Battle Lines (The Ethereal War Book 2)

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Battle Lines (The Ethereal War Book 2) Page 4

by Greg Ballan

  EJ flinched at the crackling sound. "Does it hurt when you heal?"

  Erik looked down at his son. "Not nearly as much as getting hurt. Daddy will be fine." Erik looked over at the burnt-out hulk that was his truck. "We're going to need to call Mom and get a ride home though."

  EJ's head tilted and the child hissed, his eyes burning a fiery blue. Erik's body instantly followed his son's lead, picking up on the disturbance. Something was coming, something huge. Erik's Esper side struggled to the surface, the call of the warrior preparing for another battle.

  The pavement in the center of the parking lot began to shake and crack. The ground shifted as if enduring an earthquake.

  "What in the Hell is going on?" Erik muttered as he struggled to his feet. He tightened his grip on the blade and instinctively pushed EJ behind him. The child clung to his father's leg, eyes still burning with Esper fire.

  The center of the parking lot erupted. Streams of liquid rock and fire shot into the sky while burning rocks pelted the few remaining intact cars. At the cataclysm's epicenter, a large creature rose up phoenix-like from the fire. Its eyes were orange burning embers and massive curled horns adorned its ebony, angular head. The massive entity turned, looking directly at Erik and EJ. A voice blasted out like an air horn.

  "GIVE ME THE CHILD OR YOU WILL DIE!" The creature punctuated its demand by spraying a stream of scalding fire directly toward them.

  Erik turned, dove and grabbed EJ. His momentum carried them behind the large dumpster. Erik shielded EJ with his body, wincing and waiting for the burning shards of molten metal to land on his body. Metallic fragments plinked overhead. Erik looked up into a silver dome. Once again the staff had acted on its own volition protecting both father and son. Another volley of flame battered the protective blister and then another. The demonic flame couldn't pierce the Sentient Staff, but the metal wasn't able to refract all of the fire's ambient heat. Eventually EJ would be cooked alive. The staff sensed Erik's concern and a small opening appeared on the far end of the dome. Fresh cool air rushed in and Erik forced himself out of the small opening. He had to face off against the large creature before his son was baked like a stuffed turkey.

  "Daddy, where are you going? Please don't leave me!"

  Erik paused. He ducked another searing blast of flame scampering back under the protective blister.

  "Son, do you remember how you changed in order to fight off the bad thing that was hurting Mommy earlier when Daddy was away?"

  EJ nodded slightly.

  "Well, now Daddy has to change too so he can fight off this really big bad guy. I can't do it in this form, like you couldn't fight the ghost as a boy. You had to change. I can change too, just like you can, and now I need to change and make the bad things stop." Another salvo shook the ground and the staff moaned in response. Erik sensed the weapon couldn't endure this kind of searing punishment forever. Erik pointed to the staff. My weapon is trying very hard to protect us but it needs my help and it needs you to be brave and stay put, Can you do that?"

  EJ nodded. Erik gently kissed his son's cheek and scampered out from under the protection. The surface of the staff's protective blister glowed red hot. Erik needed to move quickly…

  The titanic demon spotted him. GIVE ME THE CHILD!

  Erik focused his will and charged the massive creature. "I AM THE WARRIOR!" Frail pink flesh changed to metallic organic armored plate. Erik Knight was no longer human. The Esper warrior leapt into the air hissing loudly. It slammed into the larger demon like a tank shell driving the hell beast backwards. The Esper didn't stop; it hit the massive beast with a right cross that shook the ground with concussive force. The large behemoth flew backward, sprawled out on the large parking lot, stunned by the blow. The silver warrior leapt into the night sky disappearing for three full seconds. The demon looked up and was unable to react as the silver warrior slammed into its torso with both legs, shattering its abdominal shell, and passing clear through the creature's lower back.

  The demon cried out in agony clawing at its smaller opponent in a desperate attempt to remove the organic intruder from its open torso. The hybrid raised both fists over its head and unleashed a pile drive blow that shattered the creature's armored pectoral plates and crushed the heavy bones beneath. Orange and yellow fluids bubbled out of the hideous wounds, but the large demon fought on.

