So Good for Me: Bad Boy Forbidden Love Romance Collection

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So Good for Me: Bad Boy Forbidden Love Romance Collection Page 12

by Jamie Knight

  Her composure faltered.

  "I, um, I don't have a condom."

  "You don't need one," I said. "I want to see you. That's all."

  This time, there was absolutely nothing put-on about her anger. Her face transformed, every part of her body going taut.

  "Are you crazy?" she almost shouted. "After all this..."

  "What?" I cut in, unzipping. "Foreplay? Use your head, Jocelyn. I'm the boss. You're the intern. We can't have sex. That would be wrong."

  I took out my stiff cock and stroked it, viciously, feeling the precum leak over my fingers.

  "You fucking asshole," she snarled.

  I loved that she wanted me so badly. That she was frustrated that I was only teasing her with foreplay instead of fucking her silly.

  I sighed, shifting in my seat.

  "Just do what I asked, my pet. I promise there'll be something in it for you."

  With jerky movements, she knelt down on the floor, bending forward and exposing herself to me. A sharp jolt of arousal went through me, and I almost lost control. I loved seeing her aching, vulnerable pussy spread wide for me.

  Taking a deep breath, I squeezed my hard dick tightly until the feeling passed.

  "Good girl," I said. "That’s my good pet. You may touch yourself now, until you come."

  Almost before I'd finished the order, her fingers were flying, making a soft wet sound against her aching flesh. I watched her fingers circle over her clit, rubbing it and playing with it, while she moaned some.

  I groaned, my leg muscles tightening, toes clenching in my shoes. A gush of fluid shot out of her sweet little pussy, coating her fingers and dripping down her arm, and then another followed it. A moment later, she pitched forward, moaning my name.

  Suddenly, I was cumming too, from jerking myself off while watching her play with that pussy of hers that I wanted so badly, stars exploded behind my tightly-closed eyelids. The pleasure slammed into me like a punch to the gut, in the best possible way. I was left breathless and weak, momentarily forgetting where I was. Who I was with.

  By the time I had blinked myself back to full awareness, Jocelyn was buttoning her blouse, staring down at her ruined skirt. At the wet splash on the floor beneath her.

  "Sorry about your carpet," she said, sounding honestly a little bit embarrassed.

  I could tell she had never done anything like this before, and I liked that that was true.

  I cleared my throat.

  "It's nothing."

  She picked up her skirt and turned it over in her hands. Frowning slightly, she reached into her purse and rummaged for a moment, coming out with a handful of safety pins.

  "I'll see you tomorrow," she said, reattaching the fabric's jagged edges with practiced hands.

  “You’ll see me whenever I want to see you," I said.

  She looked up at me, her eyes still dull. But then, a little spark.

  "What did you say?"

  "You heard me," I told her, with a pointed look. "I have a few more special conditions that will need to be met, in order for this mentorship to keep working. In order for you to be my pet."

  For a moment, she just stared at me. And then, ever so slightly, there was a hint of a smile.

  Chapter 9 - William

  True to my word, I came to visit her at her office the next day. I had arranged for her to have her own, as a Valentine’s Day gift. I wanted to assure that her tenure here at my firm would last.

  Her assistant asked me if I had an appointment, and I just assured him that she'd want to see me.

  I was in her office a few minutes later.

  "I'm busy," she said, glancing up at me. Her suit today was more severe-looking even than usual, a sleek suit in midnight-black, crisp white underneath, her hair pulled tightly back. I wanted to see it undone again.

  I laid my briefcase on the table. She stopped and stared, her hand floating midway between the pencil-holder and some papers.

  "What's in there?" she asked, her voice suddenly low and cautious.

  Clicking the latches open, I smiled.

  "Another Valentine’s Day gift," I told her. "I thought it was best if I kept it hidden until we were alone."

  The clerk at the store had wrapped it beautifully, a little box in deep, royal purple with a lavender bow. Jocelyn stood very still, her hands interlaced in front of her.

