The Sea of Change

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The Sea of Change Page 15

by Tina Engel

  Lily got up from the bunk and came over to sit next to me on the table. No one said anything for a minute or two. Then Rose broke the silence saying, “You weren’t afraid Princess?”

  “No, I don’t think I was. Well maybe I was but I still wanted to touch it. I wanted to go home. But I still don’t know where that is.”

  Lily took my hand in hers. She had never touched me in her fey body before. I felt an overwhelming calm come over me. I knew then it wasn’t time to go home just yet. I knew at that moment, this creature might have been sent to retrieve me for someone, but it wasn’t time. I didn’t want it to be hurt but we needed to get away. Lily never spoke but I knew this is what she wanted me to know. Lily kissed me on the cheek, let go of my hand, and shrunk down to a cat again.

  Lily jumped off of the table and scurried under one of the bunks, only to come out a moment later with a mouse in her mouth. She went over to a corner and proceeded to …. Well, let’s just say she seemed to still have an appetite with all this activity going on, around us.

  I had forgotten that Rose was even there until she spoke. “Princess, we need to just stay here until someone comes to get us.”

  Just then the boat started to tilt to the side just a bit. It was enough to cause Rose to lose her balance and she fell to the floor. I was off the table and at her side in an instant. She wasn’t hurt, but Lily was right there too and I felt she was concerned for Rose also.

  Rose and Lily, did have a very interesting relationship. They acted like they were enemies at times but I think they really were becoming fond of each other. I helped Rose up as the boat was being tossed around like a toy.

  “We need to get up top!” I yelled. “I need to try to shield us but I don’t think I can do it down here.”

  Rose responded, “Try Princess! If we don’t have to go up top then we shouldn’t!”

  I tried but the shield only surrounded the room we were in. I was able to protect only the three of us. I looked at the porthole and there was a large eye watching us. Then it disappeared and the boat rocked even more. I felt that the poor creature was getting more anxious. It needed to get to me. I would bring myself to it. I had to stop this before it destroyed Adam’s boat and maybe killed someone. I felt that it didn’t want to do this, but was compelled by something or someone.

  I started to move the table from in front of the door and Rose grabbed my arm. She turned me around to face her, and said, “Princess, I don’t feel good about this. Your safety is my job and Lily’s too.”

  “Rose, we need to do something to save this boat, and the people and fey who are on it. I can’t let anyone die because I didn’t try to help.”

  I turned back to the table to move it. Rose helped and it was out of the way in just a few moments. I opened the door and Lily headed out first. I was surprised at the urgency this cat, who hates water, seems to have, as she headed up the steps. Rose insisted that she go first and that surprised me also, since she was so insistent that we stay below.

  As I reached the steps to the outside, the door was open and the rain and wind came in with tremendous force. I practically had to pull myself up to the door, and it was a challenge to get myself out on the walkway. The rain and water spray were hitting me so hard that I was having trouble seeing, and as I looked around Rose and Lily were nowhere to be seen.

  I had a sick feeling in my stomach suddenly, wondering if they had been washed overboard. It would have been my fault if that happened, since I was the one who wanted to come up and try to save the day. What was I thinking anyway?

  I could see some commotion at the front of the boat, and headed in that direction. Sure enough there was the creature, and yes, it was a great big octopus. How it got in the lake, I didn’t know but it was there just like in my dream. I focused on the boat; protecting it was all I could think of right then. I could hear Brett’s voice somewhere behind me but couldn’t think about him or what he was trying to say to me. I was sure he was angry, frightened and probably pissed off that I disobeyed an order to stay below. I would face his wrath later, if there was a later.

  Just as the shield went up, out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone jump onto the large beast. I gasped at the sight of Jordan Davis landing on the head of the octopus. He was hanging on for dear life, and stabbing the poor creature with a knife over and over.

  I could hear him yelling, something but wasn’t sure if I was hearing him correctly. I could have sworn, he was saying over and over again, “I will not fail again and let her be taken! Not again in my lifetime! Not again!” He just kept saying over and over, “Not again, not again!”

