Take Me to Bed: A Collection of Naughty Bedtime Stories

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Take Me to Bed: A Collection of Naughty Bedtime Stories Page 42

by Michelle Windsor

  "When we're alone?"

  "I will be close. Just be aware of our surroundings when there are other people." He sighed. "As I discovered with Frank, there are those who cannot be trusted."

  "I understand."

  "Yet you still look so sad."

  "I like holding your hand and kissing you whenever I like."

  "You can hold my hand. I can keep you tucked against me. That would seem natural in my world. But the kissing, no. Any form of public affection."

  "Will you make it up to me?"

  He lowered his face. "Every chance I get."

  "Okay then."

  “Ready to join the real world?”

  “As long as you’re with me.”

  He held me closer. “I am always with you, Evie. My heart is yours.”

  The house bustled with activity when we arrived. I made sure to follow Matteo's cues when we left the plane. He offered me his hand to help me descend the steps and again to get into the car, then I sat while he spoke with the driver. When he slid in beside me, he lifted my hand to his lips with murmured praise. "That's my girl."

  Geo and Lila were on hand to greet us when we got home, hugging us. Geo nodded, satisfied with what he saw. "You look well, Evie."

  I met Matteo's amused glance and smiled. "I am."

  "We brought dinner, so you wouldn't have to worry about it."

  "Where is Mrs. Armstrong?"

  Geo frowned. "She had a heart attack two days ago, Matteo."

  "Why was I not informed?"

  "She’s fine and resting comfortably. She begged me not to ruin your time away. She told me you never relax enough, and she wanted you gone as long as possible with your little angel. I agreed to abide by her wishes since you were returning today, and she was doing so well."

  "We should go and see her, Matteo." I said. Mrs. Armstrong had always been kind to me.

  "Yes. Once we are unpacked and settled. Is she getting private care? Is there anything she needs?"

  "No, I made sure she had the best of everything. She won't be back to work for a while, and even then, it will be restricted."

  "I'll have to hire a new housekeeper."

  "No, I'll take care of the house, Matteo," I said.

  He frowned. "I don't want you doing chores, Evie."

  I laughed. "Mrs. Armstrong has a crew that does the chores weekly—she oversees them. But I can do the cooking and shopping. And if she comes back, I can help her." I laid my hand on his arm. "I would like to look after my husband in that way."

  His eyes glittered in the light and he bent low. "You will be well rewarded for it, my wife."

  I bit my lip and tried not to notice the grins on Geo’s and Lila's faces.

  "I look forward to it."



  Dinner was enjoyable, and I began to relax. Matteo was nowhere near as affectionate, but he was still close. And I knew once we were alone, the tender side of him would be out in full force. I hoped that the demanding, possessive side would make an appearance as well.

  He and Geo slipped away after dinner for a fast chat, and Lila and I put away the leftovers and sipped some coffee.

  "Matteo looks very happy. As do you."

  "I am. I hope he is too. I want him happy. He deserves that," I added softly.

  She regarded me. "You love him," she stated with a wide smile.


  "And he has finally found love with someone—you."

  I traced my finger on the dark wood of the table. "Yes," I responded. "He does love me."

  "I’m thrilled. I know it's not an easy life he lives, Evie, but with you in it, he will find some peace and happiness."

  "Thank you."

  "It will take you some time to adjust, but you will be fine. Remember, the man you love has many faces, and although you may not like them all, he is there, no matter what. I believe Matteo will be a good husband to you."

  "I think so as well."

  Leaning forward, she patted my hand. "If there is anything I can do to help, let me know. I remember how overwhelming all this was when I married Geo. I knew what I was getting into, yet at times, it threatened to overwhelm me. This has all been thrust on you."

  "How did you handle it?"

  "I trusted him. I learned how to separate the two lives and be what he needed to be in both of them. He had to adjust his way of thinking as well, so we learned together." She chuckled. "We had many spectacular arguments, and some very intense make up times afterward."