  "Open it," I said.

  She made a move to pick it up, then hesitated.

  "I can't..." She looked up at me. "William, we can't keep doing this. I talked to my brother about it, and my friend. They were all very honest with me when they said that even though being in a relationship, or, whatever we’re in, with my boss might be fun, it isn’t good for my career. What if you’re just doing all of this for me because I’m sleeping with you?"

  Her voice was regretful, and more honest than I'd ever heard from her. She swept her hand around in a circle in the air, as if to make clear that by “this,” she meant all of it.

  "Look, don’t you want good experience with me as your mentor?" I asked, calmly. “In more ways than one? There is a mediation coming up in a case of mine, and if I put you on as the lead intern attorney, I know that Ashton and Kane and the rest will be impressed by you. You’ll be the first chosen as a full-time employee here at Davies.”

  "You’re only going to do that for me because you want me to sleep with you," she said, firmly. "I don't want to play these games anymore."

  I reached out and touched her cheek, gently. Her eyes closed for a moment, and she breathed in deeply.

  "That’s not true. I’ll give you the opportunity whether you sleep with me or not. I know you’re a good lawyer, and I know the firm will be lucky to have you. But I do hope you sleep with me. Open it," I commanded her, again.

  She took another deep breath and picked up the box. Her fingers trembled slightly as she unwrapped the ribbon and let it slither away.

  "What is this?" she asked, picking up the smooth plastic object.

  A slight frown was taking over her face.

  I reached into my pocket and pulled out another, smaller object. A tiny remote control. I pressed a button, and Jocelyn's gift vibrated silently in response.

  Instantly, her cheeks turned pink.

  "No," she blurted out, dropping it like it had burned her.

  It clattered on her desk, rolling to the edge, and I snatched it up before it hit the floor.

  I laid it carefully on the center of her desk.

  "I told you there were conditions to continuing on as my mentee and pet. You'll wear this at the mediation," I said. "You’ll give a stunning performance, despite the pleasure this will be causing you. No one else will know, as long as you don't betray yourself."

  Jocelyn kept staring at the vibrator, her eyes as wide as saucers.

  "This is insane," she said. "It's bad enough that we’ve done as much as we have, but to be mixing sex with work in such an obvious way..."

  "No," I said, reaching out to touch her arm. She shivered, but didn't pull away. "This only adds to the excitement. You know you want to do it," I smiled, shaking my head. "It's better to do something you want than to regret not doing it, isn't it?"

  Her face went bright red, then completely white. She sat down abruptly in her chair.

  "I’ll think about it," she said.

  I closed my briefcase, picked it up, and left her in stunned silence.

  Chapter 10 - William

  The morning of the mediation, I got to the appointed meeting place very early, crisp, pressed, not a hair out of place, and with the remote control to Jocelyn's vibrator in my pocket.

  I turned it around and around in my hand, picturing Jocelyn blushing as she slipped the little device into her panties. Just thinking about it residing next to her wet little pussy that she had pleasured for me made me half hard.

  I was alone in the conference room, but I wouldn't be for much longer. It seemed judicious to push
my chair in a little further, making sure that the conference table shielded me.

  Jocelyn had decided to come, after all. She was the first one to walk in, hitting me with a breeze of cool air and the subtle scent of her perfume as she did so.

  Her skirt, a deep evergreen that stood out stark against her skin, was tighter and shorter than anything she had worn previously. And her blouse was unbuttoned just far enough to reveal the side of her breast, when she leaned forward in a particular way.

  But that wasn't what made my thoughts stutter.

  Her hair— every fiery, untamed inch of it— was down.

  It fell around her face and shoulders in wild ringlets, bouncing with every step. She still looked every bit as confident, every bit as capable of owning a room. But I was momentarily dumbstruck.

  "Good morning, Mr. Davies," she said, coolly. "You're very early today."

  "Punctuality is next to Godliness," I said, meeting her steady gaze.

