Hired for Heat (The Hired Series Book 1)

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Hired for Heat (The Hired Series Book 1) Page 15

by Leann Ryans

  Returning to her office building, she stopped to talk to Natashia.

  “Well, how did everything go?”

  “I have all the signatures and an appointment with the court in the morning. The judge should be able to sign it quickly, and then I can head back out to Mount Mornell. I also received the permit approvals this morning, so after I pick up Austin, since we will already be out that way, I’m going to go ahead and look over the property in person and make sure there’s nothing that might force me to change my plans. Anything important happen here?”

  Snorting, Natashia rolled her eyes.

  “Barrick is getting impatient but still refuses a phone conference. He wants to see you in person. We received a few feelers for new contracts, but I wasn’t sure if you wanted to take on any more right now, so I have them hanging in limbo at the moment. I think they’re willing to wait for you, but there’s a chance you might lose them if we take too long getting back to them.”

  Nodding, Sandra listened as she tried to figure out how to juggle everything she needed to do.

  “There was an error on McMarland, but Jenny corrected it and Samuels wants to go over a change he wants on the final plan, but I was waiting to hear from you before scheduling him.”

  “Send me the McMarland correction so I can double check it. I’m sure Jenny did a good job, but I want to see what it was and how she corrected it. I don’t know for sure when I’ll be out of court tomorrow but ask Samuels if I can call him tomorrow morning, say between ten and twelve. Schedule Barrick for the next afternoon since I should be back by then. If you forward the new contracts to me, I’ll look them over tonight and give you a preliminary to send back to them.”

  “Already forwarded them and I’ll take care of the rest before I go. Go get cleaned up and eat something.”

  Quirking an eyebrow at her assistant, Sandra put a hand on her hip.

  “Are you saying I stink?”

  Chuckling, Natashia said, “Not really, but you do reek of slick, cum and Alpha.”

  Eyes widening as her hand dropped to her side, Sandra turned and rushed to her elevator to the sound of Natashia’s laughter, mortified that she had been around so many people that day smelling the way she did.

  Struggling between wanting to wallow in the scent, and wanting to scrub herself clean, she settled for throwing her dirty clothes that smelled of Austin into her bed as she headed to the shower. Luxuriating in the hot water, Sandra took her time cleaning herself before getting out and wrapping herself in her robe and heading to the kitchen.

  Checking the time, she figured Austin should be done working for the day, so she dialed the number for the receptionist’s desk that she had Natashia save when she had called the night before. Listening to it ring, she made a sandwich and settled on the barstool by her counter.

  When she heard the old beta answer, she told him who it was and asked if there was any way she could speak with Austin. Promising to get a message to him to call her, he took her number before hanging up.

  Sandra had finished eating and was looking over the correction her employee had made when her phone finally rang. Breathless, she answered.


  “It’s me. I’m guessing things didn’t go well?”

  “No, everything’s fine. I got the signatures, but they couldn’t fit me into the schedule today by the time I got to court. I’m going in first thing in the morning. Hopefully, it won’t take long before I can head back out that way. I just wanted to talk to you and let you know.”

  “That’s good then. Thank you. I was hoping to see you again tonight though.”

  Voice dropping to a whisper, she said, “Me too.”

  With a chuckle Austin asked, “So, what are you wearing?”

  40. Austin

  Sandra huffed out a laugh at his question. His cock was already straining against his pants just from the sound of her voice, and since he had the rec room to himself, he was going to make use of it to tease her.

  “Answer me,” he commanded, voice dropping lower.

  “A bathrobe.”

  Sandra’s voice was breathy like she was already hot for him.

  “And what else?”

  It was a moment before she responded with, “Nothing.”

  Groaning into the phone, he rubbed a hand down the front of his jeans.

  “Open it,” he said huskily.


  “Are your nipples hard?”


  “Put me on speaker, lay down, and set the phone by your head.”

  Austin heard shuffling before she said, “Okay,” again.

  “Run your hands up your sides to your breasts. Cup them, giving them a firm squeeze, then pinch your nipples.”

  He could hear her breathing through the phone and his cock twitched when he heard it catch as she did what he said.

  “Pull on them and give a little twist, then run your hand down your stomach to your pussy.”

  He heard her gasp at his words and his lips stretched in a wicked smile.

  “Run your fingers down your lips, pull them open and feel how wet you are.”

  The panting in his ear had him ready to pull his dick from his pants and stroke it right there, but he didn’t want to risk anyone coming in.

  “Use one hand to circle your opening and the other to circle your clit for me. Imagine it’s my fingers touching you. My lips and tongue,” he said huskily.

  Sandra moaned in his ear, her pants increasing. He could tell she was already drawing close.

  “Take the fingers rubbing your entrance and push them inside your greedy cunt while you circle your clit. How many are you using?”

  “Two,” she gasped in response.

  Tsking, he said, “Your pussy needs more than that to feel good. Push another finger in there.”

