No Mate of Mine

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No Mate of Mine Page 6

by Lisa Oliver

  Chapter Eight

  Oh. My. God. Master is kissing me! No, not Master, Roger…or should that be Master Roger, or MR even for short, but no that wouldn’t work because then that would spell mister and mister was like Master, and Roger didn’t like Master unless they were in a scene, and why the fuck was Cam even thinking about such inane rubbish when his mate was kissing him! Cam could count on one hand the number of times he had been kissed in his life, and still have three fingers spare. Neither of his previous times with Donoghue had prepared him for the swamp of emotions that flooded through him as Roger’s amazing lips took control of his.

  Everything about Roger called to him. His scent, the controlled power of his hands that were gently cradling his head. The big body that sat solid under his, so tempting Cam couldn’t stop himself rubbing against those wonderful chest and ab muscles. Roger flicked out his tongue, running it along the seam of Cam’s lips and Cam was powerless to ignore the unspoken demand. He opened himself up, and his senses flared to life a second time as Roger’s taste invaded his mouth. Not even the finest rare steak had ever tasted so good.

  Cam wanted more and pressed closer, hit by a need he’d never had before and was powerless to resist. For the first time in his life he didn’t care if he got punished, he didn’t care if his new Master never wanted anything to do with him again after today. Okay, that was a lie, he would fucking care, but he would examine why later. But here and now Roger’s tongue was dancing in his mouth, fucking it gently, and then gradually with more determination, and Cam got caught up in the maelstrom of sensations that seemed to ping around every part of his body.

  Cam felt empty. He needed…he wanted Roger’s cock in his mouth…in his ass. He honestly didn’t care. He wanted to be touched all over, and he wanted to do some serious touching of his own. If he stayed close to this huge man who claimed to be his mate, then he would be safe, and warm, and fuck it all, even if Roger turned into an asshole the very next day, Cam could remember this. Roger’s taste, his passion and the sheer power that poured off of Roger’s strong body.

  Cam tried to get closer, which was a joke in itself because not even a cigarette paper could pass between their chests. His cock, usually neglected and barely ever hard, was leaking a steady stream of precome over Roger’s silky smooth skin, and Cam couldn’t bring himself to worry about what Roger would think about that. He had to have more of what Roger could give him and when the bigger man made as if to take his lips away, Cam growled and tugged Roger back by his hair, fastening their lips back together again. Kisses. He needed more kisses.

  Oh fuck, Cam thought as his actions finally filtered through into his brain. He’d growled at Roger. Growled at him and grabbed him, like…like he had some control or something. But Roger didn’t seem to be worried. If anything, the rumbles in the big man’s chest, and the quivering of his lips suggested the man was, what? Laughing? Laughing while he was kissing him? Was that even possible?

  Cam pulled his face back, and yep, Roger’s hazelnut eyes were glinting, the tiny wrinkles on the side of his eyes were slanting upwards, and the grin on Roger’s face was wide and open.

  “Don’t back off now, little wolf,” Roger said. “You’re doing fine.It makes me so happy to think that you want me so much. But if you had a choice, wouldn’t you rather our first time together be in our bed?”

  Our bed. Like they were always going to sleep in it together? Cam was so blown away by the notion he nodded his head as Roger slung his hands under Cam’s buttocks and stood up, moving purposefully towards the bedroom. Cam kept his hands looped around Roger’s neck, acutely aware that his dick was still sliding over Roger’s moving torso, and damn if the sensation didn’t have his balls tightening. Not that Cam could do anything about it. He was totally ensnared against Roger’s body. The big man’s hands were possessive, sure and strong, holding Cam as though he was the most precious gift ever and Cam held on tight, as Roger took them through into the room they had shared the night before, and sat him carefully on the bed.

  “Wait there a minute. This would be so much better if we were both naked,” Roger said with a smirk, backing away. Cam’s eyes didn’t miss a moment as Roger slowly peeled off his jeans, revealing muscled thighs, a tight ass and slimmer but still solid calves. Fuck, his mate was magnificent in the flesh. Even Roger’s feet were attractive and Cam hoped one day he would be given permission to explore the man from his adorable wavy hair to his sexy toes.


