Zurkerx- The Empire Shall Grow

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Zurkerx- The Empire Shall Grow Page 16

by Eric William Haluska

  He sidesteps her as she swings at him. Surprised that she missed, Scarlet pulls out her second sword and swings. Indra forms an x-shape with his swords, catching her blade. Believing she has him, she swings with her free sword. Indra breaks his defensive position and blocks her attack, pushing her blade to the side with such force that she slightly loses her balance.

  As she tries to regain her balance, Indra charges in, ready to cut her down. But then, Joseph charges in, blocking Indra’s attack. He counterattacks by pushing back, swinging at Indra, forcing him back.

  He walks back a bit then stops, a wooden crate stopping his retreat. Joseph swings down, having caught Indra off-guard. Indra moves to his right as splinters hit his face. Joseph goes to swing at a vulnerable Indra, but is jerked forward. He sees that his sword is stuck as if the wood has molded to his blade.

  Sensing an opportunity, Indra swings his sword downward towards Joseph’s exposed arm. With no choice, Joseph leans back, letting go of his sword. He sidesteps in and knocks Indra’s sword out of his right hand, Indra’s eyes following his escaped blade. He looks up and sees Joseph’s fist heading towards his face; the fist strikes him and he goes tumbling to the ground.

  Desperate, Indra swings, forcing Joseph to hop back, giving him an opportunity to go and retrieve his sword. Indra then performs a kick-up, jumping to his feet. As he balances himself out, Scarlet approaches, her blade high in the air. He lifts his blade up, blocking her attack as he stumbles back in hopes of regaining his footing.

  “You both have gotten better, a bit,” Indra says mockingly. “But it seems you are holding yourselves back from your full potential. Quite interesting that you would rather regress than witness the raw power you can unleash.”

  “The only person that has regressed is you!”

  Scarlet charges, infuriated by Indra’s taunting comments; their blades clash once again. Scarlet’s rage and frustration now guide her in her fight, dictating her attack plan. While her speed and strength grow, her judgment becomes cloudy, her recklessness growing, her tameness dissipating, devolving into a creature that Einzgu has kept at bay. Indra backs up, recognizing his strategy has worked, waiting for the crazed woman to make a mistake.


  Albric’s heart slows down. He has been watching the brutal fight, a scene he didn’t want to see. All three of them have forgotten about his existence, too preoccupied by their intense battle. He can’t tell who’s who since his vision has become blurred.

  However, he knows that it’s his friends who are fighting, even if one of them is a former one, the one who has given him the death blow. Watching his friends fight makes him sick, and yet he’s powerless to stop them. There is no smile on his face, but he refuses to die without smiling. To make himself smile, he tries to recall a memory with his family.

  He remembers the time when he, Donin, and Sadara were fishing by a river. They were six or maybe seven years old. He can’t hear the words they were speaking, he can’t remember them. All he can hear is the laughter from the three of them, a time of joy, a time of fun. It was an excellent time as they bonded closer together, solidifying their bond as a family. It’s a memory he would never forget.

  This joyful memory helps and he musters a smile as he breathes his last; his heart beating one last time; his eyes never closing fully; their family bond shattered and broken.


  The tolling swords echo throughout the warehouse, synching perfectly with the popping fire. Scarlet has become careless, relying on brute strength over tactics in an attempt to overpower Indra. Joining her in her carelessness is Joseph. Both joined the Krenma just four years prior, moving quickly up the ranks as they became generals in the Empire’s military. Their diligence and mastership of tactics, weaponry, and combat helped them become the second and third best Krens in the Krenma all thanks to their intelligence and understanding of Einzgu.

  But they still have much to learn, much to overcome. Although they understand the ideals of Einzgu, they have failed to master one of its founding principles: control your emotions. While both are fierce warriors when focused, they can easily get frustrated and irritated, becoming volatile. It has always been one of their weaknesses, one that Marcus took advantage of when they sparred against each other. He has become disturbed by their forgetfulness on the issue, trying to correct with no success, leading to his biggest fear: they’ll become the next Argus and Indra.