  The boat was in a bubble of sorts, being in my shield; no wind, rain or beast could get in. I felt a presence next to me and saw that it was Brett, panting and dripping wet as he stood there. Adam was the next one that I saw as he ran in front of me, struggling to know what to do.

  “Drop the shield Princess, we must save Jordan, we must save him!” Adam hollered. “Drop it now before it’s too late!”

  I looked at Brett, feeling helpless and confused. If I dropped the shield then the creature could get to us all. Brett nodded his head in acknowledgement to drop the shield. I released it, and as I did, I released my weapon from my hair. I would have to fight to save the others and myself, if that was possible.

  The water and wind was again raging all around, and throwing us about like toys. I started towards the beast, knowing that I had to do something. Brett grabbed my arm and I turned to look him in the eyes with a longing for this to be over, and to just have him hold me. He was in my mind and felt the same. He must have known what I was thinking and he let me go.

  I headed forward again with Brett right behind me. If he could get any closer, he would have been attached to me. I could hear Rose in the back somewhere, yelling “NO!” But I tuned everything out then. I put my hand on the great beast’s tentacle that was still holding onto the rail, trying desperately to pull us down, even with the pain he must have been in.

  I looked up at Jordan, his face twisted with rage and fury, as he yelled, “NO Princess!”

  He knows I am a princess? I thought.

  I shut my eyes then, knowing that I needed to concentrate. I could use my weapon on this beast, but didn’t want to hurt it. I had to try to help it fight the evil that had taken control of it.

  I was being tossed around by the wind and waves, as if something was controlling those too, and it didn’t want me to make the connection with the octopus.

  Just then I felt Brett’s arm going around my waist, and I opened my eyes just for a moment, to see his other hand holding onto the rail, trying desperately to hold us both there. The connection between us was strong and solid, and calmed me enough to close my eyes again and focus.

  I could feel the beast’s pain, both physical and mental. It was struggling to free itself from Jordan, but also from whatever held him in his mind. I could feel, and almost see, the power that was controlling him. I felt Stephan, yes it was him, but he was not there physically, just mentally. I concentrated on the octopus, trying to make a connection with his mind. I was getting somewhere, he was letting me in. He was starting to trust me, when all of a sudden he closed down inside, and his large arm pushed me back. I slammed into Brett and we both fell to the deck. Before Brett could stop it, I was scooped up in the creature’s tentacle, and down into the water I went. The last thing I saw was Jordan being tossed off of the great creature’s head.

  Down we went, to the bottom of the lake. I struggled to free myself but it had its arm wrapped around me, pinning my arms to my side. I couldn’t get my weapon up to strike at it. I really didn’t want to hurt it, but I couldn’t be taken back to Stephan.

  I could still feel the connection with Brett, even though I was going further and further from him. This was strange. I saw movement then and looking behind me, I saw Brett and Andean swimming towards us, with Adam just behind. There were water fey everywhere now, but the great octopus made it to his cave just before
they got there to block it off.

  Into the cave we went, and then a rock came down to cover the opening. The water seemed to drain out, to where I didn’t know, but soon I was breathing air. I was stuck there with this mighty creature. It held tightly to me, not letting me go. I was sure it knew that I would strike back with my weapon, even though it knew I didn’t want to. This beast and I had made a connection, though it was brief, and it knew I was on its side.

  Just then I could feel a presence around us, getting stronger and stronger. It wasn’t a good presence at all. I had to get loose. I would kill this creature if I must. The octopus turned and headed to the back of the cave which opened up into a black hole. The negative energy that came from that direction was Stephan. He was there somewhere, close by.

  As the beast started to slither towards the hole, Jordan Davis jumped from behind a rock to block the opening. I was shocked, but I think this poor beast was even more shocked because it released me and headed towards Jordan. I knew that one would win and one would lose. I had to help. I had to help Jordan. He was here to save me. He was here all alone, trying to keep me safe.

