Can't Buy My Love: Billionaire and Virgin Romance Collection

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Can't Buy My Love: Billionaire and Virgin Romance Collection Page 171

by Jamie Knight

  And hopefully someday soon, your husband.

  As Melissa begins to drive us on our path toward the office, and to the ultimate, final showdown, I make a vow to myself. That if I live through this, come out of this richer and stronger for my own self and my career, that’s exactly what I’m going to do.

  I’m going to ask her to marry me, and then I’m going to tell my dad he can sell my car and all my stuff.

  Who needs any of that shit when you have a wife like Melissa at your side?

  After a tense ride to the office, one in which my mind obsesses over what I’m going to say, what evidence I’m going to show first, and what the hell I’m going to do if Vanacore is there in front of me, and starts — or tries to start some shit. If she tries to ruin my career right then and there, I’m not sure exactly what I’m going to do, but I am sure that I’m not going to let her do that.

  I’m also sure that Kane, Ashton, and whomever else has been brought into this, I’m quite sure they’re not going to let her get away with much of that anymore, either. Not if they found enough to finally call me in. I’m probably going to be the final nail in her coffin. The horizon that her sun sets over.

  As I follow Melissa out of the elevator, we both head through the top floor, ignoring Isabella’s greetings and questions to us, we end up in front of one of the conference rooms. There, Melissa hugs me.

  She nuzzles me a bit, saying, “It’ll be all right, my love. Now is your chance to get her like you wanted to. Take her down, so don’t be afraid. I’m right here with you through the whole thing.”

  “I know,” I murmur, lightly lacing my fingers in hers. “Thank you. Thank you for everything.”

  “Anything for you, my boss,” she says. What she says next, it sounds like, “my dear husband,” but I can’t be sure.

  I don’t have time to ask her, either. The doors open to the conference room that Melissa chose for us, and both of us step into the eerily-dark room. The air is thick here, weighed down by anticipation and dread. And not just for me. Everyone’s already inside, waiting. And by everyone, I mean everyone: Kane, Ashton, Mrs. Smith, Charlotte, Jake, Reese, and the person I hate to see most of all, Vanacore.

  As she sees me walk into the room, there’s nothing kind of out her eyes anymore. She has no love there, just the vicious, unending desire to destroy me.

  Chapter Sixty-Six - Melissa

  Vanacore’s eyes eat away at Tommy and me like acid as we enter the conference room, find seats as far away from her as possible, and prepare ourselves to eject this demon from our little slice of heaven on earth.

  I choose the seats across from Reese as she looks softer and more protective than any of the men in the room. Make no mistake; however: she also looks like she’s ready to dispatch Vanacore into the netherworld as well. She’s just not as outwardly disappointed.

  Reese’s actually the first one to speak.

  She brushes a piece of her long, honey-blonde hair back.

  “We’re here today to finalize the validity of the accusations leveled against Joan Vanacore by Tommy Radner and Melissa Star.” Reese pauses, looking at us both. “Melissa’s charges of assault in the bathroom have already been supported by evidence.”

  Here, Tommy gives me a look of shock and horror and of anger and confusion, and I know he’s going to give me an earful about it later.

  “Why the hell didn’t you tell me?” screams across his face, and I duck my head in front of it.

  “But your charges. Ones of sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, and, most recently, sexual assault, those have been somewhat substantiated by Melissa, but we need your testimony, Tommy. Any evidence you can provide to us to make the final verdict on this.” Here, Reese shoots Vanacore a look of death.

  She gives her one right back but doesn’t say anything. Somehow, she manages to have some restraint today. Maybe because she knows her verbal and physical assault on me a few days ago only got her in hotter water, not less.

  “I have all the evidence you need,” answers Tommy numbly. “Everything is there.”

  As he speaks, I see him opening a variety of files on his phone. The first is a notepad application.