  Austin could tell she complied by the moan that came through the speaker.

  “Are you fucking your pussy for me?”


  “Does it feel good?”


  Letting out a groan, he cupped his own erection, rubbing it as much as he could while dressed. He could already feel precum leaking from the tip to soak into the fabric.

  “Stop,” he commanded.

  Gasping, a confused, “What?” came across the line.

  Grinning again, he said, “Put the fingers you had in your cunt in your mouth. Suck them clean while you continue circling your clit. You better not touch it.”

  Panting and moans flooded his ear with the sloppy sucking sounds of Sandra licking her fingers clean of her slick.

  “You’re being such a good girl; do you want to come?”

  “Yes, please,” she begged. “I need to.”

  “Put those fingers back in your pussy. Fuck them in there hard and fast. I want your whole-body rocking.”

  “Oh!” was all he heard.

  “Now pinch your clit and come for me,” Austin growled into the phone.

  It was mere seconds before he heard her calling out his name and he imagined the way her cunt felt as it milked him. There was nothing he wanted more in that moment than to be buried balls deep in her pussy, feeling her come all over him.

  “Good girl, you did a good job,” he cooed to her as he heard her breathing slow. “Next time you’ll have to do that while I watch. If you’re good enough, I’ll let you swallow my cock as you touch yourself.”

  Moaning, Sandra whispered, “I want you.”

  “I want you too.”

  “I miss you already,” he heard her say hesitantly. Like she wasn’t sure how he would take her showing her feelings.

  “I bet I miss you more. I’ll see you tomorrow, get some sleep,” he told her.

  Her mumbled reply came before he hung up, leaning his forehead against the wall as he tried to get his heartrate under control. Attempting to adjust himself into a more comfortable position in his pants, Austin made his way back to his room, throwing himself down on his bed and
clutching the shirt she had cleaned up with that morning to his nose.

  Groaning, he pulled up his shirt, freeing his erection and gripping it tightly. Stroking quickly until his balls drew tight, his release sprayed all over his stomach and chest. Releasing the breath he had held, he flopped back onto the bed and used the shirt already soaked in their fluids to wipe himself clean.

  Now that he knew what was happening and wasn’t fighting the pull to her, he could tell his feelings were already deepening beyond just the need for her body. He would be perfectly content to lay here and hold her through the night instead of clutching a shirt soaked in her scent.

  Rolling to his side, Austin fell asleep quickly, breathing in the scent of his mate.

  41. Sandra

  Dressing in one of her nicest suits, Sandra threw a change of clothes into her bag with the paperwork she needed for the court and made her way out of her building. Nodding to the people she passed already heading into work, she entered the AutoCab and was at the courthouse before the doors were even unlocked.

  Making her way to the front row of seats, she sat at the beginning of the isle, ready to step forward and present her request. It was almost twenty minutes before anyone else made their way into the room, murmurs growing behind her until the room echoed with them. She felt her irritation growing but tried to force it down and remain calm.

  Sandra let out a relieved sigh when the judge finally entered, standing as he made his way to his seat. He was an average sized man, with slate grey hair cropped close to his head, and carried himself like someone who knew they were in a position of power.

  Logging into the computer before him, he checked his list and called out Sandra’s name. Stepping forward to the desk where his assistant sat, she passed over the original copy of her papers that she needed signed before stepping back where she could see the judge better.

  “What are you here for this morning?”

  “Approval for a bonding and the release of the Alpha from his camp.”

  “From a camp? You’re bonding an Alpha from a camp?”

  The judge eyed her with a slightly disbelieving expression.

  “We met at The Haven, but he has since left their employ and been moved to Mount Mornell Alpha-Camp.”

  “Did you not inform The Haven that you were planning to bond him? I don’t see why they would release him when it would have been easier for you to bond him there.”

  “It’s a bit… complicated,” she said hesitantly, heart dropping as she realized this wasn’t going to be as quick and simple as she had thought it would be.

  Raising his bushy grey eyebrows at her, the judge said, “I’m listening.”

  Taking a deep breath, Sandra tried to explain as simply as possible.

  “When the Alpha was at The Haven, I hired him to tend me through my heat. During the course of it we ended up exchanging blood and forming a partial bond. We didn’t realize it at the time, so he left The Haven and was transferred to Mount Mornell. Being separated has caused us both great amounts of pain and distress, so the sooner he can be released from the camp, the better. We will complete the bond during my next heat cycle.”

  The judge flipped through her paperwork again before typing on this computer.

  “It looks like there was an incident at The Haven that resulted in him being picked up by Alpha Control. The file is sealed, do I need to open it to find out what the incident was?” he asked, turning back to her with a pointed look.

  Holding in her sigh, Sandra clasped her hands behind her back to stop from fidgeting.

  “Another Alpha challenged him, and with the bond under strain from our separation, his control wasn’t what it should have been. They had a physical alteration that resulted in multiple injuries. All parties were removed from The Haven and Austin served his punishment. Alpha Control signed off on it believing it was an isolated incident.”

