The Biker's Plaything

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The Biker's Plaything Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  Lord hung up his cell phone and came back to her. When his hands touched her knees, she jumped, jolting her whole body.

  A string of curses rushed past his lips and she tensed up—that didn’t help her either. The pain was unrelenting.

  Lord stood and left the office.

  Being alone here didn’t make her feel comfortable. Fear traveled up her spine and she glanced toward the window. If he had guards on the wall, would they kill her if she made it past the wall? A quick death would surely be much preferred than taking constant beatings. After leaving school, she honestly thought she would be free of having to take a punch. She was so stupid.

  Lord’s door slammed open, making her jump, but what surprised her was the woman behind him. It was the one who’d started this whole thing. She wasn’t coming willingly. Lord had her by the hair, dragging her forcibly into the room. He shoved her down on the floor, squatting enough to grab her around the throat.

  “You look at this woman right now,” he said.

  “Please,” she whimpered.

  “I told you to get her a good breakfast and some clothes. Did I mention anything about hurting her? Humiliating her? You’ve hurt her hand and ribs, and I can say this, slut, the doctor is on his way. Every single injury she has, I’m going to make sure you’re punished with the same. The next time you see my woman, and she is mine, I suggest you get on your knees and pray for mercy. Your life is now in her hands. If she wants you dead, that is exactly what you’re going to be. Beg for your life!”

  “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

  “Please, stop,” Ally said, crying out as she screamed for them to stop. She couldn’t handle this chaos.

  Pressing a hand to her ribs, she clenched her eyes closed. She counted to ten in her head. Hearing more scuffling, she didn’t dare open her eyes.

  Lord’s hands were back on her knees. “It’s okay.”

  “I don’t want you to kill anyone. I can’t … don’t make me do that. I’m not, I don’t want to hurt anyone. Please.” She started to sob, hating her own weakness. She should be stronger than this. Weren’t shit childhoods supposed to make strong women?

  With everything she’d been through, she shouldn’t be able to cry.

  Lord’s head went to hers and she felt his lips against her forehead. She didn’t dare open her eyes.

  “I won’t make you,” Lord said.

  “When can I go home?” She sniffled. Belonging to Lord no longer made her feel happy. The women here were going to make her life hell. They didn’t like that Lord had taken an outsider. They wanted her gone and right now, all she wanted to do was go back to her life. No matter how bad it was.


  She opened her eyes and looked at him. “I don’t belong here. I’m not one of you. I … I don’t like to feel pain, and I don’t want anyone to die because of me. I’m not worth it. Please, just let me go home.”

  “We had a deal.”

  “Look at me!” She screamed and cried out at the same time. “I’m ugly. I’m fat and ugly. I’ve been told it my whole life. I’m not important. If my virginity is what you’re after, take it, and let me go, or better yet, kill me. Anything would be better than this. Just please, don’t make the pain last. I can’t stand it. Please. Please.”

  Each plea was stronger than the last.

  She’d never begged. Not then, but now, with those men, the laughter, she couldn’t stand for Lord to see her like that. It was humiliating. To know she would always fail. He needed a woman who was by far better than her.

  After a lifetime of always failing, she knew it was time to accept her fate.

  Chapter Six

  Ally didn’t want to order that fucking slut to her death, but Lord didn’t have the same conscience. He enjoyed ending her life. Stump was already dealing with the body. And it would be a good damn lesson for anyone else in the club hoping to follow in the bitch’s footsteps.

  Defy his orders and pay the ultimate price.

  Lord splashed cold water onto his face and stared into his vanity mirror.

  He never should have taken Ally back to the club.

  What had he been thinking?

  It was supposed to be simple. Keep a plaything for a couple of weeks, then cut her loose. He was a cold-hearted bastard and never expected a nineteen-year-old girl to tilt his world off its axis. But there was something primal she evoked in him. Something he’d never felt for a woman in his forty years.