  “Here are some notes of the various sexual advances, their time, their date, and content.” Reese reads it over, getting both paler and darker around the edges as she goes. “Thank you, Tommy,” she says, passing it back to Charlotte to look at. “Can you send all of that to me, and the rest of the partners assembled here?”

  “Yes, I can.”

  While he is answering robotically, I can see how bad his hands are shaking. How they are starting to sweat. He busies himself was sending that email, attaching the various files. Within seconds, pings from each of the different phones in various places on the partners or on the table, go off.

  I watch them all take a moment to read what he sent them.

  “This is all very well and good. Thorough enough,” announces Ashton, “But not good enough to substantiate the severity of these claims. Do you have anything else you can show us, Tommy? Audio or video? Anything like that?”

  Tommy clears his throat.

  “I have audio and video,” he says.

  I watch him as he keys into another series of programs and begins to play set audio files.

  They cover a variety of things: of Vanacore essentially bribing and/or threatening to increase or decrease Tommy’s pay based on how well he performs and how willing he is to do certain “jobs” — very clearly of a sexual nature; still other soundbites capture requests for sexual acts and all related noises.

  The partners, Charlotte, and Reese listen to all of this, visibly disturbed by it. But they are determined to take notes, to listen to it in full, getting a clear picture of just the kind of woman Vanacore really is behind closed doors — the closed doors of their company specifically. Something that’s already having a bit of an image crisis and doesn’t need this apocalypse.

  At the end of all that, Ashton expresses his thanks.

  Jake, looking white with anger and disgust, something I’ve never seen before on a face that’s usually full of happiness and warmth, says, “Thank you, Tommy. Send us copies of that as well, if you would. For our records.”


  Tommy messes with his phone, loading soundbites onto emails and sending them.

  Again, the office erupts in a cacophony of notification bells and chimes, as each item comes into the inbox of the assembled group.

  “I would normally ask you to defend yourself,” Kane says to Vanacore, “I would normally ask you what you have to add to any of this, or if you are going to offer any kind of alternative explanation to why they would be saying this about you, but I’m not going to in this case. The evidence speaks for itself. And for you.”

  Vanacore bolts up out of her chair, practically foaming at the mouth. She levels an angry finger at Tommy, then at me.

  “They’re in on this together! They’re dating! A fact I’m quite sure you didn’t know, and that they didn’t bother to tell you. Exactly so they could get me on all of this stuff. Try to destroy my reputation. A reputation I’ve been building carefully for the last thirty years!”

  She leans in Tommy’s direction, and I see him go a little pale, but he quickly covers that up with a stern, straightforward stare.

  “He has a video! Of him enjoying what he was doing to me. That little brat is kinky! He wanted to post it on the Internet and all of that.”

  “That’s not true,” Tommy says. “I do have the video and you can see for yourself that while I was going along with it to some extent, so that I could gather this evidence I knew you’d want from me, I stopped before I did anything sexual, and she was the one who continued.”

  Ashton jumps in, also taking a stand. He looks grossed out by the though of Vandacore doing something sexual, and I don’t blame him.

  While his voice is calm, his eyes are not. He looks like a lion in a suit — one you w
on’t want to mess with, even if you are the devil himself.

  “I don’t care. It’s already been made quite clear to us, by what we were able to unearth from your office, from other people we talked to who were involved with you in Missouri, that you have been at this for as many years as you’ve been in this business.”

  Tommy nods triumphantly.

  Ashton continues, “In addition to all of that, it was already made clear to us that Tommy was doing this for the good of us. For our company. For our reputations, so I’d say he very much got the upper hand on you.”

  “Which means,” adds Jake, standing as well. “That you have no ground to stand on. Not with McKenzie Tech, Vanacore.”

  Vanacore gets even more rabid. She actually grinds her teeth to the point of all of us being able to hear it.

  “That’s of no consequence! I already have plans to level a countersuit against those two! Against you all, and in fact!” She slams her hands down on the table. “For damages and suffering!”

