Zurkerx- The Empire Shall Grow

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Zurkerx- The Empire Shall Grow Page 13

by Eric William Haluska

  In a desperate plea for help, they turned to the government, hoping they could receive some financing. However, they got no help since the government at the time embraced the original ideas of Einnerism, and the concept that government shouldn’t intervene. This forced the city council and mayor to enact laws to reduce pollution. They offered tax breaks for businesses that improved the land, and they subsidized landscaping and green energy. They imposed a city Carbon Market Payment on companies in hopes that it would reduce pollution. While controversial at the time, the city rebounded and its income portfolio became diverse.

  But 50% of Farzca’s income still comes from trade since it’s one of the closest points for imports to enter. In addition, the Empire has become reliant on trade, selling large amounts of exports and buying imports that forced many port cities, including Farzca, to expand. This led to companies such as EE to take advantage of this growing industry and buy several ports, including small ones such as Lagoon Shallows.

  Located on the outskirts of Farzca, Lagoon Shallows is surrounded by a hilly tropical forest, where it benefits smaller freight loads that have found it difficult to maneuver and gain access to the larger ports. However, these small freights brought in little revenue, just barely breaking even. Thus, EE decided to sell the port, along with other ports in Twasre and other ports in the Empire, seeing it wasn’t generating enough revenue.

  Almost immediately, an unlikely buyer came: the Gewerksma. Using a business created by Kelin, they viewed Lagoon Shallows as a perfect hiding location, one of many they use to discreetly bring in supplies. For the most part, Lagoon Shallows is a quiet place, bringing in only small amounts of supplies and guarded by a few Gewerksols.

  However, the port is buzzing with activity tonight as armaments and vehicles are loaded into oversize trucks. Finally, the long-awaited shipment has arrived, supplies needed to initiate the Final Draft. Included in this shipment are 20 tanks from Jekaria, tanks that mysteriously went missing a few months ago. These tanks, the G131, are a lightly armored tank with a 120mm rifled barrel. With a top speed of 35 mph, the tanks were useful during their time in the beginning of the 21st Century, but they paled in comparison to today’s tanks, which are heavily armored and are equipped with railguns with an autoloader.

  Along with these tanks are lightly armored jeeps with .50 caliber machine guns, plus RPGs, rifles, and explosives. These weapons have come from all parts of Zentari, including from Naszna, Ukrainie, and Dekal. Yet, despite their best efforts to funnel in weapons, their dwindling cash supply has crippled them as their cash flow turns negative, making it difficult to purchase these essential weapons for the Gewerksol. Thus, they can’t afford for anyone to steal their cargo, especially since it cost them big money to get it.

  To protect their cargo, the port is surrounded by two thick, twelve-foot chain-link fences with barbed wire on top, leaving enough room for someone to patrol in between them. In addition to the barrier and guards, there are several cameras that have a 360 view of the whole facility. These cameras can see the port’s activities, stretching from the loading docks to the front gate. The gate is made up of two steel slabs, which can only be opened by an app on one of the guards’ phones.

  Guarding this gate are four guards who are carrying the AMR-46. They have been standing here since four o’clock today. Holding their guns for an eight-hour period isn’t easy, especially since little to nothing happens in this area. This has made them haggard, bored to death as they try to stay awake. They are hoping that someone will soon relieve them of their position so they can get some rest, some well-deserved sleep.

  As they stand guard, one of them spots a light in the distance. His weary eyes widen a bit. To the guard, it looks like one big blur as he concentrates on it, trying to discern what it is. But then it gradually grows, becoming brighter and separating into two distinct shining circles. The guard turns towards the other guards.

  “We got a vehicle coming up.”

  The other guards turn towards the first. They see that there are two lights in the distance. They can see it is a jeep, and it’s slowly approaching. They tighten up a bit, preparing for conflict as they raise their guns slightly.

  Then the vehicle flashes its lights twice. The guards let a sigh of relief out as they relax their bodies. Realizing that their guests have arrived, one of the guards walks forward, putting his hand up to stop the vehicle. The jeep slows down before coming to a stop.

  The guard then motions the jeep to move forward slowly. The driver follows the guard, heading to the front gate before coming to a stop again. When the jeep stops, a female guard walks up, motioning the driver to lower his window. The driver obliges as the window rolls down, revealing two individuals inside. The driver looks calm and relaxed while his passenger looks a bit uptight, anxious about something.

  Albric is nervous. He knows tonight is a big night and the slightest mistake could compromise the operation, his identity. Don’t screw this up now, Albric. All of Zentari is counting on you. He tries to calm himself and suppress his thoughts by breathing in and out, knowing his friends aren’t too far away.

  “I see you are here, K.B.,” she says with a smile.

  “It’s good to be here. How’s everything coming along?”

  “Everything is going according to plan. Do-”

  She pauses, staring at Albric.

  “Are you okay?”

  Kelin turns towards Albric, seeing the man is trying to calm himself down. He is still suspicious of Lucas, a person he suspects is working for the government.

  “Yeah, are you okay? You seem a bit tense.”

