Battle Lines (The Ethereal War Book 2)

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Battle Lines (The Ethereal War Book 2) Page 29

by Greg Ballan

  "You have my attention, hybrid. Cease your blustering."

  Erik felt the archangel's presence. His Esper powers were even stronger since his combat with Molec. With that power came an increased sense of confidence. Through his binding with Jakor's knowledge, he'd learned to focus his power even tighter and the bioelectric energy surged through his body, enhancing his already superhuman ability. "Glad you could finally make it."

  "You spoke of a need." Michael folded his arms. "You have my attention."

  Erik outlined his intent, and listed the allies he required to achieve his end. The archangel nodded intently, his eyes narrowing. Michael managed a grin. "It has been approved. I will make the arrangements." Michael vanished, his laughter echoed off the church walls.

  Erik looked up at the cross, his body burning with raw unchecked power. "Thank you, God. I don't get hit and not hit back. I intend to make that cocky bastard pay, for everything."


  The Soul Market

  Erik felt eyes on him as he left the spaceport. It was rare such a large ship would berth and only a single passenger disembark. The destruction caused by his confrontation with the sentinels was gone. What power could repair such intense damage so quickly? The sky was the same off color and the spaceport still loomed large, towering and casting shadows over the smaller merchant buildings. He walked quietly through the market. The area had a festive quality. His attuned senses picked up on the darkness and he knew evil was still prevalent. Raphael's forces may have cleansed the market, but the roaches returned quickly. Erik walked the dizzying array of streets and narrow alleys. He eventually wound up by the vendor that originally held his mother's soul captive. He saw the merchant inside actively engaged with several customers.

  He adjusted the dark glasses concealing his eyes and patted inside his heavy leather jacket, tapping the concealed sentient staff and the two Wilson Combat 45 caliber pistols loaded with divine trinium bullets. His right hand clung to a heavy black case. He could retrace his steps from here and find the store. "It should be up this road and around the next bend. Damn I should have paid better attention!" Erik moved quickly, doing his best to ignore the commotion and the heavy bargaining occurring all around him. Several beings approached him as he walked, offering him otherworldly trinkets. He calmly shook his head, moving constantly forward. He could sense her presence now through the psychic clutter and followed the signal as it grew stronger. Her sense of despair and hopelessness dominated the telekinetic connection.

  Erik turned a corner and saw her chained and shackled. She struggled to move several heavy crates constantly under the scrutiny of a large squid-like being that balanced itself on two large tentacles. She dropped a crate and was instantly whipped by the being's hooked tentacle. The blow cracked against her silver flesh, flaying her skin, spilling a river of blood. He walked over in between them and picked up the heavy crate with one hand. The being struck out again. He dropped the box and caught the appendage in an iron grip.

  "There's no need for this. I'll gladly move the crate in for you."

  The alien gestured inside the shop and Erik carried the heavy crate inside, winking at the Esper female as he walked by. Erik placed the crate down and moved toward the counter area. Another being watched him intently.

  "I assume you wish to conduct business. Nobody simply offers to help in the Soul Market." A green necklace glowed, translating a series of clicks into English.

  Erik approached the counter. "I do. But I was more than happy to lend a hand." He pointed toward the Esper prisoner. "I'm interested in her."

  Both beings laughed. "Our trophy? You cannot afford her. She is ours to torment and torture as we desire. We cannot avenge ourselves upon the Esper race, but we can take comfort making her extended life miserable."

  Erik placed the black case on the counter and opened it slowly. Both beings gasped. "The horn of Molec!" They stared at him for a while, then stepped back in shock. "How did you acquire such a rarity? This is of immense value!"

  Erik didn't answer. "I'm not interested in your beef with the Espers. I'm not interested in politics. What I am interested in is doing some business." He closed the case and took a step back. "The onyx material in this horn is said to be more valuable than diamonds on Earth. If you don't want it, I'll be on my way."