  She smiles a little crazily here as if she’s about to feed on someone’s flesh or blood. “And with your rival law firm!” She finishes pointing at Jake.

  “Whatever, Vanacore,” says Ashton, in a rare moment of informality. “Whatever countersuit you think you’re going to bring, bring it. We’ll be filing a suit against you, anyway, to reimburse us for a very large sum we’re going to pay Tommy so that he won’t sue us over this. And in any event, you’re fired, anyway.”

  I fight as hard as I can to not start celebrating right then and there. I’m so glad to hear Tommy will get something to make up for this awful mess. This probably goes for most everyone else at the table, too. But they all, including me, manage to keep their masks on.

  “As for their relationship,” says Kane calmly, “I already knew about it.”

  Saying this, he whips out some forms. I recognize them immediately. The consensual relationship disclosure forms and agreements that I signed earlier today. He’s now producing them for Tommy to sign as well, explaining the situation.

  “I knew about it long before Melissa ever came in to sign the papers. And now I’m having Tommy sign them, just to cover our bases.”

  Tommy grabs them and quickly signs them, looking like he wants to throw me across this conference table and fuck me right here, right now. Not that I wouldn’t mind. Just… without Vanacore and everyone else here to watch.

  I put my hand on his leg under the table and squeeze it. I hope that it says all that I want to say to him:

  “I love you. You’re amazing, and I’m sorry I ever doubted you.”

  Something like that.

  Around us, Vanacore goes ballistic. She actually starts to go for some of the partners physically, until Reese phones for security through an office phone, telling them she’s requesting removal of an uppity, former employee.

  Chapter Sixty-Seven - Tommy

  Karma’s the best. Watching it come after someone in its full glory, who’s been skirting paying that karmic debt for decades, is just glorious. It’s almost better than sex, not quite, but almost.

  It definitely makes what I’ve been going through with her for almost a month totally and completely worth it. The only thing that makes it more worth it is to watch Vanacore rage and freak out as the security guards are hauling her away, and the other partners have come out of their offices to watch and listen to her insult damn-near anyone within range.

  But the best part, the best bit of karma I get to witness, comes when Kane steps out into the hall, looks at Vanacore directly and announces, “Let the record show, and from these witnesses, that, due to Vanacore being unfit and unworthy of running her part of the merger agreement between our two companies, I hereby promote her assistant, Tommy Radner, to head of the legal department. We will pay for any further education and training he needs and for him to sit for the New York Bar Exam. He is now going to be the boss over all of your previous clients, Vanacore. I’ve heard nothing but good things from them all. Though he wasn’t directly involved and their cases, the little bit he did talk to them on the phone, left a great impression.”

  Vanacore goes nuts, hurling insults at Kane. She threatens to get him back. She says that bigger companies have her back and will help her take this godforsaken company for all its worth, reputation included.

  Many of the witnesses start to murmur that she is out of her mind and crazy to insult the founder like that, but Vanacore’s oblivious and careless to it all. She’s out for blood now, that much is clear. I don’t care anymore. If Vanacore keeps any more of this up, they won’t just throw her out of the building. They might just throw her in jail for the day to cool off.

  But, it’s only as Vanacore’s screams fade, and she dragged truly out of sight, that Kane’s words strike me. That what he said about me being promoted to head of Vanacore’s old portion of the company, hits me like a ton of gold bars.

  I look over at Kane as if I just now heard him say those things.

  “Mr. McKenzie, what did you say?”

  “You’re promoted, Mr. Radner,” says Kane with a wink. “Head of what was formerly Vanacore’s portion of the merger. We’ll assign another lawyer to help you out until you’re a fully fledged lawyer but I think it’s about time we start making that happen. Along with all the money we’re going to give you, of course.”

  Hearing this bit of news again, the assembled witnesses begin to clap and cheer. They murmur their congratulations to me.

