Battle Lines (The Ethereal War Book 2)

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Battle Lines (The Ethereal War Book 2) Page 18

by Greg Ballan

  Erik nodded. "But he scored more of that mystical black fabric. It's going to make tracking him that much more difficult."

  "My friend, you are a glass half empty kind of guy. Let's take the win and get the hell out of here. We're starting to draw attention to ourselves." Denton motioned his head toward a gathering crowd of assorted aliens. "I'm assuming they're the crew of the ship we just liberated. I can't imagine they're too happy with us, considering we've stranded them here."

  Erik glanced over. Martin's assessment was spot on, several aliens had gathered and they were all in similar attire. They were the crew of the massive Space Mariner. "I think it's time to make a strategic retreat. Most of them saw the battle and know I'm no pushover. I don't think they're going to try anything, but let's not tempt fate by sticking around." Both men walked rapidly away from the hangar.

  "Can you find our way back to the portal that brought us here?"

  Erik nodded. "Yeah, that shouldn't be too hard. I pretty much have an idea where it is. Martin, I'm sorely tempted to go back for that Esper. I can't leave her here. I can't leave knowing she's a slave or worse."

  "I know how you feel, believe me I do. But you go in guns blazing and you'll trigger gawd only knows what kind of response. Your son needs you and your wife needs you. Fighting here doesn't help them. Yes, you'll be righting a wrong, but at what cost? One war at a time son, one war at time. Right now we're up to our eyeballs in angels and demons. That should be enough to keep anyone gainfully occupied. Let's not provoke another realm full of entities we don't understand. I'm guessing we've earned some good graces now that we drove Molec out. Let's not burn that bridge."

  Martin and Erik walked back toward the merchant area in silence. Erik did his best to shield his mind and ignore the events occurring around him. He felt a slight tap on his shoulder.

  "Erik, I'm sorry. But I need to rest. My leg is killing me."

  Erik paused. Martin looked peaked. Sweat poured down his forehead. He realized they'd covered nearly eight miles of ground walking back and forth. "Martin, let's get you seated somewhere, maybe we can buy another one of those drinks and rest." The detective cursed himself. He'd disregarded the needs of his old friend. Erik spotted several large comfortable chairs and tables outside a shop. He pointed in their direction and guided his tired friend toward a chair. "Have a seat, and relax. I'll see what I can do about getting us some water or anything edible to eat and drink."

  Before Erik could walk out, a pale man with gnarled fingers on each hand approached them. "If you're not going to buy the chair, then don't sit in it."

  "I'm sorry, I thought perhaps this was a place where we could get some food and water." Erik kept his tone soothing and non-confrontational. "My friend is exhausted and just needs a few moments to rest." Erik reached for his wallet. He pulled out two twenty dollar bills. "I know human currency is discounted twenty percent. Will this buy a few minutes rest and a glass of meade for my friend. Do we have a deal?"

  The man frowned. It'll cost me another five percent to convert that paper trash into viable money. I'll give you a bottle of my best meade for your friend and five minutes rest.

  "Ten minutes, please. He's exhausted. I'll even buy something from your store."

  The man frowned as Erik took out two additional twenty dollar bills. The last of his cash. "Do we have a deal?"

  The man nodded as he reached forward and took the money. I have some cheap trinkets you can peruse, but forty dollars won't even buy you a goat's soul."

  Erik shook his head. "I don't want anybody's soul."

  The man gestured Erik inside. "Well, come along. We've stuck a bargain and I'll get your friend his drink and you can shop per our arrangement. Ten minutes, no more."

  Erik placed a hand on his friend's shoulder. "He'll be back in a second with your drink. Get some rest, Martin… I'm gonna snoop a bit. My senses are going off for some reason and I want to nose around."

  Denton nodded. Erik could see the fatigue etched on his face. "This isn't a place I'd want a memento from. Just be careful."

  Erik nodded as the man came out with a large frosted bottle. He popped it open and handed it to Martin.

  "Drink up. The additional herbs will restore some of your vitality."