  A third squid barred the door and produced a slave collar from a flesh pouch on its side. "Why buy it when we can take it and take you at the same time?" The squid lobbed the prison collar toward Erik. The object moaned and expanded as it raced toward his neck. Erik caught the object in midflight, stopping it dead. With little effort he crushed the alien metal. It shrieked in agony under the force of his grip. The object ceased shrilling and turned a flat grey color. Erik tossed it under his foot and slammed the ruined slavers necklace into the heavy stone tile with the sole of his boot.

  "That wasn't very businesslike." He reached inside his jacket, freeing a Wilson pistol. He spun and fired four rounds of heavy trinium bullets into the squid. It shrieked in agony and fell over dead. A pool of brown blood spread upon the stone floor. "Erik spun toward the other two. One of the squids had another slaver's collar. "I'll kill you before you can throw it."

  The squid slowly placed the collar on the counter. Erik walked over, pistol still locked on its head and smashed the collar, crushing it and collapsing the heavy countertop. "I gave you a chance and a very lucrative offer and instead you chose to cheat. You broke the rules of the Soul Market. Maybe I should call security?"

  "No, by all the Gods do not call security. We cannot withstand another mindless attack and bloodletting."

  "Then give me the Esper." Erik raised his pistol, finger falling on the trigger, "Or I'll just kill you both and take her for your treachery."

  They looked at each other. "Take her, hybrid. She is close to death anyway and of little use as a worker. She's also just a mere biological construct like you."

  Erik tilted his head. "You know who I am?"

  "Who else would have the horn of Molec but the being that defeated him in combat? You would be a great prize for us, but even you are not worth the trouble it would be to capture and keep you." The being pointed a tentacle toward the door, "You are the victor in this encounter. Take your prize and leave us. But be warned, she is bound here. The forces that control the market will not let her go as long as she has a collar on her. And her collar isn't a mere capture collar like the ones you destroyed."

  Erik backed away slowly. "Let me worry about that." He backed out of the shop, holstered his gun and walked toward the frail Esper. She cringed as he approached.

  I'm not going to hurt you, he projected to her. Eyes that held only misery looked up with a spark of life and hope.

  You will help me? A soft voice caressed his mind.

  Erik reached over and gently touched her filthy cheek. Yes. You need to follow me.

  Erik gripped the manacles holding her captive. A shock went through his body. He ignored the pain and exerted his strength against the mystical bonds. With a groan, he snapped the chains and tore the manacle from her leg. He extended his hand, helping her up. She clung to him as they walked away toward the spaceport. She tensed and whimpered as they passed each merchant. Erik reassured her over and over. No one will harm you.

  They approached the Spaceport. A massive wedge-shaped ship was surrounded by several aliens and demons brandishing weapons of some kind. Erik immediately sensed trouble. Stay behind me.

  They know I cannot leave and have come to take me back. She looked at him sadly. This collar will explode if I leave this place. It cannot be removed and I may never leave.

  They approached the crowd. Several demons pointed weapons at him. "Surrender your slave! She cannot leave and she is not yours to take. Your ship will not leave here until she is in our custody."

  "I bargained for her fairly. By the rules of the Soul Market, she is mine." Erik's voice was iron.

  "No payment was issued. We were told she was taken by f
orce. Surrender yourself and your ship can leave. The two of you will be held and charged." The demon pointed to Erik. "You with thievery and murder and her for attempted escape."

  Erik shook his head, frustrated. "Your squid friends tried to capture me, twice. They failed. In lieu of pressing charges, they gave her to me as payment. Our business was concluded. I'm leaving."

  The demons laughed. "You are a delusional pissant. Who are you to defy the Soul Market?"

  Erik's face turned to ice. He reached inside his jacket. "It's time." Erik freed his staff. "I AM THE WARRIOR!!!!" He shouted, challenging the devil himself. His cry rose above the sound of the busy port, echoing off hull metal and buildings. In two heartbeats he was no longer human.

  The powerful hybrid stood facing the army. The demons and security forces fell back terrified.

