Zurkerx- The Empire Shall Grow

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Zurkerx- The Empire Shall Grow Page 1

by Eric William Haluska


  Eric William Haluska

  Copyright © 2019 Eric William Haluska

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN-13: 9781731414779


  To my friends and family.




  Author’s Note



  The Beginning


























  Returning Adversaries


  Declaration of War




















  Broken Bonds



  The Fallen



  Untold Story



  The Unknown



  King of Players




  Author’s Biography




  My thanks to my mom, my editor Michael Waitz, photographer Haylie Lampert, and cover design by Damonza.

  Author’s Note

  I know what you all are thinking: why write a book? Well, to be honest, it was an idea circulating in my head since I was eighteen years old. I wanted to try something different. I wanted to see if I could, in fact, write a book. I wanted to have an entertaining story for all ages. Most importantly, I wanted people to read something a little different, something that would intrigue them. Let me try to explain.

  This book, Zurkerx, is based on a nation I created on a government simulator website known as NationStates, where the players address issues that form their ideal, but stereotyped nation for entertainment purposes. I got involved on the site on January 20th, 2011 when my friends persuaded me to join the site, on which I created the nation of Zurkerx. On that same day, I created another nation known as Omericoa, which I used as my primary nation until a friend destroyed it in a Role Play with a biological weapon.

  Now, some of you are wondering: what is a Role Play? Role Play (RP) or Role Playing (RPing) is when one acts out a role of a character or entity. In a sense, you take control of a character or entity and give that character or entity a personality. This personality is usually developed by the user who takes control, although that personality may be set by another person, forcing the user to RP that character’s set behavior. When writing Zurkerx, I examined examples of RPing to help develop the plot and the characters in the story. Of course, I also drew on my writing skills from my college days, as well as reading novels such as 1984, Jennifer Government, and Fahrenheit 451 to further develop my book. I hope that cleared up what an RP is. Now, onto Zurkerx.

  When I came up with Zurkerx, it was supposed to replicate a conservative-type government, given my views at the time. However, through the years, the nation evolved into a Libertarian State that happened to be militarily aggressive (aka Neo-Libertarianism). But while I agree with most of my nation’s views, I wasn’t always in agreement. Come to think of it, I am a very different kind of Libertarian now than I was back then. But there was one point when I didn’t even know the word Libertarian.

  At the time when I created Zurkerx, I was an Economic Republican, a Republican who was moderate on social issues but embraced Republican economic views. For a while, I identified as one, thinking that was where my beliefs stood. It wasn’t until later that year, or in 2012 that I discovered the words Libertarian and Libertarianism. After researching the terms, I discovered I was a Libertarian and not a Republican. While research and my friends played a huge role in the development of my views, it was the people on the NationStates forums who led me to some of the beliefs that I hold today.

  From time to time, I would read up on the forum and I discovered a variety of opinions on this complex political spectrum. NationStates has a broad diversity of political discussion on a wide variety of ideologies; many that I never knew existed: Distributism, Voluntarism, Objectivism, Mutualism, Minarchism, Synthesis Anarchism, Classical Liberalism, Neoliberalism, Libertarian Socialism, etc. Over my eight years on NationStates, I learned these terms and then some. While I don’t know each political idea in its entirety, these ideologies have expanded my knowledge of the political world since my time on NationStates. Over those eight years, I have deviated and become more pragmatic among my Libertarian colleagues; much more open to the ideas I was exposed to. I do, however, want to thank NationStates for exposing me to a multitude of political thoughts and ideas that helped develop my views and inspiration to write this book.

  This book is science fiction and I use my imagination to its fullest strength. Specifically, this is a social science fiction and political fiction book with elements of Libertarian Science Fiction. I am not an expert in every single field that you will read in this book — such as technology, ideology, and so forth. I will also mention that while this book is purely fictional, it makes references to today’s world.

  While the story takes place in the Year 2060, you’ll find that not every aspect is futuristic. I decided to add a combination of traditional and futuristic aspects that would be found throughout our history. The weapons mentioned throughout the story are gunpowder-based weapons although there is a railgun that fires projectiles using electromagnetic technology, along with large railgun turrets on ships and armored vehicles. Just remember, this book is science fiction after all.

  I had written this book like an RP, keeping it in the present as if it were a movie playing. I came up with my own language and terminology, but kept it simple to pronounce and with the translation at the bottom of the page to reduce frustration. From writing this book, I have developed a deep respect for people who write on a regular basis. Some only make a living off the books they write and sell as their livelihood. For that, I respect these writers and the arduous effort they put into their works of literature.

