Hired for Heat (The Hired Series Book 1)

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Hired for Heat (The Hired Series Book 1) Page 13

by Leann Ryans

  “What makes you think I would let you go now? I meant it when I said you were mine. I know this wasn’t planned, but we will find a way to make it work.”

  Reaching forward to cup her cheek and pull her up until he was able to press his lips to hers, he gave her a sweet kiss before telling her, “I want you. I’ve wanted you since you first walked into that room asking me if I was okay with being your first Alpha. I want to be your only Alpha.”

  Wiping away the tear that rolled down Sandra’s cheek, he could feel a hint of her happiness through their bond. Pressing another kiss to her lips, he wrapped his arms around her and spun them around, so he was sitting on the arm of the couch with her in his lap.

  Cuddling, they sat in silence as they waited for his knot to recede. When it finally slipped free with a rush of fluids, Sandra stood, looking around for something to clean up with. Austin grabbed a handful of paper towels from the tiny counter in the corner of the room and wet them before bringing them to her, kneeling at her feet to clean the slick from her legs.

  “Spread,” he told her, glancing up to see her cheeks flushed a beautiful shade of pink.

  “I can…”

  He cut her off with a low growl.

  “I said spread.”

  Looking away from his face, she opened her legs, allowing him to wipe her clean. He could scent her fresh arousal and his cock stiffened again in response. Standing, Austin tossed the paper towels into the trash before grabbing her hips, pulling her against him so his erection dug into her stomach.

  Eyes widening, her palms pressed to his chest and she looked up at him before turning her eyes away again.

  “This isn’t the best place for this. Someone could come in,” she whispered, but he could hear the need in her voice.

  Burying his nose into her neck, he hummed, knowing she was right but not wanting to stop.

  34. Sandra

  Sandra wasn’t sure how she felt. Seeing Austin again had caused a surge of lust so strong her knees almost buckled, so she had done as he said and stripped, letting him punish and then fuck her. She was surprised at how much better she felt now than she had since the last time she had seen him, but she regretted that they hadn’t had a calmer discussion before he had taken her. Mentioning bonding another Alpha probably hadn’t been the best idea at the time.

  Dressing again, she snuck peeks at him from the corner of her eye. She couldn’t help but think that Austin was only saying he wanted her because of the bond. He barely knew her.

  “You realize I can’t just walk out of here with you right?”

  Freezing, her startled gaze met his.


  “I can’t say ‘Hey, so I’m leaving now.’ That’s not how it works,” he said, crossing his arms over his chest.

  Sandra had to admit that she hadn’t thought about how he was going to be able to leave with her.

  “Well, who do I need to speak with to arrange it? I know bonding with an Alpha in a camp isn’t done often, but it’s not unheard-of.”

  Shrugging his shoulders, Austin walked over to drop a kiss on the top of her head.

  “Let’s start with the receptionist. He should know.”

  Smiling up at him, Sandra nodded and headed towards the door of the breakroom. Her cheeks colored a bit at the thought that the old man had probably heard everything that had happened, but once she saw him, she realized she had no reason to worry. The man was sound asleep leaning back in his chair.

  Smothering a laugh, she reached out to tap his shoulder just as Austin let the breakroom door slam shut.

  Snorting, the old beta lunged forward in his seat, eyes wide and staring around. When they settled on her, he gave an embarrassed cough.

  “I need to know who I can speak with about clearing Austin to leave the camp.”

  “Leave? Alphas can’t just leave. They can transfer to new camps, but that takes a few days of processing and he just got here.”

  The receptionist’s eyebrows drew together as he looked over her shoulder at Austin as he put an arm around her waist.

  “I understand that would normally be the case, but we are bonded and it’s very painful to be separated. I obviously can’t stay here with him. Who would be in charge of processing a bonded Alpha out of the camp system?”

  “Oh, well, uh, James handles transfers. I guess he would handle that too, but he’s already left for the day. You shouldn’t even be here this late.”

  Trying to keep from rolling her eyes at the old man, Sandra took a deep breath and gave him a smile.

  “I understand it’s afterhours, but I came all this way and had to wait so long, is there anything we can do? I don’t want to have to go all the way back to the city just to return in the morning, and there’s nowhere I can stay out here.”

  Fluttering her lashes at the man, she elbowed Austin when a hint of a growl began at her saying she would have to return to the city. Cutting a glare up at him, she returned to smiling at the beta.

  “Well, I could try to find him and see if he can come help you, but you would have to wait here. I can’t have you wandering around an Alpha-camp at night.”

  Nodding to him as she let a larger smile pull at her lips, Sandra promised to wait while he went to look for the person that could help them.

  “I’m not sure I like your coercion methods,” Austin rumbled once the beta had left the building.

  Giving him a smirk, she turned and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “I will use whatever means necessary so that we don’t have to be separated again. I don’t think I could handle a return of that hollow feeling in my chest like something is missing.”

  Rubbing her hand over her chest at the memory, Sandra tried to pull away from Austin, but he held her tighter.

  “I had the same feeling. Like there was a gaping hole that nothing could fill. It’s better now with you near. You are what was missing.”

