Steal You Away

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Steal You Away Page 3

by Ashley, Victoria

“Maybe it was a last-minute decision. Either way, I’m glad he’s back. That kid has always been good in the kitchen. Bad everywhere else, albeit, but I know you can handle him. You’ll prove me right.” She winks and snatches her keyring off the hook above the register. “Plus, that one is a looker. It’ll bring in business, which we need. We all know Roger’s old butt wasn’t luring the ladies in. This place needs a change. A younger crowd is what will keep it going. I’m counting on you to make that happen.”

  Perfect, even my sixty-five-year-old grandmother finds Colson Bennett attractive. “Not if he chases them away with his attitude. You know he’s a smartass and always has been. He’s short tempered and uncontrollable.”

  “I think we both know that won’t be a problem with you keeping an eye on him,” she says, mostly to herself, already making her way for the exit door. “Call Libby if you need backup. She called earlier asking for extra hours, so I put her on call.”

  “I’ll be fine. It’s a Tuesday night. I’ll be lucky to get a handful of customers.” I don’t know what she’s thinking. As if Colson just being here is going to magically bring in the entire town.

  “If you say so,” she says, seeming to know something I don’t. She’s clearly delusional. “Have a good night and… good luck.”

  “Not that I’ll need it, but thanks anyway. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  The moment my grandmother exits the bar, I get an urge to go out to the food truck for a glimpse of the new Colson. I’ve gone two years avoiding him at all costs. I’ve even gone as far as to block him on social media accounts, so I wouldn’t have to see the man he’s grown into. Just last week he turned twenty-one, and based on the talk of the town, apparently into a God as well.

  I’ve heard the rumors. Supposedly, he’s sexier than he was when he left town and that’s just by going off his social media posts. If that’s true, then seeing him will be bad; very fucking bad, and I was hoping I wouldn’t have to ever again. Things have been rocky between Dax and me again and if he’s anything like he was before he left, it could be bad news.

  Colson Bennett is back and it couldn’t be any shittier timing.

  Pushing that thought from my mind before it tempts me to go outside, I jump right into taking inventory, hoping that between it and deep cleaning, I won’t think about him so much. He’s outside training with Roger thankfully, so I won’t have to deal with him right away. Maybe I can avoid seeing him for a bit too.

  I won’t think about his mouth and how sexy it was that night when he was touching himself. Or what he tastes like, and how I was the first girl to experience it. I’ll admit, on my bad days, I’ve wondered just how many girls have gotten a taste since me. I hate the fact that thought even crosses my mind.

  “Ugh, stop thinking about that asshole.”

  “What asshole?” Harry, one of the regulars, takes a seat at the bar and sets a container of food down in front of him. He’s an older gentleman in his fifties and hasn’t missed a night of coming here since before I even started working for Dixie.

  “No one, Harry. Just someone from my past that I’d like to avoid.” I grab a clean glass and pour his usual, sliding it in front of him. “What’d you order?”

  “No clue,” he says, uncovering his food. “The kid in the food truck took one look at me and said he knew what to cook, so I took a chance and let him decide. He was pretty convincing.” He nods in approval while examining his food. “Looks like some kind of steak taco. The guy’s a genius, because you know I love steak. It’s my only weakness.” He holds up his beer. “Other than this, that is.”

  “Lucky guess it seems, but I wouldn’t call him a genius.” I grab the notebook from beside the register and open it to the first blank page. “I’ll be doing inventory if you need me.”

  He nods and shoves one of the tacos into his mouth, practically dying before me. “This…” he points to his half-eaten taco before taking another quick bite, “is the best goddamn taco I’ve ever tasted. Definitely a genius, Kennedy. Please tell me he’s Roger’s replacement. I could get used to this.”

  “For now,” I mutter.

  “Well I vote to keep the guy permanently and I might just have all my meals here.”