  "You! The Esper Warrior! You cannot battle all of us by yourself, hybrid. Will you unleash the sentinels again?"

  I brought along some friends thus time, and they also have an axe to grind with you. Erik raised his voice to the sky, shouting an Esper war cry. Hundreds of flashes exploded in the reddish purple skyline. Dozens of massive whale-like Space Mariners, each over a hundred meters long, filled the sky, circling overhead like angry buzzards.

  A dull whine broke the silence. Powerful weapons emerged from the titanic space cruiser. Angry yellow arcs of energy cracked as each weapon built up a charge. Erik raised his staff. His own aqua blue energy lit up the spaceport. We will destroy this place or your own sentinels will do so during the ensuing battle. Who wants to die first? I'm in a killing mood right now. I've lost a great deal the last few months and I'm itching to unload my rage on someone. I promise you, I will destroy this place and I don't need their help to do it. They're just here to watch the fireworks and be back up.

  The demons lowered their weapons. "Hybrid, you would kill us all for one slave girl?"

  She's my kin and she's not a slave. The hybrid reached over, touching the slavers necklace. With gentle force, two fingers crushed the necklace lock freeing her. The jewel on the shackle began to whine a high pitched harmonic. Everyone flinched, anticipating a massive explosion. He squeezed the gem, trapping it in his powerful fist. A dull thud made his hand shake and smoke escaped his grasp. The hybrid opened his hand and tossed the detonated shackle toward his adversaries. Now she's truly free. You have two choices: face me and this place will be destroyed again or save your lives and your market. Let us leave. We'll be on our way and you have my promise I will never return. Erik tossed the black case with Molec's horn. Let me sweeten the deal!

  The larger demon approached the case, opened it and its jaw dropped, studying the contents. It looked up at the silver warrior. "The stories were true. You bested Molec in combat and prevented the Ethereal War on Earth." It picked up the case. "I accept your terms, but never return here. This place belongs to Lucifer and with your bargain you have no more sway here."

  The hybrid nodded. Agreed, once I leave, I have no sway here and will not return.

  The demon picked up the case, laughing. "You pay a king's ransom for a pauper." It pointed to the sky. "Go and plague us no more. We will now plunder with impunity. The deal has been struck by the rules of the Soul Market and cannot be broken."

  The hybrid placed a protective arm around the frail Esper female. Behind him a ramp extended from the massive ship. A small grey being and a human waited at the entrance. Both Espers retreated into the vessel and the causeway retracted. The great ship's weapons portals closed and it gracefully floated skyward. The Space Mariners formed a protective wedge beside the massive craft as the vessel ascended higher into sky. A large portal formed ahead of the powerful fleet.

  Aboard the ship, Erik changed back to his human form, the Esper female embraced him, weeping openly. Erik held her tight.

  "You came back for me. I prayed to the God that you would not forsake me here and He heard my prayer."

  "I wasn't going to let you rot here. We're Esper. You're my last link to a part of me." Together they walked to the bridge.

  The small alien gently patted Erik's back. "It's good to see you again, Agent Knight."

  Erik smiled warmly "It's wonderful to see you Gray. You look well and you've grown quite a bit since our last meeting." Erik looked over at Sergeant Phelps. "Space seems to agree with you."

  Phelps laughed. "It does, Agent Knight. I couldn't return to Earth after all I'd seen." Phelps raised an eyebrow. "Where's Shanda and your son?"

  Erik tensed. "You remember them?"

  Phelps nodded. "Yeah, why shouldn't I?"

  "Because the timeline where my son existed and I was married was altered. Nobody on Earth except Counselor Denton knows I had a family."

  "The Ethereal War." Phelps shook his head sadly. "Wow. We'd heard rumors all across the galaxy about what was going on with Earth. When we received your call we got here as soon as we could. This shit is playing out all over the galaxy and all across our universe."

  "All across multiple universes," said Erik. "This was just one tiny battle on one world."

