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So Good for Me: Bad Boy Forbidden Love Romance Collection

Page 9

by Jamie Knight

  "I'll take you up to meet the head honchos and all the candidates," she said, as she turned in the direction of the elevator and I followed her.

  Neither of us bothered to say goodbye to Morgan.

  My palms were sweaty, and my head was spinning even more now, at her seemingly constant references to how many people were here for the interview.

  I tried to take a few deep breaths and to repeat the phrase "I am strong and calm" to myself mentally.

  It wasn’t really working, though. So, I decided to try to scope out some intel from my new pal Cynthia in advance.

  “So, you said there are a lot of people here?" I asked, testing the waters.

  "There sure are," she said. "Davies seems to have a very... unorthodox way of doing things."

  I was about to ask her what she meant by that, but just then the elevator dinged, letting us know we had arrived.

  That was a very fast ride!

  I wasn’t sure I was ready for my possible future at this firm to begin, but, ready or not, here it came.

  Chapter 2 - Jocelyn

  Before I knew it, ready or not— and in my case, it was definitely not— I was being ushered through yet another lobby area and then into a large open area that was like a conference room on steroids. There were many long, rectangular tables lined up, and a lot of people were already seated at the chairs around the tables.

  Great, I thought, as I pulled out my chair.

  Just what I needed for my social anxiety. I was usually a bit early, and I had meant to be even earlier today, but I wasn’t, because I had been trying to rehearse all the mantras in my Confidence Tracks first.

  At least I hadn’t been late, but I was surprised to find so many people had arrived before me, and I wanted to kick myself for breaking my normal pattern. Hopefully, no one noticed, since there were so many people here, though.

  Looking around the room, I realized that I recognized several people from my law school, who had been a class or two ahead of me. They currently worked at large firms with well-paying salaries.

  Clearly this was a very competitive position and I began to doubt that I should even be here trying to get it. I had just graduated from law school and hadn’t managed to land any job, and these other contenders already had experience working at distinguished firms.

  I have everything I need to be whatever I aspire to be, within me.

  I tried to repeat this mantra to myself, but I didn’t even make it to the second half of the sentence before I gave up. My Confidence Track was clearly failing me now. I had no idea how I could stand out among this crowd of elite lawyers.

  Soon, a meeting was called to order and several people walked up to the podium that was in the front of the room. One of them switched a monitor on began a slide show presentation, with the heading:

  McKenzie and Smith Technologies merges with Davies and Sons Law firm!

  Underneath that heading, in smaller letters, it said:

  An exciting opportunity for growth and cooperation!

  "Welcome, everyone," the man said. “I’m Ashton Smith and this is Kane McKenzie.”

  He gestured to the man standing beside him.

  “I'd like to introduce you to the key players here at McKenzie Tech. We are a firm that started small but has grown into a much larger area, but we've remained focused on our core founding principles of respect and determination.

  "The McKenzie and Smith side of things is made up the financial and accounting decision-makers," Ashton continued. "And I’m happy to announce that we hired our own in-house legal counsel, with whom we will be partnering for advice and in-house counsel and who will be representing us on McKenzie and Smith matters, as well as maintaining their partnership. Davies and Sons will continue to represent the client base they've brought with them to our firm, including these distinguished companies and individuals.

  Ashton clicks a button and names of large New York City and national, even international, companies flash on the screen. They roll by like movie credits, except to us they’re a lot more impressive, at least considering the industry we were working in. Or trying to work in.

  "The reason we are hiring interns, which we hope to turn into employees in the form of associates here at the firm, are because we have a lot of legal work that needs done. Davies & Sons consists of a father and three sons who originally founded the firm, and then an already large staff consisting of senior and junior partners, senior and junior associates, paralegals, and legal assistants. Yet the staff will need to grow larger because we have additional work now and we plan to take on more.”

  Ashton switched though slides showing a plan of growth for the firm, its different departments, and the partners who head up each department.

  “Many of you may have heard that we had some issues with the previous law firm we were working with, so, we let them go. That’s why I’m particularly happy to announce this partnership, because it took a while for us to decide on the direction we wanted to go in, and now we’re more sure than ever that this will work out.”

  He then switched the monitor off and cleared his throat.

  “Many of you have also heard that Davies and Sons is comprised of family members of an accountant here at the firm, Eileen, who is with our CFA, Ray Silver. However, I want to assure you there is no nepotism involved – we sincerely believe this is the right move for our firm, after having interviewed many potential firms to partner up with.”

  He cleared his throat again, as if glad to get that out of the way.

  "Without further ado, I’d like to welcome and introduce to you the people who have made this partnership possible, and who will be deciding which of you to hire or as interns and eventually employees.”

  I swallowed a lump that was forming in my throat now.

  Here it is.

  The moment I'd find out who would be deciding my fate and whether I would actually get to work as a lawyer.

  I am not afraid because I am strong and confident, I repeated to myself, even though I didn't completely feel it was true.

