Anything for His Baby

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Anything for His Baby Page 13

by Michelle Major

  “Like a decent shot at making the inn a reality?” Carly asked before flipping shut the laptop. “I’ll get as far as I can on the back end of the website tonight,” she told Paige as she collected everything from the table and shoved it into her designer briefcase. “Tomorrow we can finalize it and talk about rates and how to market this place. I have some ideas on that.”

  “I’m sure you do.” She looked from Carly to Shep. “Sorry. I forgot to make introductions. Carly, this is Shep Bennett, Rosie’s father. Shep, Carly is my new...” She hesitated, searching for the right word. “My new friend. She’s helping me with the online business for the inn.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Shep said, extending his hand as he walked forward. Paige waited for him to register Carly’s beauty, but his whiskey eyes remained friendly but neutral.

  For her part, Carly bristled like a hedgehog. She barely shook Shep’s hand before pulling away. “You, too,” she mumbled. “You’re really lucky to have Paige helping you. She’s devoted to your daughter.”

  “I agree and appreciate it very much,” Shep said with a nod.

  Paige frowned, wondering what about Shep had Carly so tense. Normally women had to work not to melt in puddles at his feet. Carly’s demeanor was icy cold. Was this how the unjust treatment she’d received at her work made her react to men?

  “I’ll see you in the morning,” Carly said.

  Paige put a hand on the other woman’s arm. “You don’t have to rush off.”

  “It’s fine. Finish your nanny business. I sure hope she starts tomorrow.”

  “I think she started today,” Shep commented.

  Carly gave him a strange look then nodded, slung her briefcase over one shoulder and headed past Shep without another word.

  “Bye,” Paige called, waving at Carly’s retreating back.

  “Intense but not exactly friendly,” Shep said when they were alone.

  “We were talking about some things that were tough for her.” Paige studied him. “But did you notice what she looked like?”

  He scrunched up his eyes as if concentrating. “Tall and dark hair with expensive clothes and a stick up her—”

  “Beautiful,” Paige interrupted. “Carly is crazy beautiful.”

  Shep shrugged. “If you say so. Is that like a girl crush or something?”

  “You had to notice. She’s like a supermodel in real life.”

  “Are you trying to set me up?” Shep scratched his chin. “I’ll be honest—I don’t think she was into me.” He took her hand and tugged her closer. “I’m hoping, however, that you still are.”

  She placed her hands on his chest, loving the feel of his warmth and steady heartbeat under her touch. “Are you really doing okay? I don’t think going to work was what the doctor had in mind when he told you to rest.”

  “I needed to be there.” He gently kissed her. “It was important for the guys to see that I’m okay. Everyone was freaked out by yesterday.”

  “We all were. Do you have a plan for repairs?”

  “Yeah. Logan Travers put me in contact with a friend of his who used to work over in Vail as a mechanic on the mountain. Sven feels terrible for what happened. I want to trust him, but I need a second opinion on the equipment. We’re meeting tomorrow morning.”

  “Don’t push yourself,” Paige said, lifting one hand to gently touch the side of his head.

  He kissed her again, sparks erupting along her spine. “I like that you worry, and I really like that you found the perfect nanny.”

  “She’s amazing,” Paige agreed, trying not to let her strange dismay color her tone.

  “I should probably find another place for Rosie and me to stay.”

  A tight band snapped in place around Paige’s heart. “You’re my only paying guest,” she said with a choked laugh. If she didn’t make a joke of it, she might wind up in tears.

  “From the looks of things, you’re going to be up and running in no time.”

  “Finally,” she whispered. “Which means that I’ll get to keep the house.”

  “I know what it means,” he agreed with a soft smile.

  “You don’t sound upset.”

  One big shoulder lifted then fell. “This place is growing on me.”

  She quirked a brow. “Like a tumor?”

  “Not quite,” he said and kissed her again.

  Janet entered the room with Rosie, and Paige quickly stepped away from Shep. They discussed hours and salary while the little girl sat in her high chair snacking on Cheerios. Paige kept a smile plastered on her face, trying to ignore the fact that soon her kitchen would be filled with paying guests and not these two people who meant the world to her.

  She knew this arrangement was temporary, but it felt like more. She wanted more.

  Live in the moment, she reminded herself. Today was all she had, and Shep was still here. She needed to make the most of their time together. Whatever else happened, she didn’t want to live regretting the fact that she hadn’t acted on her feelings.

  There could be no reward without some risk, and Paige was long overdue for rewarding herself.

  * * *

  Shep walked out the back door of the house after Rosie was asleep, gazing up at the pink-and-orange hues that colored the sky. Sunset had quickly become his favorite time of day in Crimson.

  The world, at least his tiny slice of it, seemed to quiet and he could forget everything except the halcyon bubble of contentment that encircled him when he was here with Paige.

  She hadn’t argued about him finding a new place to live, which he hated even though he’d expected it. She’d more than lived up to her end of the bargain, and now he needed to do the same.

  What would happen when she was no longer tied to him by the deal they’d struck?