  Denton took the bottle and drank deeply. His eyes bulged. "This is delicious, thank you." The counselor leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes, taking another sip from his drink. "I wish I could buy this chair. It's amazingly comfortable."

  Seeing that Martin was well tended, Erik entered the store, his senses tingling stronger as he approached several glass globes. There were hundreds of souls trapped inside the vessels. Two fine wires attached to two golden dots on the globe's surface impaled the glowing orbs within. The signs were in a language he couldn't understand. "What are these?"

  The clerk looked at him nervously. "They're special souls for sale. You needn't concern yourself. You can't afford them. The crystals and onyx trinkets are on a shelf over there. Those are in your price range. I suggest you shop quickly. Your time is almost expired." The shop keeper was visibly nervous and the detective picked up on the discomfort.

  Erik felt compelled to study the containers. As he walked down the aisle, examining each one, the feeling grew stronger. He bent over to a lower shelf. A delicate pink orb of incredible beauty was the source of the feeling. Something inside himself urged him to pick up the globe. He held it up to his eyes, studying the trapped orb. The delicate pink glow grew in intensity then shrank back as something in the thin fibers activated. Erik heard a gasp of pain. It was a delicate female whisper.

  "Put that down! Now! You cannot touch what you cannot afford to buy, human. Your time has expired. You and your friend must be on your way now. Our business is concluded."

  Something about the trapped soul tugged on Erik's emotions. The merchant looked on nervously as he continued to study the imprisoned orb.

  "She's in pain. I heard her cry out."

  The merchant took a step back, clearly concerned. "That's impossible…" he stammered. "You'd have to be a descendant of a soul to make any psychic connection."

  Erik studied the glass and projected his thoughts at the orb, hoping it could communicate with him. "Hello, my name is Erik Knight. I sensed your presence. Who are you?" he whispered and projected the question.

  Erik Knight, it can't be. My son? My baby boy?

  Erik choked. Tears rolled down his face. "Mom! Mom is that you! God no, please! It can't be!"

  Erik! My son! Are you dead too? Please no, please tell me you're not trapped like me.

  Erik turned toward the shop keeper, his eyes slits of burning rage and anger. The sentient staff growled, hidden beneath his jersey, sensing his sudden change of mood. Blue bioelectric energy crackled in an aura of power surrounding his body. "This is my mother. How the hell did you get her soul?!"

  The shop keeper took another nervous step back, retreating outside his store. Martin heard the commotion and stood from his chair.

  Erik stepped out, holding the globe gently. His eyes blazed like angry twin, blue stars. "My mother died thirty-three years ago in a car accident. How did she wind up here and where is my father?" Erik took one hand and crushed a nearby metal storage container. "I'll do the same to your skull if I don't get an answer."

  The merchant withdrew another step. "You can't threaten violence here. It is forbidden. The enforcers will eradicate you."

  "Maybe so, but you won't be here to see it if you don't answer my question."

  "The market employs several soul leeches that wander the Earth. They wait for tragedies to happen and scoop up the most innocent of souls that perished in terrible ways. Those souls know suffering and are sweet meat for several species of alien and demon alike. I can only assume your mother's soul was captured as it left her body. I was told that soul perished in a tragic accident. The needles in the glass are leeching probes. Touch both probes and the soul's essence is partially diminished, but each soul has the ability to
regenerate over time. A soul of this nature can be fed upon for decades before its energy sours. I have…"

  The enraged detective cut him off. "Free her! Now!"

  "I can't. No one can. She's trapped in there. It would take an ethereal being of extreme power to destroy a soul sphere. The energy binding the clear crystalline glass is immense. Unleashing that kind of power would be devastating."

  "Erik, are saying that thing contains your mother's soul?" Martin walked over to his friend, studying the pulsing orb.

  "It's her, Martin. I spoke with her. I sensed her soul. That was the impression I was getting earlier."

  Denton looked over at the now terrified merchant. "And this soul died in a car accident on Earth, thirty-three years ago." Denton looked over at his friend. "Good God, it could really be her!" The counselor looked ill. He smashed the empty meade bottle against the street and his hand went for his gun. "Jesus H Christ and you sell these souls for profit? What kind of sick, twisted being are you?"