  I joined in her amusement. Then I became serious.

  "Matteo worries about my safety. That I could become a liability to him."

  She nodded. "They all fear that instance. Vince, Alex, Geo. I would imagine given Matteo's position, it would be even more so. Follow his lead, listen to what he asks, and you’ll be fine."

  "He was hoping I would work with you."

  "We would love that. It's very rewarding to see what we can do for those who truly need it. An extra pair of hands is always welcome." She stood. "You concentrate on your marriage and the house for the next while. I can help you find your way around, and we can talk about it more later on. You can talk to Lara and Sonya, and then decide."

  She picked up her cup. "You look tired. Go and finish unpacking. I will get Geo and send Matteo up as soon as possible. I'm sure he hates being away from you—even for a short while."

  I smiled sadly. I knew I couldn't have him all the time anymore. "Time to get back to reality."

  She hugged me, her soft floral scent surrounding me, reminding me of a mother's gentle hug.

  "All will be fine. I promise."

  I headed upstairs, hoping she was right.

  Matteo entered our room, smiling at me. "What are you doing?"

  "Unpacking and sorting laundry for tomorrow."

  "Mrs. Armstrong will…" He caught himself. "Are you sure you don't want me to hire someone?"

  "I am perfectly capable of doing laundry."

  He came up behind me, settling his hands on my hips, pulling me back to his chest. "I am aware of how capable you are, my beauty." He slid his hands up my torso, cupping my breasts, teasing my nipples gently. He dropped his face to my neck, his breath warm on my skin. "I'm aware of you…everything about you."

  My head fell back, granting him free access to my neck. "Oh?" I whimpered.

  "I'm aware you had a shower without me. I'm aware you're wearing one of the sexiest little nightgowns I have ever seen in my life." His hands tugged at the hem of the lacy garment. "I'm aware right now you don't give a flying fuck about the laundry, the housework, or anything else, but me throwing you on the bed, our bed, and fucking you." He sucked at the juncture of my neck, making me gasp as he bit down.

  "Is that a fact?" I murmured, trying desperately to maintain some sort of control.

  With a low laugh, he gathered my nightgown higher. "I am aware," he breathed, "that you have nothing on under here." He cupped my pussy, teasing and light. "I am aware how much you want me. Right now."

  Without warning, he inserted two fingers inside, curling them to hit the spot that drove me crazy. I cried out as he started pumping them quickly. I arched into his touch, my orgasm coming hard and fast. Before I had even recovered, he threw me on the bed, thrusting inside and taking me. Our mouths fused, our bodies merged, and we came together in a blaze of passion.

  Matteo hovered over me. "Welcome home, Mrs. Campari."

  I smiled up at him. "I love you."

  His face lit up, wonder and happiness filling his eyes.

  "I love you."

  Matteo was quiet during breakfast. He drained his mug and stood. "What are your plans this morning?"

  "I need to make a grocery list, go shopping, and figure out Mrs. Armstrong's schedule."

  "Mark will drive you to the grocery store."

  I frowned. "Is that necessary? I know how to drive, and I can read a map."

  "It is necessary."

  "Mrs. Armstrong went to the store on her
own. It seems a waste of Mark's time to accompany me shopping. I'm sure he has more important things to take care of."

  He leaned on the counter, boxing me in. His voice was low, his gaze fierce. "Mrs. Armstrong is not my wife. There is nothing more important than your safety. Nothing. Mark accompanies you, or you don't go. Am I clear?"


  His kiss was hard. "Good."

  He left the kitchen.

  I tidied up, checked the contents of the cupboards, fridge, and freezer, then made my list. I had just finished when Mark entered the kitchen.

  "Are you ready, Mrs. Campari?"

  I hesitated, then picked up my purse. "I need to see Matteo before I leave."

  He nodded, indicating to follow him. At the door of Matteo's office near the front of the house, he knocked and waited until Matteo shouted out for him to enter.

  "Mrs. Campari wishes a moment."