  I had the help of friends and family when writing and designing Zurkerx and thank everyone for their contribution to this book. It was a long, tough project that I worked day and night on. I believe no one thus far has ever written a book about their nation from NationStates. I hope to be the first and inspire others to do so themselves in the future.

  The prologue is the history of Zurkerx that leads up to the main story. If you are unsure of any terms or weapons I footnoted, look them up, and you may learn a thing or two.

  Be warned: if you can’t handle profanity and violence, then don’t read this book. Now sit back and enjoy the read.

  The Beginning

  Zentari is a region like no other. With many small islands dotting across the sea, Zentari is a super-continent with a couple of larger islands surrounded by a vast ocean. Within these lands are vast resources yet to be discovered,
waiting to be tapped. These lands possess a variety of biomes, bringing great biodiversity divided between two hemispheres.

  In the southern hemisphere, the land is dominated by the tropics, rainforests, and subtropics. In the northern hemisphere, the land is dominated by montane forests, taiga, tundra, and ice sheets and polar deserts. In between these two hemispheres lie varying temperate climates and tree savannas as well as savanna grasslands. In addition, deserts and mountain ranges are scattered throughout, acting as natural boundaries that separate these differing climates.

  Yet, these natural barriers and divergent biomes couldn’t stop a force that would conquer their entirety, making its mark on history. The land was once controlled by an ancient civilization called Ukenhime[1], which is said to have formed around 8000 BCE. Little is known about this nation and how it came to be.

  However, the little that is known is that they were a multiracial society, given they expanded across the entirety of Zentari. They also had a highly developed language, which was engraved on granodiorite steles, dubbed Ukeni[2]. This told those trying to study Ukenhime that it was a complex but sophisticated nation that must have been prosperous, thanks to an effective system of government keeping it alive.

  This affluent nation collapsed, however, around 2000 BCE, resulting in the beginning of the Dark Era. During this turbulent period, wars, famine, and plagues occurred, killing millions upon millions as they struggled to survive and thrive. Ukenhime’s demise has eluded the likes of scholars, scientists, historians, and political leaders, but they know that whatever happened is written down on these tablets, which have not yet been deciphered.

  What arose from the ashes during and at the end of the Dark Era were several new civilizations that attempted to emulate and revive Ukenhime in their own unique way. One of those emerging civilizations were the Zuru[3] in 1000 BCE, which occupied the southeastern part of Zentari. Like Ukenhime, they were a multiracial society with a developed language called Zurk Tech[4]. It was a simplistic language wherein one wrote and learned to read from left-to-right; its letters easy to pronounce. They hoped that this would unite their people and eliminate division.

  Around the year 880 BCE, however, famine struck due to a sudden drought that drained the life from the land. With the inability to produce food, millions died, resulting in racial tensions as they competed against one another. By 870 BCE, unable to hold itself together, the Zuru split into two additional sovereign nations: the Wusu and Kuma[5]. These three nations each were unique, distinguishing themselves despite retaining Zurk Tech as their language.

  The Wusu were a dark-skinned, masculine-built tribe. They inhabited the area southwest of the Zuru, residing farther within the tropical climate. They were a warriors’ nation, one that pioneered weapons and military tactics to ensure their survival, especially against the likes of the weaker Zuru and newly formed Kuma. This was all thanks to the large amounts of iron ore that lay around, helping them craft weapons and armor. They valued brute strength and believed that a nation couldn’t survive without a strong centralized government, one controlled by the military.

  The Kuma were almost the exact opposite of the Wusu. Located to the east of the Wusu and south of the Zuru, these fair-skinned people had a strong centralized government as well. However, while they did have a military, they believed diplomacy was the key to survival. The land occupied by the Kuma was fertile and grew an abundance of crops. They taught themselves how to till the land, becoming masters in agriculture. This would help keep their population fed while also gaining a powerful bargaining chip over the two other nations, using trade to gain wealth and maintain peace.

  Then there was the Zuru, who had olive-colored skin. They were a balance of the two other nations. They were military moderates who struck a balance between military posturing and diplomacy, using force only when necessary. They had some fertile land, which helped reduce their reliance on the Kuma. But most importantly they valued education, believing knowledge was the strongest weapon they could possess. This knowledge helped them make advancements in the fields of science, mathematics, medicine, literature, architecture, and philosophy. They rejected the total centralized governments and believed their leader, the Chieftain, should be elected by property-owning men.

  But all these nations sought to reunite the land under their own respective rule, their own ideals. They continuously tried to overpower each other, remaining at odds for hundreds of years. However, a consensus soon grew to unite when they realized they were each too powerful to overcome, recognizing each other’s advantages.