  It tilted forward, swinging its large arm like a whip, swatting his adversary as a man would swat an errant fly or mosquito. Erik raised an arm and met the strike with a powerful forearm block. The sound of armored metal flesh impacting with demonic rock flesh echoed off every surface and reverberated throughout the parking lot. The momentum generated by the force was enough to dislodge him from the demon's torso. He landed several feet back in the ruined parking lot, his legs covered with demonic blood and sinew.

  The massive beast stood and the Esper was able to look clear through the gaping hole. HOLY CRAP, IT'S STILL STANDING!

  The demon charged, slamming both titanic fists down in a hammer blow. The Esper Warrior easily evaded the blow that shattered pavement and sent up a spray of rock and dirt leaving a five-foot deep crater behind.

  I'VE GOTTA END THIS NOW! Erik tensed powerful leg muscles and launched himself toward the demon. NOW! He threw his whole body into his next punch, a powerful overhand right cross. His silver fist smashed through the creature's chest and the momentum pushed his entire body through the chest cavity and clear through the back of the demon's rib cage. The hybrid rolled once, coming up into a fighting stance, arms up ready for combat. He had punched clean through the creature and come out the other side! The large demon turned slowly, now with two massive holes in its twenty-five foot body. The demon's eyes began to burn hotter and it shrieked a sound of pure agony that shattered the glass panes of every building in the shopping complex. It stumbled toward its smaller foe and raised a club-like fist ready to rain down another blow. Erik reached up and caught the large fist in a vice-like grip. With slow malicious intent, he wrenched the arm with his enhanced power, tearing the limb off the critically wounded beast. The creature staggered, as the hybrid pressed his attack. Erik tensed his powerful hand and the razor sharp claws at the ends of his fingers extended several inches. He leapt toward the stunned demon, slashing his claws across the dazed creature's neck. The beast raised its remaining hand in a futile attempt to stop the flow of ichor spraying from the open wound. After three seconds, the beast's eyes flickered and its head fell, severed onto the ruined pavement. The headless torso toppled over collapsing in a gigantic heap. Whatever force held the beast together ceased and the stone skin bubbled and liquefied, evaporating into a wispy smoke.

  The hybrid took a deep breath. Battle-hardened eyes studied the ruined parking lot. The once-smooth car area resembled a war zone. There was still a threat. He could feel it. Something was watching, observing and calculating. The warrior essence knew something else was there.


  The ground shook again and two larger demons climbed out of the rubble. Each one nearly thirty feet tall. YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING!

  A silky smooth voice echoed through the night. "You cannot win, Erik Knight. You can't fight for all eternity. Even you will weaken eventually. I repeat my offer. Surrender the child now and live out your life in wealth, women and power."

  Erik tried to pinpoint the location with his laser sharp Esper senses but the voice was everywhere, even inside his head. The two massive creatures paused, waiting for his reply. Erik's armored flesh recoiled. He knew what was talking to him and he felt fear. He projected his thoughts into the night sky. Lucifer I presume?

  "I will have the boy, human. Even with your Esper power, you can't possibly expect to prevail against me and my hosts. I heard your boast at Vatican City, human. No pathetic creature of flesh and blood—not even one like you—can oppose me. This world will be mine. Your child will be mine."

  The hybrid
looked up to the night sky his eyes burned even brighter, casting their radiance like burning beacons. No, no he won't. You're not getting my son but you can have this! Erik pointed toward one of the large demons. "ANARAH ANKOLAH!!!!!" The heavens above erupted as a titanic bolt of lightning arced down from the sky slamming into one of the unsuspecting demons. The creature was vaporized and exploded, spraying tiny bits of stony flesh around the war zone. The force of the blast stunned the other demon and blew up nearly half of the parking lot. As Erik prepared to engage the other foe, a searing beam of pure white light struck the beast. The demon shrieked in agony and simply winked out of existence.

  A cascade of laughter overwhelmed the night. "You're having a bad day, old friend. You lost this round. Go back to your foul pit while you still can!"

