The Sea of Change

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The Sea of Change Page 7

by Tina Engel

  “I put my free hand on the side of the tree as they were trying to pull me in, and next to my hand was a spider. I wasn’t afraid of the spider. The creatures of the woods are harmless unless you bother them, or they are hungry.

  “All of a sudden, the fey that was pulling me, let go and had a look of terror on his face. The other one that was pushing me was yelling at him to help. The one fey that let me go, disappeared into his tree, and closed up the entrance.

  “As I turned around to look at the fey still holding onto me, I saw what had frightened the fey who disappeared into his tree. It was a spider so large and frightening, that I tried to break away from the tree fey, even more.

  “He didn’t see what was behind him at first, but as the spider came closer, its shadow appeared on the ground around us. The fey still holding me, turned to face this large angry spider. He screamed and let go of me.

  “I tried to run but tripped and fell. I rolled over then to see the spider pick up the tree fey and tossed him into a bunch of bushes. He got up and ran and I never saw either of them again.

  “The little spider that was on the tree, came down from a branch on its web and landed on my knee as I sat up just a bit. The large spider fey approached me, and I just knew that it was going to eat me. I didn’t know if they really ate pixies, but I was just a kid and this spider was a very scary thing.

  “The large spider started to change into its normal fey body. It wasn’t scary at all then. It was black, with small red eyes, eight of them to be exact, and fangs that came out of the corners of its mouth but they weren’t that big, and it smiled at me. The venom that had been dripping from the fangs was gone and then the fangs disappeared into its mouth. Its eyes then became just two, still red but not scary at all.

  “I found out that day she was the queen of spiders. She was a fey, like Queen Anahita of the underground water spring fey, Queen over all spiders. She wasn’t going to hurt me, and she had no intentions of hurting those two trouble making tree fey. She just wanted to scare them.

  “She helped me find my way home, and the little spider that was on the tree became my friend. I haven’t seen the queen spider often, but she was around now and then, and I visited with her. I have lots of friends who are different from all of you, but they are my friends anyway.”

  Rose stopped talking and looked around at the faces staring back at her. I looked too, and saw there were no more angry stares, just curious and interested looks, on their faces.

  I spoke softly, not wanting to upset the calm mood that seemed to have replaced the chaotic one, from just minutes before. “Okay, so the queen spider saved you from the two tree fey who wanted to hurt you and you have stayed in contact with her. You also are friends with the small spider. It’s still alive after all these years? I thought spiders only lived a year?”

  Rose smiled a little at my last comment. “Yes, Princess she’s still alive. She is fey also, even though she is a simpler form. She stays with her mother, the queen, and is protected. I have always trusted them and they have been close by during our journey.

  “Queen Widow asked about you and I shared our adventures with her. My little friend, Tiny, that’s what I call her, had been in my pack traveling with us, until you were captured, and then she disappeared.

  “I thought they were my friends, I thought they were here to protect you. When we thought that it was a spider that bit you, I didn’t know what to think. I couldn’t believe they were working for those dark fey. I still can’t believe they would do this, and I’m sure it wasn’t a spider at all that bit you.”

  Rose stopped talking for a moment and then said quietly, she was sorry. She looked down at her hands and just kept repeating quietly over and over, how sorry she was.

  I released the force field that was around us. My skin was back to its normal color but my diamond was still glowing the danger glow, but not as severe. I looked up at everyone and realized that they were all sitting around us and there was no anger in the room.

  Brett spoke, with no hostility, just concern in his voice. I have to say I was a bit surprised. I expected Brett to pounce on Rose like a cat on a mouse, the minute the shield was dropped, but he didn’t. I was a bit relieved because I didn’t want to have to tackle him if he did. Well, maybe it would have been a little fun, but no, that wouldn’t have helped at this time.

  “Rose”, Brett said, “have you seen this Widow Queen or the smaller spider since we’ve been here? Have you been talking with them?”

