Take Me to Bed: A Collection of Naughty Bedtime Stories

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Take Me to Bed: A Collection of Naughty Bedtime Stories Page 1

by Michelle Windsor

  Take Me to Bed

  A Collection of Naughty Bedtime Stories

  Michelle Windsor

  Lydia Michaels

  Melanie Moreland

  Ainsley Booth

  Desiree Holt

  Sienna Snow

  Cover Design by Lydia Michaels

  Formatting by Windsor House Publishing

  * * *

  The Winning Bid © 2020 by Michelle Windsor

  Almost Priest © 2020 by Lydia Michaels

  The Boss © 2020 by Melanie Moreland

  Personal Delivery © 2020 by Ainsley Booth

  Runaway Billionaire © 2020 by Desiree Holt

  Sweetest Sin © 2020 by Sienna Snow

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  The stories in this book are works of fiction. Names, characters, brands, media, places, storylines and incidents are the product of the authors’ imagination or are used fictitiously.


  Michelle Windsor

  The Winning Bid

  Lydia Michaels

  Almost Priest

  Melanie Moreland

  The Boss

  Ainsley Booth

  Personal Delivery

  Desiree Holt

  Runaway Billionaire

  Sienna Snow

  Sweetest Sin

  The Winning Bid

  Michelle Windsor


  Naked and nervous, Hannah wondered if she was making the right decision. She knew what to expect but still shivered as she stood in line waiting for the auction to begin. It was too late to turn back now. The auction would begin in moments. There were six other women and two men standing with her, but unlike her, they were flushed and heated with anticipation. Two of the girls were practically panting.

  Domme Maria, owner of Baton Timide, strutted down the line, loudly clapping her hands and drawing the attention of each submissive. “All right, my little slaves, submission begins now!”

  She opened the door and held it wide as each submissive stepped through onto the adjoining stage, assuming their submissive position as trained. Hannah’s heart hammered in her chest as each second brought her closer to her turn. Standing in the doorway twenty seconds later, Domme Maria hustled her onstage with a slap on the ass.

  She darted across the stage and knelt in the customary submissive position: hands open flat on her spread thighs, head and eyes down. The heat of the spotlight instantly warmed her nude body. She had never been on such blatant display before and was surprised at the surge of excitement that ran through her. Murmurs and exclamations of appreciation from the crowd rolled through her like thunder before a storm. She desperately wanted to lift her head and see the people in the room. It was her first time attending an auction and was curious to see if the room was filled with men, or if women were present too. And would the men be handsome, or older and more lecherous. Unable to resist, she tilted her head up just a pinch and peeked through her eyelashes to try and capture a brief glimpse of the crowd. Her eyes immediately locked on a dark-haired gentleman staring right at her. Her face heated in embarrassment, and she quickly lowered her head and eyes, praying that no one else had noticed.

  Only Master-level Dominant members of the exclusive club, Baton Timide, were allowed to participate in submissive auctions. They had to be a VIP member as well, which basically just meant they had to be filthy rich. She was a new submissive—a fact she hoped would push her bidding price higher. Dominants loved to break in new submissives and would pay dearly for the privilege.

  Auctioned submissives made twenty-five percent of the winning bid. The house took seventy-five percent. The minimum starting bid was fifteen thousand dollars, so she figured she could, at the very least, walk away with almost four thousand dollars for a few days’ work—four thousand dollars closer to her dream, her own shop. The owner of the shop she worked in was retiring and had agreed to sell it to her at an amazing price. The only caveat: the thirty-thousand-dollar down payment to secure the loan was due in three months. With no savings, no rich family and no fairy godmother waiting in the wings, this auction was her only hope.

  Behind Hannah, Domme Maria closed the door the girls had just come through, and her black leather boots came to a stop at the center of the stage. She was quite an intimidating force, with dark hair that gleamed like silk, a face that was almost porcelain white, and lips always painted a blood red to accent her crisp blue eyes. Hannah could only guess how the club members perceived the Domme, but after training with her, the stunning woman could bring Hannah to her knees with a single glance.

  “Welcome, ladies and gentlemen. It is my great pleasure, and hopefully yours, to bring you nine submissives to choose from this evening.”

  Domme Marie smiled, turned and waved her hand toward the line of kneeling submissives. Then she strolled to the first person in the row. She stroked the girl’s long, flaxen hair like she was a new pet and ordered the sub to stand. Like Vanna White displaying a new puzzle, she presented the girl with a flourish. “Let me present Lahna, one of our more experienced submissives. She has no hard limits and quite thoroughly enjoys a bit of pain.”

  At that statement, Domme Maria took the black leather riding crop in her hand and smacked Lahna across her breasts, leaving a bright red welt. In turn, Lahna’s head fell back as she moaned not in pain, but in distinct pleasure. Hannah was shocked by the sight. She’d expected to be showcased, but not to be so blatantly excited by it. And Lahna wasn’t the only one affected. Peeking under her lashes and out across the people in the room again, Hannah saw one gentleman adjust himself as he moved closer to the display area.