  “No, no. I’m just- just excited that we are here. I need to stretch my body out. It’s not easy sitting in a vehicle for several hours now.”

  He lifts his arms out, stretching his body.

  “Understandable. It’s not easy when you are sitting still for so long,” the guard says with a smile as she turns her attention back to Kelin. “Any who, I guess you are here to assess the inventory?”

  “Of course.”

  “All right then,” she says calmly as she turns towards the others. “Open the gate! It’s K.B.”

  A guard nods as he pulls out his phone. He presses a button, and the gate slides open, unveiling how busy the port has become.

  Albric turns to the right, looking out into the distance. He can’t see his siblings, but he has a feeling they are nearby, watching him. He can easily talk to them thanks to two brain-computer interface (BCI) chips, one that acts as an earpiece and the other acting as a voice recorder and transponder, which is implanted into his clothing.

  As the gate opens completely, the female guard motions the jeep forward. Kelin presses the gas pedal gently, moving the jeep forward. As they pass through the gate, it slowly closes behind them, cutting off Albric’s only escape route.


  “Good. Everyone, get ready, we go in ten minutes.”

  “Copy that, Marcus,” Joseph says as he looks around the trunk of a tree.

  He is about a hundred meters away from the north side of the port, an area that currently has no guards patrolling. Accompanying him is Scarlet, who is taking cover behind the tree next to him. They are wearing their Kinetic Power Suits[67], upgraded forms of the Kinetic Warrior Suit. Both are strikingly similar except that the outfit worn by Krens is more metallic, having thicker armor and with more power storage, giving them a higher standing within the military’s hierarchy.

  What further distinguishes these Krens is that they can customize their outfits, including the color, emblems, and any other additional perks they want. Joseph’s outfit is red with a black devilish face on his chest. Scarlet’s suit is turquoise with a black spider dripping green venom from its fangs. This customization distinguishes them and reflects their respective nicknames.

  In addition to the two Krens are 60 Red Skulls, 58 of which are posted roughly a hundred meters from the port’s gate, hiding in the shadows. They are the main battering ram, the primary
strike force that is designed to inflict unprecedented damage. They are led by Hanna, who has her finger around the trigger of her Warrior 5Z[68], itching for a fight, ready to pounce.

  To their south are the remaining two Red Skulls, both of whom are snipers observing the port through their sniper scopes, watching the activity down below unfold. Donin and Sadara are considered some of the best snipers in Zurkerx, having graduated at the top of their class. They can easily hit a strand of hair from a couple hundred meters away, although their advanced scopes help them easily accomplish this.

  Watching everything from above is a drone, which is being controlled by Gadget. Joining him is Marcus as they both monitor the situation from a security room at Fort Halsen. Marcus has decided to stay back, believing it was best to give orders from afar. Ever since being appointed Supreme Commander, he has mostly worked from his office, giving orders while he directs tactics and implements strategies. This doesn’t fit his style as he would rather be on the battlefield, giving orders as he leads his companions, gaining their trust.

  But his advisors told him he should stay away from the battlefield, eventually convincing him that if he were to have an unfortunate accident and die, the nation would be set back. This new lifestyle would grow on him as he adjusted to this lavish perk, changing his opinion to one that great leaders should lead from behind, acting as a brain that requires protection.

  This philosophical and moral change, however, has led to some harsh criticism from others, including Joseph and Scarlet, who feel they are being utilized as high-valued chess pieces, serving to protect a “King” that has grown lazy. They believe that a leader should be alongside his or her companions, giving and earning the respect needed to be admired. This belief would be shared by his former mentor, a person who would heavily condemn his current position. Despite this harsh criticism, he has come to devalue their opinions, ignoring them with spite, ignoring even the teachings of his former mentor and what the Krenma preach.

  But right now, he can’t worry about these distracting thoughts. Right now, he’s watching the jeep carrying Albric as it enters the port. Through the drone’s infrared camera, he sees two individuals get out and make their way into the warehouse, where he loses sight of them. Yet, while he may not be able to see them, he can easily hear them, thanks to the BCI chip hidden within the fabric of Albric’s clothing.

  However, there are only two individuals who can see him. Donin and Sadara have been following their brother through their scopes before losing him through the entrance. They are anxious, knowing that the slightest mistake could take Albric away. Their anxiety is relieved somewhat as they shift their attention to one of the windows, spotting three figures walking around, one of them being their brother. They wonder who the third individual is, a person they have never seen before.


  “So, have the Kapres arrived yet, Gus?”

  “Yes, they have, K.B. They came earlier than expected. They’re already heading to their destinations.”


  “Wait! Another shipment came in earlier today? When were you going to tell me this, K.B.?”

  “I guess now, I suppose.”

  “EE will not take kindly to this.”

  “Don’t worry, we have two sets of books. We can easily pocket and conceal this additional revenue and use it to expand the business.”

  “K.B.! That’s illegal, you can’t have two sets of books for accounting purposes. Are you trying to get us in trouble here?”

  “We won’t be in trouble if you don’t open your mouth, now would we? Keep quiet on this,” sneers Kelin.



  “Then tell me what Ka-Pres are at least,” says an exasperated Albric. “EE is going to want to know what you snuck in.”

