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Hired for Heat (The Hired Series Book 1)

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by Leann Ryans

  Hired for Heat

  An Omegaverse Romance

  Leann Ryans

  Copyright © 2019 Leann Ryans

  All rights reserved.


  No part of the book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, and events are fictitious in every way. Any similarities to actual events and persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Any trademarks are assumed to be the property of their respective owners and are used only for reference.

  Leann Ryans

  Hired for Heat

  This book is intended for mature audiences only. Adult content.

  Also by Leann Ryans

  The Legion Omegas:

  A Sci-Fi, Action Adventure Omegaverse Romance

  The Omega Prize

  Saving the Omegas

  Winning His Omega

  The Hired Series:

  An AU/Dystopian Omegaverse Romance

  Hired for Heat

  Hired to Protect (Coming Fall 2019)


  Raider’s Bounty

  The Natural Way of Things

  (published as part of BBB Anthologies: Hate to Love You August 12, 2019)

  This one is dedicated to the Wee Little Omegaverse group. You ladies inspire me and are such a great help! I love being able to chat with you daily. I can’t wait to see how all of our projects turn out!


  Title Page



  1. Sandra

  2. Sandra

  3. Sandra

  4. Sandra

  5. Sandra

  6. Sandra

  7. Austin

  8. Sandra

  9. Austin

  10. Sandra

  11. Austin

  12. Sandra

  13. Austin

  14. Sandra

  15. Austin

  16. Sandra

  17. Austin

  18. Sandra

  19. Austin

  20. Sandra

  21. Austin

  22. Sandra

  23. Austin

  24. Sandra

  25. Austin

  26. Sandra

  27. Austin

  28. Sandra

  29. Austin

  30. Sandra

  31. Austin

  32. Sandra

  33. Austin

  34. Sandra

  35. Austin

  36. Sandra

  37. Austin

  38. Sandra

  39. Sandra

  40. Austin

  41. Sandra

  42. Austin

  43. Sandra

  44. Austin

  45. Sandra

  46. Austin

  Epilogue – Sandra

  About Leann Ryans

  Raider’s Bounty

  1. Sandra

  Her heels clicked against the sky blue tiles as she made her way to the receptionist’s desk at the back of the bright lobby. The desk was a large affair, made of glass and shiny metal. The dark-haired woman behind it looked like she had stepped off of the cover of a magazine, the picture of perfect customer service.

  Looking up, the generic greeting came from the receptionist’s ruby red lips.

  “Hello, welcome to The Haven. How can I help you?”

  “I have an appointment at two. Sandra Weanton.”

  Nodding, the woman consulted the computer screen on her desk before looking up to meet Sandra’s almond-shaped blue eyes again. “You’re all checked in. If you would please have a seat, Ms. Burrie will be with you in just a moment.”

  Sandra turned on her heel and walked over to one of the plush, cream-colored chairs scattered around the lobby. She was the only one there, which helped her relax slightly. Sitting, she crossed one ankle over the other and smoothed her skirt over her knees as she looked around the room. Three of the walls were solid windows overlooking landscaped gardens with bright pops of color from exotic flowers, while the fourth leading into the rest of the building was painted a blue to match the floor. It gave the feeling of a wide-open space while still being practical and maintaining a clean, professional feeling.

  The Haven was the top omega tending facility in the city, containing a wide selection of studs as well as luxurious accommodations. Sandra had never been to the facility before, but many of her peers had raved about it, and curiosity had gotten the best of her.

  She barely had time to settle and take in the room before the door behind the receptionist opened and a middle-aged woman dressed in plain scrubs the color of the wall stepped out. Sandra figured this must be Ms. Burrie and stood as the woman approached.

  “Hello, you must be Ms. Weanton. I’m Agnes Burrie,” the woman said as she held out a hand to Sandra. “I’ll be the one showing you around today and answering any of your questions. Are you ready to head back?”

  Taking the offered hand in her own, Sandra replied, “Yes, please,” and followed the woman to the door she had come through.

  As they passed into the hallway behind the lobby Sandra was momentarily distracted by the photos of smiling men hung along the walls.

  “Would you prefer to see the accommodations or the selection first?” Ms. Burrie asked her.

  “The accommodations first would be fine.”

  “Certainly,” the woman responded as she directed her to the right at the end of the hall.

  Now that she was paying attention, Sandra could tell that the woman was a beta just like the receptionist had been. Betas didn’t emit a noticeable scent like Alphas and omegas did.

  As they passed a pair of women dressed in white pushing a cleaning cart, she began to wonder if all of the people that worked here were betas. It would make sense since it would make the clients feel more comfortable. A hormonal omega could attack another if she felt that she was being threatened.

  Turning down a second hallway, Ms. Burrie stopped at the first door and swiped a card through the reader on the right. Beeping, the door opened and she stepped inside, moving over to allow Sandra to enter behind her.