  Warmth blooming in her chest, Sandra pulled him down to kiss him again and it would have turned into more if the beta hadn’t returned right then with another man in tow.

  Blushing, she stepped away from Austin and turned to face the two men who had just walked in.

  Clearing her throat, she held out a hand as the receptionist introduced James.

  “Thank you for coming in late for us. We appreciate it.”

  “Well, I came in to tell you there’s not a lot I can do right now. I can print out the forms you need to fill out, but you have to go get them approved before we can let him leave the camp.”

  Stomach dropping, Sandra froze.

  “What do you mean?”

  “It’s not easy to bond with an Alpha in a camp. It has to be approved by the camp director and Alpha Control, and then you have to petition for a mating certificate from a judge. Once you return with that, we can release him.”

  “But we’re already bonded. You have no idea how sick we have been the past few weeks being separated.”

  Chest heaving as Sandra began to panic, she felt Austin’s hand settle on her shoulder. His support soothed her a little, but the thought of having to leave without him made her feel ill.

  “Sorry. I don’t know how that happened, but this is the only way I know of to get him out now. If you fill out the forms tonight, I can get the director to sign them first thing in the morning, and then you can head back to the city to get the signature from Alpha Control as long as he doesn’t have a record. Shouldn’t take you more than a couple days at most unless rules have changed since last time I checked.”

  Eyes tipping up to Austin’s at his groan, Sandra watched as he ran a hand down his face.

  35. Austin

  He had known that fight with Jake would come back to bite him in the ass. Though the Alpha that had sentenced him said his record would be sealed after he served his punishment, he didn’t know if that would make a difference when she went to them for approval. They would be able to see that he had been there, just not what the reason or punishment were.r />
  Meeting Sandra’s eyes for a moment, he looked back to James.

  “Could you get those forms for us please? We’ll wait in the breakroom if that’s okay?”

  Nodding, James headed up the stairs as the receptionist returned to his desk. Taking Sandra’s hand, Austin pulled her back into the breakroom they had recently left and flopped down onto the couch she had been sleeping on when he first saw her.

  “We may have a problem,” he said finally, meeting her stormy grey eyes.

  “I gathered that. Care to explain?”

  “After you left The Haven, I was very agitated. I didn’t know why at the time, but I really struggled with controlling myself, especially around the other Alphas. One day one of them pushed me too far and my control snapped. I attacked him and injured two others as well. That’s why I was terminated and had to leave. Alpha Control picked me up and I had to serve a week in isolation. The Alpha that sentenced me said that since it was my first time, he would seal the record once my time was served, but it may be brought up when you try to get their approval since it was a violent crime.”

  Letting out a sigh, Sandra dropped onto the couch next to him and he put an arm around her, pulling her against him.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay. We will figure something out if it becomes an issue. Do you know the name of the Alpha that sentenced you?”

  “I don’t remember. Why?”

  “Maybe if I speak with him, explain why you acted the way you did, he can ease the way for the approval. Hell, maybe he can approve it himself, I’m not sure how that works.”

  Kissing her on the forehead, he let out a purr.

  “That’s a good idea if you can figure out who it was.”

  “I’m sure my assistant can.”

  Pulling her phone out, she typed a message before cursing.

  “No signal out here. Of course.”

  “You can use one of the phones to call her.”

  Expression lifting, she nodded, and they stood as James came in with a stack of papers in his hand. Raising his eyebrows, Austin eyed the pile, wondering what they needed that would take that many pages.

  “Here you go. Most of it is explaining the process and responsibility and such, the important part is at the end,” he said, handing the stack to Sandra.

  “Thank you,” she said. “Do you happen to have a phone I can use?”

  “Sure, you can use the one at the desk,” he responded, gesturing out into the lobby.

  Following him out, Austin waited in the doorway of the breakroom as she took the phone from the receptionist to make her call. He caught a few words here and there, but most of what she said was too quiet for him to follow.

  Catching movement from the corner of his eye as he was watching her, he noticed the old beta gesturing for him to come over, so he pushed off of the doorway and walked over.

  “You know females aren’t allowed in camp afterhours, but I know it’s a long way back to the city for her to have to make another trip out here again. I might forget she’s here if she stays in the breakroom till morning, but you should go get some food for the two of you,” the old man said with a wink and a grin.

  Smiling back at him, Austin waited until she hung up the phone to tell her. Nodding, she gave the receptionist a smile as she made her way into the back and Austin slipped out the front door to go to the cafeteria.

  Grabbing everything he could, he asked the man running the line if he could take the tray back to his room as long as he brought it back in the morning. Since he was already cleaning up for the night he agreed, and Austin rushed back to the Admin building.

  Walking into the breakroom with the full tray, Sandra’s eyes widened as she began to shake her head.

  “I can’t eat all that.”

  “It’s not all for you, but you will eat what I feed you,” Austin said with a hint of a growl, sitting the tray on a small table that was shoved in the corner before pulling it over to the couch.

  “Come here,” he said, patting his leg.