  Those mixed feelings were toying with him, fucking with his head. He kept trying to fight his urge to protect and claim her, but it was futile. After seeing her broken and half-naked on the ground, there was no more denying how he felt for Ally.

  He wanted to protect her. Craved it more than anything. And even though it had only been a couple of days, he wanted to claim her. She was the polar opposite of women he’d fucked with in the past, but she was exactly what he wanted now. Her innocence, sweetness, and even those natural curves were just a few of the qualities pulling him in.

  Now, instead of fighting his desire by pushing her away, he’d try to embrace it and make her his woman. It wouldn’t be easy. Her trust had been trampled on. But it was a challenge he was willing to take since setting her loose wasn’t going to happen.

  He felt the presence at the doorway before his VP spoke.

  “You okay, boss?”

  Lord grabbed a towel and dried his face. “I’m still pissed off.”

  “I never knew any of that shit was going down,” said Brick. “It won’t happen again.”

  He nodded. “You’re right. It won’t.”

  Lord left his bathroom, brushing past his VP. The doctor was still with Ally. It gave him the time he needed to clear his head and get some shit sorted out with his wayward club members.

  “Stump said everything was handled.”

  “It wasn’t just that whore. Every asshole in this club needs to respect what’s mine. I want every brother in church tonight.”

  “I’ll make it happen, Lord.”

  He paced back and forth, still fuming. The image of Ally injured and crying kept invading his thoughts, making him feel like a failure. Making him want to kill. She’d made him smile last night. Made him feel like a real fucking person and not a broken monster. That was a feat in itself.

  Even though she made his cock hard just being in the same room as him, he was content just to watch a movie with her. Why hadn’t he claimed what was his? She’d agreed to the deal.

  Because he respected her.

  Wanted her for more than a plaything even though that was the deal.

  She was a good girl, and his own fucking club was destroying her innocence.

  “I’m trying to understand,” said Brick. “You hated that girl, wanted her dead before you even met her.”

  “Shit changed.”

  “Yeah, I get that. But what changed exactly?”

  He didn’t want his men to think he’d gone soft. And the last thing he wanted was a fucking therapy session. “She’s a virgin. It got me to thinking about the future. I’m forty. If I wait forever, I’ll never have an heir.”

  “Okay,” said Brick. “So this is about knocking her up?”

  “It’s not.” He grabbed a new shirt out of his drawer and pulled it on over his head. What he needed to do was check up on Ally and the doctor.

  “So, she’s off-limits?”

  Lord stopped dead in his tracks. “You’re just getting the idea now? No one fucking looks at her.”

  He was usually on friendly terms with his VP, but not today. His mood was in the shitter and it wasn’t going to change until Ally stopped being scared of her own shadow.

  There was a lot to deal with at church tonight. Top on his list was ensuring Ally’s safety and reminding everyone of his rank in the club. Next was dealing with the Skull Nation bullshit weighing him down. They thought they were smart, probably thought he was cowering as they methodically took over his businesses up north. That was where they were wro
ng. Lord would make his move and it would be remembered for generations when he did.

  As he walked the halls, heading to the infirmary, several brothers and whores tried to kiss ass. They knew what was coming. The devil was pacing in Lord’s heart, and that was never a good thing.

  He ignored them all.

  In the blink of an eye, one girl had taken precedence in his life. He couldn’t believe it himself.

  Lord pushed open the door without knocking. Ally was still up on the examination table, a white sheet covering her body. He’d already brought down a full change of clothes before heading up to his room earlier.

  “What’s the damage?” he asked.

  “Nothing’s broken,” said the doctor, scribbling notes in a file. “But she has some mild ligament damage that will take time to heal. She’ll be bruised for a while. The colors are already starting to peek through.”

  A wave of relief flooded him. He’d do everything in his power and spare no expense making sure she returned to perfect health. “You’re certain? You gave her a full exam?”

