Steal You Away

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Steal You Away Page 9

by Ashley, Victoria

  “Fuck you, Colson. Clearly, you’re a bigger asshole than I thought.” He leans in farther and points in my face. “Keep your ass out of my bed. You’re lucky to be sleeping on the couch as it is. Don’t fucking push it.”

  “Your bed?” I snuff out my smoke and hop of out my truck, shutting the door behind me. My brother is already waiting at the front of my truck when I get there. “If I recall correctly, you don’t live here. In fact, you live with the one person Kennedy hates with a passion. I’m sure that’s getting you lots of points with her.”

  He shoves me, causing me to stumble back a bit before he gets in my face. “Just stop playing games. Stay away from my girl. She hates you almost as much as she hates Steve. Just remember that.”

  “For now…”

  “I mean it. Stay away,” he says again, walking backward, before turning and heading inside.

  I stand out here for a few minutes, needing to calm my racing mind, before I head inside myself. But once I’m on the couch, all I can focus on is every single noise that comes from Kennedy’s room. Either they’re having sex or Dax wants me to believe they are.

  He’s fucked in the head if he thinks that’s going to keep me away from Kennedy. No, he just ensured I’m going to play dirty now. Real fucking dirty.

  I didn’t see Colson at all yesterday outside of work, so I can only assume that whatever Dax said to him the other night worked. After their conversation, Dax crawled into bed determined to show me I was his. As good as the sex felt, though, I couldn’t get fully into it because my mind was on Colson.

  It’s messed up, I know. Who the hell has sex with their boyfriend while thinking about his brother? Whenever I closed my eyes, I pictured him on top of me and every inch of my body ignited into flames. It’s shameful, yet I couldn’t stop imagining it—every dip of muscle sweaty from him working his hips above me. I still haven’t been able to stop, and it’s messing with my head.

  Needing something cold to drink, I get out of bed and head to the kitchen, not expecting to find Colson standing at the stove shirtless in a pair of gray sweatpants. The way his back muscles flex as he works the spatula has me quickly turning away and reaching into the fridge, regretting coming out here.

  “Morning.” He turns away from the stove and I swallow when my eyes land on the very noticeable outline of his dick. He’s clearly not wearing any boxers, because even the shape of his head is visible. “Hey. My eyes are up here,” he teases, clearly amused.

  “It’d be nice if you’d wear underwear when you’re staying with us.” I look away, my face heated as I guzzle down half the bottled water I pulled from the fridge. Why am I so hot right now? I’m burning up.

  “And it’d be nice if you didn’t while I’m staying with you.” He empties half of the pan of eggs onto two plates and sets the pan back on the stove. I stiffen from his closeness as he slides one of the plates in front of me, his scent overwhelming my senses. I’ve always loved the way he smells. “Would you prefer for me to wear only my underwear? Is that what you’re saying?”

  “I’d prefer you to layer both your underwear and sweatpants over your body. I’m sure your brother would too.”

  He smiles and digs into his eggs. “Need me to work on your car later?”

  “Why? Is something wrong with it?”

  “Sounds like it.” He points at my plate. “Eat up and I’ll take a look at it tomorrow when we’re off.”

  “I’m sure your brother can do it. He’s off on Sundays too. In fact, I’d rather he did.”

  He laughs and walks to the fridge to pour two glasses of orange juice. “My brother is shit when it comes to cars and you know it. All he’ll do is look at it and suggest which shop to take it to and I’ll end up doing it anyway. Just like that one time.”

  I remember which time he’s referring to vividly, because I ended up practically drooling while watching him bend over my car to work on it. It was the same summer I realized just how attracted to him I was. He was wearing a white T-shirt and a pair of faded jeans that fit him to perfection. I couldn’t get the image out of my head for days.

  “Fine. I’ll pay you to fix whatever the problem is then.”

  “Fuck that.” He sets his fork down and scoops the rest of the eggs on my plate. “I won’t accept money from you. I’ll buy the parts and do the work for free. We had this discussion two years ago. What makes you think anything has changed? I’ll take care of you, Kennedy. Always.”