  “Sounds expensive. You already spend enough of your money here.” I laugh and walk to the first cooler, taking a seat on the floor to start inventory. “Maybe that’s a good reason not to keep him. Someone’s got to look out for you.”

  Not even ten minutes into inventory, the bell on the door dings, letting me know that I have another customer, so I set my notebook aside and stand up, expecting it to be Benny coming in sooner than usual, but am surprised when I see two girls I recognize from high school instead.

  They’re going on about something I can’t make out, and they’re both smiling and acting all giddy as they pull up a couple of stools and sit down with their food. Looks like the Colson trance is starting again.

  “Hey, girls.” I smile and place two coasters in front of them. “What will it be tonight?”

  “Hey, sweetie.” The brunette I recognize as Amber turns away from Rochelle long enough to offer me a smile. “Colson suggested Vodka and Cranberry with our meals. We’ll take two.”

  “Sure thing, ladies.” I work on making their drinks, surprisingly anxious to get back and see what Mr. Genius decided was the perfect meal for them.

  “Wow…” Rochelle says on a sigh. “This is delicious. It’s soooooooo good.”

  “What kind did you get?” her friend asks, while already jumping in for a second bite of hers, clearly just as impressed as Harry was with his food.

  “Pork. You?”

  “Chicken.” Amber smiles at me when I set their drinks down in front of them. “If Colson is going to be working the food truck from now on, expect to see us more often. Wow, just wow. I could eat his food and look at him all night. You might need to add a third picnic table out back, Kennedy. Some might decide they want to eat outside from now on. I just might.”

  “Same,” her friend adds. “My boyfriend won’t appreciate it, but what’s the harm in looking?”

  Yeah, I used to ask the same thing. Then I found out.

  “And drooling and fantasizing,” her friend adds. “But at least you’re not touching. I hope to change that someday for myself, because holy hell he’s fine. I didn’t think that man could get any hotter than before he left. I was dead wrong.”

  The bell on the door dings again and just like before, it’s another person I wasn’t expecting. Tuesdays are usually for regulars. It’s very rare to get a random person stopping in for drinks.

  After serving another girl I recognize from high school, I check on everyone to see if they’re good before picking up my notebook and pen and making my way around to the second cooler. I barely get done counting it when a small group of people walk in. This time two girls and a guy.

  “See what I mean?” Harry says. “The kid’s got skills. His looks don’t hurt business either.”

  “Apparently,” I mumble to myself, walking off to help my new customers. I don’t know why I’m so angry. My bar is filling up with paying customers and all I can think about is how much of an ass Colson is. I don’t know what it is that he’s doing to get these customers in, but I can bet he’s going to be extra cocky about it later.

  Within thirty minutes, seven of my ten bar stools are occupied and there are a few girls sitting at one of the tables talking about how sexy Colson is, as if it’s news.

  If this is any indication of how the rest of the night is going to go, looks like I’ll need that backup after all. My other regulars haven’t even made it in yet, and things have been fast moving since the food truck opened tonight.

  As soon as I get caught up on everyone’s drinks, I reach into my back pocket and pull out my phone to call Libby. But before I can hit ‘send’ the door opens to her rushing inside.

  “I’m here!” she says, rushing behind the bar to get to me. “I got here as fast as I could.”

“How did you…” I shove my phone back into my pocket. “Did my grandmother call you?”

  She shakes her head and laughs. “Uh no. Haven’t you seen the bar’s Instagram page?”

  “No. I’ve been too busy trying to keep up on drinks.”

  “Well, this was posted less than an hour ago. The same thing is posted on Colson’s page too.” She holds her phone out and unlocks the screen. It’s on Dixie’s Alibi’s page already and on it is a picture of the food truck along with the caption: Come to Dixie’s Alibi for a mystery meal that’ll knock your panties right off.—Colson Bennett

  “Are you fucking serious!? How did he even get access to our social media account? He’s been here for less than two hours.”

