Can't Buy My Love: Billionaire and Virgin Romance Collection

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Can't Buy My Love: Billionaire and Virgin Romance Collection Page 19

by Jamie Knight

  An idea came to me. I smiled coyly at him. “I want to pick up the game where we left off,” I admitted, pushing my plate to the side.

  Stellan laughed, leaning in closer to me. Something told me that he would be interested. “Alright, I’m game,” he said. “What did you have in mind?”

  “If your proposal is that I will become your assistant and help you with your interviews, you will fuck me right here on this table.”

  Stellan eyed me, seeing if I was serious. I eyed him back, daring him to lie. His mouth twitched into a smile. Moving quickly, he grabbed me, pulled me onto the table, and pushed his already-hard dick into my pussy, fucking me right on the table.

  I knew that I had been right.


  Teaching His Virgin

  Club Lush Book 6

  Copyright © 2019

  Jamie Knight –

  Your Dirty Little Secret Romance Author

  All rights reserved.

  Chapter One – Britney

  From my perch at Club Nova Rush where I can see everyone’s fashion choices, I’m playing my favorite guessing game about who people really are and how that is expressed in their clothing.

  Yes, I am a fashion design major.

  Clothing is my life.

  As I glance around, I see my friend Melissa pressed up against the wall. She looks like a doe trying to escape a forest full of hunters. Unfortunately, she’s not dancing or visiting with any of the guys like our other friends are.

  I can tell without even being in her head that she’s just counting the seconds until we leave. It’s sad. It’s her twenty-first birthday; she should be having fun.

  I was hoping she would enjoy clubbing. As a fashion designer, I am always on the lookout for unique locations and unique events.

  People dress differently at those kinds of things than they do anywhere else. They embody a new “self” when they go out like this, and I use that “new self” vibe to get new ideas for my work.

  And I’m getting plenty right now.

  I would be filling a whole design book full of them, but I didn’t bring one. So, I’m reduced to keeping some notes on my phone and taking some secret pictures of people, hoping that I’ve got enough to work with when I get back to the dorms at NYU.

  I know that Melissa isn’t me, though. She isn’t the clubbing type of person, although five of us had dragged her out tonight to try to make sure she had some birthday fun. In particular, we’d dragged her into this club, even though she hadn’t wanted to come in.

  Suddenly, a tall and ruggedly handsome man slides into the seat next to me. He flashes me a big smile before saying hello.

  He’s hot and I feel my pulse race as I say hello back to him.

  Suddenly, my throat feels dry.

  I want to give him my attention, but Mel is on her way over. I’m pretty sure she wants to leave.

  Maybe she could flirt with the guy who just sat next to me? That might cheer her up, maybe.

  She stops about a foot from my seat and looks at me and the guy. A blush covers her cheeks, causing her to immediately look down at her feet.


  I can barely hear her over the music that’s blaring. Karen and Shay are there with her, presumably as backup.

  “Um, Britney?”

  She steps a little closer, deciding to grab the sleeve on my slinky dress.

  “Britney, I’ve really got to get out of here. I can’t handle the noise.”

  Letting out a breathy, amused laugh, I tell the guy that we’re all here for Mel’s twenty-first birthday. He smiles at her and offers to buy her a drink, but I already know she’s not going to bite.

  “No. No, thank you,” she stammers, never looking up from the floor, and then pulls me out of my seat.

  I shrug at the guy and let her hug me close.

  “I really need to get out of here,” she continues. “I know you think this is a good time, but you know how I am!”

  Pulling out my compact mirror, I sweep back my chestnut brown hair, making sure my lips are still cotton-candy pink, and sigh. I wave for our other friends to gather around us so that they can follow me out.

  “I know,” I tell Mel as we leave.

  What birthday girl wants, birthday girl gets. Even if it’s leaving a club that the rest of us were hoping would help her relax and celebrate and have a good time.

  “Come on, girls.”

  I’m quiet a moment as we find our way out of the bustle and then I say, “I do know, Mel. I was just…I was really hoping you might enjoy yourself in a place like this, even with how sensitive you are.”

  We all keep walking out of the dance and lounge area, toward the main doors.

  “But I don’t really know where else we can celebrate.”

  “Yeah, especially when we did already drive a few hours to get here,” our friend Becky points out. “I mean, if you wanted to go somewhere quiet, we should have just stayed in our borough.”

  I shoot Becky a warning glance, ready to create a fashion disaster for her.

  Shay is the one who puts in the dirty work for me for now, though.

  She elbows Becky, saying, “Don’t be mean, Becky. She really didn’t want to go in, but we made her. You, more than anyone else, actually, are the one who made her. So, you don’t get to complain when she does exactly what we all knew she would.”

  Shay puts her arm around Mel.

  “Don’t worry about it, girl. We will find something else to do. Somewhere else to go. I promise.”

  “We’ll end up going home,” Becky says with a sigh after we have wandered down the street a bit and looked at the business signs.