  As the fight continues, Indra backs up, becoming overwhelmed by their attacks. It has become increasingly difficult for Indra to fight these two Krens. Despite flaring their tempers up, he knows he can’t fight them both in the long run. He must escape before he can be subdued. He turns his head and sees a safety ladder he can escape to.

  “Hey! Pay attention!”

  Joseph swings ferociously and his blade collides with Indra’s. He sees that Indra is looking to his side, planning a potential escape.

  “What’s wrong, Indra? Can’t take the heat?” says Joseph teasingly.

  “How funny of you to say.”

  Indra pushes Joseph’s blade away, making a run for the ladder. Realizing he’s trying to escape, Joseph and Scarlet pursue him, running through the blazing inferno. They can’t let Indra escape, not after losing track of Argus.

  As they pursue him, Indra lifts his blade, slicing at some crates that are on fire, hoping to collapse their foundation. His mighty swing jars their base and a whole section comes toppling down. Joseph and Scarlet come to a stop, coming within inches of being crushed by the smoldering crates.

  The roaring fire holds them back even though they can run through the blaze without the risk of harm. Knowing this is the perfect time to escape, Indra heads towards the ladder and hastily climbs it.

  When he reaches the top, he swings at the rails holding it in place. The blade slices through the thick steel railing, cutting it like butter with a hot knife. The Nactbu he possesses is the same one that Joseph and Scarlet carry, a weapon that can cut through thick steel and armor easily. He pushes the ladder with his foot, forcing the heavy structure to fall from its place.

  The structure falls to ground, almost hitting Joseph and Scarlet, who are caught off guard by its sudden appearance. They look up and see Indra scolding at them frighteningly.

  “Are you a coward now, Indra?” asks an infuriated Joseph. “Our fight is not over yet.”

  “Our fight will continue, but in the future. In due time, we will meet again when the Final Draft has been initiated.”

  “The Final Draft? What nonsense are you mumbling on about?”

  “You’ll see,” he says with a smile as he backs up. “But that should be the least of your worries right now. I would be more worried about your friend dying over there, that’s if he’s still alive.”

  Indra runs down the balcony. He makes a left-hand turn into a dark hallway. He runs down towards the end of the hallway, where he puts his hands against the stone slab wall. Something clicks and the wall shifts to the right. He looks back and sees they haven’t followed him. He walks through as the wall closes behind, the darkness concealing him.


  Joseph and Scarlet look at each other. They have forgotten about Albric, the person they were sent in to rescue originally. They know that there’s little hope he’s still alive.

  “Find Albric. See if he’s still alive,” Joseph says, depressed. “I’ll go after him.”

  Scarlet nods and runs off, hoping beyond hope Albric is still alive. Joseph runs forward and looks around. In the distance to his right, he sees a flight of stairs. He dashes towards them, making his way up onto the balcony. He spots a hallway, the one he believes Indra fled into. He runs down the hallway, running until he reaches the end of the hallway, hitting a dead-end. Indra has escaped.


  As Joseph searches for Indra, Scarlet runs towards Albric. She can see blood is dripping from his smiling mouth, his eyes half open. Already, she can tell what the verdict will be. She places her fingers on his neck. />
  “HQ, Black Widow here. Perimeter is being secured. Multiple Gewerksols confirmed dead. Unfortunately, we suffered one casualty. We lost- we lost Sergeant Albric Sanz. His status: KIA…”

  Her voice wanes away; she’s finding it difficult to speak. The mission was partially successful, partially a failure. While they were able to secure most of the armaments, the tanks remain unaccounted for and Kelin was able to escape. To make matters worse, Indra and Argus are still alive and are running the Gewerksma, two Krens who were once valued by the Empire.


  Joseph stands staring at the end of the hallway. Scarlet’s words have halted his search for Indra, allowing him to comprehend them. By this point, Indra has already escaped, likely fleeing through a secret passageway. He kicks the wall, infuriated that they’ve failed to capture him.


