by Chris Hedges
Miss America pageant as mission for, 79–81
prosperity endorsed by, 20
punishing wrath of, 33, 55–56, 78, 80, 84, 93, 108–10, 176, 195; see also apocalyptic violence
September 11 as punishment of, 109
as unknowable, 8, 9
war in name of, 6, 9, 35, 82, 87
Goebbels, Joseph, 17
Goering, Hermann, xvi
Gore, Al, 200, 206
gospel of prosperity, 20, 22, 133–37, 145, 166, 173, 175, 182
Gospels, 3, 9, 63, 136–37
Gottschalk, Peter, 45
Graham, Billy, 20, 143, 144
“Great Awakening,” 185
Great Dismal Swamp, 31
Greeks, ancient, xv, 191, 210
Green, A. C., 167
Green, John, 19
Grossman, Vasily, 209–10
Gustavson, Brandt, 141
Haley, Mike, 101, 104–6
Ham, Ken, 119
Harding, Susan Friend, 88
Harper’s, 21–22
hate-crime legislation, 36–37, 142–43, 206
hate crimes, 109, 115, 119
Heritage Foundation, 207
heroic death, xviii–xix
Hinduism, 156
Hinn, Benny, 94, 173, 175–76
Hirschfeld, Magnus, 204
Hirschsohn, Avraham, 145–46, 147
Hitler, Adolf, 18, 87, 122, 152, 153, 198, 199, 201–2, 204, 206
Hofstadter, Richard, 200
Holocaust, 13, 121, 183
home-schooling movement, 15, 26, 93, 156, 216n
Homosexual Agenda in Schools, The (Knight), 108
homosexuality, homosexuals, xix, 2–3, 13, 23, 98–115, 161, 205, 211
adopted children of, 113, 114
biblical ban on, 112
as church members, 62, 108–9
condemnation of, 28, 50, 61–62, 83, 85, 89, 92, 99–100, 108–9, 137–38, 144, 149, 155, 192, 195
cult of masculinity threatened by, 110
“curing” of, 62, 83, 99, 104–6, 107–8, 122
denying civil rights of, 19, 100, 110, 113, 114, 204
divine wrath as provoked by, 109–10
eradication campaign against, 113–15
“exgays” vs., 62, 99, 100, 101, 104–6, 115
hate crimes against, 109, 115
Nazi persecution of, 204
in persecution rhetoric, 100, 106, 108
sin of, 71
see also same-sex marriage
homosexuality, homosexuals, as church members, 110–13
House of Representatives, U.S., 22, 23, 141–43, 215n
“fairness doctrine” legislation in, 142–43
Intelligence Committee of, 30
Oversight and Government Reform Committee of, 30
Humanist Magazine, 27
Hunt, June, 49–51
Hunt, Nelson Bunker, 140
Hutchens, James, 147
information systems, closed, 26, 28, 37, 38
Institutes of Biblical Law, The (Rushdoony), 12–13, 14–15
Institutes of the Christian Religion (Calvin), 12
intelligent design, 118, 119, 120
Iraq, 29–31
Islam, 7, 17, 28, 29, 95, 146–49, 161, 190, 211
demonization of, 146–47, 149, 150, 192–94
as false religion, 157
radical, Christian Right’s similarity to, 24
as satanic religion, 192–93
Islamic terrorism, 36, 87, 192–94
of September 11, 109, 192–93
suicide bombings in, 137, 147–49, 193
Israel, 137, 145–49, 188
in Second Coming, 145, 189, 191, 194
Israeli Public Bus 19, 137, 147–49
It Can’t Happen Here (Lewis), 201
Jacques, Arlene, 178–82
James, William, 59
Jay, John, 61
Jenkins, Jerry B., 47, 90–91, 186–87, 190
Jenkins, Woody, 139, 140
Jerusalem Connection, 147–48
alleged intolerance of, 100–101
in Book of Revelation, 4–5
contradictory accounts of, 3
global capitalism as championed by, 136–37
and gospel of prosperity, 20, 22, 136–37
miracles of, 167–74
as muscular, 82
Second Coming of, see Second Coming
sins borne by, 71, 72, 117, 120–21, 194, 196
as son of God, 18
tolerance exemplified by, 6
Jews, xvii, xviii, 4, 17, 27, 40, 147, 198, 203–4, 211
Christians as new chosen people vs., 12–13
Holocaust of, 13, 121, 153
right-wing messianic, 146
Second Coming and, 145, 189, 190