  “Not unless we end up seeing something interesting,” I say excitedly, immediately catching a glimpse of a woman across the street in the most beautifully bizarre outfit I’ve ever seen.

  It’s got a bodice structured like a corset, but with so many belts and other metal decorations on the skirt. It’s black and red and made of leather, which is definitely not typical, of course.

  Without even realizing it, I start to run after this fashion rarity. I yell at the rest of the girls to follow.

  “Come on! Hurry up, guys! I feel like excitement is this way. People wearing interesting clothes like that don’t just come out of run-of-the-mill restaurants or bars!”

  I’m barely breathing as I pursue my fashion anomaly. The more I look at her, the more the belts traveling the length of her body and legs intrigues me. The way the paleness of her skin contrasts with the pseudo-latticework of the leather— I can’t get it out of my head.

  And I can’t just let it walk away from me. I’ve got to know where she got that outfit, and more importantly, what she plans to do while wearing it!

  As I said, people dress to express different parts of themselves, to put on a new “self” for the night. So, I’m equally intrigued with the idea of what this woman has in store for herself.

  Briefly, I wonder what I would be doing if I was dressed like that, but I quickly dismiss the thought. Certain clothes are made for certain people, and I’m not that “kind of person.” Those clothes are too revealing and too rebellious for my usual look.

  Still, I’m determined to follow her down that rabbit hole, wherever it is, wherever it leads. Even if I don’t think I can pull that kind of look off, I’m excited about the design possibilities. It might be just the thing I need for my end-of-semester project.

  I don’t know how long we’re running for, following this woman, but we quickly end up in a part of town we’re not used too. Not that any of us are paying much attention. I’m starting to really enjoy it the craziness of it all.

  Sure, there could be more danger for us here, but with just one look at the buildings — old, colonial-era masterpieces – I’m certain the inspiration will be worth it. Especially if I catch up to that woman.

  Chapter Two - Britney

  The woman I’m following in
a rather ridiculous manner is currently picking her way across the street to confidently join up with a dapper-looking man in a suit. They stand in front of a large, Colonial, mansion-like building before going inside.

  The sign outside reads Club Lush.

  I’m not sure what kind of club it is, but I know I want to go inside and follow the well-dressed couple.

  Hustling across the street, we end up at the large, dark-stained doors. I pull open one, wave the rest of our crew inside, and get into the breezeway.

  Even the entry seems like it’s out of our league. It’s decked out in dark woods and intricate carvings. Even so, I see my prize. The dapper gentleman and his corset-wearing lady, both of whom are my fashion the obsessions at the moment. They are speaking to a bouncer.

  While the bouncer is wearing a fancy suit and tie, the bulk of his muscles are clearly visible. He looks at us with his arms crossed in front of his massive chest and squints his eyes at our less-expensive clothing and accessories.

  “It seems you’ve lost your way tonight, ladies,” he says. “I’ve never seen you around, and this establishment isn’t open to all. You must have an invitation or a membership to get past me.”

  “It’s okay,” I say, nodding to the bouncer.

  I’m really only here to have my questions answered about the couple’s clothing: where they got them, who made them.

  “I just want to know where you got that amazing outfit,” I say, making eye contact with the lady in the corset, “and that amazing belt… skirt?”

  I blush a bit, turning my eyes to the dapper gentleman.

  “And that is a gorgeous suit.” I blush more deeply. “I chased you all the way here just to find out where you got your outfits. Weird, I know.”

  I look up just in time to see the woman smile at her companion and then at me.

  “It’s an Ainsworth,” she says.


  Instinctively, my eyes find the handsome gentleman in the suit.

  “I’ve never heard of that designer before.”

  Now I’m blushing out of embarrassment.

  I’m a fashion design student! I pride myself on knowing every designer who is a somebody! And Ainsworth, that sounds like a somebody!

  “I’d like to see more of that designer’s work,” I tell them. “I’m a student in fashion design, so I always like to learn about designers I’m not familiar with.”

  I blush again, trying to avert my eyes from his striking face.

  The woman replies easily, gesturing towards the door.

  “There are many more examples of his work in the club.”

  “Many more,” adds the dapper gentleman, looking squarely at me.

  A slight smile crosses his lips, and his eyes light up.

  “But we can’t get in without an invitation,” I say, slightly intimidated by his attention and suddenly feeling rather light-headed.

  I can feel his gaze traveling down to the neck of my dress.

  “Forgive me, ladies,” he says, with his eyes still lingering on me.

  He waves at the bouncer.

  “Let them in. I forgot to mention I was bringing guests tonight, Lyon. My apologies. If anyone has an issue with them, tell them to come talk to me.”

  With that said, he takes the arm of the lady, gives us a bow of the head, and retreats into the club.

  With the intriguing couple gone, and with no other option, the bouncer says, “My mistake, ladies. Any guest of his is a friend of ours. Please, make yourselves at home.”

  With that, I follow the couple inside, gesturing for my friends to follow.

  “Quick! Before he changes his mind!”