  Kelin slowly makes his way through the forest. He’s lucky that he has eluded the Red Skulls. He has even successfully eluded the drone above, which he remains unaware of. He remains unaware that Lucas is dead, although his death wouldn’t matter to him anyway. He must escape from Zurkerx before they have another chance to capture him. He needs to get out fast. He needs to get back home.


  Scarlet crouches over Albric. She is sad that they couldn’t save him. She feels responsible for his death, a death that could have been avoided. She then hears whimpering behind her. She turns around and sees who it is.

  Sadara and Donin stand there crying, unable to contain their emotions anymore. They have come to see what has become of Albric, hoping that he’s miraculously still alive, although they already know the truth. At this point, they want peace of mind, a moment of alone time with their brother.

  Sensing her presence may be disrupting their grieving, she gets up and takes several steps, walking past them. She then comes to a stop, feeling she should say something.

  “I’m sorry.”

  She walks off, giving the siblings their respectful space. Sadara and Donin mosey over, unsure what to expect. They see Albric’s eyes are partially open, an eerie smile stretched across this face. He was a man who made everyone laugh, even in times of seriousness. It was his smile that brought joy to all, having a calming effect.

  But now his face no longer makes others laugh. It now only sends despair and fear, which are being emphasized by the crackling of the dying fire. Sadara looks away and cries, recognizing his smile as the same one from her nightmares.


  NOVEMBER 16th, 2060

  11:20 A.M.


  The sun is out on this crisp, windy autumn day. The winds blow the colors of fall across the nation and sweep through the suburb of Masonville, a large suburb surrounded by trees and a hilly terrain. The Sanz triplets were raised here, their parents born here as well. Their parents had hoped that they would follow in their footsteps and become accountants, pursuing successful careers.

  However, their children chose a different path, given that they couldn’t care less for the accounting field and the fact that automation had severely limited the need for accountants. Instead, they decided to join the military to fight for their country, believing their country needed them. Their parents were upset they didn’t follow in their footsteps, but tolerated their decision, recognizing that accounting isn’t for everyone.

  While in the military, the Sanz siblings were never far apart. Since childhood, they never ventured far from each other, always standing by one another, strengthening their family bond. Where one sibling went, the other two followed. It was a bond that could never break. Nothing could separate them.

  But five days ago, that bond was broken. The family was shattered by an event they’ll likely never recover from. Albric Sanz, a man who could make you smile even when you were depressed, now lies in a coffin next to his grieving family, killed in the line of duty. They sincerely miss him and know nothing can bring him back. Their happiness has ceased to exist. Their strength has turned to weakness. The shadows slowly creep closer towards the family, ready to take the one they loved away for good.

  The Sanz Family stands around Albric’s grave, wearing black garments. Behind them are additional family and friends including Marcus, Joseph, Scarlet, Aceso, Hanna and her brother, Sergeant Henry Qauti, and others. They are listening to a serviceperson, talking about how Albric was a great man who was well-respected among his peers, explaining how unfortunate it is he isn’t around anymore. He talks about how Albric always made others happy, listing the man’s accomplishments, hoping to bring relief and happiness to a crowd emotionally stricken.

  However, the serviceperson’s attempts are in vain as everyone cries silently. It has been a tough five days for everyone, especially for the family as they try to comprehend the events that have unfolded. Everyone’s head bows down, their eyes staring into Albric’s grave. Despite the sunny sky, the coffin in the grave remains hidden in the shadows, darkness that has finally taken the young man into its possession.

  “-and may this great young man be remembered for not only his accomplishments in life, but for the great contributions he made to his family and friends; the smile he brought to their faces every time.”

  The serviceperson closes his book, concluding the speech. The sound of military cannons thunders in the distance, paying respect to a man who gave his life for his country. No one flinches as the family cries aloud. The serviceperson walks away, leaving the remaining grievers to pay their respects.