see also Israel
John, Gospel according to, 3, 4, 72
John Birch Society, 140, 187, 200
Johnson, Russell, 151–54
John the Baptist, 3
Joint Chiefs of Staff, 32
Jones, John E., III, 205
“Justice Sunday” rallies, 138–39
Kant, Immanuel, 22
Kennedy, D. James, 20, 53–75, 76–77, 78, 113, 141, 175
see also conversion process
Kerry, John, 25, 205
kindness, small acts of, 8, 209–10
King, Alveda, 41
King, Larry, 175
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 2, 41, 139–40, 151
Klemperer, Victor, 17–18
Knight, Robert H., 108
Ku Klux Klan, 108, 139, 140, 200
Kushner, Tony, 98
LaBarbera, Peter, 115
LaHaye, Timothy, 47, 90–91, 140, 157–58
in End Times movement, 186–90, 194
“temperament analysis” peddled by, 187–88
see also Left Behind series
Landy, Samantha, 133–35
hijacking of, xx, 11, 14–18
religious jargon and clichés in, 57, 78, 132
war metaphors in, 29, 54–55, 82, 92, 146
Larson, Bob, 175
leadership adoration, 11, 87, 96–97
Learned, Jeniece, 40–45, 47, 48–49, 51
Left Behind series (LaHaye and Jenkins), 47, 90–91, 157–58
violence in, 186–87, 189–90
Lepine, Bob, 138, 141
lesbians, 23, 83, 92, 99–100, 107, 110, 192, 204, 205, 211
see also homosexuality, homosexuals
Leviticus, Book of, 4, 112
Lewis, Sinclair, 201
liberalism, xvi, 21, 27, 28, 37, 38, 40, 46, 60, 62–63, 140, 143, 150, 153, 155, 161, 190, 194–95, 198, 201, 205
liberty, 19–20, 36, 167, 202
dominionist definition of, 14–16
Life and Fate (Grossman), 209–10
Life Together (Bonhoeffer), 53
Lifton, Robert Jay, 57
Lippmann, Walter, 167
Lisle, Jason, 129–30
lobbying groups, 61, 126, 138, 141, 142–43
Lockridge, Shadrach Meshach, 157–58
Loehr, Davidson, 11
Loehr, Lyla Lee, 111–12, 113
love, 8–9, 210
Dobson on, 85
dominionist definition of, 14
male church leaders’ fear of, 86–87, 91–92
romantic, 86–87
toward strangers, 153
totalitarian restriction of, 199–200
love-bombing, 56–57
Love Won Out conference, 98–108
Luce, Ron, 33
Luke, Gospel according to, 3
Luther, Martin, 4–5
Lyell, Charles, 120
McCarthy, Joseph, 157
McCartney, Bill, 92–93
MacDonald, James, 143
McDowell, Stephen K., 15–16
McIlhaney, Joe, 126
MacLeod, Gavin, 134
Macy, Christy, 27
/> magic, belief in, 11, 27, 28, 39, 59, 91, 117, 174
Mahoney, Roger, 206
Maier, Bill, 106–7
male church leaders, 20, 57, 76–77, 125, 155, 161–66, 197
divine mandate of, 93, 110
love feared by, 86–87, 91–92
male-oriented rhetoric of, 88
political agenda of, 89
single women as temptation to, 95–96
sins defined by, 71
as speaking for God, 2, 9, 13, 14, 78, 79–80, 93, 183–84
unquestioning submission demanded by, 9, 13, 14, 26, 57, 72, 77–83, 87, 88–89, 90–95, 96–97, 160–61
women subjugated by, 76–81, 83, 85–89, 92–94
see also masculinity, cult of
Male Fantasies (Theweleit), 76
Manning, Michael, 175
manufacturing jobs, loss of, 45–47, 186, 202, 206
Mark, Gospel according to, 3
“mark of the Beast,” 194
marriage, 79, 88, 95–96, 113, 138, 142
definition of, 106–7, 110
see also same-sex marriage
Marriage Under Fire (Dobson), 106
masculinity, cult of, xix, 76–97
ambiguity abolished by, 83–84
binary worldview of, 83, 84, 90, 91
destructive violence in, 82, 88–89
feelings of omnipotence engendered by, 82
homosexuality as threat to, 110
male-dominated home in, 83, 86, 92–93
men’s unquestioning submission compensated by, 81–83, 88–89
raising fearful submissive children in, 90–92
romantic love as threatening to, 86–87