  Giving him a hesitant look, she slowly moved to sit lightly on his knee. Taking hold of her waist, he adjusted her until she was fully in his lap, her back resting against his arm with both legs hanging over the other side of him.

  Tonight had been spaghetti, so Austin twirled a bit of noodles on the fork before holding it up before her lips. Scowling at the fork, Sandra slowly opened her mouth and accepted the bite as Austin purred for her.

  Beginning to chew, Sandra scrunched her nose up, looking like she wished she could spit it out. Taking his own bite, Austin agreed that it wasn’t very good.

  “I know it’s not the best, but you need to eat.”

  Turning the disgusted look to him, she tried to refuse the next bite, but he glared back, tightening his other hand on her hip and baring his teeth. Letting out a suffering sigh, she opened her mouth again and let him place another bite in her mouth.

  Forcing her to take two more, he picked up the breadstick that had come with the meal and broke off a small piece. Holding it to her lips, she warily opened her mouth but chewed enthusiastically once the bread hit her tongue. Purring for her, Austin slowly fed the breadstick to her in small pieces. When he got to the last one, Sandra sucked his finger into her mouth, wrapping her tongue around it to clean the butter and garlic from it.

  Groaning, Austin watched his finger disappear into the warmth of her mouth, imagining it was something else. Cock stiffening in record time, he was surprised he still had enough blood left in his body to function.

  Releasing his finger with a pop, Sandra gave him a naughty smile as he narrowed his eyes at her.

  “What happened to someone might come in?” he asked.

  “Well, if someone finds out I’m here the receptionist will get in trouble, so I figure he will keep out anyone who happens to stop by.”

  With a wide grin, Austin pushed back the table and flipped her so that her back was pressed into the couch cushions, his weight settled over her.

  “That sounds like an invitation.”

  “I need something to get me through the next few days without you. I want to feel you even when I’m gone.”

  Growling, he crushed his mouth to hers.

  36. Sandra

  Opening to him, Sandra let herself get lost in the rush of feelings instead of thinking. She couldn’t deal with the ‘what-ifs’ right now, and she knew Austin could save her from having to think about it, at least for a little while.

  Wrapping her legs around his waist, she ground her core against the erection she could feel straining against his jeans. She moaned, wishing there was nothing between them.

  “Too many clothes,” she gasped out once he released her lips.

  Feeling his smirk against her neck as he began kissing his way down, she shivered from the tough of his fingers stroking the skin of her sides just below the hem of her shirt.

  “Always so impatient. Didn’t you learn last time?”

  Huffing out a laugh, it became a gasp when he latched onto her tight nipple through her shirt, rolling it between his teeth as his fingers moved up to tweak the other.

  “I should make you wait,” he rumbled against her breast.

  “The longer you make me wait for your cock the longer I will wait to return for you.”

  Releasing her nipples, Austin reared back, giving her a shocked look before his eyes narrowed.

  “You think you can bargain with me?” he asked with a growl to his voice.

  Core pulsing and leaking slick, Sandra grinned at him, pushing him further.

  “You’re the one trapped here. If you can’t give me what I want, maybe I should go find another Alpha.”

  Snarling, his hand whipped forward to wrap around her throat.

  “You are mine!”

  Austin’s voice was so rough and gravelly she almost couldn’t understand his words, but she could feel the possessiveness pulsing through the bond stronger than any feeling she had gotten from him befor

  “Then show me,” she rasped out, wiggling until she had her shirt up around her neck, caught there by his hand still holding her throat.

  Yanking it from her head, it took him seconds to push her skirt up her legs and free his cock, plunging it into her and making her shriek at the harsh invasion. Placing his hand back around her throat just tight enough to make her feel light-headed, Austin pumped his hips, the sounds of slapping flesh filling the small room.

  Reaching down, he used his free hand to catch her behind the knee, pulling her leg up while the other was pinned between him and the back of the couch. Angling his hips, he plunged even deeper into her, a flood of slick escaping her cunt with each withdraw. The position pulled her pussy so tight she could feel every vein and ridge on his shaft scraping in and out of her.

  Already feeling the beginning of his knot tugging on her inner lips, Sandra moaned as he tightened the grip on her throat, causing tiny sparkles to enter her peripheral vision. Heart pounding and lungs straining, she could feel her orgasm rushing towards her.

  Legs beginning to shake, Austin gave a couple more harsh thrusts, slamming his knot behind her pubic bone as he released her throat, allowing her to draw in a deep gasp of air. Mouth open in a silent scream, back arching from the couch hard enough to lift the Alpha over her, Sandra’s orgasm pounded through her as he filled her with his cum, the hot sticky fluid painting the entrance to her womb.

  Falling limp beneath him, Austin released her leg, laying it down on the couch as her head lolled to the side. Taking long slow breaths, Sandra wallowed in the euphoria left in the wake of the best orgasm she had ever had.

  Rolling them over with a lot of jostling, Austin positioned her on his chest as he took her spot against the couch cushions. Petting her hair, his purr vibrated through her chest and soaked into her lax muscles.

  Barely able to function, Sandra whispered, “I should threaten to find another Alpha more often.”


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