  Rose looked up at Brett and tears started to flow down her face again. “Yes, about a week after Princess Emilee woke, I was up in the tree and Tiny landed on my shoulder. I freaked out and swatted her, almost killing her. I didn’t realize that it was Tiny. I thought maybe it was the one that bit you, Princess. Spiders don’t all look alike but when Eagle told us the one that bit you changed form and flew away, I just didn’t know what to believe. Maybe that same spider changed to look like Tiny.” Rose looked at me, sheepishly, as she said this.

  Rose continued, “I was a bit frightened of her, now, because I wasn’t sure who to trust. Tiny told me that Queen Widow was under the bridge that we crossed to get to this farm. I followed Tiny to the bridge, and sure enough, there was the queen.

  “I stood far away from her and asked her why she was working with the dark fey. She assured me that it wasn’t what it looked like. She told me everything would be okay, and I had to trust her.

  “Queen Widow asked me questions about you, princess. She wanted to know how you were healing and if your powers were getting stronger now. I didn’t understand why she was asking these strange questions, so I didn’t say anything to her.

  “When she realized I wasn’t going to give her any information, she told me to go back to the farm. She asked me to keep a close eye on you, Princess, so I did. I was so confused and didn’t know what to do or who to talk to.

  “The next day the cat showed up, and Tiny came back to me when I was up in the tree. Tiny reassured me that Queen Widow was not bad and I needed to trust her. She had always been there for me. That much was true, but how could she be with Stephan and his gang. Tiny convinced me to go back and see Queen Widow, so the next day I did.

  “I was so upset with the cat being here, that I wanted to know if the Queen had brought her here to spy. Queen Widow denied bringing the cat but didn’t seem worried, and told me it would all make sense as time passed. I wanted to trust her so badly that I did answer some questions about you Princess, and she reassured me that she would take care of everything. I thought she meant the cat.”

  Rose’s expression changed then. It turned to guilt again. She started talking, but in a whisper so quiet I had to lean in closer to hear her.

  “When you all saw the Queen I got frightened, and worried, if you caught her, she would tell you all, I was working with her. I freaked out, and that’s when I accused Lily of being the spy and bringing the Queen here. I didn’t bring her here and I am not a spy, but I did know she was here and I take full responsibility.”

  Everyone was standing now, wondering what Rose had just said. (I told you she was whispering.) I asked Rose to repeat this last part louder for everyone to hear. She sat there staring at her hands as her tears were dipping on them. I put my hands on top of hers and she looked up at me. I reassured her that it was okay so she repeated it again, louder.

  When she had finished repeating her last statement, Kimberlite asked, “Rose, how did the spider know where to find us? You told us, you didn’t see Tiny after the Princess had been taken.”

  Rose looked at Kimberlite and all the rest before answering. “When I went back to see Queen Widow the next day, I asked her that same question. I guess Tiny had been in my pack after you were taken, Princess. She overheard us talking about the safe house and where it was. Tiny left my pack but stayed closed by as we traveled here.

  “The Queen stayed underground, making her own tunnels and closing them as she went. She has a connection with all of her bab
ies, so she could follow us, while communicating with Tiny.

  “The queen and the rest of the spiders just stayed under the bridge and waited, while Tiny went from farm to farm until she found me up in the tree outside. She never came to me until that day before the cat came. I promise!”

  Rose then repeated the fact that she still didn’t think the queen and Tiny were bad. She just kept saying over and over that they just can’t be bad. I felt so miserable for Rose. These fey were her friends, and almost family, and she was so torn. The sadness and shame in her eyes was painful for me to see. This sweet little pixie that was so fresh and full of life, with just a bit of attitude, was crushed and deflated.

  Rose then said, “I understand if you want to get rid of me. I will let Sara and John keep me prisoner here if that’s what you want. I won’t try to escape and I won’t talk to anyone ever again.” Rose hid her face in her hands and sobbed quietly.