  "Of course. Give us the room."

  I slipped inside, and Mark shut the door behind me. Matteo sat at his huge desk, computers and files surrounding him. He already looked exhausted. However, he smiled at me, his expression welcoming.

  "Hello, my wife."

  I approached the desk, unsure how to ask my question.

  "Once again, your possessions are suffering from your nerves," he observed.

  I looked down at my purse. I was wringing the handle.

  He stood, and rounded the desk, leaning on it, the opening his arms. "Come to me."

  I stepped forward, and he embraced me, holding me tight. "What is it?"

  "I–I'm not sure how to pay for the groceries, and I have no money…"

  "Evie, I apologize." He dropped a kiss on my head and lifted my chin. "I meant to discuss that with you last evening, but I was, ah, distracted." He nipped the end of my nose playfully, then went back to his desk and rummaged in the top drawer. He pulled out an envelope.

  "Here are your new bank cards. Your password is the date of our marriage." He stated the numbers slowly. "There is a visa card, debit card, and your account will be replenished as needed." He pulled a thick envelope from another drawer and withdrew some bills, offering them to me. "Here's five hundred dollars."

  I gaped at him, and he frowned. "Is that not enough? You have ten thousand in your account, but if you need more–"

  I shook my head, aghast. "Matteo, I wanted twenty dollars and some money for groceries."

  He chuckled and came to me, sliding the money and cards into my wallet. "That is not your life anymore. Buy what you think we need, and most importantly anything you want."

  I looked at my fat wallet. "Is there anything you want?"

  "I want you home and safe." He grinned. "And perhaps some cookies, if you have time later."

  "I can do that."

  His kiss was long and possessive. "Good, my wife. That is good."

  It was in the grocery store, I bonded with Mark. As I looked at the packages of pasta, he shook his head. "Mr. Campari prefers homemade pasta."

  Shocked at his words, I shook my head. "I don't know how to make fresh pasta."

  "I can show you. Mrs. Armstrong has the pasta maker. I taught her as well."

  "Okay. I'd like that. Thank you, Mark." I beamed up at him.

  He returned my smile. "Mr. Campari doesn't like nuts in his cookies." He paused. "Neither do I."

  "That makes three of us."


  The rest of the trip, he pointed out Matteo's favorites, and we discussed recipes. After we loaded the car, I slipped in the passenger seat. "Could we go to the mall?"

  He paused. "Mr. Campari said the store, then home."

  "I need a few personal things. Maybe you could call him?"

  "Is it important?"

  "To me, yes."

  "To the mall, then. But I ask you stay close and be as quick as possible."

  "I can do that."

  "Thank you, Mrs. Campari."

  "Evie. My name is Evie."

  He studied me for a moment, then smiled.

  "Okay, Evie. To the mall."



  Later, the groceries unpacked, my shopping put away, I baked. Cookies of all sorts filled the containers on the counter. I was alone, and I had the radio playing, the music helping me feel more at home in the kitchen that still felt as if it belonged to someone else.

  The door opened and Matteo strode in, smiling.

  "All I can smell is cookies."

  "I made your favorites. A little birdie gave me the lowdown."

  He peeked into the containers with a grin. "Mark?"


  He laughed and grabbed a few, munching away happily. I poured him a coffee, and he sipped, looking thoughtful.

  "You went to the mall."

  "I needed a couple of things. I was quick."

  He sighed. "I'm not upset. I don't want you to feel like a prisoner, but I want to be cautious."

  "I know." I hesitated. "Do Lara and Lila have, ah, protection?"

  "Both Lara and Lila carry guns and know how to defend themselves."

  "Oh. And Sonya?"

  He sighed. "Sonya never leaves the property without Vince, Mark, or me. Ever. That’s her choice, by the way. After what happened to her, she is unable to bear the thought of being out in the world on her own."

  "So, should I carry a gun?"

  He groaned. "Can we discuss this at another date?" He studied me. "Are you so anxious to get away from me already you need to escape no matter what?"