  The moment I pass through the breezeway and into the club proper, my eyes are rewarded with a plethora of different outfits and accessories. There are leather and buckles everywhere. Metal and satin are everywhere, too.

  I see people wheeling carts of leather whips along the stages, decorated with various people chained down and taking punishment. That is when I realize: Club Lush is a sex club!

  “Oh shit,” I giggle. “I’ve heard rumors about places like this, but to actually stumble upon one? Holy fuck. Now, this is perfect for a birthday celebration!”

  I watch intently as other couples and groups walk by us. The couple closest to us has a man in a collar and his partner is holding the leash.

  All of this is new and exciting to me. Even if this kind of clothing is considered “fringe,” my mind is going a mile a minute coming up with ways to make it mainstream. It could be fashionable, even if you don’t spend your weekends living and breathing on the other end of a leash.

  I snap some pictures with my phone, covertly, feeling my pussy get wet. I feel exhilarated by the idea that I’m probably taking pictures where photography is prohibited. Also by the fact that even our waitress, a woman now showing us to a table, is dressed scantily.

  I can tell by the way she moves and speaks in that dress, that she takes an immense amount of power — not weakness — from showing so much flesh.

  We are shown to our seats and are given a moment to put in orders for drinks for each of us.

  The waitress makes mention that they have been paid for.

  I would ask her who paid for them, but deep down, I already know.

  I’m not sure, but I think I see that same dapper gentleman loitering by the bar. I can’t be certain, though, because his presence is concealed by the approach of another woman. One who is dressed as if Marilyn Monroe found her second life in a BDSM club.

  It doesn’t matter, though— whether I can see him or not, I know he’s our mysterious benefactor.

  I’m beginning to feel glad that I didn’t pursue things with the guy at the other bar. I might have thought he was attractive but he didn’t make my pulse rate like this new guy does. I want to get with him tonight, no matter what I have to do to make that happen.

  Chapter Three – Kace

  I’ve gone into Club Lush with Lily, the woman who is supposed to be my companion for the evening, but I keep my eyes on the group of six young women I’ve given an impromptu invitation to. Yes, they are all my guests, but particularly the one who showed interest in that corset I designed for Lily, and that she’s wearing to stunning effect currently.

  That young woman.

  That design student.

  She intrigues me, even if she’s never heard of my design work.

  She will be fun to get to know better.

  I smile widely, seeing how eagerly and attentively she absorbs the fashion landscape around her. From the way her dark eyes flitter from costume to costume (quite a few designed by me), I can tell she likes what she sees. I can also tell she doesn’t quite see herself in any of these designs, any of these pieces of clothing.

  If I have my way with you tonight the way I want to, that’s going to change for you, my little fashion designer. Not only in how you see yourself, but how you see the world.

  A shiver goes up my spine, sending warmth and bulk into my crotch.

  But that’s only if you let me punish you.

  Dress you up in all those things you think you won’t be able to pull off, or that weren’t “made for girls like you.”

  Silently, I gesture to one of the many waitresses to gather them up and see them— the clutch of beautiful girls— and let them order anything they want. On my tab. Especially the one in the 70’s sweater and adorably dorky squared glasses.

  She’s gorgeous and curvy, and I want to see her naked. I want to view every inch of her luscious, young body.

  I come to Club Lush quite a bit.

  I guess you can say I have my tastes and my preferences, and this club lets me explore them all.

  But I can’t remember any time I’ve ever seen a woman as beautiful as her here.

  After giving the commands to the waitress, and watching her do my bidding, I turn to my companion for the evening, Lily.

  “Lily, de
ar,” I say, putting my hand on her shoulder.


  She turns her big, liquid eyes to me.

  “I know we had a previous arrangement this evening, but I’ve decided to pursue another interest.”

  I don’t bother to hide the fact that my eyes are finding the young woman in the sweater, and trailing every inch of her curves.

  Lily smiles, looking at the young woman too.

  “I knew she had captured you,” she whispers. “She’s captured me as well. If it were a different night or a different arrangement, I might be exploring her as well.”

  She gives me a simple smile.

  A shrug comes to her shoulders a moment later.

  “Don’t worry about me, Kace. With this outfit having already drawn one crowd in for the evening”— she nods to the girls’ table where Lady White is beginning to explain the rules to the group — “I’ll have no trouble finding another person to keep me company tonight.”

  “Good, Lily. I will be interested to hear what feedback your playmates give you about that outfit later.”

  With that, I give her a nudge and send her dancing into the crowd. Already, I can see the eyes of other club-goers trailing my friend. They devour the outfit that I designed for her.

  Lily has always had great taste, or some might say unique taste.

  I was glad to have a willing wearer of some of my more outrageous designs.

  And I’m glad that the young woman with the 70’s vibe appreciates it.

  It means she’s just my type.

  It’s almost as if fate has brought us together tonight, and I intend to take full advantage of whatever else it might have in store for us.

  After Lily disappears from sight, I take up a concealed place at the bar. It’s filled with other men, but they quickly make a space for me. I double-check with the bartender that every girl at that table has been put on my tab.


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