see also male church leaders
Massachusetts, 46, 98–108
same-sex marriage legalized in, 100, 101, 106–7, 114
master race, supremacy of, 11, 203
Matthew, Gospel according to, 3, 4
media, secular, 12, 19, 24, 33, 36, 99, 122–23, 140, 161, 190, 194, 201
Medved, Michael, 146
Meerloo, Joost A. M., 92
Meeuwsen, Terry, 134
megachurches, 7, 20, 93, 95, 133, 205
Merillat Foundation, Orville D. and Ruth A., 73
middle class, frustrated, xvii, 45–46, 49, 202
military-industrial complex, 207
“Ministers and Marchers” (Falwell), 28
miracles, belief in, 18, 38, 47, 59, 117, 121, 203
attested by TBN, 167–74, 176, 177
Miss America Scholarship Pageant, 79–81, 134
missionaries, 16
modernism, rejection of, xvi–xvii, 84
Moore, Roy, 28
moral absolutes, 9, 44, 51, 127
moral certitude, 9, 39, 44, 51, 58, 90, 121, 127, 133
morality, 3, 10, 87
privatized, 48, 183
uniform, enforcement of, 159–60
morally neutral universe, 8, 121
Morris, Henry M., 127
Muhammad, 157
Murtha, John, 30
Mussolini, Benito, 18, 199, 201
National Institutes of Health, 126
nationalism, xvii, 10–11, 47, 209
National Religious Broadcasters convention, 132–50
displays at, 137–38
dominionist speakers at, 138–45
gospel of prosperity at, 133–37, 145
Israeli Ministry of Tourism at, 137, 145–49
Israeli Public Bus 19
displayed at, 137, 147–49
new oligarchic class at, 132–45
Native Americans, 34
Nazism, xvi, xx, 19, 35, 61, 106, 108, 140, 153, 206, 211
Christian Right’s similarity to, 197–99, 201–4
eugenics of, 13
homosexuals persecuted by, 204
language hijacked by, xx, 17–18
universities’ acceptance of, 201
Nebuchadnezzar, dream of, 190–91
Newspeak, xx
New World Order, The (Robertson), xvii
Nicolosi, Joseph, 101–3
Nicolosi, Linda Ames, 101
Niebuhr, Reinhold, 5, 10
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 183
nihilistic relativism, 119
Nineteen Eighty-Four (Orwell), xx
Nixon, Gary, 113
Noah’s ark, 120, 128, 182
dinosaurs in, 116, 124, 125
nuclear strikes, preemptive, 35–36
Numbers, Book of, 4
O’Dell, Walden, 25
Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, 13, 215n, 216n
Ohio, 33, 40, 158
economic catastrophe in, 45–47
megachurch tax-exempt status in, 205
2004 election manipulated in, 24–26, 161
white nationalist groups in, 47
Ohio restoration Project rally, 151–54, 157–58
O’Leary, Stephen D., 185
Open Society and Its Enemies, The (Popper), 1, 132
Operation Blessing, 13, 213n
Origins of Totalitarianism, The (Arendt), 116
Orwell, George, xx, 15, 18
Oursler, Fulton, 60
Palau, Luis, 20, 143–45
“Paranoid Style in American Politics, The” (Hofstadter), 200
Parent’s Guide to Preventing Homosexuality, A (Nicolosi and Nicolosi), 101
Parker, Barbara, 27
Parshall, Janet, 147
Parsley, Rod, 161–66
peroration of, 33, 162–65
wealth of, 165–66
Passion of the Christ, The, 82, 146
Paul, letters of, 70
Paxton, Robert O., 10–11, 18
Pederson, Wayne, 141
Perkins, Tony, 138–41
persecution, rhetoric of, xvii, 27–29, 122, 130, 132–33, 140, 142, 143, 145, 152–55, 190
in conversion process, 57–58
enemies in, see enemies homosexuals in, 100, 106, 108
liberal democratic groups accused by, 194–95
projection in, 200
Pfeiffer, Danuta, 95–97
Phillips, Howard, 205
Plummer, Glenn, 146–47
Politics of Cultural Despair, The: A Study in the Rise of the Germanic Ideology (Stern), 40
polls, 18, 19, 23, 47, 119–20
Popper, Karl, 1, 132
populism, selective, xix–xx