  Panic skittered through his gut at the thought of watching her walk away. Shep had never been able to hold on to anything he truly cared about. He had the uncanny knack for ruining the good in his life.

  He sucked in a breath as delicate arms encircled his waist and he felt Paige press a kiss against his back.

  “She went down quickly tonight.”

  “Without any fuss,” he agreed. “I guess finding a new person to adore really takes it out of a toddler.” He turned when Paige stiffened. “What’s wrong?”

  She kept her gaze on the front of his shirt. “Don’t get me wrong—I’m so glad to have Janet.” She sniffed. “But I’ll miss my days with Rosie.”

  “We’re not going anywhere,” he promised.

  “Really?” She looked up at him then, her green eyes filled with doubt. “What about after the resort opens? Won’t you be on to the next venture?”

  “I’m thinking about trying my hand at running a ski mountain.”

  His knees went weak when she snagged her bottom lip with her teeth. He lifted his thumb and grazed it across the seam of her lips, their softness filling him with a soul-crushing need.

  “That would be good,” she whispered. The simple words meant the world to him.

  “Better than good,” he suggested and leaned down to kiss her. He wanted to go slow but within seconds desire consumed him. Their mouths fused together and his hands skimmed under her shirt to her bare skin. It was too much and not enough all at the same time.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to rest tonight?” She placed a gentle hand over the injured part of his chest. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Being with you,” he told her without hesitation, “is the best medicine I could imagine.”

  He wanted to see her, to truly make her his in every way. Lifting her into his arms, Shep groaned when her legs wrapped around his hips and he moved forward into the house, much like he’d done the first night they’d kissed. But this time he hoped—prayed even—that they wouldn’t stop at the door to her bedroom.

; He paused there anyway. No matter how overwhelming his need for her was, she had to make the decision.

  “Are you waiting for an invitation?” she asked with a small smile.


  Her smile widened and then she leaned in and swirled her tongue around his earlobe. “Consider yourself invited,” she whispered.

  And thank heavens because he wasn’t sure he could walk away after that.

  He stepped into the space, the pale gray duvet and muted prints on the wall an appealing contrast to the antique dresser and headboard. A mix of styles, just like Paige.

  She lowered her legs to the carpet and stepped away from him, backing up until her calves hit the edge of the bed frame. The lights were off, the room lit with only the soft glow of waning daylight spilling in from the window next to her bed.

  Even so, he could see the blush that colored her cheeks as she tugged on the hem of her shirt, pulling it up and over her head.

  She wore a blue lacy bra, its fabric skimming the tops of her breasts. He opened his mouth to speak—if he could manage the words—but she held up a finger.

  “I thought ahead,” she told him with a saucy half smile. “Hope springs and all that.” Then she undid the button and zipper on her dark jeans and shimmied out of them, revealing a matching pair of lace panties. Hands on hips, she preened, swinging her hips this way and that. “They match,” she announced proudly.

  “I see that,” he whispered, feeling like his eyes were going to bug out of his face.

  “I bought them when I moved to Crimson last year.” She scrunched up her pert nose. “I’ll admit my hope has been waning, but here we are. What do you think?”

  “I’m a big fan of hope,” he told her.

  He took a step toward her, but she held up a hand again. “Wait. Am I doing this wrong?”

  Shep shook his head.

  “No, seriously.” Paige crossed her arms over her chest, making her breasts rise and stealing his breath once more. “I’m talking too much, right? I’m nervous. Not like this is my first time, but it’s been a while.”

  “How long is a while?”

  She pulled a face. “College,” she muttered. “Maybe freshman year. Only once.”

  “Once?” he choked out.

  “Never mind. It counted. Sort of.”

  Sort of.

  His head was reeling, both from the desire pounding through him and his confusion at her words. “What does sort of mean?”

  “It just wasn’t that good,” she admitted, and he saw her hands tighten into fists where they gripped the sides of her rib cage. “I guess it was okay for him. He wasn’t my boyfriend or anything, but I was on a mission to lose the old V card. You know what I mean?”

  “Not exactly.”

  “You wouldn’t.” She lowered her arms to her sides, ramrod straight. “Oh, gah. I’m totally ruining the mood here and—”

  He shucked out of his shirt in one quick movement, hoping it would be enough to distract Paige from her flailing nerves.

  “Mood saved,” she whispered and took a step toward him, reached out a finger to trace a line down the center of his chest, lightly grazing the bandage that covered his injury. His whole body tightened in response, but he remained still, submitting to the sweet torture of her gentle hand.

  “It felt weird to touch you in the hospital,” she told him matter-of-factly. “Like I was taking advantage of you.”

  He groaned softly as she reached the waistband of his pants. “Feel free to take advantage any time you like.”

  “I will.” She grinned up at him. “Thank you very much.”

  “So polite.” He cupped her face in his hands, and kissed her deeply. “Who knew manners could be such a turn-on?”

  She stepped in to him, and he felt like he could die from the pleasure of her skin against his. But he needed more. Always more with this woman.

  He reached his hands around her back and unfastened her bra, peeling the fabric from her body then letting it slip to the floor.

