Steal You Away

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Steal You Away Page 16

by Ashley, Victoria

  Getting to sleep tonight was hard enough as it was. I’d gotten so used to sleeping in the same house as Kennedy that being here feels off; like this isn’t where I’m supposed to be right now.

  Stopping in front of the door, I run my hands over my face one more time in an attempt to wake up, before finally unlocking it and opening it to my brother standing on the other side.

  “What the fuck did you to do her that would cause her to break up with me?” He shoves me back, giving him room to walk inside.

  My heart is real fucking happy over hearing Kennedy dumped him. Maybe he isn’t the last person I want to deal with right now. I cross my arms and lean against the arm of the couch as he searches through my cabinets for a bottle of liquor. “Ouch. She dumped you? Didn’t see that coming.”

  “Fuck you!” He pulls down the Disaronno—the only bottle of liquor I have, scoffing when he sees what it is. “So now you drink what she does? Just great.” He shoves the bottle across the kitchen island and begins pacing. “Eight years. I’ve been with her since I was seventeen. And all it takes is you being back for less than two weeks for her to throw it all away. So again, what did you do?”

  I push away from the couch and meet him in the kitchen, grabbing the bottle of Amaretto. “I happen to like this shit. That sweet hint of almonds. I can see why it’s Kennedy’s favorite.” I tilt the bottle back, taking a huge swig, before setting it back down and meeting my brother’s gaze. “You really want to know, brother?”

  “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t. Now stop fucking around and talk.” He looks ready to kill me at this point, and I don’t blame him. I’d want to kill me too if I were him.

  “Fingerfucked her just like you did Valerie. Remember that break?” I smile and add. “Before I went down on her and made her come. When was the last time you did that?”

  “I should rip your goddamn throat out.” His nostrils flare in anger, his entire body tensing up as he comes at me, stopping just an inch from my face. “Stay the fuck away from her. She’s confused. You going after her twenty-four-seven isn’t doing shit to help her. All she needs is time away from you to think clearly. Two days without you coming on to her and I bet she’ll realize you were only a short phase.”

  “You think me giving her a couple of days will make her want me any less?” I laugh and look my brother in the eyes. “You’re a lot more delusional than I originally thought.”

  “Then do it,” he says firmly. “If you care about her at all, you’ll at least give her that.” He pokes me in the chest, before walking away, slamming the door shut behind him.

  I stand here for a while, my head stuck on what he just asked of me. Two days. As much as I hate the idea of staying away from Kennedy, especially now that she’s single, I’ll do it. If she still wants me after that, which I have no doubt she will, I’m going all in.

  I’m not doing this for my brother, despite what he may think. I’m doing it because the least I can do after Kennedy just ended an eight-year relationship is give her a few days to recover. Everything has to change after that if I want to keep her for good. I won’t just need her body. I’ll also need her heart.

  It’s been three nights since my break-up with Dax and my guilt has still been eating at me. In my mind, I feel like I should hurt more than I do; that instead of thinking about Colson and why he asked for the last two nights off that I should be crying over my loss of Dax—someone who has been in my life regularly for almost a decade.

  Am I broken or just confused? I can’t figure it out and it’s driving me crazy. The bar closed thirty minutes ago and I’m still here just hanging around, because I don’t feel like going home and thinking anymore. Not that being here stops my thoughts completely, but it at least turns down the volume.

  Has Colson decided he no longer wants me now that Dax is out of the picture? It’s not like I broke up with Dax to be with Colson, but I at least expected him to still want me after all we’ve been through these last two weeks. I’m sicker over that than I am being done with Dax. In a day I’ll take over as management, and even that hasn’t been able to shake me out this funk.

  I’ve had enough of sitting here and sulking, so I lock up and head out for the night. Just as I’m about to head to my car, I look toward the food truck to find Colson’s truck parked beside it, him chilling on the tailgate.