  “This is our standard room. They are all identical in layout and amenities. The bed is a king size, gel-top, twelve-inch foam mattress, and the sheets come in multiple colors. We also have a selection of fabrics to choose from for the duvet and pillows.”

  Reaching down next to the leg of the wooden bedframe, Ms. Burrie stood up with a black strap in her hand. “The restraint kit is built into the frame with reinforced straps tested up to four-hundred pounds. The bed is bolted to the floor for added stability. The table next to the bed here has a water dispenser built into it to be sure you stay hydrated without needing to leave the comfort of your nest.”

  Sandra found it a little strange that the bed sat in the middle of the room instead of against one of the walls, but she brushed it off as she continued to look around. Running her hand over the mattress to test its firmness, she let out a hum before crossing the charcoal grey carpeting to the door at the side of the room.

  “The bathroom through the door there has both a standing shower and a sunken tub that is large enough for four and has a reclining seat. The jets in it are completely adjustable with controls set into the top to be easily reached. Different soaps and oils are available, as well as towels, inside the cabinet just behind the door.”

  Ms. Burrie continued on with her description of everything that made The Haven stand out among other tending facilities. Everything she mentioned had been in the brochure, but
Sandra let her continue on.

  “If there is anything you would like to have in the room such as, extra pillows, a selection of fruits or sweets, we are happy to provide whatever it is. You can also bring anything with you that you would like to make yourself more comfortable, but we do suggest being careful with your choices since there is a risk of it being damaged or forgotten. We do offer a cleaning service for anything that becomes soiled.”

  Sandra listened to the woman with half of her attention as she stepped back into the room. She noticed a larger table in the far corner and walked over to it, running a hand over the glossy wood.

  “That table is also guaranteed to hold up to eight-hundred pounds and has restraints that can be pulled out of the legs. It can be moved, but it’s rather heavy. The chaise lounge in the opposite corner is moveable as well with similar capabilities.”

  Humming, Sandra continued to look around. The walls were a dove grey and the lighting came from the ceiling, the entire thing glowing with a soft light.

  “Is the lighting adjustable?”

  “Of course, the controls are built into the wall here by the door as well as into the table beside the bed,” Ms. Burrie responded.

  Sandra gave a brisk nod and strode back to where the woman waited by the door.

  “Everything looks perfect. What about accessibility?”

  “Once you are inside, we monitor the pheromones in the air. Either when you call us, or when the pheromones reach a certain level, we bring your stud into the room and seal the door. It remains sealed until your pheromone levels have lowered back within a normal range unless you hit your emergency button. If that happens, security will enter the room and deal with the problem, but we have never had that happen,” she responded, closing the door behind them as they walked back into the hall.

  “The rooms are all soundproofed and are monitored twenty-four seven by an AI system, so your privacy is maintained. The AI has extensive programing to register dangerous or unwanted situations. Your safety is our utmost priority.”

  Turning to face Sandra, Ms. Burrie clapped her hands together with a big smile on her face. “So now I’ll take you to the selection area.”

  2. Sandra

  Walking through a doorway at the end of yet another hall, they passed into a new section of the building. This area was far more clinical feeling, with white walls and flooring, and bright overhead lighting. There was no carpeting or photos on the walls to soften the utilitarian nature of it. Turning a corner, they came to the first cell.

  The wall facing the hallway was solid glass and the inside of the cell was painted a rich caramel brown with thick, matching rugs thrown on the tile floor. There was a twin-size bed against one wall and a desk against the other where a blonde Alpha was seated working on something that he seemed to be very focused on. He was about average in size to other Alphas Sandra had seen, and the sight was slightly comical since the he dwarfed the tiny desk and chair that he had been given.

  Ms. Burrie passed her a tablet that had the Alpha’s picture and stats listed on the screen.

  “The studs are listed under the number on their cell. We try to avoid using names unless he gives it to you himself. If you see one that interests you, just tap on the number of his cell listed on the left-hand side of the screen. Each profile contains a current photo as well as height, weight, and other physical characteristics. There is a brief bio on each of them, as well as how they performed during their schooling. Any special aptitudes and interests will be listed under the ‘Other’ section, and if they have been used for breeding in the past.”

  Nodding, Sandra scrolled through the Alpha’s information before looking back into the cell. The Alpha continued to work at his desk as if he had no idea he was being watched.

  “Can they see us?”

  “Not unless you want them to. It’s less disturbing for them and you can get a more accurate idea of how they are if they don’t know when they are being watched. If you decide you like one of them and would like to interact, I can make the glass transparent.”

  “I understand,” Sandra said.

  “Feel free to take as much time as you wish at each cell, and of course, you don’t have to make a decision right now about who you would like to select. Many of our clients come back multiple times before making their choice.”