  It was Brett who, again, surprised me with his kindness, since he was always picking on Rose and seemed jealous of my friendship with her. He knelt down and put his hand on her shoulder. She looked up, and seeing it was him, leaned into me, trying to get away from his hand. She was so frightened.

  Brett removed his hand, and said, “Rose I’m not going to hurt you and we are not leaving you here with Sara and John. If there is danger, they will have to leave for a while too and they do not need you here underfoot.” He said this with a chuckle.

  He continued, “Rose I need you to trust me and let me look into your mind to see if there is anything else we need to know.”

  Well at that, Rose leaned even closer to me and turned her face to look at me. I smiled and reassured her that I was right here. The look in her eyes became that of acceptance and she turned back to Brett, sat up straight, and told him she would do anything to help me, even die if she must. She told us she must have been the spy, even though she didn’t realize it and at that Brett just grinned and reassured her that she was not a spy, just made a bad judgment call.

  Brett put his hands, gentle, on the sides of Rose’s face, and locking their eyes together, their minds became one.

  It was so quiet I could hear a family of mice that lived in the basement, as they scurried about, talking to each other. Yes, they do talk too. I was actually surprised that I could understand what they were saying. They were afraid of the queen spider because she eats their kind. Again, I was amazed at the abilities I was acquiring as I grew into this fey being.

  I brought my mind back to the living room, and looking at Brett’s face, there was a smile, and Rose was smiling too. They were joined and smiling. Well this must be good, I thought.

  Brett removed his hands from Rose’s face and the connection was broken. Rose put her arms around Brett’s neck and hugged him tight. They stayed like this for a bit before Rose let go, and she was actually blushing. She then turned and wrapped her arms around me, hugging me tight.

  It was Kimberlite who ended this silence when he asked, “So is anyone going to fill us in on the rest of the story? What do we do now? Hellooooo!”

  Rose let go of me and sat quiet and calm as Brett spoke. “Rose isn’t a spy and truly thought the queen spider was and is her friend. She is hoping that we are wrong about this fey. I felt no negative energy or evil intent from this Queen spider during the times Rose was with her.

  “We must leave anyway since we don’t know why she’s here. Rose and I have an understanding now, and she will come to us if she feels the Queen Widows’ presence, or her friend Tiny.”

  At that Rose smiled and Brett took her hand in his. They looked like they were sharing a big secret. One I wanted to know.

  Rose hugged me again quickly, got up, and as she headed to the stairs said, “Let’s get packed, we need to get going.” And she disappeared up the stairs.

  Eagle shared with us what he saw and heard, then. “I flew over the entire farm and surrounding area. There’s no sign of the mega spider. I spoke with the birds in the area and found out that she was around, and had been for some time. It sounds like she arrived about the same time we did.”

  Kimberlite then shared what he had learned. “No one down below knew, or is admitting to knowing, about this Queen Spider. She did tunnel through the area but is nowhere to be seen at the moment. It’s all very strange how she could have gotten here and left without anyone down below being aware of her. Those of us down under do not believe it’s safe to travel that way for now. We should stay above ground.”

  Kimberlite turned to Brett, and said, “I talked to your tree fey friend out there, and he is looking into a way for you to travel through their root system for a while.”

  Eagle piped in, “I don’t think that’s a good idea. I think they should stay above ground. Too much trouble happens when they’re down under. There seemed to be more spies’ underground, than above.”

  Kimberlite didn’t like that statement very much and before I knew it, they were both in a heated discussion over where the most spies’ were, below ground or above. I looked to Brett, and he seemed to be finding this humorous. I don’t get him sometimes. Brett decided to open his mouth to speak, just as Kimberlite was looking like he was going to melt into a puddle of lava, he appeared that angry.

  “Emilee,” Brett said, “Do you think you can put on a human glamor, staying as you are, but just changing your ears, eyes and of course, the covering on the sides of your ears and cheeks? I don’t want you to look like Emilee Stevens anymore. She’s the human form they are looking for. I want to see if you can resemble your fey self as a human. Can you try this for me now, please?”