  I stepped close, cupping his face. "No. I simply don't want to be a burden. I hate to think if we run out of milk, I need to drag Mark away from his work."

  "For now, that is how it has to be." He chuckled. "Besides, I believe you have a fan in Mark." He shook his head. "My hardened right-hand adores you, I think. You weave your spell, and entrap us all, my wife."

  "I only want to entrap you."

  "You have. For the first time ever, I cannot concentrate on my work. It's as if I can sense where you are in the house and I want to be with you."

  "Matteo," I breathed out.

  He cupped my face, kissing me hard. "My temptress, my wife."

  I leaned into his embrace, feeling content.

  He stood back, brushing off his pants. "I must leave you, but I look forward to dinner."


  He nodded. "Eight o'clock." He reached for another handful of cookies. "These will keep me going until then."

  He left the kitchen, his absence making the room seem foreign and empty once more.

  I shook my head at my thoughts. I only had to get used to my new surroundings.

  I was certain it would feel like home soon.

  It had to.

  The first ten days after returning home, life seemed almost normal. As normal as life could be when you were married to a man like Matteo.

  It was obvious Mrs. Armstrong wouldn't be returning, and I convinced Matteo to hold off hiring anyone. I spent my days cooking, exploring my new home, and spending the evenings with Matteo.

  The house was vast, stretching out on both sides from a large central area. Matteo spent all his time on the west side in his office and the adjoining rooms. The entire wing was used by his team. He was surrounded constantly by his men, although I could pick out his voice easily if I passed the hallway where the office was located. There were other rooms, but they were all occupied with Matteo's crew. There were computers, men, desks, all sorts of cabinets, and giant white boards covered in writing. Most of the time the door was shut.

  Matteo's office was massive, and his desk covered with various computers. There was a big table with lots of chairs around it, and I knew he met with his team there regularly. If I went in, he was careful never to let me see what was on the computers, and always closed the files on his desk. He was protecting me from the contents, and I was grateful. There was nothing personal in the office, but it was obvious it was a well-used space.

  The east wing was more the lived-in part
of the house.

  Off the main hub was the large room where we had exchanged our vows. It was a rarely used sitting room, filled with heavy furniture and thick rugs. It was very formal, and I found it overwhelming.

  The library, I discovered was more to my liking; although it too was bigger than any personal home library I'd ever been in. But the chairs were comfortable, and the lighting good for reading. There was a great selection of books, and I knew it would keep me occupied for a long time.

  On the second floor, there were six bedrooms, all with their own baths, and two rooms that sat empty. I wondered if Matteo would object to me making one into a sitting room. The size would be easier to handle.

  At the back of the house, on the main level, was where Lara, Lila, and Sonya spent their time. It was bright with lots of windows and looked into the thick evergreens. I had gone in and said hello a few times, but I seemed to make Sonya uncomfortable, so I kept my visits short. Lila assured me Sonya would come around.

  I was comfortable in the kitchen. Well laid out, it had an enormous wing back chair by the fireplace where I could read, and a built-in desk I liked to sit at to write lists or use the computer to look up recipes. For the first time in my life, I didn't have to work, and I enjoyed playing housewife. Most days, Matteo came in for lunch. He would hurry in a few times a day for coffee, to grab some cookies, and he never left without kissing me long and hard. A couple of times he lifted me to the counter and fucked me. No one ever came in the kitchen while he was there, and I knew they never would. Matteo would never allow that to happen, so I was safe to enjoy his spontaneous amorous side. Every evening, he appeared by eight, and we ate dinner at the table. He opened a bottle of wine, loosened his collar, and became my Matteo. Warm, loving, and affectionate. Then we would retire to our room and spend the rest of the night exploring each other.

  And then things changed.

  Lunches ceased, and more times than not, the sandwiches I had Mark take him came back uneaten. He started coming to dinner later, some nights never showing up. At first, I went in search of him, but I encountered Vince outside the office every time and he just shook his head.


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