  The clerk took a step back. "I'm a merchant at the soul market. It's what we all do, human. Don't judge by your paltry standards old man. The universe has more complexity and mystery than your feeble mind can comprehend." He pointed toward the glass vessel. "The soul is mine. I acquired it and have possession of it. You cannot commit theft in this place. It is forbidden."

  "You stole my mother's soul. You've kept her prisoner and tortured her. Don't give me a lecture. She's leaving with me. You wanna call your police go ahead. I'm freeing her! And God help anyone or anything that gets in my way." Erik squeezed the glass globe with desperate superhuman strength. His powerful arms trembled as more and more pressure was applied against the unyielding surface."

  The merchant mocked him. "You don't have the strength to shatter that vessel, human. It would take a being of incredible power, an ethereal, perhaps. An army of humans couldn't break that barrier."

  Erik took a breath and looked over at Martin. The old man nodded. "It's your call, Erik. I'll back you either way."

  "Take a few steps back. I'm calling up the big gun!" He looked up into the heavens and shouted, "I am the Warrior!"

  Erik's body began to glow as he changed from human to Esper Warrior. His clothes split and his body grew in size and mass. Heavy chrome armor plate replaced pink flesh and a massive, muscled figure replaced the athletic human. The aura of agitated energy surrounding his body increased as the hybrid applied more physical pressure on the crystalline prison. Erik's Esper body radiated heat and energy setting his tattered clothes ablaze. His Esper vocal cords hissed and roared as more and more physical and bioelectrical power was applied against the supernatural prison. The fabric and tapestries around him ignited in flames. The expanding heat forced Martin back.

  "Your friend is no mere human! If that orb breaks, the energy released will cause untold damage. He's going to set the entire market ablaze! I'm getting the enforcers!" The merchant fled, running up the street. Martin had to step back further as aqua blue jagged arcs of energy surrounded the massive silver warrior.

  "Erik hurry! Our friend went to call the demonic enforcers. We need to get out of here, now!"

  More waves of radiant heat rose from the energy nimbus. The merchant's chairs and canopy covering were ablaze and, inside the fire, the massive hybrid stood, still applying more power against the globe, ignoring the flames surrounding him.

  Martin heard a creaking sound that echoed throughout the marketplace. The sound of shattered glass and thunder reverberated, blowing out windows and knocking over displays as a powerful shockwave radiated out among the marketplace. In the center of the destruction stood the massive silver warrior, gently embracing a svelte semi-transparent woman.

  Martin peeked out from behind the large metallic crate. His jaw dropped as he watched the mother and son embrace. "My God, he did it."

  A droning alarm broke the eerie silence.

  "You fools!" The merchant cried out, coming back down the street. "A soul can't leave the market. It's a closed domain. All you've done is trap her in a bigger prison. She'll be caught again and you'll be killed. Even as strong as you are, you'll both be killed. Lucifer will not tolerate even the theft of one soul! His forces will hunt you down forever!"

  Martin we need to get out of here now. Let's make a beeline to the portal. Erik projected to his friend.

  Mom, you need to come with me. I can't leave you here. I can save you.

  The essence that was Erik's mother nodded and followed.

  "Stop thief! He's stealing a soul! Somebody stop him," the merchant shouted.

  Erik spun toward the clerk. His arm tensed and he fired a plasma blast toward him. The burning ball of energy roared through several shelves, sending wood, metal and glass in all directions, causing fabric awnings to burn angrily. The heat from Erik's radiant energy drove the angered merchant back, forcing him to flee into the remains of his shop.

  The ground shook and the buildings vibrated. Wares fell off shelves and the tremors increased. The hybrid's danger sense shrieked out a warning and he turned, shielding his friend with his body. A beam of energy three feet in diameter slammed into him, enveloping him in a painful emerald plasma. The force knocked him to the ground, pushing his powerful body into the dirt. The hybrid flexed and pushed against the powerful force beam. Inch by inch the silver warrior was able to stand upright and continue to shield his friend. The weapon had no effect on the wispy pink shade.