  I just had to fake it until I made it.

  When the men entered the room, Ashton introduced them, and I knew I should be paying attention to their names, but I only caught one.

  William Davies.

  He was the only man whose name I noticed because he was the only person I noticed then, period, as soon as he walked in. It was like he was the only man in the room. The only man in the universe.

  He was my perfect type. Tall, dark and handsome. He wore a well-fitting, fancy, expensive-looking suit which teased me because I could almost see his ripped muscles underneath the fabric.

  His broad shoulders were so enticing that my never-before-touched pussy tightened up and became soaking wet for him.

  It was as if it was literally aching for him, needing his cock— which, if it was anything like the rest of him, was very large— inside it, to fill me up and pump it full for my very first time.

  I knew I shouldn’t be having such lascivious thoughts. I should be concentrating on work and on this internship and potential job I waited so badly.

  But suddenly my body wanted this man more than my brain wanted this job. And as he looked in my direction, while he was introducing himself and saying something about the purpose of this internship, which was as a trial, to see if both parties feet we would all be a good fit for each other, all I could think of was how well he'd fit in my pussy.

  How he'd stretch it open, little by little, the head of his cock positioned right at its opening and then sliding gently in until it was so deep inside me that I was moaning and crying out his name, I blushed, deeply, and then noticed he was looking right at me.

  I fidgeted in my seat. My pussy was drenched for him. Could he feel how much I wanted him? Could everyone in this whole room?

  And then, my dream man did something I never thought he'd do. He raised his eyebrows and his eyes lit up for me. He was letting me know I wa
s the only one for him. Just liked I'd always hoped it would go.

  Chapter 3 - William

  As soon as I laid eyes on the hot little curvy lawyer blushing at me like she was thinking about me fucking her, I just knew I really had to do it.

  Had to take her as my own, have my way with her and claim her. My cock instantly became hard as a rock with these thoughts. I was so glad I was standing behind a podium!

  I did my best to introduce myself and let these new intern candidates know what to expect here at Davies and Sons, as in-house counsel for McKenzie and Smith Tech, even though I didn't really know the first fucking thing about what that would entail.

  I’d been running this firm with my brothers’ help ever since our father had said he was going to pass it down to us and wanted us to learn how to do it, and I'd say I'd done a damned fine job. After all, we'd been purchased by this firm, one of the best tech companies around, in the entire nation and in the whole world.

  And yet, I’d never run an operation like the one I just signed up for. Being in house counsel and having this business deal with Mackenzie was something altogether new and different. And yet, some things would remain the same.

  My dick twitched as I thought about the particular things that couldn't change. A man has needs, after all. And I have particular kinks that need to be satisfied.

  Until recently, I’d been able to satisfy my cravings by visiting the Dark Club, which is owned by my sister Eileen’s partner, Ray Silver. There were plenty of women who visited Dark because they want to be dominated, be controlled, be mastered. And I was just the man to do it, as I’d come to be known as a dominant Master capable of breaking any of my subjects.

  However, these women just weren’t cutting it for me anymore. Many of them were repeat visitors and I tired of them. They also seemed to become clingy. When I took a “pet,” I wanted it to be because I was truly interested in them, not because they were desperate to see me again.

  I had been on the prowl for something different. And I knew that work was not the place to find it. And yet, as soon as I laid eyes on this woman, I had to have her.

  I stared at the outline of her pert nipples peeking through her silk blouse, and at the cleavage peeking out over the top button of her shirt. She had full breasts, and was curvy all around – just how I liked them.

  There was something about her, specifically, though, that told me I was done for. I would never be able to look at another woman the same way again.

  This was not going to be my typical conquest.

  Usually, the women lined up for me. But she was going to be under my employ, and would have a reason to not want to be with me. Plus, from the way that she was blushing when she looked at me, I could tell she was a virgin.

  I was going to have to have some very talented persuasion skills to get her to let me pop her sweet little cherry. But I was prepared for the job.

  “You should expect to be mentored by someone here at the firm,” I randomly announced to the group.

  My brothers looked at me a bit surprised, as did some of the leadership at McKenzie. This wasn’t something we had discussed; I had made it up on the fly. I wanted to have a reason to be close to this new lawyer, whomever she was.

  “The details of the program will be worked out shortly,” I quickly added. “In fact, I’m going to go work them out now.”

  I left the podium and a startled Kane McKenzie took over.

  “Congrats, again, to the Davies and Sons law firm for winning out business,” he said, in a way that I assumed was meant to be sarcastic, letting me know he didn’t appreciate my antics.

  But he’d get over it. My sister was Ray’s daughter-in-law and he was close with Ray, so it wasn’t as if bad blood could stay between us for long.

  I glanced back at the curvy goddess one more time before I left the room – she was still staring at me. I knew she wanted me, bad. Now, I just had to figure out who she was.