  The Sanz family is in pain. They are sad. They are deeply depressed. Yet, Sadara and Donin also have anger as vengeance runs through their minds, and they are silently vowing to make the Gewerksma pay. However, all they can do right now is mourn with their family and friends. Revenge will have to wait.

  The last five days have been tough on everyone, especially for a remorseful Marcus as he wages a silent battle within himself. The aftermath of the mission has left him questioning his leadership style, wondering if leading from behind has isolated him from his companions, his selfishness dictating his life. He feels guilty because if he’d been there, then there’s a chance Albric would still be alive, serving alongside them in their fight against the Gewerksma. How he can resolve this prominent problem, he isn’t sure, but he knows that the first step to fixing a problem is recognizing you have one.

  However, while he recognizes his faults, he fears Joseph and Scarlet do not recognize theirs. Joseph and Scarlet are also guilt-ridden, feeling they could have saved Albric. Yet, they believe they need more strength, muscle they assume was lacking, power that would have saved Albric. They believe that Einzgu’s attempts to find stability is distracting, hindering their full potential. They even blame Marcus for failing to be there personally, lacking the ability to lead. While some of their thoughts are rational, the rest are excuses, an attempt to place blame on others to protect their selfishness.

  That’s the conclusion that came to his mind after the fight that ended in Indra’s escape. During that fight, Joseph and Scarlet forgot about Albric, leaving the man to die a painful death. He believes one of them could have fought Indra while the other went to aid Albric. Instead, they both diverted their attention to Indra, focusing to employ their raw power in hopes of defeating him, to show they are the best. All this makes him sense that they have turned against Einzgu, and he wonders if they are misinterpreting it. This concerns him, and he needs to find out if this is the case and implement a remedy as soon as possible.

  Truskuis[73], the man who founded the Krenma and Einzgu, would have condemned all three. As a warrior and philosopher, he created Einzgu to teach people to combat three things: arrogance, impotence, and denial. The concepts of arrogance and impotence are opposites to many, but Truskuis believed both were the same since both led to denial, an irrational thought that clouded anyone’s judgment, distorting their perception of reality. To teach others Einzgu, he developed four concepts: passiveness, activeness, instability and stability.

  Being passive meant one
showed empathy and trust to others. Passive people are diplomatic in their approach to resolving conflict, relying on their tranquil conduct to resolve conflicts. They also value advice from others, believing a conglomerate of ideas will help them forge vastly superior solutions instead of ideas of their own.

  However, being too passive makes passive people become impotent, making it easy to push them around, swaying them to give up a majority of their concessions designed to help others. This has a pacifying effect on them, weakening them to the point they can’t negotiate effectively, their emotions fluctuating uncontrollably.

  Then there is active, meaning one shows indifference and independence to others. Active people are aggressive in their approach to resolving conflicts, using their brute strength to resolve conflicts. They believe in autonomy, believing that coordinating with others wastes time and slows them down, granting them less flexibility to address situations quickly.

  However, being too active makes active people become arrogant, becoming overconfident and reckless, unable to handle criticism. This has an antagonizing effect on them, causing them to exert overpowering strength that harms everyone, their emotions fluctuating uncontrollably as well.

  In both cases, the person becomes unstable as both extremes hinder their full potential not only to help themselves, but also others they care for. They are unable to think rationally, especially in perplexing and complex situations. Thus, a combination of both passive and active qualities is needed. To Truskuis, these qualities included the open-mindedness, the compassion, and values of teamwork from the passive side while also embracing the independence and strength from the active side. Many would interpret this as a balancing act, a perfection impossible to achieve, just like how Joseph and Scarlet think.

  However, Truskuis believed that while some balance was needed, being perfectly balanced was impossible to achieve. Instead, he wanted people to be stable, able to recognize who they were while understanding others around them. This would help the individual live a harmonious life, one that they could live freely while also being ready to come to the aid of society. He feared that if there weren’t enough stable people, the instability of others would go unchecked, causing mayhem, disintegrating society and the individual.


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