  It’s dark, so I can’t see him well from where I’m standing, but just knowing he’s here has my heart beating fast with excitement… or maybe fear. After not seeing him for two days I can’t decide which it is.

  He pats the spot beside him and motions for me to join him. I only think on it for a split second before I walk to his truck, stopping in front of him.

  “You’re late tonight,” he points out, grabbing my hand to help me up beside him. “Later than last night.”

  “You were here last night?” I look beside me, watching his mouth as he lights up a joint. It almost has me forgetting what I just asked until he answers.

  “I come here every night when you’re closing. The nights you don’t see me are the nights I leave right when the lights get turned out.” He takes a hit from the joint, his gaze on mine as he exhales. “Like I said before, I don’t like you closing up alone.”

  His confession causes my heart to skip a beat. The fact that he comes here every night for me when he doesn’t have to gets me deep. “I didn’t know. You really don’t have to do that.”

  It’s silent for a moment before he asks, “Are you okay?”

  “What do you mean?” I grab the joint when he passes it to me. It’s been years since I’ve gotten high with Colson.

  “With the breakup.” He scoots closer and grabs my chin so that I’ll look at him. “Are you okay not being with my brother?”

  I nod and exhale the smoke. “More okay than I thought I’d be,” I admit, passing the joint back. “I feel bad, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t miss him like I thought I would after all these years with him. I’m hurting more for him than I am myself. I’m pretty sure that makes me an asshole.”

  He leans in to speak against my ear, his closeness causing my body to overheat still. Two days away from him hasn’t done anything but make me want him more. “Nah. My brother is a big boy. He’ll get over it eventually. He should’ve seen you guys breaking up coming. You two were never good together.”

  “We weren’t,” I say on a slight laugh, because it’s true. “Still doesn’t make walking away from someone after dating for so long easy, whether he should’ve seen it coming or not. It’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do.”

  “I wouldn’t know,” he says quietly. “I’ve never been with someone longer than a few months. But you know that.”

  “Why not?” I question, turning into his closeness. Our lips are so close they’re almost touching. I have the urge to lean in but know I shouldn’t. Not this soon.

  “Because of you.” My heart stops. At least it feels like it for a split second. “I’ve been waiting for you, and I’m still waiting, Kennedy. Don’t mistake me giving you a couple days of space as me giving up. That’ll never happen. I knew you’d need time.”

  “How do you know what I need?” My pulse races as I wait for his response.

  “Because I know you. I’ve been studying you for years.” I close my eyes, leaning into his touch when his hand brushes my cheek. “I know you better than my brother ever could.”

  I open my eyes at the absence of his touch, wishing he’d bring his hands back. “You’re so sure of that, aren’t you?”

  “Fuck yeah,” he growls, before taking another hit. “He never took the time to get to know you the way I did, and you know it. All that time we spent together at the skatepark, and all those late nights in the kitchen while I cooked us food. I listened to every word you’d give me.”

  I can’t deny that. It’s true. “I think I missed those nights after they stopped. I didn’t realize it before, but now that I stop to think about it, I lived for those nights. They
were some of the best I ever had.” I lay back and exhale, looking up at the stars. “But I had a jealous boyfriend, so I shut those nights out of my head. You were a good friend to me.”

  “I can be a much better boyfriend,” he whispers, before lifting my head to shove a hoody or something else soft beneath it. “I still owe you dinner and drinks. Think you can handle me taking you out?”

  “Colson,” I breathe, sitting up to face him. “I just broke up with Dax. A date is a horrible idea. I can’t be that harsh to him. I’ve already hurt him enough as it is.”

  He grabs the back of my head and scoots in close to speak against my lips. “Then come to the party Travis is throwing tomorrow night. It’s sort of a welcome home for me. Come.”

  “I’ll think about it.” I close my eyes and suck in a breath, expecting him to kiss me when his bottom lip brushes mine, but instead, he backs away and releases my head.