  “I was very thorough, Lord, just as you asked.”

  He nodded. Ally wouldn’t make eye contact with him. Lord wasn’t good at coddling or kissing ass, but he knew what he had to do. He’d been an asshole to this girl, and her only sin was being the daughter of a rat.

  Richard Prixman was the last thing on his mind. Ally was his problem now. He no longer saw her as an enemy or loose end to wipe out of existence. No, he saw her for what she was—a gorgeous woman he wanted to keep. Not for a week or a month. Forever.

  The doctor packed up his travel bag and tipped his hat as he made his way to the door. He’d add the visit to his monthly bill. He was a familiar face around the club. The brothers were always getting themselves into scrapes, and they didn’t visit hospitals whenever necessary.

  Awkward silence set in immediately once the doctor closed the door behind him.

  “I need to get dressed,” said Ally, still averting her gaze.

  “Okay, so get dressed. I brought you clothes, remember?”

  “Can you wait outside?”

  He huffed and had to stop himself from laughing out loud. “I’m not going anywhere, sweetheart.” Lord walked over to the examination table where her legs were now dangling over the side, the sheet pulled up high. “Despite what you think, I wasn’t involved in any of this. And our deal is still in full effect.”

  “So, your own club members beat me half to death and humiliate me, but I’m still required to be your sex slave for God knows how long?”

  He shrugged a shoulder.

  She continued. “Oh, right. The alternative is getting murdered by you for my father’s lack of loyalty.”

  At least she had some fire. He’d hated seeing her broken and afraid to speak.

  “You have a good memory. Now get dressed,” he said. “Or you can walk to my room naked, if you prefer.”

  She glared at him and it made his cock firm up. In his world, women never challenged him, and he found her little tantrums arousing. If she wasn’t so banged up, he’d spank her ass. Within minutes, she’d managed to pull on the shirt and sweatpants without exposing an inch of skin. He did notice how she cringed when lifting her arms over her head. That deep-seated rage started to boil up again, but he pushed it down. He needed to show Ally his softer side, if he even had one, and keep his anger in check. His club members would be schooled tonight, and he sure as hell didn’t mind showing those responsible his darker side.

  “I’m ready.” She stood in front of him now, trying to put on a brave face. He saw right through her. Ally was hanging on by a thread.

  He held the door open and followed her out.

  Tarmac approached them from the opposite end of the hallway, Righteous close behind him. “Boss, we need to talk.”

  “We will. Tonight, in church. Unless it’s life or death, I don’t want to hear about it before then. Understand?”

  Tarmac nodded, but Lord knew something was brewing with the Skull Nation. He was eager to deal with those motherfuckers himself, but Ally was going to come first. There was always a rival banging on their doors, but only one of her. He had to start doing things right and make amends if he wanted a future with the busty little blonde.

  Ally stared at the ground until the brothers walked past them. One day, she’d walk these halls like a queen, her head held high. Just the thought of it made his world feel whole, so he knew claiming her had to be a good decision. His intuition always steered him in the right direction.

  After entering his bedroom and closing the door, Ally turned to face him. “You can’t protect me, Lord. You can’t be by my side every minute of every day. This will only happen again,” she said. “So, your end of the deal is already null and void.”

  He combed both his hands into her hair, gently securing her head so she couldn’t look away. “Today was never supposed to happen. I plan to make sure every single member of my club knows my intentions. No one will ever lay a finger on you again. I promise you that.”

  Her eyes were flooded with unshed tears. The girl was stubborn. But he’d been an asshole, and he knew it.

  “You can’t make that promise.”

  “Do you know who I am, Ally?”

  She swallowed hard, unable to look away.

  “Say it,” he said.

  “The president of the Straight to Hell MC.”

  Lord nodded. “That’s right. And once everyone knows how important you are, they’ll treat you like gold. No one here will hurt you. I’ll never hurt you.”