  It was in the back of his mind that there was so many things Roger knew he should be doing for his mate. Practical things. Buying him clothes for a start. While Roger adored the sight of Cam naked, he didn’t want any other pack members seeing his little wolf that way, so clothes were high on the to-do list. He was also aware that the two men had so much more to talk about. Cam was so unsure about his position, about what he meant as Roger’s mate and he clearly had no idea how important he would be to the Washington pack. Those was just a few of the things that Roger knew he had to address.

  But the look of wonder and lust on Cam’s face. The deliciously cute little growl Cam had given when he was so swept up with lust he wasn’t thinking enough to be nervous. How could anyone, how could he resist against something so amazing? Those tiny hints of Cam’s true behavior gave Roger hope – hope that his mate would heal fully and quickly, hope that Cam would prove to be a delightfully challenging mate who would offer his affection, and hell, did Roger even dare to dream about love this quickly? Not today, but soon.

  Sure, they had this whole submissive thing to get past as well, but right now, Roger wasn’t thinking about anything but the wondrous sight of his mate, on their bed, waiting for him with lust in his eyes. All he had to do was find the patience and the control not to just pounce on the man and fuck him into the mattress. Cam deserved better than that.

  Moving over to the bedside table, Roger pulled out the lube he kept in the drawer and threw it on the bed. Then, with Cam’s eyes watching his every move, he slowly crawled onto the mattress – kept crawling up and over Cam’s body until the man fell back onto the mattress with a squeak. Placing his hands on either side of Cam’s head, Roger was profoundly aware that both his cock and Cam’s, were close enough to be nudging each other, and he resisted the urge to grind down. Instead he kept his eyes firmly on the green glass of Cam’s stare. Then he very deliberately grinned.

  “What do you want me to do little mate? What can I do to bring you pleasure?”

  For a moment Cam’s lust was clouded with confusion, but then those brilliant eyes cleared again and Cam stuck his little chin up as though defiant.

  “I want you to kiss me again. Then I want to suck you, and then I want you to take my ass so hard I can’t remember my own name. And then if it pleases you, I want you to claim me. I want to be yours.”

  Oh good boy! Roger felt the thrill of Cam’s simple statements right through his whole body and it took all of his efforts not to laugh at the joy of it all. He didn’t know if he liked the idea that Cam wanted to be fucked roughly, but that was probably all the boy had ever had before, and it was unlikely he knew it could be any other way. But Cam needed to be rewarded for speaking up, and honestly there was nothing his mate had said that was going to cause Roger any hardship.

  “How about,” he countered, dropping a quick kiss on Cam’s luscious lips that were still red and puffy from their make out session in the living room. “I kiss you, we suck each other, and then I show you what I can do with my cock in your ass. Then I will claim you, little wolf, have no doubts about that.”

  He dropped another kiss on Cam’s lips, and the boy reached up, hooking his arms around Roger’s neck with surprising strength. Roger allowed Cam to pull him closer, a soft moan escaping him as their chests met. Letting his weight fall to his elbows, Roger tangled his hands in that dark hair, and closed the short distance needed to kiss his mate.

  Kissing Cam was like fireworks and rainbows, steak and soft freeze ice-cream all in
one go. Cam’s submission was evident, and that tasted sweet on Roger’s tongue. But there was a burst of fire inside of his boy too – a strength that promised that once Cam was willing and confident, their time together in the bedroom would be explosive. Cam didn’t try and control the kiss, that wasn’t in his nature no matter how confident he might feel, but he wasn’t laying passive in Roger’s arms either. Their lips dueled, and when Cam daringly stuck the tip of his tongue into Roger’s mouth, Roger sucked on it, showing his approval.

  The kiss went on, until Roger realized he was humping the bed, the head of his cock bumping Cam’s balls in a regular rhythm. Because Roger was so much taller than his mate, he could feel Cam’s cock, a rigid pipe of silken steel on his stomach, Cam’s slim hips grinding upwards as the boy tried to get more friction.