  “I can see they signed off on it, but I’m not sure allowing an Alpha with only a partial bond that has already displayed aggressive behavior to roam free would be a good decision for the public. How long until your next heat when you can fully bond him?”

  Thinking fast, Sandra tried to calculate how long it had been since her last one and when to expect the next.

  “Around ten more weeks.”

  The judge started to shake his head and Sandra felt like a black hole had opened below her feet and was sucking her in.

  “He could stay in my home and not leave it until we have fully bonded. Please, I don’t think I can last that long being separated from him, and it would be more likely for him to have another outburst as well.”

  Looking up at her again, he gave a stern glare.

  “The possibility of an outburst is exactly why he cannot be released until there is a full bond in place. You have no way of keeping him in your home if he decided to leave. Alphas are kept separate for a reason, and with the partial bond destabilizing him he is even more of a risk than the average Alpha. Especially with a history of aggression.”

  “When we are together everything is fine. It’s our separation that causes the loss of control!”

  Sandra’s chest heaved with her panicked breaths and she fought back tears as she tried to convince the judge to approve Austin’s release. There was no way she could survive another two to three months of the way she had been feeling the past few weeks.

  “I cannot allow him out of the camp for the next ten weeks with only a partial bond, I’m sorry.”

  “What if I used Clotritan to bring my heat on early? Would you allow him to be released today if I swear to take it as soon as we make it to my safe room? That way we can go ahead and complete the bond.”

  The judge’s eyebrows rose at the mention of the medication.

  “Are you sure that is a route you are willing and able to go? Clotritan can be harsh on your system.”

  “I’m familiar with the medication. I know it will bring on a longer, stronger heat cycle. I can get it from my doctor today if that’s what it will take to get him released,” Sandra told him, straightening her back and controlling her features into a confident mask.

  The judge hesitated before finally giving a slow nod.

  “If you agree to get the medication today and take it as soon as you return to the city with him, I will release him, but I expect you to file a report from your doctor proving the bond within two weeks or I will send Alpha Control to pick him up. This will be his only chance. If that happens, he will remain in isolation until you bond with another Alpha.”

  Nodding her agreement, Sandra was finally able to draw a full breath as the judge signed the papers and stamped them. Taking the certificate they printed for her, she was already calling her doctor as she walked out of the courtroom. Though the doctor was hesitant to prescribe the medication, she finally agreed that it was better to complete the bond now rather than wait until her next natural cycle.

  “Do not take it until you are in a safe place alone with him. It acts quickly and there will be no way to stop it once it starts,” her doctor cautioned.

  “I understand.”

  After picking up the medication from the pharmacy by her home, Sandra typed the location of Mount Mornell Alpha- Camp into the AutoCab again, excitement and trepidation filling her belly.

  42. Austin

  He didn’t hear from Sandra before it was time to head out to the worksite, so he went ahead and left, hoping to get a message to return. He figured if he was being released, they wouldn’t make her sit around and wait for him like they did the first time.

  He was already feeling that hollow, achiness in his chest from them being so far apart, but he could tell the difference when a wave of panic came through the bond. Austin dropped his arms to his sides, fists clenched as he fought the need to find and protect his mate. He knew she was too far away for him to get to, and he doubted the panic was from a physical threat.

  Checking the time, he figured she was probably still at court, and the panic could only mean ba
d things for them. Trying to keep himself calm so that he didn’t feed anything back to her, Austin gritted his teeth and forced himself to focus on the work before him. He went back to the counting trick so that he was unable to think of anything else.

  Austin was glad when he felt a rush of relief flow through the bond a few minutes later. He didn’t know what it meant, but he could only hope that whatever had made her panic had been worked out for the best.

  It was nearing the lunch hour when someone approached the work crew. Excitement coursed through him as they called his name, looking around at the other workers nearby.

  “Here,” he called, raising his hand and moving towards the Alpha.

  “You’re needed at the admin building,” he called, turning to another nearby Alpha. “Carl, you’re in charge of the crew for the time being.”

  Austin took off without listening to anything else. He had been so focused on his work that he hadn’t noticed the easing of the pull in his chest telling him he was too far from his mate. That could only mean she was here.

  He was panting by the time he burst through the doors of the admin building and saw Sandra waiting for him. A smile he couldn’t stop spread across his face as he took her into his arms before capturing her lips with his. She was gasping for breath by the time he released her, and the old receptionist was chuckling at the two of them.

  “Is it approved?”

  “Yes,” she said slowly, and he could tell there was a catch from the tone of her voice.

  “What is it?”

  “The judge didn’t want to release you with only a partial bond so as soon as we get back, I have to take a medication that will induce another heat,” she said looking up at him.

  Searching his face with her brows drawn together and a frown on her lips, Austin couldn’t help but smirk remembering their first meeting.


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