  Ally wasn’t sure what to think or say. This was like a fucked-up fairy tale, and she didn’t know what to make of it. She expected to wake up to her alarm clock, and this entire ordeal was all a nightmare.

  But then she’d never have met Lord.

  Would that be a good or bad thing?

  Her heart kept tugging, insisting there was something worth exploring between them. But then he’d turn into an asshole and make her question everything.

  “I’m not important,” she said.

  “You are.”

  She scoffed. He’d made it clear he was only keeping her alive because he wanted her virginity. She was a toy, his plaything of the week. And she had no doubt he could get any woman he wanted. Not only was he the prez, but he had an irresistible dark masculinity that held her captive. His scars, his flaws, his rough personality—it all added to his appeal.

  “You don’t believe me?” he asked.

  “You have a short memory. I thought … I thought things were going in a different direction last night, then this morning you were like a different person. I don’t know who you are, and you don’t know who I am. We’re strangers.”

  “I know.”

  “And then your own people attacked me. Humiliated me. I’ve never felt confident about myself, but today was the lowest I’ve ever felt.” Her traitorous tears slipped down her cheeks. She wanted desperately to be strong, to overcome her insecurities, to appear unaffected. It was impossible.

  He kept silent, holding her head in place with his big, strong hands. Did he think she was weak? She was nothing like the women in his club, and she never would be.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered.

  The sincerity in his gruff voice pushed her over the edge, deep waves of sorrow rocking her body. He pulled her against his hard body, holding her as she cried against him. It hurt her ribs a bit, but she didn’t care. She desperately needed his comfort and affection. Without him, she’d be alone in the world. At the mercy of the club.

  “This morning, I was trying to push you away. Trying to be an asshole.”


  “It’s what I do,” he said. “I’m not used to caring about a woman. Emotions are dangerous in a place like this.”

  She believed him. The men in the club were like sharks. Ally had no doubt they’d tear apart anyone showing a weakness. What she couldn’t believe was that his feelings for her had chan
ged so quickly.

  “You said this was a deal. A temporary thing.”

  “And that’s what I wanted it to be. Until I didn’t.”

  She bit her lower lip, wondering, hoping.

  He kept talking in riddles, and she wondered if he was just as insecure as her. He’d had a brutal childhood and a rough life in the MC. Trust wouldn’t come easy for him. Hell, it didn’t come easy for her.

  “Lord.” She looked up at him, resting a hand on his bicep. He flinched for a moment, his muscles tensing. “Tell me what you want from me. Really want from me.”

  He started to pull away again, but she held on to his sleeve.

  “I don’t know, Ally. My life was just fine until you came along. Now, I don’t know what the fuck to think.” He took a breath. “I want more.”


  “I’m forty years old. The other brothers are fine fucking club pussy every night. They’re in heaven. It’s what they want,” he said. “It’s what I should want.”

  “And now?” She held her breath.

  “Now I want more. A worthy woman—innocent, sweet, mine. A virgin only I get to fuck. Kids. Nights watching movies. Feeling happy.”

  “Sounds nice.”

  “Does it?”

  “I’m scared, Lord. Scared of being in a motorcycle club, of getting hurt again, of having my heart broken.”

  “What about me, Ally? Am I a monster to you? Are you counting the days until I cut you loose?”

  She shook her head, and before she could speak, his lips were on hers. He cupped the sides of her head, kissing deeply, desperately, as if his life depended on this one kiss. She was lost.

  Falling, falling, falling.

  When her knees grew weak, he scooped her up into his arms, effortlessly carrying her over to his big bed. He set her down, not breaking the kiss right away.

  He rested a knee on the mattress. “If I let you leave right now, no debt, no retaliation, will you walk?”

  She shrugged. “What life is there for me here?”

  “One with me. By my side.”

  “I’m not naïve. I know how it works in an MC. I couldn’t stand sharing you, wondering if you’re screwing around with one of the women around here.”


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