  What I witnessed then, was so shocking that I actually crumbled to the ground and just sat there, stunned. Jordan jumped up onto a large boulder just as the octopus slammed down one of his great arms to smash him. Jordan reacted with such speed; then I saw something strange behind him. Wings.

  “But he’s human, isn’t he?” I said, in a daze.

  Then, Jordan, as if flying, jumped over the great beast, landing just in front of me. As the beast turned to face us, it spread out its arms and revealed a great beak, large and angry, with many sharp teeth inside. Jordan’s wings took him to the center of the creature, and it closed it massive tentacles around him.

  I could no longer see Jordan and was sure that he was gone. I had to do something, I had to fight. I stood and started towards them, but stopped as the creature fell to the ground, lying still. I stood there wondering what to do. Jordan died to save me. They were both dead. I felt movement from behind me and then felt Brett put his arm around my waist. I turned to hide my face in his chest. I couldn’t believe that Jordan was gone.

  Adam went to the great Octopus, standing there for what seemed like hours. Then, bending down, Adam cut open its massive stomach and out came Jordan, covered in guck and goo and looking a bit tired and bruised, but alive. Yes, he was alive.

  I broke away from Brett’s arms and ran over, throwing my arms around this man, or fey or whatever he was. He wrapped his arms around me also and we held tight to each other, not wanting to let go. He kept saying in a whisper, “Not this time, I told you, not this time.”

  Jordan loosened his grip and pushed back a bit. I looked up into his face, and the gentle look he gave me then, turned back to his old grouchy stern one.

  “Didn’t I tell you to stay down below? We could have taken care of this beast without you! Brett how do you put us with such a stubborn woman.” Jordan said in a demanding manner.

  I looked to Brett, and then Adam, and they both started laughing. I looked back at Jordan, he was not laughing, but there was a twinkle in his eyes that let me know he was laughing too. I hugged him one more time, quickly, and then went over to the octopus.

  I bent down where its great eye was and put my hand on its head. I could still feel the life in it; the essence that is in all of us. I shut my eyes and focused on this great beast. I made that connection again. It was still in there, but I knew not for long. Yes, the body was dead, but the soul hadn’t left yet. It was in pain, not physically anymore, but mentally. It didn’t want to hurt me and it was relieved that I was not hurt. I forgave this poor thing and after it thanked me for setting it free from the guilt of being too weak to fight off the dark one, I felt its spirit leave the body.

  I sat there on the hard, cold floor of the cave for a few minutes, everyone leaving me alone. I was sure they knew that I needed some time to morn this poor creature, who was really just an innocent victim in this war that I seemed to be in the middle of. I could still feel the negative energy coming from the opening, in the back of the cave. It didn’t come any closer or get any stronger, but it was there nevertheless.

  I stood and walked over to the entrance, knowing that it needed to be shut. This dark energy would find its way to me again, but I needed to slow it down. I turned to look at the men standing there and they knew what I was thinking. Brett, and Adam came over to me and the three of us put our hands up in front of the opening. I shut my eyes and could feel their energy as it combined with mine, and together we caused the rocks from around the opening to close in, crumble, and soon the opening was no more.

  I put my arms down and suddenly felt drained. I had no energy to even stand, and crumbled to the ground. Brett knelt down at my side in an instant with such a pained look of concern that I had to try and smile a bit. It was a forced smile but I gave it my best shot.

  Brett scooped me up in his arms as the cave entrance opened, allowing the water to fill the cave once more. There was Andean at the entrance waiting as Brett swam out into the lake towards him. Adam and Jordan followed but as I looked back towards them, I saw that they stopped. Suddenly there was a large boom and crashing of falling rocks. They buried the entrance to the cave, and now the poor octopus had an eternal resting place.

  When we broke the surface of the water I saw that the storm had passed, if you could call it a storm. The sky was blue and the sun was shining just above us. Adam and Jordan surfaced just after us. We all swam to the side of the boat and were lifted aboard by the crew. As I was lifted up, I realized that none of them had their human veils on. They were all pixies. As Adam and Brett came on board, they also appeared as fey. Andean was in the water for a moment, gave me a tired smile, and then disappeared below.