  Seeing these advantages as positives, the three nations decided to make peace and adopt a free trade policy, further bringing peace and stability to the area. This led to greater prosperity, which the Zuru saw could be beneficial to unification. However, unification wouldn’t come until an outside invader attacked the three nations sometime in May of AD 518. These invaders came from Seperia[6] and they posed a new threat to the three nations.

  Seperia was another nation that arose from the Dark Era. Situated to the north of the Zuru, these pale white warriors had an advanced, authoritative centralized government and military with an effective taxing system, providing the necessary revenues to fund the government. The Seperians used these revenues to develop an efficient system of aqueducts, transportation, and agriculture to keep their nation functioning. Despite these innovative ideas, Seperia had no written language and thus, little is known about them today. What is known is that the Seperians wanted to expand their land and the Zuru, Wusu, and Kuma stood in their way.

  Thus, they launched an invasion, bringing fear and shock to all. However, the Zuru believed they had found the opportunity they were waiting for to unite the three nations as one. Chieftain Kuj Fisch decided to gather the leaders of the Wusu and Kuma in hopes of forming an alliance. By September of AD 519, a coalition was formed and the Seperians were repelled.

  With the enemy pushed back, the three nations got together to further build their coalition. The Kuma supplied the food while the Wusu trained the soldiers. The Zuru helped further develop the Wusu’s tactical and strategic movements, implementing new and innovative ideas that would help them in their fight against Seperia.

  At the same time, the Zuru wanted to form a new nation that they could all call home. The Kuma and Wusu, however, believed the threat of Seperia should be dealt with first before any talks for a new nation should take place. There were also several ethnic differences among the nations along with differing ideologies that the tribes possessed. The Wusu and Kuma both believed in a centralized government. However, while the Wusu favored a strong military, the Kuma wanted a smaller military that was bound by peace and the Zuru wanted a government that elected its leader.

  While they fought over their future government, they fought the Seperians along the Zuru border. To defeat this enemy, Kuj Fisch believed that the nations needed to unite as one and reluctantly, the Wusu and Kuma finally agreed. After three years of bickering, on October 6, 522, the three nations came to an agreement. They all signed a document known as the Verfa Zurk[7].

  The original Verfa Zurk consisted of three clauses. The first clause, known as Clause One, defined how the government was to be structured and the roles the Chieftain would inherit. The Chieftain was to be sworn in to uphold the laws of the land, executing without bias. The Chieftain would be the Commander-in-Chief of the military, presiding over it as its final decisionmaker. Clause One even gave the title of the future nation: The Constitutional Empire.

  The first clause also established the Council, a body of 25 men who were to serve for life, of which 12 would be selected by the President and thirteen by the people. This legislative body was to be a Unicameral Legislature, meaning that laws could be passed and debated faster than in a bicameral system. To pass these laws, a simple majority was required, as well as the Chieftain’s consent. The Council would also be able to impeach the Chieftain or other Councilmen, an impeachment requiring two-thirds of the Co

  Then there was Clause Two, which established that all individuals, regardless of status, had inalienable rights. These natural rights were to be protected and defended by the government. Clause Two also established that elections would take place two weeks after it was ratified into law. In case the Chieftain or Councilman retired, died, or was impeached, new elections must be held within 90 days to replace them. For the position of Chieftain, the Councilmen would nominate a Councilman to fill in until elections are held.

  The final clause, Clause Three, established how to amend the Verfa Zurk. To approve a new Clause, two-thirds of the Council and the Chieftain’s consent is required. However, it also required a simple majority of the people to approve, a referenda held on the first Sunday in October. Once these three steps were accomplished, then the clause was to become law, potentially overriding other clauses.

  After the Verfa Zurk was ratified, the nation voted and elected Kuj Fisch as Chieftain of the nation. In one of his first acts, Chieftain Fisch designated the nation’s capital on a black rock jagged peninsula: Moskova[8]. He established Zurk Tech as the official language and named the nation that it still goes by today: Zurkerx[9].

  With the merger of the nations under the new notable Constitutional Empire of Zurkerx, the Empire launched an attack on Seperia. After five years of fighting, Seperia fell and was conquered, making Zurkerx truly an empire. The Zurk-Seperian War would leave the Empire with vast amounts of land, gaining with it an abundance of resources.

  After the war, Chieftain Fisch had to tackle a new problem. The issue being debated at the time was whether to grant the newly conquered Seperians rights: with the former Wusu opposed and the Kuma being in favor. Kuj Fisch decided that assimilating the Seperians and giving them rights would be the best way to go forward. Although the Councilmen from the Wusu were resentful of the idea, they ultimately approved the proposal by the Chieftain, the proposal passed unanimously.


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