  The voice Erik knew to be Lucifer wasn't so cocky anymore. "You won't win. These apes are half way to my doorstep already. I have played by HIS rules and am winning. The child should not be, you know that! You…"

  "You know nothing, Prince of the Darkness, you made your choice eons ago when the universe was young. My patience has come to an end!" The sky lit up with pure ivory-white lightning. The thunderclap shook the entire area. Lucifer never finished his tirade.

  The hybrid probed the darkness. The sense of foreboding and evil was gone. In the distance he heard crickets. He looked up into the sky and blinked in disbelief. A being of pure white hovered over the spot where EJ hid. The being spoke to the staff in a series of droning hums and moans. The hybrid recognized the significant tenor as his weapon responded to the voice. Erik moved quickly, covering the distance with one large leap, landing a scant two feet from his concealed child.

  THAT'S CLOSE ENOUGH! The hybrid projected, looking up at the white, ethereal being. Erik's eyes burned like hot blue suns. Bio organic power cracked throughout his body and he made a slight gesture with his hand. The sky rumbled and blue lighting arced throughout the sky as thunder shook the landscape.

  The being of light landed gently several feet away. Large wings gently folded and disappeared behind the white entity. The ethereal being held out its arms in a peaceful gesture. "I'm not your enemy, Erik Knight and my interest here is only to protect you and your child." The being pointed toward the large smoking crater created by his lightning strike. "Though you appear to have the situation in hand, for now."

  You'll forgive me if I'm skeptical. Erik's approach was cautious. His will created a massive thunderhead directly over the battleground. The smell of ozone and agitated energies dominated the night.

  The ethereal being looked up alarmed. "I assure you, I am not here to battle, but I will defend myself!" The being took two steps back as Erik approached his son.

  The hybrid studied the being of Light. Both entities glared at each other, burning blue suns staring into fiery white orbs … both anticipating.

  Erik sensed no evil, just an overwhelming sense of power. He'd battled enough for one evening. I'm going to take you at you word. He reached out, fingers extended.

  Erik's staff reformed and settled in his hand. EJ stood beside his father, looking up at him with awe.

  "Daddy? Did you beat the bad guys?"

  Erik looked down at his son bathing his child in the light from his eyes. THE BAD GUYS ARE GONE NOW, SON. Erik willed himself back to human form. EJ gasped as the child watched his father appear where a titanic silver monolith once stood. Erik hugged his son, unable to stop his own tears. "I'm so proud of you little man. You were so brave."

  EJ held on to his father. "I had an accident in my pants."

  Erik noticed the large wet spot on the front of his son's jeans and burst out laughing. After all the child had been through, he was worried about peeing his pants. Erik held him close. "Daddy nearly wet his pants too. It'll be our secret." Erik looked down at his nearly naked body. "At least you kept your pants on, buddy, Dad's clothes are in ashes."

  Erik looked back up at the being. It was smiling. "You are brave, little one and your father is truly worthy. All Father chose well with you." It pointed toward Erik, "We have much to discuss, hybrid warrior. There is much you need to know. You are in great danger, more peril than you can possibly realize. More peril than even you, with your amazing power, can counter."

  Erik stood, picking up his son. He struggled to keep his sanity, his mind screaming at the impossibility of what had just occurred and what was still happening to him and his son. "What are you? I know what the religious texts call you, but is that what you really are?" He struggled to push out the word, "An angel?"

  The ethereal being laughed—a laugh an adult would make if asked an amusing question by a child. "I am called many things on many worlds, hybrid. Your human tongue is limited and even your enhanced Esper mind could not comprehend the true nature of what we really are."

  Erik frowned. "I see modesty and humility are in short supply among ethereal beings."

  The entity of light laughed again. "I apologize if my manner seems…" it struggled, searching for the word.

  "Arrogant?" Erik offered.

  "Yes, precisely, Esper, arrogant, I apologize if my words and manner seem arrogant. I am unused to dealing with mortals, even enhanced mortals such as you."

  "I need to ask you a question, if that's allowed."