  We sit here for a while in silence, just enjoying the night. I don’t know for how long before he finally jumps down and grabs my hand to help me to my feet. “You should get some sleep. You’re about to crash out right here. I’ll see you at work tomorrow.”

  I smile, happy that he’s coming back. “Good night, Colson.”

  He grins and reaches for a cigarette, placing it between his lips. The way he watches me until I finally turn and walk away has my body aching with need for him to touch me, reminding me of that night in the bar.

  If I know what’s good for me, I’ll stay away from that party tomorrow night.

  I slept easier last night than I have in nights, knowing for sure that my brother was wrong about what he said a few nights ago; not that I had much doubt, but knowing for a fact feels really fucking good that giving Kennedy a few days to think didn’t make her want me any less. I could feel it in the way she looked at me last night when she thought I was going to kiss her.

  I should’ve. Hell, I almost did, but I held back wanting to see how badly her need for me would build up after waiting.

  Kennedy has another one of those early shifts today. She’s been here with Dixie and Libby, getting whatever shit figured out for her to take over management. I’m so fucking proud of her, and I can’t wait to tell her myself. I’d go inside and congratulate her, but the food truck has been steady since it opened after being closed for two days.

  I lied to Dixie and told her I was sick the other day because I knew if I had to work the truck, there was no way in hell I would’ve lasted two days without coming on to Kennedy. I barely forced myself to leave the parking lot before she got out, which is exactly why I was there last night when I shouldn’t have been.

  For hours, my brain has been on autopilot, going through order after order and barely paying attention to who I’m handing the food to, because I’m so stuck on wanting to get to Kennedy. It’s just past nine, and from what I heard from Libby earlier, Kennedy should be taking off any minute now.

  I step out of the truck for a cigarette break and wait for her to walk out. When she does, her attention lands straight on me. She stands still for a moment, as if deciding what she should do, before she finally walks toward me.

  Before she gets to me, I toss my cigarette and meet her in the middle, picking her up and spinning her once before setting her down and kissing her on the forehead, my lips lingering for a moment. “Congratulations, babe.”

  She smiles proudly, her gaze landing on my lips, before meeting mine. “Thank you. It feels like I’ve waited years for this day to come.”

  “You did,” I point out. “You literally waited years.” I grab her chin and tilt it up. “I’m proud of you. Really fucking proud.”

  “Appreciate that.” She clears her throat and takes a step back once she realizes how close our bodies are. “I’m sure your sister will want to celebrate tonight.”

  Which is exactly why I told her about Travis’s party. Just more reason for her to give in and say yes. “And you should. You deserve it. Tonight, is about you. Don’t think about anything else. Not even Dax. Do what you want to do for you.”

  She swallows but doesn’t say anything, and I can tell she’s fighting something in her head. The party worries her, but she wants to come. “I’m going to head out and shower before she gets home.”

  “Hang on.” I step into the food truck and grab the container of food I wrapped up for her. Her face softens when I hand it to her.

  “Thanks,” she whispers, walking backward and trying her best to pretend she wasn’t just staring at my body like she needs it to survive. I’m starting to think she finds me cooking for her to be hot. “See you later.”

  She doesn’t say whether or not she’s coming tonight, and as much as that sucks and will have me overthinking until tonight comes, I take it as a good sign that she didn’t say she wasn’t.

  * * *


  When Blaire gets home I’m sitting on the couch in the dark, thinking about Colson and whether or not I should go to this party at Travis’s to celebrate my promotion. It’s been bugging me since leaving the bar.

  “Um. What are you doing sitting here in the dark?” She plops down beside me on the couch. I can feel her looking at me, trying to figure me out. “Everything okay?”

  I smile. “I’m good. You’re looking at the new manager of Dixie’s Alibi.”

  “Hell yes!” she screams, throwing her arms around me. “I never doubted it for a second, babe.” She pulls away and her face falls. “Why don’t you look more excited? You’ve wanted this forever.”