  A door opened and the four entered a large comfortable control center. Erik placed an arm around the Esper female, projecting feelings of warmth and comfort. "You're safe now. I promise."

  "I know I am. I am forever in your debt. I know now what you are and who you carry inside your mind. I can sense the warrior spirit burning in you."

  Erik raised an eyebrow. "You know English and you can speak!"

  She smiled. "Yes. I had many years in captivity to study language. Learning standard English occupied my mind."

  "We need to talk a great deal later."

  "I would welcome that, Erik Knight, Esper Warrior."

  A taller being approached. "Hybrid, we are at the departure point, ready to leave this realm. I am repulsed that such a place exists. They are preparing to harvest souls again. Our eavesdropping equipment told us that much."

  Erik nodded. "Thank you, Diplomat. I owe you a huge debt." Erik looked back at the view screen. "There are no innocent souls here?"

  Diplomat nodded. "Not yet and you took the only remaining slave. The dark one is preparing the space port to receive fresh shipments of slaves and souls. We've monitored the spaceport comm traffic and several ships are en route. Right now barter is limited to low commodity goods and services as determined by the warrior, Raphael. But each merchant here is a slaver and soul trader. When those ships arrive with their cargo..." Diplomat shuddered. "The filth of our galaxy will be back in business." He gestured toward the view screen. "They are preparing, and once established, Light will have no sway here and they will continue abducting and selling souls and slaves for profit."

  Erik flexed powerful muscles. "Then let's close it up for good. Signal our Mariner friends we're ending this on my mark!"

  "We have seventeen plasma torpedoes prepped for fire." Diplomat stared over at a comm officer. "The Mariners are waiting word to attack."

  Erik walked toward the monitor, his body glowing with aqua fire. "Elahoano Ikatalr Anakar!" His hands gestured commanding the sky. The reddish purple skyline turned charcoal black, agitated lightning lit up the horizon. Erik turned toward Diplomat. "Let's close in on the portal."

  The ships advanced slowly as lightning danced throughout the dark skies, thunder shook every corner of the Soul Market."

  "Now Diplomat, let's give them our parting gift!" Erik whispered one final command. His voice cold like winter ice. "Keyatah Ankarak! Rain fire down upon them!"

  The skies unleashed a torrent of lightning, exploding buildings and chewing up roadways. The Space Mariners fired in unison. Sixty-four thick ruby lances tore through the space station, slicing buildings and boring through several berthed ships. Fuel stores and other combustible liquids exploded, unleashing a sea of fire. The Observer plasma torpedoes detonated in a blinding sheen of ivory brilliance, blotting out the ships sensors. Through the sea of plasma destruction, lightning continued to fall and the Mariners' lethal beams swept over t
he decimated marketplace.

  The Observer craft and the Mariners passed through the portal. The space faring beings continued firing through the portal until the very last possible moment.

  "The portal is closed. Our instruments are detecting a violent disturbance. The entire pocket realm that contained the Soul Market is imploding. It appears our attack was enough to destabilize the gravimetric forces holding that realm together." Diplomat turned toward Erik. "We have cleansed the galaxy of a great filth."

  Erik nodded, satisfied. "Will you be in any jeopardy for taking part in this?"

  Diplomat laughed. "Like your firm on Earth we have weapons and defenses against the darker lords and Light does look upon us with favor." The frail alien smiled. "We will be fine." Diplomat nodded towards the ship's captain. "I thank you for the use of your fine craft. You have done a great service to our race and for the galaxy." The captain nodded once and went back to tending his vessel.

  "The Mariners have signaled. They are departing for their home in the abyss of space. Five vessels have emerged into this sector. Do we intercept?"

  Erik spun back. "Give the Mariners my thanks and wish them good journey." He reached for the Esper and she melted against him. "The other ships will realize the Soul Market is gone and be on their way. We've had enough destruction for one day."

  Diplomat nodded as they left the command center. "Let us talk, I sense much has happened and the implications run deep."

  Erik nodded. "Can she get some food and some medical care? She's been treated harshly for a very long time."


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