  I swallow and focus my attention on my plate. I don’t think I can look at him when he’s offering to take care of me. I like it a little too much. “Then maybe I’ll owe you a drink after all.”

  When I’m done eating, I linger around my room for a bit, needing a little space from Colson. The way he kept looking at me after our conversation had my stomach in knots. He had that look in his eye. That same possessive look Dax had last night at the bar.

  I wait for the shower water to turn on before exiting my room to drop my glass off in the sink. I’m just about to head back to my room to get dressed when the bathroom door opens and Colson steps out, holding a towel over his junk. Everything else on his glorious body is exposed, including his muscular ass as he heads for the couch.

  “Really, Colson? I thought you were in the shower,” I grit out, covering my eyes. “You could’ve covered up better before coming out.”

  “And I thought you were in your room.” I hear him coming at me before I feel his body heat right in front of me. I can’t help but to realize the only thing separating me from seeing what I’ve been imagining since the night he touched himself is a towel; one that he could easily drop if he wanted to. This is Colson. I wouldn’t put it past him. “I forgot my razor.” I can practically feel him smile against my lips. That’s how close he is. “I like to stay nice and groomed. Can you say the same about my brother?”

  “Just hurry up and go to the bathroom, Colson.”

  “Tell me to drop it. I could easily give you a peek of what you’ve wanted to see for a long time now. My brother doesn’t need to know everything, like the fact that it wasn’t an accident.” He grabs my hand and removes it from my eyes. “Your call, Kennedy. Anything you want is yours. Stop hiding from this.”

  I shake my head and back away. “You’re crazy. I’m not doing this with you.” Before I cave and play his little game, I walk away. Every second with him is a second closer to me making the biggest mistake of my life.

  He goes from making me think I like him to pissing me off just as quickly. I can’t make out what I’m feeling when I’m around him and it’s confusing as hell.

  I heard Colson leave shortly after he got out of the shower, so I took a shower myself, got dressed, and headed out the door with my skateboard. I don’t know how long I’ve been skating around for before I reach the park and hop off, fighting to catch my breath.

  It’s been years since I’ve skated out my frustration, and I’ll admit, it feels good. I used to spend a lot of my free time at Underground Pit, until Dax started giving me a hard time about going there. He didn’t like me hanging out at a place where attractive guys checked me out while I skated, so I respected his wishes even though I’d been skating there long before we became a couple. Eventually, I just stopped skating altogether and started focusing on Dixie’s. It just seemed like the better option than to fight all the time.

  But after my encounter with Colson in the kitchen, I needed to do something to clear my head, and skating used to do that for me.

  I’ve never been unfaithful to Dax before, and since his brother has been around, my thoughts have brought me too close too many times to count, and it’s barely been four days since his return. Even after finding out about Dax’s night with Valerie a few years back, I’ve been a good girl. We both promised that we wouldn’t see other people, even while on a break, yet he ended up at a party with Valerie naked and his fingers between her legs.

  It took me the longest time to get over that, and admittedly, I still think about that night
from time to time and wonder just how far he would have gone had Travis not walked in on him.

  I feel suffocated, even standing here in the fresh air with nothing but trees and playground equipment surrounding me. So many years of being with only Dax—not kissing or being sexual with anyone else—and now the opposite is all I can seem to think about doing, and it’s getting to me.

  “You okay?”

  I look up from the ground I’ve been staring at to find Travis walking toward me with his skateboard tucked under his arm. “Yeah,” I lie. “Just a little out of breath.”

  He smiles when noticing my board in the grass. “I’m surprised you still have that thing. It’s been what… three years since you retired it?”

  I let out a small laugh over the retired part. “Yeah. Close to that.”

  “What made you dig it out after all this time?”

  “Not sure. Just needed some air, I guess.”

  “Don’t blame ya with Colson back.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?” I ask a little too quickly to not sound suspicious. The mention of his name might’ve even caused a bead of sweat to trickle down my forehead, giving me away.