  I’ll give you friction, Roger thought with a grin. Moving slowly, Roger disengaged from their kiss, running his tongue down Cam’s chin and across the hard lines of his boy’s jaw. Keeping up a continual motion, Roger moved down, sucking and nibbling across the sharp collar bone, slim pectoral muscle, taking just enough time to swipe the flat of his tongue against the hard nubs of Cam’s nipples. Cam gasped and moaned and Roger filed that away for future reference. He’d be thrilled if Cam enjoyed nipple play as it was one of his favorite ways of teasing his subs. But today Roger had a more pressing need. He wanted to taste his mate.

  Laving with long strokes of his tongue, Roger moved further down Cam’s sensuously moving body – the boy had so much grace he was totally enchanted and would have spent hours licking over Cam’s skin, learning all of those special places that would make his mate’s body sing. But not right now. Now he had more urgent needs and so did Cam.

  Finally reaching Cam’s swollen cock, Roger took a deep breath and sucked the boy straight down his throat. Damn it was good to be a wolf shifter. Cam gasped and trembled on the bed, as though fighting to shift, or to come, Roger wasn’t sure which. But he would bet every last dollar he had, that no one had given Cam a blow job before. Roger set out to blow his boy’s mind.

  Chapter Nine

  Cam was dying – he fucking knew he was dying. Nothing had ever felt so amazingly wondrous in his life than when Roger sucked his cock into that devilishly warm and moist mouth. Nothing. Every cell in his body screamed with his need to come, and Cam shifted his hands, that had been resting on Roger’s broad shoulders into the coverlet beneath him, gripping the linen so hard he was worried, for the tiniest of seconds, that they would rip.

  But then Roger dragged that wicked tongue of his up along his shaft, swirling around his almost exploding cock head. Surely no organ was meant to be that red and that hard without causing him permanent damage? Cam had never felt so overwhelmed in his need to climax and even though he told himself he should be quiet, he wasn’t supposed to make noise unless he was punished, Cam was too far gone with lust to care. Groan after groan poured out of his mouth and he twisted his body from side to side, trying to quell his insistent urge to thrust.

  Then just as suddenly it stopped. Roger pulled off his cock head, and Cam was almost grateful. At least now he had a chance to breath. But his mate, that wicked, wicked man, grinned up at him and said simply, “you can thrust, you can come, whenever you like,” and then he sucked Cam’s cock back in his mouth again. Oh, fucking hell, heaven couldn’t compete with Roger’s mouth.

  Peering down his body, Cam couldn’t see a lot of what Roger was doing as that blond hair fell around Roger’s head, softly tickling his belly and thighs. ButCam could feel every move his mate was making. The demanding suction on his shaft, that strong tongue that seemed to seek out and then torment hot spots Cam didn’t know he had. His slit, that wonderful bundle of nerves under the head of his cock – who knew that anything could feel so all consumingly wonderful?

  Praying that his mate wouldn’t set up him up a deliberate punishment, Cam gently rocked his hips, shallowly thrusting up into the heat that mouth promised. Roger moaned around his shaft and the sensation sent tingles right down to his balls. No longer worried about coming because that was inevitable, Cam rocked a little harder, letting his head fall back onto the bed as his sole attention focused on his cock and the man who was driving him crazy. His balls were already tight, his cock couldn’t get any harder, but his orgasm, that wondrous release, was just out of reach. Cam groaned in frustration – why, when every nerve ending in his body was on fire, couldn’t he fucking come?

  Dimly Cam was aware of warm length alongside of his cock that was still being thrust into Roger’s mouth. Before he could even think about what was going on, the length was gone and then Cam felt a pressing around his entrance and a thick, solid finger breaching his hole. That was all he needed.

  “Yes,” he screamed as his orgasm raced through him. Thrusting as though he had no control over his hips, Cam let his body respond as nature intended. His body trembled as his endorphins flowed, leaving him with a totally foreign, but utterly delightful overwhelming sense of happiness. Cam wanted to laugh out loud – he was so damn happy.

