So Good for Me: Bad Boy Forbidden Love Romance Collection

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So Good for Me: Bad Boy Forbidden Love Romance Collection Page 42

by Jamie Knight

  It doesn’t take long before I’m quivering and moaning his name as the tight coil of climax begins to unfurl inside me and I shatter.

  The pulsing of my pussy around his cock tips Dom over the edge, too, and I feel the heat and shudder as he shoots his load into the condom between us. I collapse in a boneless heap beside him while he gets up to toss the condom and clean up.

  When he settles back into my bed, I hold him as close as I can, unwilling and unable to let him go. We fall asleep wrapped up in each other's arms again, and my last conscious thought is that I could get used to this.

  Chapter 21 - Dominic

  Six Months Later

  I don't even know where to begin, so much has changed in my life since meeting Juliette. I guess I should start with the basics. Within 3 months of the auction, Juliette and I had moved in together. Correction, I had moved in with her into her grandparent’s home. I love it, and I love her. I couldn't imagine spending another moment without her.

  Needless to say, I turned down that Nevada move as well. There was no way I could run off and leave Juliette like that. We were both thrilled by that. Everyone else at the office was shocked by it. In fact, they were stunned speechless when I made the announcement at the office meeting.

  I remember we were on a conference call. "So, Dom, what was so important you needed all of us on the line?" One of the directors asked.

  I cleared my throat before I began speaking. "I just wanted to inform you that I am going to have to turn down your Nevada offer. In fact, I'm making this location my permanent home. If there is any traveling that needs to be done, I’d like it to remain brief."

  There had been a long, long silence after I made my big announcement. Eventually one of the directors spoke. "Well Dom, this comes as quite a surprise to all of us. Are you sure about this decision?" They had asked.

  "Without a doubt," I replied confidently, with no trace of hesitation this time.

  I knew the directors had no choice but to accept this. "Okay, Dom. If that's what you wish. We will send someone else to Nevada."

  “I can give you some suggestions,” I’d offered up a list of names.

  After that the meeting had ended, and I went home happily to Juliette to share the good news with her. Things have also changed for the better for Juliette as well. Thanks to the money from the auction, and a few very generous donations from a "mysterious benefactor " she was able to buy the whole strip mall and some of the surrounding land, too.

  When I went with her to sign the papers for that, I noticed she could not stop smiling. It was that beautiful smile that I have come to love so much. She smiled the whole rest of the day after that.

  The next few months were busy with renovating her record store. She shared her plans and ideas with me. After everything we'd been through, Juliette decided to include a few new things at the shop, one being new digital record converters and a small CD section. I suggested ways she could make more money and increase traffic to her business.

  I also helped her rent out the other suites in the mall to little businesses that were soon thriving. This was such a smart move that it got the attention of many in the community.

  In just a few short months Juliette, had revitalized that whole area and brought new life to the shopping center, but not by changing the heart of the place. Just polishing what was already there.

  This encouraged many developers to start building in the area. New types of businesses were growing overnight. One of these recent additions, a small coffee shop located about a block away from the strip had quickly become our favorite.

  We often meet up there after work for date nights. Juliette has changed so much about me and my life. She’s like a piece of me I never knew was missing. It's more than just emotional changes, but physical as well. Even my style has changed now. I’m currently incorporating a mix of current, high-fashion tech with the occasional vintage pinstriped suit or some retro cufflinks that Juliette scored at a favorite thrift shop for me.

  And she occasionally throws some modern pieces into her wardrobe, mostly just to shock me, I think. But we balance each other in a way I never dreamed possible. She’s shown me the beauty of the past, I’ve helped her step forward into the future.

  Tonight's my turn to bring the vintage, though, even if she doesn’t know it. I bought something that I hope she'll like. I'm already at the coffee shop waiting for her. I'm nervous as hell. I got here even earlier than usual because I just couldn’t fucking sit still.

  I look in the pocket on the jacket of my suit and sneak a peek at the ring box in there. I spent so many months planning. I watched everything, the websites she visited, the things she bought online. I even snooped around in her jewelry box just to make sure.

  I had to be sure, then one day I found it online and I bought it. I bought it because I knew, I knew that this was the ring I was going to give her when I asked her to be my wife. It was her exact taste and style. I know she's going to love it, and I’m just hoping she wants to wear it for good.

  I look back up just in time to see her walk in. She looks even more beautiful than when I first saw her. She's dressed simply, jeans and a blouse, but she still makes it look good. She smiles when she sees me and walks over. I had this night planned so perfectly, but at the sight of her beauty, I can't form a single thought.

  As soon as she sits down, my carefully laid plans go up in smoke. Despite the leaps and bounds I’ve made, tonight I just can't wait, I can't be patient. I quickly pull out the ring box and ask "Will you marry me?"

  She blinks and blurts out "yes" without a second thought.

  It's a few seconds before we both realize what just happened. We both start laughing out of joy and shock. I stand and pull her to me. I pick her up and twirl her around in the middle of the coffee shop. I can't keep the smile off of my face. She's smiling as well. When I put her back on the ground, she’s blushing a little. I kiss her sweetly on the lips as everyone around us takes notice and breaks into applause.