  Jordan, however, was still human in looks anyway. He did look a bit different, just maybe. Had I seen what I thought I saw? Did he have wings and had he flown about in the cave? We made eye contact and I saw something in his eyes that I hadn’t seen before. Maybe though, he had never let me look into his eyes. Thinking back, he always had his head down when he talked, when he ate, and when he worked. Jordan never made eye contact with anyone. There was definitely something there, deep in his eyes.

  Jordan then broke eye contact with me, grumbled something about how women on boats should never be allowed. They only cause trouble, and he disappeared down below. He did care about me though. I could see it in his eyes. There was such pain and torment there, deep down.

  After Jordan disappeared from sight I turned towards Brett and Adam. I said in a matter of fact way, with my hands on my hips, I might add, “I want the truth and I want it now! Don’t tell me I was imagining things, because I wasn’t!”

  I turned to the pixies, and said, still with my hands on my hips, okay I was waving my hands in the air, at this time, “You pixies all have jobs to do on this boat, so I suggest you go and do them, in pixie form or human, I don’t care!”

  The poor pixies looked sad as I said this but they did as they were told, put on their human glamour, and headed off in different directions.

  I turned to Rose and Lily, who were actually standing next to each other looking a bit timid, and I said gentler because I did feel bad for the pixies, “You can both go down below and clean up. Oh and Lily, please don’t turn back into that blasted cat again. I want some answers from you too.”

  Lily gave me a look of shock and distain and Rose had a smirk on her face, but was looking down hoping that no one saw it. I did, however, and said, “Rose that is enough!”

  She looked at me and I smiled then, letting her know that I was just kidding. I have a soft spot for Rose. I love her feistiness, even though she acts like a scardy cat at times. What can I say, even with my anger and frustration, I still have a humorous side. They both looked at each other and scowled, but headed down below together, Lily staying in the form that she was.

  Now that Brett, Adam and I were alone on deck, I turne
d to them and said, “So Adam, I guess it’s you who should explain exactly what I saw in that cave. Don’t give me that innocent look, because it won’t work.”

  Yes, he was looking at me like he didn’t have the foggiest idea what I was talking about. Adam started to say just that, and I reached up behind my head and activated my weapon. You should have seen the looks on both Adam and Brett’s faces. Priceless!

  “I was just captured by a very large octopus. I saw Jordan Davis turn into something with wings and watched him fly, or leap, or both onto the head of that great beast. I watched it eat him and then I saw you cut him out of the octopus’s stomach. I watched the poor thing die because Stephan took over its consciousness. It was an innocent creature. Now you, Adam,” And I pointed my dagger at him, “told me he was human, as human as I was a few months ago. I thought that a very strange comment, but let it slide. What did you mean by that, and what exactly is Jordan?”

  Brett came over to me and rested his hand on the arm that had my weapon pointing at Adam. He pushed my arm down slowly and gently. I could feel the connection between us, and I could feel that Brett was actually a little apprehensive about doing this. That frightened me just a bit. I didn’t ever want him to be afraid of me. I deactivated my weapon, and put the barrette back into my hair.

  “Take a deep breath, Emilee. Adam is not the enemy. He wasn’t dishonest with you. There are things that we are not allowed to speak of. We have rules and laws that we, as fey, have to obey.”

  I looked at Adam and the look on his face was a mixture of shock, anger and sadness, all at the same time. I threw my hands up into the air, turned around, and walking over to the side of the boat, I sat on a large container.

  “Adam, I’m so sorry for the tantrum. I thought you were all going to die because of me. I thought I was heading back to Stephan, and then I saw Jordan change into a fey, yes he was fey!”

  I realized that I was yelling again so I shut my eyes for just a moment, took a deep breath, and felt Brett sit down next to me. As I opened my eyes, Adam was no longer looking at me in anger, but in understanding and kindness.


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