No Mate of Mine

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No Mate of Mine Page 4

by Lisa Oliver

  For a long moment Cam didn’t say anything and Roger wondered if he would have to order an answer. He didn’t want to. That wouldn’t help with Cam’s trust or fear issues.

  “You were angry with me?” Cam tried to raise his head and move away, but Roger kept his hand firm on Cam’s hair. Any movement would make the boy’s back open up more and Roger’s wolf was struggling with the scent of his mate’s blood as it was.

  “I was angry, yes,” Roger said, forcing a calm he didn’t feel. “But not at you. I was angry at Kyle for taking you away from me, even if it was just into our house. I was angry with some of the things Teric said, but I’m not angry at you.”

  “You growled again after they left,” Cam said and Roger realized he had. But that was at the idea that someone had hurt his mate so badly that the boy still hadn’t healed. And when Roger felt Cam tumble from his arms to the floor, Roger had damn near shit himself.

  “I’m a wolf shifter, precious. I saw your back. I got angry at the thought of your other Master putting his marks on you when he had no right, and you didn’t want him to. I’m not angry at you.”

  “So you don’t want me because of the marks. That’s why you’re giving me to Pearson.” Cam sounded so definite. There was no question in his voice this time. Just a deep resignation as though Cam was used to being not wanted and shunted around.

  “I will always want you,” Roger said firmly. “We’re mates, brought together by the Fates. No one will take you away from me again. And I’m not giving you to Pearson. Pearson is the Alpha of the Washington pack. He already has a mate, a male mate. He just needs to meet you to accept you into our pack. That’s all.”

  “I’ll be part of the pack? But…” Cam trailed off but Roger could easily imagine what the man was thinking. Very few packs would welcome a male Omega wolf as a rule. The Washington Pack was one of the few exceptions.

  “You will be part of the pack – a very special, and treasured part of this pack,” Roger said firmly. “Your ex-Alpha clearly didn’t see the benefits of having an Omega running with his wolves and I am only sorry that I didn’t pick up on your true nature when I first met you. I should never have left you there, and I have been kicking myself for doing it ever since. But I won’t make a mistake with your safety again. You will be safe and protected here, I give you my word.”

  Cam went to raise his head again and this time Roger let him, understanding that Cam had the right to move if he wanted to, even if he liked having the man’s head on his lap. Although the closeness was playing havoc with Roger’s long neglected cock. Six months was a long time to go without anything other than the relief from his hand, and with his mate so close, and still naked, the temptation to just take him was overwhelming.

  “You knew we were mates when you met me, even though I was a kid? How long had you been trying to find me?”

  Ouch. That was so not a question Roger wanted to answer, especially seeing the state of his boy now. And that certainly helped deflate his overeager cock. But Roger wasn’t going to make the situation any worse by lying to Cam. Maybe he could deflect a little bit instead.

  “I’m fifty eight years old, Cam. You are only just twenty two. I thought you were safe in your pack, and I wanted to let you do some living before I came to find you. Like I have done. Your ex-Alpha seemed like a nice guy the one time I met him.”

  “My ex-Alpha beat me as soon as I shifted, and then took my virginity before he drove me out to the edge of his territory and left me there with nothing but the clothes on my back.”

  What surprised Roger was that there was no bitterness in Cam’s words. He was just stating a fact. A fact that made Roger’s insides clench up, his wolf snarling in his head. Roger took some deep breaths, reminding himself of what was important. Cam didn’t need to deal with his anger.

  “I am truly sorry I didn’t come any sooner. I thought I was doing the right thing at the time. You have no idea how sorry I am.”

  Cam shrugged and then winced as the skin on his back pulled again. “Wasn’t your fault. I’m an Omega. It’s what happens,” he said, and from his tone, Cam was a lot calmer about his perceived station in life than Roger was. Struggling to find the right words to say, for Cam to understand just how ashamed of himself he felt, Roger’s thoughts were interrupted by a very loud and persistent rumble coming from Cam’s stomach. Thank the Fates. Talking could wait while he took care of Cam’s other needs.