  When I pull away, she's blushing even more. It’s obvious how embarrassed she is. "I'm sorry," I apologize, laughing, “I didn’t mean to make a scene.”

  She giggles and I take her hand in mine. “I think I can forgive you,” she whispers.

  "How about I take you home for a more private celebration?" I whisper back.

  She looks up at me, and gives me that same beautiful smile. “I love the sound of that.”

  Epilogue - Juliette

  The whole drive home, all I can do is stare at the ring on my finger. I'm so excited but so shocked by everything that has happened. I seriously wasn't expecting this. When Dom asked me for coffee again after work, I just assumed it was our usual date night.

  This is just unbelievable. I'm silent the whole drive home. My hand is outstretched in front of me, and I just can't stop staring at the ring in disbelief. I can't wrap my head around this. Of course I'm excited and glad it is happening, I just can't believe this moment is actually here. It's like a dream come true.

  I had my doubts about it at first, especially after our first night together. But I kept secretly hoping this might happen. I knew that I wouldn't be able to resist Dom, not that I ever really wanted to. Obviously I was physically attracted to him on our first meeting, but it was something more than that. I was drawn to him, like he was a mystery to be solved.

  He had his reasons for acting the way he did, and I acted a certain way too at first. We overcame those obstacles together, like we make each other better or something. I feel like we really do, like each of us is the piece the other was missing.

  Dom speaks interrupting my thoughts. "Is everything okay?" He asks.

  I can hear the worry in his voice. I didn't mean to get so wrapped up in my head. "Everything about tonight is perfect, I just…I’m so, so happy." I reassure him with a smile before gazing at the ring again.

  It’s so perfect, and I get to wear it proudly for the rest of my life. As his wife

  I can see him smile from the corner of my eye. "Good. I'm glad you like it. It suits you."

  "It better," I reply, “I’m planning to wear it for a long, long, long time.”

  He laughs and I lean over and kiss his cheek. We drive the rest of the way to the house in happy silence. I don't think either one of us will be able to stop smiling. Suddenly, I can't wait to get him home and be alone with him.

  Afterwards we park and walk inside. I barely have time to put the keys down before he pulls me to him. He gives me a kiss that makes me go weak in the knees. When he pulls away, I'm breathless. "Now that I’ve got you alone, how about that celebration I mentioned?" he murmurs.

  I can't keep the grin off my face. He sweeps me up in his arms and I giggle happily as he carries me down the hall to our bedroom.

  Quickly our clothes come off and we’re tangled, bare, in bed. He's got his arms wrapped around me, raising himself above me as we kiss. I part my legs quickly for him and he moves between them. I'm in no mood for games or teasing today. I want him, more than I have ever wanted him.

  He pauses and reaches for the nightstand drawer, but I halt him. “Wait…can we try…without one?” I ask hesitantly.

  Obviously we’d had some time to talk about his history and he’d gotten tested for everything, just to be safe, even though he’s always been obsessively cautious. But even so, we haven’t talked much about starting a family, and maybe it’s too big a risk to take. I watch his face carefully, trying to gauge his reaction, and to my relief, he breaks into a grin.

  “If that’s what you want, baby,” he murmurs.

  “And you’re sure…it’s ok? Risking it?” I ask.

  I don’t have to specify. He knows. It’s one of the things I love about him, he understands me sometimes before I even speak aloud.

  He nods, a silent, firm assurance, and his hand moves away from the drawer. My heart slams against my ribcage in excitement. He reaches down between my thighs, where I’m already soaking wet, and guides his cock into place. I gasp and clutch his shoulders as he begins the long, slow slide into me.

  It feels a little different without the latex between us. I can feel the heat of his skin, and when he fills me to the hilt and stills, I swear I can feel his heartbeat pulsing inside me.

  I get an indescribable thrill from that. I'm going to love doing this for the rest of my life. I pull him close and he deepens the thrust, going hard and fast. He knows how I like it. We are way past the stage of taking it slow.

  Of course, making love is always beautiful between us, but most of the time, we just prefer things hot and heavy. He pins my arms to the bed and buries his face in the side of my neck. I can hear him moan with each thrust.

  The air is warm around us as our body heat rises. I wrap my legs around him and his free hand cups my ass as he thrusts into me. He quickens the speed and I know he's almost there. Good, because so am I. We are both going so hard and fast, I already know I'm going to be exhausted after this. "Oh, Dom!" I start to gasp when I am nearly there.

  He moans in delight when I say his name. I start gasping and panting for air, suddenly I'm cumming all over him. My juices dripping out between my thighs.

  A few seconds later I hear him gasp. I can feel the heat of his seed spilling inside of me, a new sensation that I enjoy immensely. He lies on top of me for a few seconds, and we share a few tender kisses before finally, gently, he pulls out and lies beside me.

  I pull the covers over the both of us. With a tired smile he opens his arms and I eagerly cuddle into them. The feel of his broad chest beneath my cheek. I'm so tired I can barely keep my eyes open. "I love you, Juliette. " he says, while planting a gentle kiss on top of my head.

  I smile and my heart Skips a beat. "I love you too, Dom." I say happily.

