Zurkerx- The Empire Shall Grow

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Zurkerx- The Empire Shall Grow Page 19

by Eric William Haluska

  The Gewerksols, however, have been told the Final Draft is a glorious strategic attack plan that will take down the Einneristic government. Once that happens, they will usher in a new government controlled by the Aussvorh, enacting new policies, reversing income inequality and dismantling the militaristic and imperial ambitions of the state. But most important of all, they’ll eliminate the greatest threat to their people: automation.

  With automation outlawed, the need for manual labor will increase, resulting in more people working and earning an income to support themselves and their families, relieving the stress on the safety net which can be used to help those less fortunate. Despite the encroachment of automation in the modern era though, new avenues of opportunity have been created, resulting in careers that never would have existed years ago. That is how Zurks have managed to adjust in this post-modern era, especially in the fifty suburbs near Moskova.

  However, nothing can prepare these suburbs for what’s about to transpire. While the Intelligence Community’s fears remain unproven, they are, in fact, very real as the majority of people entering these suburbs are indeed Gewerksols. Not only that, there are also residents who align themselves with the Gewerksma, ready to initiate the Final Draft. One of their biggest bases of operations is in Lancas, a suburb 15 miles away from Moskova.

  Lancas is the newest of suburbs built to accommodate the ever-growing population. Completed in 2057, roughly 540,000 live here, and that number is expected to sharply rise. Today though, the population is 700,000 as tens of thousands of Gewerksols gather, preparing to assault the capital. They are residing in houses they are renting, tuning in on a secret radio signal, waiting for the Vorhrer to speak.

  In one of these houses is Argus, who is staring into the mirror, looking at the reflection of his crimson armor which bears a gold star. To many, any gold star on red refers to one’s alliance to a left-wing ideology, swearing to uphold those ideals. But for Argus, the gold star represents his father, a role model who helps guide him, guidance he’ll need. Tonight is one of the biggest days in his life. In just a matter of moments, he’ll broadcast his inspirational message through a secret channel to his fellow Vorhs and Gewerksols, one that requires him to express zeal.

  Yet, as he stares into the mirror, his mind is deep in thought, unconcerned about the speech he will soon deliver. A conflict is raging inside him, a battle he’s determined to win. His brain is replaying some jubilant memories, the same memories that prevented him from killing Aceso. They are good memories of his old life, ranging from being with his mother to serving the Empire alongside his fellow Krens.

  But he’s trying to suppress these vivid memories that fill him with joy. He believes that they are clouding his judgment, hindering his ability to lead the Gewerksma. As the Vorhrer, he must lead his comrades fearlessly and effectively, ready to give his blood to ensure a better future for all. To do that, he must purge those that remain close to him, killing them if he has to, to ensure his survivability and the Gewerksma’s as well.

  At the height of their power, the Gewerksma had 10 million followers, many of whom are former Red Skulls. As of now, roughly half of the nation has served in the military given most can’t find a job due to the rise of automation, which required new skills obtainable with a university degree. This education was financed free by the military, an incentive for men and women to join.

  And yet, millions would stay as soldiers since automation had reduced the need for manual labor despite the new opportunities created. Even with these new opportunities, the value of the worker became stagnated, devaluing them as many competed in a limited market. The Gewerksma thought they had struck a chord with this, playing a melody that attracted millions of disgruntled individuals who felt they were serving as puppets for an imperial agenda.

  Now only three million remain. Many left the Gewerksma as the government increased its crackdown on the terrorist organization, arresting many. Fearing prosecution, many of them have wussed out. This fear and cowardice made them rethink how they should express themselves, with many turning to peaceful methods to do so. Those who remained are considered radical, zealots who fear nothing, ready to stop the greatest tragedy that Einnerism imposes.

  The greatest tragedy, however, is that Demokrism and Neo-Demokrism are reliant on Einnerism to keep them alive. While these ideologies are fundamentally different, for any form of Demokrism to remain relevant, it must rely on the intricate market mechanics imposed by Einnerism. This means that they must market themselves, proffering themselves as an alternative and solution to those who feel they need change, something novel as new issues arise in a society that is constantly evolving.

  However, Einnerism is also adapting to these changing times. To remain practical and relevant, Einnerism examines the social, political, and economic landscape, learning from other ideologies to develop innovative ideals that help keep society functioning. This innovation is what helps keep Einnerism alive, leaving inferior ideologies to either die off or linger on.

  As Argus remains deep in thought, the door behind him quietly opens as Indra enters. He must grab Argus so he can broadcast his speech. His zealous comrades are eagerly waiting to hear his words, giving them a boost of morale that is sure to triumph over the government’s vastly superior power.

  Indra stops looking at Argus. In the mirror, he can see the stern look on Argus’ face as if he’s deep in thought. Discontent is growing inside him as most of his loving memories he once enjoyed now become painful reminders of his old life; all except for two that is.