  While Domme Maria continued the introductions, Hannah discreetly continued her investigation of the room, her attention falling on the gentleman she’d locked eyes with earlier. As her gaze moved upward, she realized he was staring right back at her again. Instead of hiding her head this time, she lifted it just a fraction and boldly met his eye. He was breathtakingly handsome. His dark hair was smoothed back from his face but long enough to hit the collar on the black suit jacket he wore. A thin coating of stubble lent him a rough look, but it was his eyes that mesmerized her. They were dark, almond shaped and framed with a set of dark, full eyelashes. He was too far away for Hannah to be sure what color they were. As she continued to stare, the corner of his eyes crinkled as if he was stifling a laugh, and a slow grin spread across his face. Hannah broke eye contact and looked down again quickly. His grin was that of a feral hunter, and she just might be his prey.

  Domme Maria continued down the row of submissives, displaying and touting each one’s specialties and hard limits, until suddenly she was behind Hannah. The Domme lovingly stroked Hannah’s long, wavy hair but then suddenly grasped it firmly and yanked her head back. Hannah’s chest thrust forward, and a small yelp of surprise escaped her.

  “This very lovely lady is Scarlett, and this is her first time at one of our auctions.” Domme Maria looked down, then kissed Hannah lightly on the lips before releasing her hair and gesturing for her to stand up.

  As she stood, Domme Maria surveyed the bidders and, with a sly smile, continued, “And oh yes, she does taste as delicious as she looks. She is a bit like a scared kitten though, with many hard limi
ts, and will require a Master with patience to show her the pleasure in breaking some of those limits.” She stopped and scanned the room again before continuing, “And believe me, as I have personally trained her, there is a tigress waiting to emerge.” Domme Maria skimmed her hand down Hannah’s—no, Scarlett’s body, stopping to cup her firm breast and pinch her nipple sharply, and then walked on to the next submissive.

  Hannah dropped immediately into the submissive position again, looking down and taking a deep breath to try and calm her pounding heart. She was shocked to realize her heart beat with excitement, not fear. And shock at the warm feeling between her legs when Domme Maria had pinched her nipple. This is definitely something I can do. She could perform this role. Here, she was Scarlett, not Hannah. She could be whomever she chose to be, without any shame. Any doubts and fears she’d had evaporated, and excitement began to course through her instead.

  Hannah knew she had made the correct choice for an alternate identity. When asked what name she’d wanted to be called, she had chosen Scarlett. Hannah was a closet romantic, and even though she had no illusions about finding Rhett and living happily ever after, she loved what the name stood for. Scarlett O’Hara had been fearless, breaking boundaries for the things she loved and believed in. Hannah was here for the same reasons.

  Domme Maria finished introducing the last submissive for auction and retook center stage. “Ladies and gentleman, at this time, if you would like to personally inspect any of the submissives for auction, please do so, but keep in mind the rules of engagement prior to purchase. You may look, speak and touch—with the permission of the submissive only—but nothing more. You have exactly one hour before bidding begins.” With that, Domme Maria strode off the stage and down to greet the bidders in the room.

  There were only a dozen bidders at the auction, so the inspection period really didn’t require a great length of time. But an hour of anticipation, on your knees, in submissive form, could seem like ten. Hannah kept her head down, trying to busy her mind and remain still and patient.

  Drew took a sip of his gin martini and casually appraised each submissive walking through the door. He was happy to see Jenna take a place onstage. He’d purchased the submissive at two previous auctions and had hoped she would be present again. The last three weeks had been hell, and he really needed this weekend to relieve some much needed stress, and without any of the practicalities that a new submissive always required.

  Having already made up his mind about his bid this evening, he was about to turn away and take a seat in the back of the room when the next woman walked out onto the stage. Her head was down, her long, straw-colored hair hiding her features, yet he knew he’d never seen her before at an auction, or at any of the club events. He would have remembered.

  Even without seeing her face, he knew she would be beautiful. She was petite. Not skin and bones, but perfect curves of honey-colored skin. Her breasts—tipped with small, dark pink nipples, already peaked and ready—would fit nicely into his hands. Or better yet, he thought, in my mouth. Her hips flared only slightly, but they weren’t boyish, as her ass arched with a soft, yielding roundness.

  As she stopped on the stage and knelt, she peeked up quickly, and in that instant, her eyes caught his. She immediately looked down again, cheeks flushing, palms flat on her spread thighs. Her hands trembled slightly, and he realized then that she must be a new submissive. He also realized his plans to purchase Jenna for the weekend had just gone out the window, practicalities be damned.

  He paid particular attention as Domme Maria introduced the unknown blonde. Her name is Scarlett. And seeing her face now, albeit from a distance, he could see that she was in fact beautiful. She gasped in surprise when Maria pulled her head back, but then softened when the Domme’s lips met hers in a gentle kiss. When Maria tweaked Scarlett’s nipple, her nervous energy disappeared. Her breath quickened and her body flushed a light pink, revealing her excitement. She may be a new submissive, but her behavior indicated she was made to be dominated. He had to have her.