  The beam ceased and the ground continued to shake. Erik recognized the pattern of footfalls.

  "Look!" Martin pointed terrified. "My God, they're gargantuan."

  The hybrid turned. Three towering creatures, each one easily sixty feet or more in height, the faces featureless save for a gigantic green eye that moved back and forth, approached. Two of the green eyes focused on them again and fired simultaneously. The hybrid spun and covered Martin again. The beams were many times more powerful and Erik's mind shrieked in agony as burning green energy threatened to dissolve even his powerful Esper-armored flesh.

  Son, leave me here. Save yourself. Maybe if you leave me, they won't attack anymore.

  Erik's flesh was smoking. The silver armor was charred and burnt on his back and shoulder. He spun around, facing the approaching titans. The Sentient Staff growled with rage and anger as its master hissed angrily. The hybrid glanced over at his mother. No! I won't let you be taken again.

  Blue radiance danced up and down the staff as a powerful charge built up in the weapon. Erik's body continued to glow and burn aqua blue as more and more bioelectric energy was harnessed and gathered. The warrior pointed his staff toward the approaching titans and unleashed a searing beam of destructive power. The surrounding air superheated and thunder cracked as the beam struck the first titan. The burning blue lance slammed into the lead sentinel, burning a large hole in the creature. The massive eye winked twice then went dark. The titan fell over crushing three stores under its bulk.

  He fired again. Another searing lance of radiant blue slammed into a translucent barrier shielding the second giant. The beam pieced the barrier but was diminished. The giant stumbled as the weakened beam tore into its flesh but it didn't fall. Erik paused, flexing massive Esper muscle, gathering more energy from the surrounding environment and from within his own reserves. The sky rumbled as he launched another searing blast of power. The thunderclap shattered the few remaining windows. The burning energy lance pierced the giant's shielding and vaporized the sentinel. The third creature advanced, heedless of its allies' deaths.

  Behind the sixty foot monster something moved. A flash of red lighting lit up the skies. Erik looked over at his mother, then at Martin,

  Run, now! Take cover!

  Staff! Shield!!

  Erik held his shield and braced his powerful legs. A five-foot thick beam of angry red energy slammed into the makeshift silver barrier engulfing his entire body. The force of the beam buckled his powerful legs but he kept his shield raised, deflecting a portion of the beam away from his
body. The overwhelming power of the blood-red energy forced him back inch by inch. His mind reeled in agony as the demonic power tore into his armored flesh. The beam halted and Erik stood upright. The staff moaned, its metallic shell smoking and charred. Erik's silver body was also blackened and burnt. The buildings surrounding him had been vaporized, the entire area reduced to a black carbonized landscape.

  "YOU HAVE VIOLATED THE LAWS OF THE SOUL MARKET. YOU MUST BE DESTROYED!" The voice echoed throughout entire area. The creature behind the sentinel moved forward, towering over the sixty foot sentry. The being was easily one hundred feet tall, its flesh a rutted brown and red color. Angry arcs of red energy surrounded the creature as dark winged gargoyles circled its massive head. Five slanted eyes adorned its wedge-shaped head and one massive unicorn horn sat on the top of the creature's massive skull. The sky over the creature seemed to swirl like an airborne tornado. The ground shook as both beings advanced. The hybrid stepped away from Martin and his mother, praying that the creatures would follow him. A whole section of the Soul Market was a smoking ruin. The creatures' weapons had done more damage than his freeing his mother from her prison. The behemoths carelessly crushed buildings and shops as they made their slow yet steady approach. The shockwave from freeing his mother had broken some glass and overturned several tables and collapsed a few walls, but the guardian's weapons decimated anything in their path.

  The silver warrior's body was enveloped in an aura of blue. The staff moaned an eerie harmonic as it fed hungrily on the power. Carbonized flesh healed and scorched metal was reformed. Erik raised his arm and gestured toward the sky, harnessing the ambient energy that flowed free throughout the sub dimension. The two beings continued to advance, ruby and emerald eyes glowing. He deactivated his shield and the staff flowed into his forearm, taking the shape of a heavy bracelet.


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