  He grins and takes a step back. “Nothing. Just that Colson is a handful. I should get to Underground before I’m late for my shift. You should stop in and hang out.”

  “I might.” I nod and watch as he throws his board down and skates off.

  I should’ve asked—no begged—for him to take Colson back in to sleep on his couch. Anything to get him off ours. Something kept me from doing that. I’m not quite sure what yet, but something kept the words from coming when I had the chance.

  Closing my eyes, I push my sweaty hair out of my face and inhale, deep and slow, before quickly exhaling. Part of me wants to go to the skatepark again. Maybe not to skate, but to check it out and see if anything has changed since I was last there. The thought has plagued me since Travis has been gone.

  Before I can think on it too hard and change my mind, I grab my skateboard and take off walking the three blocks it takes to get there. Even though I’m on foot, my heart is still racing like I’m on my board by the time I’m standing outside the door.

  I don’t see Colson’s truck anywhere in sight, but that doesn’t mean he’s not here. He could’ve easily skated here, but I’m hoping that he didn’t.

  When I step into the building the echo of wheels against wood assaults me from the ramp, an occasional grind from time to time as the bottom of a board skims against metal. It’s loud—louder than I remember—and Jerome is standing behind the counter talking to a few people.

  He pauses and smiles when he notices me standing here with my board. “Whoa, look who rolled in. Am I seeing things or are you really here?”

  I laugh and give him a hug when he comes at me. “No, I’m here. I can’t believe it myself. It feels like a lifetime ago that I used to come here every day.”

  “It was a lifetime ago, Kennedy.” He motions around the room. “But as you can see, not much has changed. Added a new half-pipe and a few stair sets, but that’s pretty much it. Feel free to explore and get your skate on.”

  “I just might,” I say, watching a few of the skaters on the new half-pipe. “I’ll probably just hang back and watch a bit first.”

  “Cool. Cool. Want a water or soda or something? On the house.”

  I smile. “I’ll take a water. And is it really on the house when you owe me a few drinks already?”

  He gives me a questioning look.

  “That night you got wasted at Dixie’s and forgot to pay your tab,” I remind him.

  “Oh shit.” He laughs. “In that case you can have anything in this cooler that you want. Don’t even ask. Just take it until we’re even.”

  “The water is fine.” I grab the bottled water from him and take the cap off, needing a drink. “Thanks, Jerome. I’ll catch you on the way out.”

  He nods and backs away to help someone wanting to buy some merchandise. I used to have so many Underground Pit shirts I’m pretty sure that used to be my wardrobe for the better part of every week. I’m almost positive I still have them in the back of my closet somewhere.

  Trying not to draw too much attention, I walk over to one of the many picnic tables and take a seat, unsure if I’m ready to talk to anyone here yet. Anyone who recognizes me is sure to slam me with a bunch of questions, like why I suddenly stopped coming here. I could tell them that Dax didn’t appreciate me spending so much time here, but I’d be lying if I said that’s the only reason.

  I found myself enjoying Colson on his board too often, watching him a little too closely for my own liking. I didn’t want to be one of those girls, which made it easier to agree when Dax said I should stop coming here. It wasn’t that I had a thing for Colson… at least I told myself I didn’t, but who knows now. Maybe I started finding him attractive way before he left and came back that one summer and I just wasn’t ready to admit it.

  I know it’s been at least an hour since I started watching, not really recognizing too many people, but then my attention shifts to the other side of the room where Colson is doing tricks on the quarter-pipe.

  Seeing him on his board makes me regret coming here. The sight of him skating shirtless in those ripped jeans of his is incredibly sexy. He’s concentrating hard, and I find it to be so damn hot. I don’t often see him serious about many things, but skating is something he’s always concentrated hard on. It’s like he’s in a different world when he’s on his board. I like that Colson.

  I become lost in watching him for a while, not paying attention to the time that’s passed. He hasn’t noticed I’m here, so I’m taking advantage of this moment. Every trick he does has me completely focused on him, admiring his skill. He’s flawless on his board. The best skater around. Always has been.