  Studying the Alpha for a moment longer, Sandra began to make her way down the hall, staring into each cell. Each one was different, furnished with a variety of objects besides their bed. Some had desks like the first Alpha she had seen, while others had bookshelves, exercise equipment, or easels. Every Alpha was physically appealing and appeared healthy and content compared to the ones in the work-camps she had seen on occasion. It was obvious why Alphas tried so hard to be selected as a stud for The Haven.

  Continuing along the row of cells, she noticed another omega woman being shown around by a young woman in blue scrubs.

  “I know he is the one you have chosen in the past, but company policy doesn’t allow a client to use the same stud more than three times,” the employee was telling the woman.

  “I don’t understand why not. He already knows what I enjoy, and I am comfortable with him. I would like to speak with a manager,” the omega responded firmly before following the employee through a door leading back towards the front of the building.

  Curiosity overcoming her, Sandra turned to Ms. Burrie. “Why is it that we can only use the same stud three times?”

  “Anything more than that seems to make the Alphas more likely to push their boundaries. They become too comfortable and can start to think that they can manipulate the client into freeing them. We have found it’s safer not to allow anyone to grow too attached.”

  “What do you mean by free them?”

  “The Alphas here are stringently tested, as you know. They are the smartest, the best behaved, and the least likely to pose any threat, so if an omega decides that she wishes to bond with an Alpha, he is released from his contract with us and allowed to join in outside society again. Though The Haven is the most lucrative position an Alpha can hope to have while unbonded, a lot of them wish to be able to bond and join society outside these walls.”

  Sandra’s eyebrows rose a bit in surprise at what the woman said. She was aware of the mandates on Alphas of course, but she hadn’t realized that they were essentially prisoners until an omega chose to bond with them.

  Tilting her head to the side a bit, her eyes narrowed in confusion. “How would someone know if they wanted to bond with an Alpha if they are only allowed to be with them three times? That doesn’t seem like enough time to make that kind of decision.”

  “Oh, you can visit and spend time with the Alpha whenever you like in one of the meeting rooms, but they aren’t allowed to tend you through more than three heats. Considering most omega’s cycles, that’s roughly a year. If you’re not certain about him by then, it most likely isn’t a good match. Most of the omegas that come here choose a new partner each time unless they are looking to breed or find a mate,” Ms. Burrie told her.

  “I see.”

  Going back to checking each of the cells, Sandra was a bit disappointed that none of the Alphas seemed to spark any desire in her. They were certainly good-looking, and some were highly educated and accomplished, but none of them sparked anything in her besides mild interest.

  Glancing at the numbers on the side of the tablet, she realized there was a section that she must have missed.

  “Is there another hall where these Alphas are? I didn’t see these numbers on any of the cells we passed.”

  Glancing at the numbers Sandra was pointing to, Ms. Burrie stiffened, and Sandra caught a strange look flit across her face as she glanced away.

  “Those Alphas are in a different hallway. We keep them separate because they are either new or have had a mark against them. We usually don’t recommend them for new clients. They are considered a higher risk.”

  Sandra had always been more curious than was hea
lthy, and Ms. Burrie now had her full attention. Generally, telling her something was a bad idea was the best way to get her to try it, and she had gotten into a world of trouble as a child before learning to curb the impulse.

  “I would like to see them please. I am willing to accept a higher risk,” Sandra told her.

  Ms. Burrie’s lips thinned for a moment. “Are you sure none of the Alphas here interest you? Since this is your first time, many prefer to use a more experienced and reliable stud.”

  “I am sure. None of your current selection appeal to me, and I was about to say I would have to go try the Omega’s Den instead and see what kind of selection they have,” Sandra told her firmly.

  She was hoping she would find what she was looking for in the isolated studs, and nothing was going to stop her from seeing those Alphas now. If it took threatening to take her business elsewhere, she had no problem leaving and waiting for them to contact her, because there was no way they would let someone with her status get away without doing everything they could to keep her. Sandra didn’t flaunt her power or money often, but she would if that’s what it took to get her what she wanted.

  3. Sandra

  Ms. Burrie led her through another doorway into a new hall. While it appeared the same as the previous one, the cells were vastly different. These were plain white with little to no decorations or ‘extras’ like the other Alphas had all been allowed. No rugs to soften hard tile floors or things to distract them from the hours spent waiting to be chosen.

  “Why are these cells so bare?”

  “Like I said, all of these Alphas are either new, or on probation. They have to prove themselves and earn being able to move into the other hall where they can personalize their space. It’s just an extra incentive for them,” Ms. Burrie said as she stopped outside of the first cell.

  Sandra was a bit uncomfortable with the way Ms. Burrie seemed to brush off how the Alphas were being kept in a way that people wouldn’t even keep an animal, and she hoped the men had access to things outside of their room for entertainment and stimulation.


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