  Carefully moving Cam’s head from his lap where it had rested once again, Roger stood up, hiding his own wince at the tightness in his knees and the way his semi-solid cock protested behind his zipper. It had been a long time since Roger had knelt for anyone on the floor, and his cock had been up and never fully gone down since he had taken Cam in his arms, back in New York.

  “We will talk about Omega wolves later, precious,” Roger said, looking down and getting caught up in Cam’s amazing green eyes. They were truly captivating.

  “How about I put you on the couch and go and get us some food – it must be time for breakfast. I’ll get you fed, then you can shift, get cleaned up and then we can take a nap.” Not sex, Roger reminded his cock and his wolf firmly. His mate needed to heal before any claiming could take place.

  Cam looked across at Roger’s cream leather couch, his eyes wide, his mouth open in horror. “I’m not allowed on the furniture, Master. I’ll get it dirty,” he said as though that was the biggest sin he could ever commit. And okay, there was so much in that one statement that made Roger’s blood boil. Patience, he reminded himself. Fucking patience.

  “You are allowed on any of the furniture in our house, whenever you like,” he said. “Your old Master’s rules do not apply here and when we are at home like this, or unless we are in a scene together, I want you to call me Roger. In fact, I want you to call me Roger at any time. Is that understood?”

  Those green eyes widened and Cam nodded his head. Roger couldn’t understand why Cam was so surprised. Didn’t the boy know anything about being mates? Instead of talking, because right now his mate needed food and some hot soapy water, Roger bent down and picked Cam up off the floor and took him over to the couch, tucking Cam in snuggly before he headed off to the kitchen.

  Thank goodness he’d done groceries in preparation for bringing Cam home. At least they would have enough to eat for a few days at least, without having to go out. It was far too soon to be taking Cam to the Bound and Bonded club. Roger could see a lot of togetherness time in his future with his mate, and he realized with astonishment the thought didn’t bother him at all.

  Chapter Six

  This has to be a dream. Cam couldn’t remember a time when he had experienced such luxury and he gave himself a surreptitious pinch. Nope not a dream. But Cam had never sat on anything as soft as the plush couch. Had never eaten anything as tasty or as filling as the stew that his Master, no not Master, Roger, had given him. Roger didn’t force him to the floor to eat like a dog, but rather gave him his bowl and a fork, and then sat down on the other end of the seat to enjoy his own bowl of stew.

  Cam decided to focus on his food, he had no idea when he might be allowed to eat again. He had already taken enough time to look around the room, while Roger had been in the kitchen. It was warm and inviting, although from the light film of dust Cam could see on the coffee table, maybe Roger didn’t use the room very often. Or maybe he was just barely ever home?

  The living room had books, a huge television and stereo system and one wall had a whole bank of computer monitors set up over a huge desk. Cam hadn’t been on a computer since he’d been at school, the Romney pack didn’t have them, and he wondered why Roger had so many. Not that it was any of his business. Cam had stew to focus on, and damn it was definitely something worth his attention.

  He was just scraping out the bottom of his second helping, when Roger spoke up. All the time Cam had been eating, Roger had left him to it, only asking if Cam wanted more after his first bowlful. Cam had been aware the other wolf was watching
him, but nothing could detract from the savory taste and goodness of the meat he was eating. He hadn’t had meat in so long.

  “If you’ve finished, I think we should get you to shift, so that those wounds on your back will heal.”

  Every mouthful Cam had eaten threatened to make a reappearance as he tried to contain his panic. He looked over at Roger, who was sitting so calmly. Didn’t his mate understand he didn’t think he could shift, and even if he could, it would freaking hurt?

  “I know your first experience with shifting wasn’t a good one,” Roger said, just as calmly and firmly as before. “And I can imagine from the state of your back that you haven’t shifted since. However, it will help you heal and you need to reconnect with your wolf spirit.” Roger looked out the window, a slight frown on his face. “I would prefer we did this outside, but until I know you can shift cleanly and easily, it is better if we do this indoors for now. Are you ready to try?”