  “It’s a cream-based product we sell to the local spas. It helps rejuvenate the skin, making everyone experience their youth once again.”

  “That’s not what Kapres are. It’s Jekarian for precious cargo,” says Marcus. “And by precious cargo, it must reference those G131 tanks. That means we missed our window in getting them.”

  “Oh, okay,” Albric says, a bit surprised. “I thought it was-”

  He stops himself, realizing that Marcus isn’t here. Both Gus and Kelin turn towards him, confused why he’s stopped mid-sentence.

  “And what did you think they were?” asks a suspicious Gus as he stares Albric down.

  As the inventory manager of Lagoon Shallows, Gus’ job is to keep track of the inventory that comes in and goes out. Already, he has alerted Argus that the tanks were on their way to Moskova, weapons they’ll need to begin the Final Draft.

  Albric is well-aware of this and knows he shouldn’t have allowed his thoughts to leak out like that. However, he senses an opportunity. It has been irking him that Sadara has kept her nightmares a secret from him, nightmares that have drained the life out of her. Now he has a chance to confront her, but before he can do that, he’ll need to stall, come up with something stupid to drive away both men. He can easily catch up to them later, when it comes time to arrest them.

  “Well, I thought it was- paint.”

  “Paint?” asks a confused Gus. “Paint?! Artists bring little money to a business with high inventory cost. We are in one of the biggest tourist sectors in Zentari. In particular, a lot of people come here for relaxation, going to spas, and it would only be natural to sell spa base products. It’s what the market demands, after all.”

  “Ah, makes sense.”


  “But I must ask: have you considered selling paint?”

  “You can’t be serious.”

  Gus steps in front of Lucas’ face, disgusted by the man’s question. He can’t believe that Lucas would ask him a ridiculous question like that, especially after the spiel he just gave the man. Is this man deaf?

  “Apparently, I wasn’t clear earlier with my response,” Gus says, annoyed. “So, I guess I’ll use simple terms then.”

  “Simple? Do you take me as a moron? An imbecile? Because I am neither. Do you have a problem with my intellect?”

  “As of matter of fact, I do. So, let me explain!”

  Both men become flustered, riled up over a dumb question that most would brush aside. Yet, they are so focused on their conversation that they fail to notice Kelin backing up slowly, glaring at them. He wants no part in a ridiculous conversation, a debate that holds no merit, especially in this situation.

  As he backs up, his phone vibrates in his pocket. He pulls it out and sees a text message from his boss. Curious as to what his boss has sent him, he opens the message:

  Halt what you are doing. Government forces have surrounded the port, according to my spies. Also, this Lucas Keller is in fact a spy. Do whatever is necessary to get the hell out of there. The Gewerksma’s cause isn’t worth your life.

  “So, my suspicion was correct, but that doesn’t matter. At this point, he’s finally waking up to the reality,” he says with a snarky smile.

  He types back:

  Understood. A Great Hope is lost.

  He sends the message and puts his phone away. For some unknown reason, the boss has called him back. Maybe he finally realized that investing in the Gewerksma was a mistake, a movement they shouldn’t have given an ounce of their time towards.

  He looks up, staring at the observation room that overlooks the warehouse. He sees someone staring at them, watching them menacingly, an individual he wouldn’t want to screw with.

  He then looks at Lucas. He can’t believe that he has been tricked into thinking Lucas was an ally, a friend he trusted. It really disappoints him that the government has managed to deceive him and the fools he works for. But it doesn’t matter what happens to Lucas or to anyone here. What matters now is that he escapes and flees back home. He slips behind some crates, devising a plan to escape.


  The man stares from above. For the last few minutes, he has been watching
the three men down below, believing he recognizes one of them. Yet, his attention has drifted towards K.B., who briefly looks at him before hiding behind some crates. He wonders if K.B. knows something he doesn’t, something that should concern him.

  But it isn’t K.B. that concerns him as his eyes drift back to the two men arguing. He sees Gus throw his hands in the air, walking away in frustration. He then sees the other man turn around with a smile on his face, a face he immediately recognizes as he walks towards some crates.

  “Son of a bitch.”

  He now understands why K.B. is backing up: he’s sneaking out, trying to escape from the government forces that have surrounded them. Realizing the danger that is coming, he turns around, making his way to the armory to grab his gear, ready for the fight that is to come.

  “Everyone,” he says calmly. “Government forces have the port surrounded. Be on your guard.”


  “So, your rationale as to why you shouldn’t sell paint is because there isn’t a market for it? Have you done research to back up your conclusion?”

  “Well, no…”

  “Then it’s settled: you should add paint to the inventory.”

  “No! God, this is getting stupid. I’m walking away!”

  Gus walks away, flailing his arms. He can no longer debate with a man filled with ignorance. Lucas is supposed to be an operations manager, one of the best EE has to offer. With every second that goes by, he’s finding it harder to believe that Lucas is one of the best.

  Albric chuckles a bit. His plan has worked and quite well surprisingly, something he didn’t expect. With a big smile on his face, he walks behind some crates, looking up at the window.


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