  And this is when it finally hits me; I’ve just gotten my dream job. Not just a job within the company that’s out of the legal aid hell, but an actual job as a lawyer as soon as I become with. I’m not just an associate or assistant; I’m the head of legal.

  This means I’ll actually get to practice law, as soon as I pass the bar exam. I was going to be happy with Vanacore being gone, and taking over as an associate or assistant for some other lawyer. I didn’t think I would actually become the head of legal. Not to mention be awarded a huge sum of money.

  “Thank you, Mr. McKenzie,” I blubber, “thank you, everyone, for your help in all this business, for believing that I had your best interest in mind! Thank you for entrusting me with bigger responsibilities!”

  My eyes are back on Kane as I say this, and Kane just looks doting at me, like a father.

  “You deserve it, Tommy,” he says. “You really do. After doing such exemplary work as an associate, and then taking it upon yourself to protect our reputation like that, to take on that burden all by yourself, that deserves a reward. I’m happy to give that promotion to you. We all are.” As he says this, the rest of the partners nod and pat me on the back.

  Kane turns to Reese.

  “Darling,” he says in his usual charming way, “can you do me a huge favor?”

  “Of course, Kane,” she says. “What can I do for you?”

  “Can you make sure a press release goes out today, notifying each one of Vanacore’s clients of the change in leadership?”

  The more I listen to him speak, the more I feel my head spin.

  “I sure can,” answers Reese.

  Melissa’s hand laces itself in mine covertly, almost like she knows I’m getting dizzy and need someone to steady me. I squeeze her hand back, immediately thankful for her support. The dizziness does go away.

  “Also, make sure all of Vanacore’s crap gets thrown out for her on the sidewalk,” adds Kane.

  “Got it,” answers Reese mischievously.

  “And also make sure all of the plaques on Vanacore’s office gets changed over to Mr. Radner’s information,” says Ashton, putting in his two cents.

  “Absolutely, Ash. Will do.” With that, Reese rushes back to Kane’s office to do all of the work she’s just been given, and I’m left there to be dumbfounded and starstruck.

  I’ve been promoted to actual “boss” status! Me! And when all I started out wanting was just a job outside of the legal aids’ floor!

  I feel extr
emely lucky. I not only have a nice new job, and the ability to actually fulfill my dreams of becoming a lawyer, but I have the best girlfriend in the world. A girlfriend I want to make into a wife.

  So, while every one of the partners is still there is a witness, I get down on my knee, surprising Melissa. At first, she looks worried — like I’m fainting or something, but as I take her hand in mine, and kiss it, she looks like she’s about to faint. She’s turned at least fifty shades of red.

  “I know I don’t have a ring yet,” I say, shoving away feelings of embarrassment, and the little demon in my head who says I’m not worthy enough of her, “so I know this looks kind of dorky, but I’m going to do it anyway, right now, before I lose my nerve.”

  I pause, gathering my breath and my words and my courage and my strength.

  “Melissa Star”—she’s already starting to cry, and waved her hand quickly in front of her face— “Love of my life, impromptu wardrobe artist, bringer of all my fortune and happiness, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife? Of becoming my partner in crime, not only at work? But on the road of life?”

  Everyone around us starts to make “aww” sounds. Even the partners, who are not usually so mushy.

  Melissa’s completely overcome with tears, but she squeaks out, “Yes! Yes, my love! I will marry you! Nothing would make me happier than to become your wife!”

  I kiss her hand.

  “Then imagine I’m putting a ring on your finger.” I smile sheepishly over her hand. “I’m going to go out and get one once we’re done here, but I imagine that it’s there, okay?”

  “I’m imagining,” says Melissa comfortingly, “and it’s beautiful. I can’t wait to see the real thing.”

  I get up off my knees, bringing her in for a kiss in front of everyone and break away, saying, “You won’t have to wait long, because I’m going out to get a ring for you right now!”


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