  “Dixie, I’m guessing.” She shrugs. “It definitely was not me, so don’t be mad. I didn’t even know he was back. But it looks like everyone will know now. Dude has like twenty thousand followers. Just saying.”

  “Let me see that.” I grab the phone from her long enough to see that the post has eighty-three likes and ten comments. Panic sets in as I scroll through the comments.

  I’d let you knock my panties right off any day.

  Be there in ten!

  Are you the mystery meal, Colson? That would for sure knock my panties right off…

  Wish I lived closer. #Roadtrip

  Before I can get any more pissed than I already am by his unprofessional post, I delete it and hand the phone back to Libby. I’ve worked too hard to show my grandmother I can handle this place to have him come in and screw it all up. “I’ll be right back. Keep an eye on things.”

  “Sure thing. I’ll be fine.”

  My heart pounds against my ribcage with anger as I make my way through the bar and to the back door, leading to our small patio. Just like before he left, he doesn’t think before he acts or speaks. I’m not sure why I expected any differently from him just because almost two years have passed.

  I shove the door open, my eyes widening when I take in the line at the food truck. Just off the top of my head, I’m assuming there are at least eight people, plus a few sitting at one of the picnic tables. As I walk past them to get to the back of the food truck, I’m not surprised to see that a majority of them are women. And they’re probably all as equally desperate to get his attention. Just like the summer before he left.

  Once I make my way around the food truck, I yank the door open, stepping inside. Colson’s back is toward me as he works the grill, and like an idiot, I take the opportunity to check out his firm ass, enjoying the way his faded jeans hug it.

  I don’t remember it being this firm. My eyes trail up to get away from his ass, and when they do, I take notice of the way his back muscles flex beneath his white long-sleeved shirt as he chops up whatever’s on the grill.

  “Did you come in here to check me out or are you going to welcome me back home?”

  “Neither,” I say to his back. “Where’s Roger?” I ask, finally taking my eyes off him long enough to realize he’s alone.

  “Sent him home.”

  “You did what?” I swallow in anger. “You’re supposed to be training, Colson. You’re not in any position to send anyone home.”

  He does a few more chops, before setting his spatula aside and turns to face me. My insides heat up the moment my eyes trail up his firm chest and land on his perfectly sculpted face that I’ve spent years wondering what would look like now that he’s a little older and more mature.

  It doesn’t disappoint; in fact, it does the complete opposite. His full lips are now surrounded by stubble and his perfect jawline is sexy enough to knock any girl’s panties off. He definitely didn’t look like this before he left. The way his dark strands hang messily around his face only tops it off, giving him the bad boy vibe that most girls dream about.

  “I have it under control. He wasn’t needed, so I sent him home. I’m sure Dixie won’t mind.”

  “That’s bullshit. You’ve been here for less than two hours. You can’t just show up and start throwing out orders. You don’t run this place. You don’t even have any experience.”

  “You’re right…” His intense amber eyes lock on mine, peeking at me through his messy hair, and I almost lose my shit at how hot it is. “Because you’re about to run this place. When I heard you needed help, I came to the rescue.” He takes a step forward, leaning in close to my lips. “You should be thanking me,” he breathes. “I have many ways you can do that. But it’s best to wait until we’re alone before I name them.”

  “Fuck off, Colson.” I place my hand on his firm chest to put some space between us. His closeness has my entire body igniting into flames. “I won’t be thanking you for shit. No one asked for your help. I know I certainly didn’t. In fact, I had no idea you were even back in town. Your sister failed to mention that little disappointing tidbit to me.”

  “I doubt it’s that much of a disappointment. From what I remember, babe, I left you with a little something to remember me by and we both know you enjoyed it. Let’s not pretend.” His eyes lower to the natural bulge in his jeans, and following his trap, mine do as well. “I bet you still fantasize about my taste, don’t you? Does my brother know?”

  “You’re disgusting.” I say, my pulse racing with need when he grips his dick through his jeans and bites his bottom lip. “If you must know, I haven’t thought about you in months. In fact, I almost forgot you existed until you showed up here.”