  “I have to see you,” he whispered, pulling back enough to view her beauty. Her eyes were glazed over with desire, and an answering need pumped through him.

  He touched one finger to her breast, worried that if he went any faster with her, he might lose himself before they’d even really started.

  “More,” she told him, her voice husky.

  “What the lady wants,” he murmured and cupped her breast in his hand. Then he leaned forward and covered one nipple with his mouth.

  She cried out as he sucked harder, her back arching. He grabbed her around the waist and they moved to the bed. Seeing Paige spread across the sheets was better than any fantasy he’d ever had.

  He stepped out of his shoes, undid his jeans, took out the wallet and then pushed the denim along with his boxers over his hips.

  “Wait, wait!” Paige shouted as he opened his wallet.

  She reached for the nightstand drawer, opened it and pulled out a condom wrapper. “I have lingerie and a condom.” She waved it in the air. “Look at how prepared I am. I’m like an innkeeper scout here.”

  Shep chuckled as warmth filled his chest. The truth was he’d never smiled so much with a woman in the bedroom. It was something else about Paige that he couldn’t seem to get enough of—her lack of pretense. She was exactly who she was in every situation, and it was so damn appealing.

  “Impressive,” he told her as he moved onto the bed.

  “Right back at you,” she said, biting down hard on her lip.

  “You’re cute.” He took the condom from her hands and ripped open the package.

  She made a face. “I think you meant to say ravishing and sexy.”

  “Those things, too,” he agreed as he settled between her legs. He kissed her and slowly moved his hand down her body and across her hip until he reached her hot center. “Gorgeous,” he murmured against her mouth. “Stunning and so smart. You are amazing, Paige. Everything I could have ever imagined and more.”

  “Amazing works for me,” she said, her breath catching as his thumb grazed her most sensitive spot.

  “If you can still talk,” he said, as he trailed hot kisses along her jaw, “I’m not doing my job well enough.”

  “I’d say you’re doing just—” She broke off on a soft cry as he dipped a finger into her.

  “Better,” he growled into her throat.

  She sucked in a breath then cried out, her body shattering around him.

  Then she placed a hand on his neck and pulled him closer. “The best,” she whispered into his ear.

  Chapter Twelve

  Truly, it was the best thing she’d ever experienced, Paige thought—at least until Shep entered her a moment later.

  She moaned with pleasure and held on tight to his shoulders, turning her head into the crook of his neck when tears filled her eyes. This wasn’t the time for crying, but emotion overwhelmed her even as her body flooded with sensation again, pressure building in her with every thrust.

  She quickly blinked away the tears as Shep claimed her mouth once more. His tongue danced with hers, mimicking the movement of their bodies.

  Her skin felt electric, the current between them crackling in the air. Then it became too much, and with a cry she once again broke apart, a thousand points of light raining down over her.

  A moment later Shep shuddered, murmuring her name over and over like a prayer. He held her tight as they came back down to earth, trailing gentle kisses across her flushed skin.

  “It was the lingerie, right?” she asked when she trusted herself to speak. It was either make a joke or break down into heaving sobs as she admitted how much what had just happened between them meant to her.

  “It was you,” he corrected, dropping one last kiss on her nose before leveling himself up.

watched him walk to the bathroom, totally comfortable in his own skin and with every reason to be. She was no expert on backsides, but there was no doubt Shep’s was amazing.

  Pulling the sheet and duvet up over her with one hand, Paige used the other to touch various parts of her body.

  Cheeks. Stomach. Hip. Knee.

  All of them there just as they’d been before, but somehow the sum total of her felt different now. As if Shep had brought to life a dormant slice of her soul she hadn’t even realized was missing.

  That’s what love will do to you, she thought then stilled. Love. Oh, my. She volleyed the word around in her head, searching for a lesser substitute to describe her feelings for Shep.

  Nothing but love would suffice.

  Her heart hammered against her ribs like it might beat right out of her chest. Caring about Shep Bennett was one thing. Living in the moment was all well and good.

  Love changed everything.

  He came back to the room, his golden skin lit by the soft evening light. Disappointment lanced through her when she thought he might get dressed and return to his room. Instead he bent and took his phone from the pocket of his jeans then slipped under the sheets next to her and set the phone on the nightstand.

  “I think it was us,” she told him quietly. “Together.”

  “Yeah,” he agreed, smoothing the hair away from her face. He settled in behind her and pulled her close, wrapping an arm around her waist. “I think us is a good bet.”

  Hope blossomed in her chest. Maybe she was reading too much into his words, but she didn’t care. “Good night, Shep.”

  “Good night, Paige.”

  Happier than she’d felt in forever, Paige drifted off to sleep.

  * * *

  “I feel like I’m forgetting something without Rosie.”

  She fell in step with Carly as they left the mayor’s office the following week. Carly had set up a meeting with Jase Crenshaw and the downtown business coalition to discuss how The Bumblebee could support the Labor Day festival at the end of the summer in return for having the inn featured on the town’s website and in marketing materials.


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