  Putting the bowl down carefully on the table beside him, Cam clung onto the blanket that surrounded him, terrified of what Roger might do if he shifted, but just as worried about letting the bigger man down. Roger had been kind to him, but the first time he shifted had hurt so much, and that was before the beating he had gotten in his wolf form from his Alpha. He really wasn’t sure he wanted to do it again.

  Maybe Roger understood part of the reason for his hesitation at least. The big man stood up, moved the coffee table to the side of the room leaving a big gap in front of the couch, and then he casually slipped off his shirt. Cam was certain that Roger was saying something, the man’s mouth was moving, but he couldn’t hear what was being said. His ears were filled with the sound of his own blood pounding madly as his body reacted to the sight of Roger’s chest. The man was a living, breathing work of art.

  Cam couldn’t tear his eyes away from the lightly tanned muscles, the solid eight pack, smooth hair free skin everywhere he looked. He just couldn’t look away and Cam hoped like hell he wasn’t drooling. That would be so unsexy, but damn, after being around humans for so long, he had forgotten just how big wolf shifters could be. There were just miles and miles of muscles to look at, and Cam didn’t want to look away.



  Roger wanted to hide the smirk he knew was coating his face at the sight of his mate’s eye worship of his body, but he didn’t think he was overly successful. So when Cam’s bright green eyes finally tore themselves off of his chest and met his, Roger tried not to look smug. Didn’t stop his wolf preening on the inside, like the cocky animal he was, but Roger had more important things to say and do.

  “I said I am going to shift first. I am hoping it will make things easier for you. My wolf can help coax yours out. Is that okay?”

  Cam’s wide eyes never blinked as the little man nodded, although they did run straight down Roger’s torso at the sound of Roger’s zipper on his jeans. Knowing his mate was naked under his blanket was not helping the state of Roger’s poor cock, and the thing sprung free the moment his pants were open. Ignoring Cam’s gasp – yeah, well, Roger knew he was bigger built than any of the humans his mate had been around, Roger let his shift come over him, moving quickly and easily into his animal form. First things first. The mating and claiming side of things had to wait until Cam had healed, which would hopefully happen if his little mate could shift.

  “Wow, you’re beautiful, and so big.” Roger was pleased that his mate liked his wolf form, he was certainly no slouch in the size department, although Pearson and his mate Dante were bigger. But the whispered words were tinged with fear – a fear the wolf didn’t understand, but could try and do something about. With a small whimper, Roger lowered himself until he was lying flat on the floor, his head between his paws, Cam watching him the whole time.

  “Can I…am I allowed to touch you? I’ve never…”

  Yum, touching would be lovely. Roger had never been touched in his wolf form before, but he could imagine the feeling of his mate’s hands in his fur would be delicious and the boy needed to understand that any and all touches would be welcome, any time. Cam should never have to askto touch, it was a basic thing that all wolves needed in either form. That was clearly another ex-rule that Roger was going to have to change when he was back in human form.

  Unfortunately Cam was still hurt, and Roger didn’t want him to have to strain himself by moving too far across the room. God, I hope Kyle never catches wind of this. I’ll never hear the end of it, Roger thought as keeping low to the ground, he belly walked himself closer to the couch so he was within Cam’s reach. Cam’s tiny giggle let his wolf know he had done the right thing. Yeah, he probably did look ridiculous, but the giggle made up for Roger’s embarrassment.

  “You’re so strong,” Cam’s voice was still hushed as though he was afraid to speak too loudly. Roger felt tentative, soft hands run through the fur on his head, and yes, he was right – it did feel amazing. As much as he wanted to move, so that those wonderful hands could touch all over him, Roger held still. It was going to take time for his little mate to trust him.

  Instead, Roger concentrated on Cam’s wolf and thank God something else Teric said had been right. Roger had a lot stronger sense of Cam’s wolf now he was in his own animal form, and it seemed like the little white wolf he could see in Cam’s eyes was keen to come out and play. But Cam’s human half was holding him back. So the fear stemmed from Cam’s human half, not his wolf side. Understandable.