  I shrug. “I don’t know. Just a little stressed, I guess. There’s been a lot going on with the bar and breaking up with Dax and I don’t know…” I leave the part about Colson out. “Dax texted me an hour ago telling me he misses me and I feel guilty all over again.”

  “Honey, I saw you two breaking up from a mile away, and honestly, he should’ve seen it too.” She rests her head on my shoulder to comfort me. “I know it’s hard, and it sucks, but you both know it’s for the best. It will just take him a little longer to figure it out. He’s hurt, but it was the right move for you.”

  “I know,” I say, really meaning it, “but he’ll probably hate me for a while. It sucks, Blaire. Eight years together. That’s a long time.”

  “It is,” she says, sitting up. “But you need to push those negative thoughts from your mind and come out tonight.” She stands up and grabs my hand. “Paxton and his cousin Ridge are meeting us at Travis’s in,” she stops to look down at her smartwatch, “twenty minutes. You’re celebrating tonight. No talking about Dax and no thinking about his broken heart.”

  “That’s not helping,” I say quickly, sitting up.

  “Sorry. Okay, his not broken heart then?” She grabs my hand and pulls me to my feet. “We haven’t gone to a party in ages. You’ve always either been working or with Dax. Don’t let him ruin a night of fun again. You deserve this.”

  It’s a bad idea, a really bad idea, but the thought of not seeing Colson when I know he’ll be there is torture. I should say no, but… “Fine. But only for an hour. After that, I’m gone.”

  “I’ll take it then, babe. Go get changed. Hurry, hurry.”

  When I get to my room, I close the door behind me and remind myself that Blaire will be right by my side the whole party. Chances are I won’t get a moment alone with Colson, and that’s probably a good thing.

  I should’ve said no.

  That thought runs through my head the entire drive to Travis’s apartment. Even more so once we’re pulling into the crowded parking lot.

  The countless bodies of women flooding in and out of the building as I step out of Blaire’s car has my nerves shot even more. Here I am telling myself I need to stay away from Colson, while worrying about just how many of these girls have already tried getting with him tonight.

  I think I’m going to be sick before this night is over.

  Nervous, I run my sweaty palms down the front of my simple black dress. I knew it’d
be hot tonight, so I threw it on with my Chucks before I could overthink it and headed out the door, not giving myself time to change my mind.

  “Did you see him?” A girl says to her friend while stepping out into the hallway right as we’re walking into the building. “Those jeans fit him soooooo good. That natural bulge… I couldn’t stop looking at it. Like damn. He can’t even hide that.”

  “Oh my god, yes! I saw it too, girl. So hot. Let’s hurry. I don’t want to be gone for too long. I’m ready to get wasted and let loose.”

  “Wonder who they’re talking about,” Blaire says in amusement. “I’d sure like to know.”

  “I already know, and you most definitely do not want to know,” I say to myself.

  The apartment is so full we can barely walk without bumping shoulders with someone, but we manage to make it to the kitchen and pour ourselves a drink. I’m leaning against the wall about to take a drink when Blaire leans into my ear. “I’ll be right back. Paxton wants me to meet him outside for a minute. You good by yourself?”

  I nod, my eyes landing on Colson from across the room. He’s surrounded by people, all of them engaged in conversation, yet his attention is on me. The way his jaw flexes and his eyes darken as he takes me in has my body on fire with need. The way he looks at me always does. “I’ll be fine.” I probably won’t, but I say it anyway, hoping she’ll hurry back.

  She walks away in a hurry and my attention goes right back to the one place it shouldn’t: Colson. Seeing him with his baseball cap turned backward just how I like it and his T-shirt and jeans clinging to his hard body has my breathing picking up and my hands shaking around my cup. I definitely shouldn’t have come tonight. I should’ve told Blaire no and hid out in my bedroom until she left. What the hell was I thinking?

  “Are you Kennedy?” A male voice yells over the music from beside me, right as I get ready to walk away.


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