  "I don't think that's the saying."

  She sat down, primly, keeping her knees pressed tightly together.

  I was dying to know.

  Had she worn the vibrator?

  Had she even considered it?

  Could I have misjudged her completely?

  I knew that if she wanted to continue on like this, she would have worn it. But maybe she would find more ways to surprise me?

  But I wouldn't turn it on. Not until we had company. Otherwise, where was the fun?

  The opposing lawyer, Mark, was the next to arrive, with his client, followed by the mediator, then finally, our client— late as usual.

  "I know this has been a bit of a rocky road," Jocelyn said, laying a folder on the table.

  Smiling inwardly, I thought she did a very good job of portraying confidence. It was obvious to me now that she exuded more than she felt, but she was an expert at playing the part, and that was what mattered, in the law.

  She continued talking. "But I think we can all agree that the terms of the original agreement—"

  I hit the button.

  "—agreement," she considered, one hand reflexively grabbing the edge of the table, "are really quite fair."

  Her cheeks turned pink, and she turned her gaze to me. I nodded, studiously, hiding a smile behind my folded hands.

  She took a deep breath.

  "Rather than drag this out any longer, I think we ought to consider- ah-"

  Her tongue flicked out to wet her lips. My thumb hovered over the button, giving her less than a moment to recover before I hit it again.

  "I... hmmm."

  Her pulse quickened, and I could see the evidence, fluttering next to her throat.

  "I'm so sorry," she said, in answer to the questioning glances from the others at the table. "I think I'm having a little bit of allergies. Just a tickle in my thro- throat."

  She exhaled, eyes widening slightly as she gripped the table harder.

  "Are you sure you're feeling all right?" Mark was relishing this, without knowing the reason why. He thought that it bought his client more time. "You look flushed. Maybe we should reschedule."

  "No!" she cried out, half in response to him, half in response to my perfectly timed jolt. Everyone at the table flinched slightly. "I'm sorry. No. I think we'd all rather get this over with. It’s clear this case can be resolved easily."

  "Just a minute, then," said Mark, producing a folder of his own. "I have some questions for you about the terms of this agreement."

  While he talked, I pressed the button for the vibrator mercilessly, watching Jocelyn struggle to retain her composure, and somehow find a way to focus enough on Mark's words to actually address his concerns.

  I didn't care about any of what was going on here. I was impressed with how Jocelyn was handling it and I hadn’t given her too hard of a case to start out with.

  I knew the terms, and I knew Mark was just trying to justify his fee to be here arguing stupid bullshit for his client. But the opportunity to watch Jocelyn's chest rise and fall with each measured breath, as she fought the urge to pant and moan, was priceless.

  When her eyes fell closed, momentarily surrendering to the pleasure, the sight of her made my cock surge. Slipping my hand out of my pocket, I carefully slid it across my lap to palm my erection, the pressure giving momentary relief.

  But when I took my hand away, the frustration just wound tighter. All I wanted to do was fuck her so badly.

  Jocelyn was staring at me, her eyes black with desire. When I started it up again, she had been desperate for it to stop, but now, she needed more.

  The room was silent, and she seemed to shake back to reality with an effort, realizing it was her turn to speak.

  "If you'll refer to the... page eight..." She let out a shaky breath. "That's exactly what that wording is trying to convey."

  Mark kept on grilling her, and I kept on sending her higher and higher, further away from the negotiation and closer to the most powerful climax of her life. After a while, I checked my watch. She'd been in a constant state of arousal for over an hour. I had no idea how she was holding herself together.

  Then again, my own judgment was slightly impaired.

  No matter how hard I tried to think about baseball statistics while I thumbed the button, my dick refused to cooperate, straining against my pants and throbbing angrily in time with my heartbeat.

  God, I needed her.

  I needed to fuck her.

  I needed it like I needed to breathe, more, even, but we were trapped here in a room of people with no reasonable excuse to leave at the same time.