  I wasn’t going to ask around about her, because that would be too obvious. So, as soon as I got back to my office, I looked through the database of intern candidates until I found her gorgeous face among them.

  Jocelyn Harkins.

  She had an impressive resume from law school. I wasn’t sure why she hadn’t already been hired somewhere, but it would be easy enough to convince my brothers and the other partners here to bring her on board. She definitely had the experience and skills for it.

  I started typing up a plan for mentorship but couldn’t concentrate. I was an impatient man, never known for anything but taking what I wanted, when I wanted it. It was hard for me to resist going to grab Jocelyn out of the conference room right now, throwing her over my shoulder, tying her up and fucking her silly.

  But I had to be a little more subtle than that. Just a little.

  I looked at my watch and decided it was late enough in the day that I could head out. I needed to buy some art supplies.

  I was not normally an artistic person. I had made my wealth in law and business and finance, not in sculptures or painting. But I was suddenly feeling creative. For someone who never thought he would settle down, it was as if a lightbulb had switched on in my mind as soon as I had seen Jocelyn, and it was causing me to do things I wouldn’t normally want to do.

  I wanted to make Jocelyn my new pet, and I wanted to win her heart.

  Chapter 4 - Jocelyn

  Imagine my surprise the next day when I reported to work– now breezing right by the bratty receptionist, Morgan and waving hi at the nice receptionist, Cynthia – and went to the cubicle that had been assigned to me, only to find a pink envelope there.

  I looked around, but no one seemed to be paying any attention to me. I had been fantasizing about William all night, so I had a feeling that perhaps it was mutual and that whatever was in this envelope was from him.

  I really wanted to tear it open. But Hannah’s voice echoed in my head. Last night, I had told her about William and she’d said that she had heard about Davies & Sons and especially about him. They all liked to frequent a club called Dark that was owned by the uncle of Ray Silver, who worked at McKenzie.

  He was known for taking “pets” and teaching them his ways of submission. I hadn’t known what Hannah meant by that, and she had to explain it meant BDSM. Even though she and I had grown up together, going from elementary school to law school together, I obviously knew a lot less about the world.

  It seemed I was foolish to think that William would want anything more than sex to do with me. But then again, Ray was with Eileen, one of the accountants at McKenzie, and they seemed very happy together.

  Just because someone was some kind of “dom” at a BDSM club – a “master” who showed women how to be submissive to him – didn’t mean that that person couldn’t fall in love. Right?

  But even if I was wrong, who cares? I asked myself.

  I shouldn’t want to fall in love with the first person I’d ever be with physically. It could be a fun time to explore with someone and not get emotionally attached.

  Of course, that person shouldn’t be my potential boss.

  I told myself that it was all a very bad idea and to forget about it.

  However, then I opened the pink envelope, my hands shaking as I did.

  It was a handmade valentine. And it said, “Be Mine… Be my mentee, that is,” on it. It was signed “William.”

  I didn’t know whether I should be flattered or upset. I quickly turned the valentine over, before anyone else could see it.

  He must have anticipated I’d do that, because on the back, he wrote:

  Come to my office at 10 am to start your instructions.

  I looked up at the clock. That was in five minutes.

  Part of me felt mad, as if this was implying that if I got with him sexually, I’d get the job. But part of me felt thrilled, because I wanted to get with him sexually.

  My pussy walls clamped together but some wetness still managed to
run out of them. He had such an amazing effect on me. I just had to see what he wanted from me. It was as if the force pushing me to him was stronger than I could resist.

  I got up, hoping no one noticed what I was doing, and made my way to his office. Of course I had managed to notice yesterday where it was; I couldn’t help myself. He had looked so flustered when he had left the meeting that I had just had a feeling he was waiting to see me again.

  And I had been right. This Valentine’s of his proved that much.

  Once I arrived at his office, my heart thudded in my ears as I stood, shifting my weight from one foot to the other, staring at the name plaque on the door of his office. Wondering what the experienced Dominant, the man that, according to Hannah, so many women had called Master, was doing in there and if he was thinking of me and wondering if I’d come.

  I knocked and waited. My hand hovered close to the door after a while, but for some reason I didn't knock again. Probably because I knew he'd heard me.

  He just liked making me wait.

  I wondered how many other women had stood exactly where I was standing now. Did he take pets at work, or only from the Dark club?

  Hannah hadn’t known the answer to that question of mine, which I’d asked her last night. She had only heard rumors that he was a Dom and a player.

  I started thinking about what I wanted William to do to me. A hot blush rose on my cheeks, until my ears started to burn. Why couldn't I stop imagining myself with him in this way?

  I kept going back and forth, telling myself not to be with him, but then realizing I couldn’t resist. If I even had the chance to be with him, that is.

  What if I was just flattering myself, and he didn’t really want me to be one of his famed “pets,” anyway?

  Because you saw the way he looked at you, I thought to myself. You know he wants you and that you’re the only one for him, because of that look in his eyes.


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