  Roger endured, ha. That was a joke. Roger enjoyed Cam’s touches for a few more moments. Touch was a healing element in itself and while he didn’t think Cam had ever experienced a soft and gentle touch of his own, he certainly knew how to deliver one. Roger’s body quivered with every pass of Cam’s hands, the caress sending all of his body’s nerves into overdrive. But in his wolf form, Roger was also acutely aware of the blood that still stained his mate’s back. It wasn’t fresh, which was a positive thing, but it was a clear reminder that Cam had been hurt. A shift would heal him – the external wounds at least.

  Moving back slowly, Roger let Cam’s hands slip from his fur, giving Cam’s foot a gentle lick as he went. He backed up, head down, bum in the air, his tail wagging, a clear sign that he wanted to play. Cam had a small smile on his face, but the fear in his eyes was just as evident. Roger gave a short bark, whirled himself around as though chasing his tail – and no, that wasn’t anything he normally did in wolf form either, but it made Cam laugh. And Roger was more than happy to look like the biggest idiot in existence if he could hear that sound again.

  After making himself quite dizzy, Roger slumped back down on his belly. His clear eyes shining as he watched Cam carefully move to the floor, leaving his blanket on the couch. Fuck. His mate had grown into a truly beautiful young man. Those gangly limbs were now slim but surprisingly strong considering what Cam had been through. Under the welts and scars his back was lean but every muscle was outlined. Cam’s stomach was concave, and his ribs were showing. He was far too skinny there, but Roger knew with some shifting and heaps of decent food the boy would heal.

  “I’m scared.” Cam’s whisper came at the same time Roger realized his mate was blessed in the cock department. Thank goodness – Cam’s admission hit him like a bucket of cold water. Getting a hard on in wolf form was not something he generally enjoyed. Roger thought about what he could do to ease Cam’s fears. He could shift, could give the boy words to soothe and calm him, but Roger decided to go with his instincts, his wolf instincts. He barked, his tail thumping on the floor behind him. Come and play. Had Cam ever played before?

  Roger held his breath as he saw the change come over his little mate. It was slow at first, which Roger expected, but then, it was as though the wolf inside the boy could see his freedom right in front of him, and pushed through Cam’s human fears. Cam cried out as his bones quickly reformed, his face growing longer, fur sprouting all over his skin. Roger held back the whimper in his throat. Watching a new wolf shift was always hard – it
took practice before a youngster could become one with his animal side and although Cam had been capable of shifting for six years, he clearly hadn’t. But the little white wolf was determined to break free.

  Finally it was over and a beautiful but thin, pale wolf lay panting on Roger’s carpet. Roger stood up, moving quietly and carefully, sniffing the air. Yes, this was definitely his mate and Roger’s wolf wanted to howl with excitement. As Roger got closer, Cam stiffened and then rolled onto his back, showing his neck and belly as any smaller wolf should. His head thrown back, his eyes tightly closed. What perfect instincts. But Roger didn’t want submission, he wanted Cam to play.

  Rubbing his muzzle around Cam’s furry neck, Roger licked the wolf’s ears and across his face, showing his approval. Then he stepped back and gave a short bark, waiting for Cam to get up. Cam’s wolf looked curious more than anything, standing up and scenting the air around them. On four feet, Cam was a lot smaller than Roger, about the size of a big German Shepherd. He was beautifully proportioned and with a bit of feeding, Roger knew he would be a delightful playmate on the monthly pack runs.

  The pack runs could be a problem though. He was going to have to work hard to ensure no one frightened his little mate. Cam’s white fur signified his Omega heritage like a neon sign and some of the larger wolves might get a bit rough with him, especially with his innate submissive nature. The bigger wolves would only be playing, but they could still get a bit boisterous. Maybe he and Cam could run with Kyle and Teric, or even Ace and Devin? Devin didn’t shift when he ran, he was perfectly fast enough in his human form. But the vampire would help keep the other wolves away as would Teric’s tiger.

  Thinking about how he could protect his mate on the pack run, Roger hadn’t realized that Cam had moved until he felt a cold, wet nose touch his back. He held perfectly still as the little wolf sniffed him all over, the smaller body quivering and a stream of excited whimpers coming from his mouth. Roger rumbled deep in his chest to show his approval.


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