  I looked at Brett and wondered what he was up too. I went over to a mirror that was above the fireplace, and examined my face. I still had the image of the old me in my mind, but looking at the me as I was now, I realized this was me, always has been me and always would be. I hoped so anyway. I really didn’t want to have to get used to yet another me.

  So I put one hand on the diamond that was glowing and pulsing softly, and put the other hand on my cheek. I was surprised how easy it was. Soon the tops of my ears rounded, no longer poking out from my hair, and my eyes took on a more oval shape, like they were when I was human. I was the most surprised when the shell type covering on my cheeks and ears turned into pearl earrings again. They were just as beautiful as before.

  I took the barrette out of my hair, and let my hair fall down over my shoulders and down my back. I was surprised at how long my hair was. It had grown so fast in such a short period of time. I lifted my hair to admire the beautiful earrings that Queen Anahita had blessed me with. It really was a blessing after all. Funny how I changed my attitude after just a few challenging situations occurred. I remember thinking how all of these gifts were a curse in the beginning, and now they were a part of me.

  I looked down at my dress and decided jeans and a t-shirt would be more appropriate. Then there I was, standing with a pair of jeans on, which I used to admire in the Penny’s catalog, but never thought I should buy. They had these cute pockets on the back that had a lacy looking design. The design was made out of the stitching and I always thought it would make my behind look sexier than I felt it was. (Hey, I am a woman, and even the plainest of woman want to look sexy. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.) The t-shirt was just a t-shirt, purple with a slight V-neck and short sleeves.

  I looked up at everyone and smiled saying, “So, what do you think? Can I pass as just a regular old human?”

  As I looked at everyone’s faces, I knew that I did a good job. When I got to Brett’s face though, I knew I did extremely well. He was smiling, yes, but he also had a look of something else. What was it, pride maybe, with a little bit of WOW thrown in! I hoped so.

  “So Brett” I started, “how are we traveling and is this appropriate travel clothing?” I gave him a little feisty look as I said this and everyone chuckled.

  “Yes Emilee, I think this will do, but you will need a jacket too. We’ll get you real clothing though. It
probably wouldn’t be a good idea to just wear glamour clothes. If you weaken and lose your glamour clothes, that could be a bit embarrassing.

  “Can we find some jeans like these?” I asked.

  Rose answered as she was coming down the stairs. “You bet Princess, I know where we can buy them. Can I buy some jeans like those, too?” Rose asked as she looked at Brett.

  He laughed out loud and shook his head, as Sara said, “Looks like you have double trouble here Brett. Two women who want to dress and act like young human girls. This could be challenging. Men will be looking at them.”

  Brett then stopped laughing and frowned at this thought. Rose came up to me, put her arm over my shoulder, and suddenly had on the same pants and t-shirt. We both started to giggle and soon everyone was laughing except Brett.

  My eyes met Brett’s and I could feel that wonderful vibration between us, and his eyes twinkled as he gave me a little smile, and I knew he approved.

  Brett changed into his human appearance, as did Rose, then Brett shared with all of us his idea on how we would be traveling on this next part of our journey.

  “I agree we can’t travel underground right now. I don’t know who to trust, and without Ana’s approval on underground travel, I won’t chance it. It isn’t all that safe above ground either, but in human form and on a boat, maybe we will have a better chance at getting farther along on our way to the ocean.”

  Everyone looked at Brett as if he were crazy. Kimberlite was the one who spoke up. “Boat? Are you crazy? I can’t help if you’re on a boat! And what body of water are you planning on crossing?”

  At this Eagle started to laugh. Before Kimberlite could pound Eagle into the ground, Brett stepped in front of him and explained, “We’ll cross Lake Erie over to New York State. There we will meet up with Ana, I hope, and travel in her underground water systems until we reach the Atlantic Ocean. Then we will all decide exactly which path we will choose to continue this adventure.”


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