  Suddenly he needed to share that feeling with his mate, the man who had done more in the space of ten minutes, than anyone had ever done for him before. Tapping Roger’s shoulder, Cam tugged at the man, he needed his mate back up near his face. He wanted to kiss his mate and share the joy. And then he wanted to show his new mate that he had a trick or two of his own up his sleeve, or in this case, in his mouth.

  When Roger’s big body was once again blanketing his chest, Cam looked up at the handsome smiling face. Oh yes, his mate had a lot to be smug about –he was an oral God. But Cam could not, would not be happy unless he could give Roger something in return.

  “You’re amazing,” he said in a hushed whisper, hoping his face could express the words that failed him. Roger just grinned and quirked an eyebrow.

  “No more than you deserve, precious,” he said as he moved further up over Cam’s body until Cam was face to face with a solid, dark red, dripping cock.

  This was something that Cam did know how to deal with – bigger than he usually had shoved in his face before, but so much better in every way. Cam took a deep breath as the smell of aroused male, vanilla and dark chocolate hit his nostrils in every delightful way, and bent his head up, nuzzling at Roger’s hair free balls. Groaning as the full force of Roger’s scent hit his nostrils, Cam opened his mouth and suckled on the ball sac.


  Roger planted one hand firmly on the headboard, the other still resting lightly around his swollen shaft. He had fully planned to feed his cock directly into the mouth in front of him, but it seemed his mate had some sense of initiative. And Roger was hardly going to complain as his ball sac was loved on in every possible way.

  Soft gentle kisses, long laves with a wet tongue, little nips here and there just to change the pace a bit, and that was only on his balls. Roger loved it when someone paid attention to the two swollen orbs that nestled snugly below his cock and Cam was an expert at it. By the time Cam had reached his shaft, Roger’s thighs were trembling with the effort it took not to thrust deep and fuck his boy’s mouth. While he had no doubt that Cam could take it, Roger wanted to hold off and see what Cam would do on his own.

  And what he did was perfect. Roger was proud of his uncut cock, but very few subs knew how to lick their way around his foreskin. Cam had no problems, licking, dipping his tongue inside, even nibbling on the stretched skin.

  “Yes, just like that. Fuck, what you’re doing to me baby. So good.”

  Cam’s eyes flashed up to meet his for just one second, but it was enough for Roger to know his mate was enjoying himself. As Cam opened wide and took his big cock head inside his mouth, Roger leaned over and grabbed the lube. He was tall enough to get his dick sucked and prep his mate at the same time. There was no way he was coming in that sensuous mouth, when there was a far bigger prize at stake.

  Letting go of his shaft, confident that Cam had that well supported between his lips, Roger reach
ed back with one arm, his fingers well coated with the sticky substance. As soon as his fingers touched the top of Cam’s thighs, Cam flung open his legs, making it clear what he wanted. Roger’s knuckles grazed Cam’s tight little ball sac and Roger smirked. Seemed his orgasm hadn’t made Cam any less hard than he was before.

  Working quickly, Roger’s fingers found what he was looking for, the small hole relaxed and waiting for him. Something flickered across Roger’s brain about Omegas, but it was just as quickly gone. Cam’s mouth was too clever for its own good, and Roger was going to climax in what he knew would be spectacular fashion in a matter of moments. With far less finesse than he would normally show, Roger made sure there was plenty of lube in and around Cam’s hole, before pulling his cock from Cam’s lips.

  “Enough precious, you’ll make me come,” he said, his voice raspy with lust.

  Cam’s face was red, his lips were swollen, but there was sheer joy in his eyes. A tiny thread of his precome had stuck on Cam’s bottom lip, connecting the two men and Roger wrestled with the idea of just shoving his cock back inside that inviting warmth. For all of two seconds. Cam’s ass tightened around his fingers, drawing his attention away from the fetching picture below him, and Roger knew it was time to make this pretty man his own. He shimmied down Cam’s body and settled between the opened legs.

  “Ready to be mine?”

  “Already yours,” Cam whispered.

  “No one,” Roger said, as he lined his cock up and prepared to breach his mate. “No one will ever have this ass again except me. You have my word.”


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