  Jocelyn's nipples were stiff peaks under her blouse. At one point, I swear I heard the mediator mutter: "Is it cold in here?"

  But I didn't care. All I wanted was to see her come apart. I wanted to see her lose herself in front of these people, unable to betray her pleasure, body quivering and pulsing in secret.

  I was about to fucking explode.

  But- ladies first, as they say. It was only polite.

  If looks could kill, I would have dropped dead under Jocelyn's gaze, but I kept my finger off the button until it was time for me to take pen in hand and sign the document. While all eyes were on me, I pressed it hard, and didn't let go.

  The noise in the back of her throat, just before she swallowed all the sounds she wanted to make, still drew attention. Everyone glanced at briefly, none of them sure what to say.

  Her eyelids fluttered, her chest rising and falling rapidly. She gripped the table so hard that it shook slightly. Her muscles trembled.

  My prick throbbed, jealous, aching to feel the same release that had just coursed through her body.

  "Are you feeling all right?" the mediator asked, frowning. “I think I have enough information to make up my mind, but I am going to be giving a written opinion at some point in the future.”

  "Yes," said Jocelyn, breathlessly.

  She swallowed, and looked at him, fighting back a smile.

  "Yes, thank you. I think we're done here."

  "Grab some lunch?" Mark asked me, or something like it.

  I was having difficulty focusing on my surroundings, for some reason.

  "No thanks," I said. "I've got work."

  It seemed to take a thousand years, but finally, everyone left except me and Jocelyn.

  My cock pulsed with anticipation. The fire a thousand suns seemed to come over me. It wanted me to take what was mine, finally.

  The door clicked, and she stared at me.

  "Up against the window," I said. "Now."

  She stood, on shaky legs, and walked over to one of the massive picture windows.

  Silently, she stepped out of her panties. The vibrator clattered to the floor, and I was ripping the condom open with my teeth before she even spread her legs.

  Chapter 11 - Jocelyn

  I couldn’t believe what William had just done.

  What we had just done.

  It see
med to be some crazy test of both my legal abilities and my loyalty to him. I couldn’t believe I had signed up to do it. I couldn’t believe I had passed the tests.

  I had meant what I told him, about speaking to Paul and Hannah. And it was true that both of them had said this was all a very bad idea.

  Of course they only had my best interests at heart.

  I knew that what they told me made sense.

  But I still needed to wear the vibrator. I still wanted to see where all of this would take me. It was like an irresistible urge to follow my heart, and my pussy.

  William’s hands were taking my clothes off.

  He was whispering that I had such a beautiful body and that he loved my curves.

  I couldn’t get enough of him.

  I wanted him to take my virginity so badly.

  It had driven me crazy, to have him control a vibrator that was deep in my pussy, rubbing against it and pleasuring me while I was trying to concentrate on my job.

  I loved it. I knew it was just as crazy to love it, but I did. I even thought I was starting to love him.

  That was ridiculous. I knew there wasn’t any such thing as love at first sight. And that just because he had had made me a valentine and asked me to be his mentee didn’t mean that we were going to be together forever.

  And yet I couldn’t help but feel as if we were meant to be.

  I think he felt the same, as he took my nipples between his fingers and twisted them.

  “Listen,” he said, breathing close to my neck. “I won’t hurt you. Your job is safe here. Your body is safe with me. If this hurts too much, just remember that the safe word is ‘mentor,’ okay?”

  “Yes,” I told him, ready to give in and submit to him.

  To give up my virginity to him.

  As if reading my mind, he asked me, “You’re a virgin, aren’t you?”

  “Yes,” I said, as he began taking his cock out of his pants.

  He pressed it up against my backside. I could feel the tip of it about to enter my pussy. I wanted him so bad. I was dripping wet for him.

  I didn’t have to repeat my Confidence Track mantras when I was around him. He made me exude natural confidence. Everything had been so much easier since he had taken me under his wing. Or more like, up against this window.


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