  “Hot, right?”

  I turn beside me to see who has joined me at the picnic table to find Emery watching me watch Colson. “If you like assholes,” I respond, hoping she hasn’t been watching me this whole time.

  “Do you?” she questions, keeping her eyes on Colson. “Because Colson seems to be every girl’s type. But I guess it’s different for you since you’re dating his brother and all.”

  “Right,” I say mostly to myself, pulling my attention from the quarter-pipe where Colson just did a nose stall. “I guess I’m the exception.”

  “Lucky you. Wish I could look at Colson without craving to touch and taste him. I’ve been wishing that since we were kids. But he’s too hot to not want. He’s both a curse and a blessing. He could have any girl he wants. He holds all the power and always has. That’s incredibly sexy in a man, especially since he doesn’t abuse that power, but oh, how I wish he would. Just one night would be enough. Or maybe not. I don’t know.”

  As hard as I fight not to look at Colson again, I turn my attention back to the quarter-pipe and watch him for a few more minutes, getting lost in every move he makes. When he jumps off his board and places his hands behind his head, fighting to catch his breath, I look him over good and hard, my eyes landing on the script tattoo just under his armpit—I was not built to break.

  Wish I could say the same, but I’m afraid Colson is going to break me, and soon if I don’t get my shit together fast.

  I stand and grab my board once I’ve had enough, deciding it’s time to leave. Emery’s words about Colson holding the power has my heart racing and everything inside me wanting to touch him. To let him touch me and use that power that’s so incredibly sexy. That’s bad. “I should get going. Maybe I’ll see you around Dixie’s.”

  “Maybe.” She nods and smiles as I walk away, her attention immediately going back to Colson.

  Jerome is busy helping some kid pick out a deck when I pass him, so I just wave and head toward the exit, making my escape.

  I’ve been on edge since leaving the skatepark earlier. It didn’t help that I ran into Valerie on the way home, which had me thinking back to what happened before with her an
d Dax. From the little smirk she flashed me, I’m guessing it had her thinking the same.

  Then, to top it off, Dax and I got into a meaningless fight when I met him for a late lunch. I was so close to telling him what happened this morning when Colson came out in a towel, attempting to tempt me. Then, I shut down, wanting nothing to do with him.

  I’m so sick of constantly fighting with Dax. We’ve been dating off and on for over seven years and we still fight about the smallest things. It’s not like we even see each other every day. You’d think we’d get along better. I sometimes ask myself if us getting back together this last time was a mistake. When I think of all the history we have, I convince myself it wasn’t.

  It’s been a long day and night of being lost in my thoughts, and I’m tired of thinking. I just want to breathe… not think. With Colson right outside my entire shift, it was a challenge, to say the least. Every customer he brought in tonight was just a reminder of what was outside those walls, waiting to taunt me.

  I managed to avoid him all night, since surprisingly, he didn’t post anything inappropriate on the bar’s IG page. Still didn’t stop me from thinking about him half-naked. I kept replaying the scene over and over in my head, wondering what would’ve happened if I had given him the go to drop his towel.

  This is so fucked up. I should’ve gone out there before he left tonight and scolded him for screwing with me this morning. The bar closed over thirty minutes ago, though, which means he’s long gone by now. He has no reason to be hanging around, unless he’s sticking around the parking lot just to mess with my head some more.

  Pushing that thought aside, I close the safe and lock it, before exiting the office to gather the pile of dirty towels and toss them into the bleach bucket. Everything else is done, but I keep trying to think of ways to distract myself. I’m not ready to go home yet. Not with Colson being there, and definitely not with the dirty thoughts still running through my head.

  After mine and Dax’s little fight at the diner earlier, I’m positive he doesn’t plan to crash at the house tonight either, and honestly, I need him as a distraction right now. I should just apologize and ask him to spend the night, but my pride keeps me from calling him. He has been so on edge, constantly throwing attitude my way any chance he gets. It’s as if he’s taking his anger over his brother and work out on me and I’m not having it.


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