  I hear him yawn and I have to giggle. I cuddle in as close to him as I can before yawning as well. After a few minutes of silence I can tell by his breathing that he’s asleep. I lie there listening to the beating of his heart and thinking about everything that’s happened. I'm the luckiest girl in the world right now, all because I took a chance and went to that auction.

  Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.

  This is the happiest I have been in my entire life, and I know, without a doubt, that this happiness will last forever. He’s the other half of me. So, bubbling with happiness, I drift off to sleep beside him, with the two of us curled contentedly in each other’s arms. The way were destined to be.


  Under Lock and Key

  Copyright © 2020 Jamie Knight Romance.

  Jamie Knight –

  Your Dirty Little Secret Romance Author

  All rights reserved.

  Chapter 1 - Samantha

  Just one day after pulling up outside my new apartment building and unloading all of my boxes, with my loyal German Shepherd by my side, I can actually say any excitement I initially felt about this move is completely gone. That is definitely disappointing, but it's not my fault.

  I’m heading back to my apartment after getting my mail, and my new landlord walks up to talk to me. I expect a friendly "hello," or a "good morning," but boy, am I in for a surprise. He immediately starts complaining about my dog.

  I don't understand this! I had specifically called ahead to see whether I could have a dog before signing the lease, and he had said that I could. The lease had said “no dogs,” which is why I had called, but he had said he would make an exception for me.

  I don't think I have ever been so angry at anyone before. I haven't even been here that long, and I already hate this landlord.

  I tap my foot impatiently as he explains to me again, "I'm sorry miss, but you can't have that dog here. It's just too big and too mean. When I said you could have a dog, I thought you meant a little one, since this is a small apartment. Little ones are annoying and yappy, but they’re not big and mean-looking like yours is."

  I can tell that he's trying not to sound aggressive because he's scared of my dog. Boxes are lined up around us as we stand in the hallway outside what was supposed to be my new apartment. But with the way things are going right now, it doesn't look like that is going to last very long. I glare at him.

  "You know you said I could have a dog. You didn't specify any extra requirements or anything. Even though the lease says no dogs allowed, you said I was allowed to move in here with him," I snap. “I wouldn’t have come here otherwise, without my Mr. Barker. Plus, he’s not mean.”

  Mr. Barker whines at my feet. I try to calm down, but it's not working. I want to pull out the lease and shake it in his face. I do not need this kind of problem.

  "I'm sorry, but I’m free to change my mind. I told you you could have a dog and now I can tell you can’t," the landlord finally snaps back at me. “The only thing that’s in writing says no dogs. Tough luck, kid.”

  "We haven't even lived here that long. You don't even know us," I try to plead.

  My German Shepherd is perfectly loveable. Although he's protective of me, he wouldn't hurt anyone. He pants happily next to me. The landlord looks us both over.

  "Sorry, those are my rules," he replies again.

  Why is he being so unfair?

  I feel like everything in life is unfair right now.

  This is not how today was supposed to go.

  "Fine, I will just take my stuff and move somewhere else," I reply childishly.

  I'm fed up with this man, and I don't have time to keep arguing about petty stuff right now.

  "That's fine with me," the landlord replies, and then he just walks away.

  Muttering angrily, I grab my boxes, which only takes me a little while, since I didn't have time to unpack very much.

  After I put everything into it, my car is cramped, packed with all my belongings. I make my dog comfortable in the passenger seat and stuff the back with boxes. I climb in and start the car, then peel out and speed away in ang

  I can't help it. I'm worried now that all this nonsense has made me late for work.

  I brake suddenly, almost running a red light. I let out a sigh of frustration and try not to cry angry tears.

  "Why doesn't anything work out for me?" I ask myself quietly.

  Nothing has been going right for me lately. This move was supposed to change that. It was supposed to shake things up and make life more exciting. I don't see that happening now.

  Mr. Barker looks out the window happily as we drive. I’m almost jealous - it must be so nice to be worry-free. I reach over and give him an affectionate pat on the head, before sighing in disappointment again.

  Everything has gone off the rails. This whole move was supposed to be exciting and fun. I was going to get to explore a new area and meet new people. Between work and unpacking, I haven't had time to do any of that.

  Now I have to worry about finding a new place to live, again. That's going to be a giant headache.

  I have to hurry to get to work in time. After I make a quick detour to drop my dog off at a friend's house for the day, I realize I’m going to be late.

  Hopefully no one will notice. My boss is always looking at me like he has a crush on me, and he’s really busy with work all the time, so he lets a lot slide. I’m grateful for that. It also doesn’t hurt that’s he hot as fuck.

  I feel a little calmer now as I come up with a plan for what to do next. I will just apologize as soon as I get to work. And as for another place to live, well, I'm glad I saved the addresses of other possible places to rent from my previous house-searching efforts. None of them are too far away from the office, so I decide that I’ll check them out on my lunch break.

  Even though the problem is pretty much solved, I'm still ticked off that the landlord treated me like that. I usually don't hold grudges, but I guess I'm just so upset at the way things don't seem to be working out for me lately. At least work is going well for now. That's the one steady thing I have in my life at the moment.


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