeant ‘Dead Eye’ Dick 75
Piddington, Sydney 391
‘pisspot jugglers’ 54–5
PITA (projectile infantry tank attack) 387
Port Said, Egypt 38–9
post-traumatic stress 401–2, 404–5
postal recruits 18
Potts, Brigadier Arnold 304
Potts, ‘General’ 144–5
Prince of Wales 192
prisoners of war
Changi Gaol 232–5, 390, 394
‘Changi University’ 221–3
constipation 218–19
Death Marches 221, 389
disease 218–19, 226–7, 229, 406–7
dysentery 226–7
frog racing 223–5
humour 219–20
infertility concerns 403–4
loan from Chinese merchant 227
parachute drops 395–7
post Japanese surrender 391–9
propaganda 229–30
rations 217–19, 229
Recovery of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees (RAPWI) 400–1
return to Australia 400–7
revenge 393–5
scrotal dermatitis 229
sea travel 390–1
statistics 220, 390–1
Thai-Burma Railway see Thai-Burma Railway
treatment 214–19, 221
troop movements 230–4, 236–8
‘University of Bandoeng’ 228–9
Prisoners of War: Australians Under Nippon x, 396, 409
Puckapunyal 8–10, 19–20
Pudu Prison 214
Queen Elizabeth 31
Queen Mary 10, 28–9, 31, 34–6, 180
Quintal, Jack 269
racism 47, 210
Rae, Vern 220
rations 62–3, 95–6, 217–18, 339, 342
Recovery of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees (RAPWI) 400–1
Red Cross 15
Reeve, Lieutenant Russell (Rusty) 53, 128
Repulse 192
Richards, Dr Rowley 248–9
Richardson, Frankie 48–9, 83
Richardson, Jim 237, 396–7
rifle-range training 22–3
Robinson, Frank 215
Rommel, Erwin (Desert Fox) 68, 148–52, 154, 162–5, 171–2
Roosevelt, President 258
Royal Air Force (RAF) 50, 101–2
Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) No 30 Squadron 325
Roysie, Sergeant Major 46
Runge, Dave 396
Ryan, Dick 215
S mines 170–1
sake 219–20
Salvation Army (Sallies) 15
Samai, Sergeant 319
San Giorgio 82
Sandow, Frank 30–1
scrotal dermatitis 229
Searle, Jackie 144
Selarang Barracks 221
Seremban Malaysia 10–11
Sherlock, Captain William ‘Bill’ 325
Sherman tanks 163
‘shithouse rumours’ 190
Shropshire 329
Sibson, Roy 22–6, 327–43
signallers 75–6
Singapore 10–11, 192, 209–16
Sinopa (Papuan policeman) 297
Skilton, Bob 256
Slim, Field Marshall Sir William 306
Sloan, Daisy 403–4
Sloan, Sergeant Jack 214, 394
Smith, ‘Butcher’ 245–6
Some Call It Luck 410
Spencer, Sergeant William (Bill) 384–8
Spinneys’ sausages 42
Staben, ‘Plonky’ 40
Stanley, Peter 382
Steele, Captain Ray 214, 216
‘Step Sister’ move 177
Stevenson, Captain 296, 300
Stewart, Captain Bill 73–4
Straight Shooters 410
Strathaird 29–30
stretcher bearers 144–5
Stuart 122–3
Stuart, Donald 242, 247
Stuka dive bombers 122–3
surrender 379–80, 383, 388–90, 393, 395
‘Swivelneck’, Captain 46
Syria see Lebanon and Syria
Tambakis, Peter 96–7
Tarakan invasion 381–3
tattoos 41–2
Taylor, Brigadier Herbert 221
Teasdale, ‘Tissie’ 78
Tel Aviv 39
Templeton, Captain Sam 290, 292, 295–7
ter Poorton, General 202
Terauchi, Count 393
Thai-Burma Railway 221, 226–56
concept 236, 239
conditions 243–7
disease 248–50
escapees 238
forced march 240–1
humour 251–6
‘leggie’ 254–5
mateship 251
nationalities 250
rations 247–8
starvation 247–50
statistics 221, 241–3, 250
work gangs 238–43
Thornton, Sergeant Clarrie 3–4, 210–14
Tobruk 80–6, 149–51
Tokyo War Crimes Trial 248
Tongs, Sergeant Bede 267
Townsville 22–6
Toyohashu Maru 237
Trackson, Herb 404
tradesmen exploitation 47–8
training 8–27
Travers, Major 283
Tribolet, Captain 190–1, 193
Trincomalee 31, 35–6
troop carriers 28
‘Turkey Arse’ 37–8, 45
two-up 21, 35
Uchiyama, Seiichi 317
United States forces
32nd Division 316
37th Division 316
40th Infantry Division 335
126th Regiment 307
Australia, impact in 258–61
entry into war 257–8
Marine Air Group 25 367–8
Texas artillery unit 202, 205–6
van de Post, Lieutenant Colonel Laurens 228
Van Praag, Lionel 277, 283
Vasey, General 308
Vichy French 52, 133–47
Vickers machine gun 12, 50, 51
von Stieglitz, Lorimer Anzac (Blue) 12, 15–17, 64–7, 75, 203
war, declaration of 1–2
Watson, Major 295–7, 299
Wavell, Archibald 67, 95, 148, 149, 200
Webb, Wally 111
Weir, Bill 349
Wells, Rod 404–5
Whelan, Merle 280
White, ‘Darkie’ 57
White, Jackie 21
White, Peter 41–2, 60–1
Whitecross, Roy 405
Whiteman, Louis 265
Williamson, George 403
‘Willie Arris’ 102
Wilmot, ‘Weary’ 348
Wilson, Horrie (Horrible) 4–5
Wilson, ‘Pissy’ 55–6
Wilson, Sam 205
World War I (Great War) 39, 95, 190
Wyatt, Billy 115
Yamashita, General 209
Yates, Bob 403
York 127–8, 130
Young, Bill 6