poverty, 45–49, 186, 189
in Africa, 156
denunciation of, 48–49
tithing and, 166
Praetorian Guard, 30
Praise the Lord, 167–73, 174
pregnancy counseling clinics, 13, 23, 40, 41
Presbyterian Church, 1–2, 60
Prince, Erik, 29, 31
Principles of Geology (Lyell), 120
Promise Keepers, 92–93
propaganda, 17–18, 19, 116, 118, 132, 188
prosperity, gospel of, 20, 22, 133–37, 145, 166, 173, 175, 182
Proverbs, Book of, 51
Pruett, Cheryl, 80
Psalm 83, 148
Pughe, Roberta, 76–81, 88–89
Purdue, 22
Puritans, 34
racism, xvii, 11, 12, 13, 27, 28, 140, 203–4
radio stations, religious, 10, 61, 85, 100, 132, 138, 197
Rape of the Mind, The: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing (Meerloo), 92
Rapture, 18, 48, 90–91, 146, 147, 186, 187, 189–90, 191, 192
Ratner, Michael, 31
Reagan, Ronald, 139
religious jargon and clichés, 57, 78, 132
reproductive rights, 24
Republican Party, 19, 146, 151
dominionist control of, 22–23
in red states, 46
in 2000 Florida vote recount, 200
in 2004 Ohio election, 24–26
Revelation, Book of, 4–5, 27, 143, 147, 188–89
Robertson, Pat, xvii, 9, 13, 26, 95–97, 113, 134, 139, 176, 19
audience’s adulation of, 96–97
preemptive nuclear strikes sanctioned by, 35–36
on September 11, 109
wealth of, 94, 173
rock concerts, 33–34
Roe v. Wade, 109, 138–39
Rogers, Adrian, 175
Roman Empire, xv, 4, 5, 30, 191–92
romantic love, 86–87
Roosevelt, Franklin D., xx, 201
Rumsfeld, Donald, 139
Rushdoony, R. J., 12–13, 14–15, 139
same-sex marriage, 3, 46, 113
legal prohibition of, 110
Massachusetts legalization of, 100, 101, 106–7, 114
state referendums on, 110, 144, 161
Sam’s Wholesale, 22
Santorum, Karen, 93–94
Satan, 5, 8, 12, 16, 20, 29, 36, 39, 42, 54–55, 90, 91, 190
in Africa, 156
doubt as inspired by, 78
Islam and, 192–93
life’s disorderliness blamed on, 83, 84
Puritan view of, 34
resistance to conversion blamed on, 74–75
as secular humanist, 27
Scalia, Antonin, 15
Schaeffer, Francis, 13, 113
Schakowsky, Jan, 30
schools, 12, 23, 48, 77, 79, 85, 109, 146, 152, 184
abstinence-only sex education in, 13, 24, 85, 214n
creationism in curricula of, 26, 119, 120, 121–22, 206
home-, 15, 26, 156, 216n
religious intolerance taught in, 156–57
textbooks of, 15, 121–22, 155–57, 182–83, 188
Schweitzer, Albert, 198
science, xvi–xvii, 8, 39, 118, 119, 120, 206, 211
assaults on research of, 126, 128–29
fundamentalist, 123
governmental interference in, 126
as phantom enemy, 130
professional groups of, 123
pseudoscience vs., 117, 122–31
Scientific Integrity in Policymaking (Union of Concerned Scientists), 126
Scopes trial, 11
Second Coming, 90, 121, 132, 186–87, 189–90
Israel’s role in, 145, 189, 191, 194
see also apocalyptic violence
secular humanism, 15, 17, 26, 27, 44, 62, 83, 95, 123, 130, 140–41, 144, 152, 153–54, 164, 194–95, 211
Senate, U.S., 138, 140, 215n
dominionists in, 22, 23
September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks of, 109, 192–93
700 Club, The, 95–97, 134
sexual abstinence, 48
as birth control, 41, 122
in sex education programs, 13, 24, 85, 214n
sexuality, xix, 86–87, 95–96, 195
ambiguous, 83; see also homosexuality, homosexuals
in attraction to absolute leaders, 87
metaphors of, 54–55
sexual repression, 24, 28, 82
Sider, Ron, 20
Silent Scream, The, 43
Simmons, Dee, 133–35
sin, 2, 63
of Adam, 117, 120–21
borne by Jesus, 71, 72, 117, 120–21, 194, 196
in conversion process, 57, 68, 69–72