  The being scowled. "It isn't, but you trusted me, so I make this one exception. What is your question?"

  Erik sighed, holding his son tighter. He forced the words from his lips, despite his rising gorge. "Is what my friend Charlie Gallagher said earlier true?" Erik avoided getting into details with his son listening.

  The being shifted uncomfortably, weighing the consequences of answering. It looked up, eyes blazing white. "Yes. What you were told by your friend and the old man is accurate, but not complete. There is more happening than you are aware."

  Erik shook his head. "I'm getting that impression."

  "We will talk tomorrow. There will be no more battles tonight. Your victories here will give pause to the forces of darkness, but they will regroup. Take your child home. He has been through much. Tomorrow begins a new chapter."

  Erik nodded. "Tomorrow."

  The being's large white wings unfurled and with one delicate motion, it took to the sky. It made a sweeping gesture, pointing toward the ruined parking lot. "Go home and rest. The battle has yet to begin." The ethereal being beat its wings and soon vanished, swallowed by the darkness of the night sky. Erik could hear sirens closing; someone heard the commotion from the heated combat.

  "We need to move, Lil' Man. I don't have a believable tale to explain this mess."

  "Daddy! Your truck!"

  Erik spun around and followed EJ's pointed finger. Erik's truck stood alone amid the cacophony of ruined vehicles. The pickup truck had somehow been restored. Erik walked toward the truck. It was his, same make, model, color right down to the mud flaps and light bar. But something was missing, the detective observed. The dings and surface rust were gone—all the imperfections caused from one hundred thousand miles of use no longer marred the truck's body. The vehicle looked as if it just came off a showroom floor.

  "No." Erik muttered. "It can't be. It just can't be the same ride!"

  He opened the door. The dome light that hadn't worked in months activated and illuminated the cab. The newspaper he'd purchased that morning was there. The picture of Shanda was taped to an immaculate dashboard right where he'd put it a year ago. Even the Uber Café coffee cup he'd left in the cup holder was there with the dregs of melted iced coffee from early in the morning. Erik spotted a pair of pants and undergarments resting on EJ's car seat along with a set of sweatpants and a hooded jacket with the Dawkens' Fitness logo emblazoned on each garment neatly tucked on the driver's seat. Erik pulled out the clothes and they quickly changed. The keys were in the ignition and the detective suddenly realized even his multiple key chains had been duplicated perfectly.

  The sirens closed in and Erik could see the flashing blue lights. "Here goes nothing!" He turned the key
and the engine roared to life. He quickly secured his son and put the vehicle in gear. Erik didn't know what to expect as he carefully navigated the ruined lot. He was half afraid the truck would suddenly turn into a pumpkin and several mice, leaving them both stranded. The two-tone blue and black Silverado left the parking lot as several police units arrived to the scene of mayhem. Erik looked through his rear view mirror shaking his head in disbelief. He looked forward, studying the shiny new vehicle. It was a perfect replica of his truck right down to the aftermarket pillar gauges Shanda bought him last Christmas.

  "It looks just like your truck." EJ remarked not fully understanding the implication of what was occurring.

  Erik nodded as he reached over and patted his son's head. "It does indeed, son." Erik spotted a cell phone on the center console. Of course it was a perfect replica of the one destroyed. He pressed some digits and handed the device over to his son. "Tell Mom we're on our way home. I'm sure she's worried about you." The detective took a deep breath struggling to control his sanity.

  Chapter 3: Soul Bounty

  Erik pulled into the driveway. It was nearly midnight. Despite his hope, EJ was still awake asking him questions about all the events he'd experienced. Erik did his best to downplay the horrible things they both endured but he wasn't doing a very good job.

  "Daddy, I have another question."

  The child's tone had changed. It took on a desperate undertone that caused Erik to focus totally on his son. "Okay buddy, what's on your mind?"

  A tear flowed down the child's cheek. "You said we were different, that we can change. We can become just like the monsters. I saw you in my head. I saw you fight. I saw you kill that big thing and then the lightning you made fall from the sky! Was that really you! Are we monsters too, Daddy?"


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