  He listened as Domme Maria finished the introductions and offered the submissives up for inspection. From the back of the room, Drew remained in his chair, still sipping his gin, and waited to see what happened. He needed to appear almost aloof so as not to pique the interest or the challenging nature of some of the other Dominants in this room. In particular, he watched one of the other club members, Deacon Roberts. He was well known for his preference for new submissives. There was no doubt that Roberts would throw his hat in the ring for a chance at Scarlett.

  Just as expected, within ten minutes of the introductions being completed, Roberts made his way to the stage and stopped directly in front of Scarlett. Drew got up and casually strolled closer, where refreshments were being served, and pretended to be interested in the appetizers so he could listen to the exchange between Benson and the new submissive.

  Hannah’s neck was starting to feel a bit sore from keeping her head down. She was tempted to reach up and rub the back of it, but of course knew better. She remained still and waited patiently for whatever happened next, as trained. A pair of brown wing-tip shoes stopped in front of her, their owner looming over her. She wondered if it was the man she had locked eyes with. Or hoped, to tell the truth. If she was going to spend a weekend at someone’s beck and call, why shouldn’t that someone look mighty fine as well? A strong voice interrupted her thoughts and snapped her back to attention.

  “Please rise, Scarlett. I’d like to inspect you.” Hannah drew up from her knees, standing straight but continuing to look down, as taught. This wasn’t her mystery man after all. He had worn a black suit, while this gentleman’s suit was a darker tan. The man’s breath ghosted over her skin, he was so close, and she caught a faint trace of whiskey on his breath. He finally spoke, ordering her to raise her head and look straight ahead. She did as she was told and was finally able to get a better look at him from her peripheral vision. He was five or six inches taller than she was and had dark blonde hair with darker blue eyes. About thirty-five or forty, he seemed to have a fairly good build. She stifled a sigh of relief. At least he wasn’t hideous.

  “Scarlett, may I touch you?” As had been explained to her in training, bidders were encouraged to check potential purchases for firmness of breast, or state of grooming, or smoothness of skin. She knew to consent immediately or risk not being bid on.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He nodded, then added under his breath, “Well, aren’t you a good little submissive. So eager. So ready to please.” He stroked a finger down the side of her neck and then back up toward her mouth. Hooking his finger into her mouth, he pulled it open harshly. “Oh yes, I think this mouth would fit quite well around my cock.”

  Hannah’s eyes widened in surprise, and she had to force herself not to retreat as the man stepped closer. He trailed his finger down to the juncture between her legs, then prodded her clit before pushing in just a little bit. “And this? I think I’ll enjoy putting my cock in here even more.”

  Hannah tensed as the man spoke even more softly into her ear, “Oh yes, breaking you will be so much fun,” and turned and walked off the stage. She stood, shocked, still staring ahead, as he barked one more order. “Kneel, Scarlett!” And she did, complying immediately.

  Drew couldn’t hear the exchange between Roberts and the new submissive, but he saw the fear in her eyes, as well as her body go rigid at his touch, and knew that Roberts had most likely crossed a line. Inside, rage soared, a possessiveness and a need to protect this girl overtaking him. It was a feeling he hadn’t experienced before. But no matter its origin, he had to stay his course and remain calm so Roberts wouldn’t notice his interest in Scarlett.

  Drew decided not to go up and investigate her for fear of triggering Roberts’ competitive nature. But he did want to get a closer look at this new submissive. So instead, he walked up on the stage, stopped in front of Jenna and asked her to rise. Jenna’s posture straightened in obvious happiness, and
he was hit with a moment of regret, knowing she would be disappointed when he did not bid on her.

  “Jenna, you may look at me.” Jenna lifted her head and smiled. She really was quite lovely. She was taller than average and possessed the body and grace of a dancer. Her short pixie cut suited her dark hair and exotic, angled features.

  “How have you been, Jenna? You look lovely as always.”

  Her eyes sparkled with desire, and she responded breathily, “I am very well, Master. It is very nice to see you again. Have you been well, Sir?”

  Drew looked down, shook his head and smiled. “Now Jenna, are you supposed to ask a Master a question?”

  Jenna cast her eyes downward. “I’m sorry, Master. I meant no disrespect.”

  Drew couldn’t help but notice Scarlett’s head tilt slightly in their direction. A surge of satisfaction ran through him at the realization that she was listening to his conversation with Jenna. Just as quickly, another wave of guilt washed over him. No doubt Jenna would feel betrayed after his current attention didn’t lead to a weekend together.

  Drew smiled warmly and almost apologetically before taking Jenna’s hand, kissing her knuckles kindly. “Kneel, Jenna, and be well.”

  Jenna kneeled immediately as he turned and walked back the way he’d come. He stopped, just for a moment, to look down at Scarlett. His hand rose to stroke her hair, but he stopped himself, drawing it quickly back to his side before continuing down off the stage.


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