  “We both know that’s a lie…” He smirks, before flipping over the piles of pork and steak covering the grill. And just like that, his attention is back on me, his wandering eyes making my legs shaky. “Pretend to hate me all you want, but we both know you need me, Kennedy. And not just to bring the bar business, but to finish the job I should’ve before I left and let you get back with Dax.” He rolls his sleeves up, revealing his firm forearms, before crossing his arms across his chest. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a job to do. Women’s panties to drop and all. No one likes false advertising, now do they?”

  “You may be twenty-one now, but you’re just as immature as the nineteen-year-old boy who left.” I spit out, losing my cool. “And don’t ever post unprofessional shit like that on the bar’s social media again or you’ll be fired. I’m not going to have you fucking things up for me.”

  He’s in the middle of dishing out his food and accepting a tip, but quickly turns back around. “In two weeks, maybe…”

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “Dixie promised me a position here for as long as she’s still managing the place.” He slaps some more meat down on the grill and begins chopping it up. “Tonight was Roger’s last day.” He faces me again and moves in uncomfortably close, until his mouth brushes my ear. “So, unless you know someone else who can take his place, get used to seeing a lot of me. I’ll show you every inch of me if you’d like.”

  “Fuck off,” I spit out, angry at my grandmother now, on top of Colson. She should’ve told me about her arrangement with Colson, but then again, I never told her we stopped being friends. Looks like that was my mistake. “Just do your job and stay the hell off social media. The comments on that post are disgusting.”

  The confident grin he flashes before I walk away has me needing a few moments to myself before going back into the bar.

  As if the pressure of showing my grandmother I’m ready to manage the bar wasn’t hard enough, now I have Colson Bennett to deal with.

  If I’m not careful, he’s going to fuck everything up for me, because he sucks just as much as before. He’s still the same, rude, tempting asshole that screws everything up, and I refuse to let him do that for me.

  I tense my jaw and watch as Kennedy makes her way through the parking lot to her car instead of inside like she should, where customers are waiting. I’ve been back in town for a day and have already managed to piss her off. It’s what I do best when it comes to her. At least lately.

  It’s the only way to get a reaction out of her, and like the asshole
I am, I use that to get under her skin because it turns me on to push her. The way she reacts to me gets my dick hard. She pretends she doesn’t want me inside of her when we both know she does. Fuck, it gets me heated unlike anything else.

  I knew she wouldn’t let me touch her before I left because of Dax. But I wasn’t about to leave without giving her something to remember me by. I had hoped by the time I came back that Kennedy would realize staying with my brother is a mistake and leave him for good, but it looks like she needs another push from me. I’m prepared to do what it takes now. She might hate me at first, but that’ll change. I’ll make sure of it.

  “This smells… delicious.” The cute blonde in front of me has me turning away from Kennedy’s car to look at her. She’s giving me the same eyes every girl that’s been to this window tonight has. “I’ll be counting on my panties coming off later, Colson. Here’s my number.”

  Giving her false hope—my asshole way to bring business in—I wink and grab Kacey’s number, not giving her any indication that she doesn’t have a shot in hell with me. The moment she walks away, I toss her number into the same basket as the other eight I’ve gotten tonight and get right back to work.

  It takes a good two hours before the line dies down enough for me to take a break. The second I’m freed up, I connect my playlist to my portable speaker after sending a quick text to my buddy Travis. Then I step outside to light up a much needed smoke. Seeing Kennedy has always wound me up tight. She’s the reason I tried my first cigarette freshman year.

  There are still a few girls lingering around eating their tacos. To avoid talking to them, I grab my board to give them a show instead. The longer they stick around, the thirstier they’ll get; hopefully for drinks and not my body. Kennedy may be pissed at the little stunt I pulled today on the bar’s social media page, but it showed her that it worked. It was inappropriate—I don’t deny that shit—and had girls flocking to the place within minutes, but it increased business.


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