  Argus reaches into his pocket and pulls out a necklace. It holds a picture of him with his mother and father, a time he cherished. The picture was taken not long before his father’s death, an event that destroyed his family, taking away his happiness. Like many at the time, he believed his father died as a hero, protecting the Empire.

  However, he soon learned the truth, that his father was murdered by the government. Since then, he has been plotting his vengeance, vowing to uncover the secret the government has kept hidden for so long. He gently places the necklace down, wishing he could return to the old life he once had.

  He then pulls something else out of his pocket. It’s another picture, one of him and Aceso on graduation day into the Krenma. Only five of them were accepted into the Krenma and they were the only two to graduate. It was a momentous day, a day he wishes to forget. He believes his feelings towards Aceso are holding him back, emotions hindering his ability to cognitively strategize. Infuriated by this, he crumples up the photo and throws it onto the counter.

  He then pulls out a brass lighter and flicks it on. A small flame appears and Argus stares into it. The flame will help him incinerate this joyous memory that tortures him with the happiness that plagues him. Argus picks up the picture and places it near the flame.

  Instantaneously, fire consumes the picture, destroying a once-proud moment. He has done everything to sever any emotions for Aceso, although their bond still remains intact, a contract he must shred. Now he can kill him without any remorse, without regret.

  He flings the picture into the air as it burns away and turns to ashes. His eyes follow the ashes, envisioning the fall of the Empire. Amazed by what he has witnessed, Indra walks up to Argus and places his hand on the man’s shoulder.

  “It’s time. They’re waiting.”

  Argus nods. Indra walks out and closes the door behind him, waiting for Argus to appear. Argus returns to focusing at the mirror, examining his Kren armor suit. Developed in 2035, the Zappas Armor Suit was the newest suit given to Krenma at the time, and is still utilized today. It can deflect .50 caliber rounds with ease and withstand high explosives.

  However, it’s not a powered exoskeleton, which many elite forces such as the SPECTRE have upgraded to. This upgrade has helped enhance the soldier’s strength, defense, speed, and mobility on the battlefield, making them walking tanks. It is powered by kinetic energy, giving this suit an abundance of offensive and defensive energy
. Thus, the Krenma has turned to the Zappas Corporation to develop for them a new powered exoskeleton, one that meets these demands and then some.

  The door to the room opens up. Argus walks out, approaching Indra as he opens the door to another room from across the way. The inside of the room is battleship gray and contains a large, round metallic black table and dark chairs. On the table is a wireless mike, which is connected to a Wi-Fi modem in another room.

  This is the broadcasting room, one of several used by the Gewerksma. While the room mostly serves as a beacon that spreads Demokrist and Neo-Demokrist ideals across Zurkerx peacefully, tonight it’ll serve as a morale boost for the Gewerksols. The message will be broadcast through an encrypted radio channel, one the government has yet to be able to detect.

  Instinctively, Argus enters the room, approaching the round table slowly. The dark innards of the room make him feel compressed, constricting him. The room is trying to pull his strength away, trying to deter him from giving his grand speech. Most would lose their strength in that case.

  However, the room’s dark setting only emboldens him. He’ll need this courage to project strength, motivation. He must sway his three million comrades across the Empire to fight for a cause worth dying for. He must convince them that despite the dimming hopes and chances of the Gewerksma, they are stronger than ever before. They are close to striking down the government and implementing Neo-Demokrism. He is close to discovering the truth about his father.

  This inspiration inside him propels him forward as he quickly approaches the table and takes a seat in his chair. Energy, excitement and urgency fill him as he grabs the mike, tapping it a few times.

  “Is this thing on,” he asks, riled, the silence of the mike killing the moment.

  “Not yet,” says a voice over the speaker. “We have to ensure everyone can hear you. We go live in about thirty seconds though. Get ready.”

  Argus pushes the mike away from him. It’s a bit upsetting that he has to wait to deliver his spiel. It kills his fighting spirit, somewhat demoralizing him. Yet, it gives him time to compose himself, and select the words he’ll use to initiate the Final Draft.

  Then the green light turns on. He grabs the mike and pulls it closer to him. He breathes in and out, knowing his words must make a difference.

  “Brothers and sisters,” he shouts with zeal. “Comrades in arms. The time has come for us to bear arms and confront the conformists that corral us into following their ways of life. Every single one of you has risked life and limb for a cause that is condemned by many, a crusade interpreted by the elite and establishment as sinister and out of touch with reality.”

  He pauses for a moment, unable to hear the cheers of the Gewerksols across the Empire.

  “But it is they who are out of touch, fabricating everything to keep their imperialistic and scheming goals alive. They tell our people that they live free lives by whatever they can smoke and whatever they can buy, emphasizing the individual. But individuals are selfish, inconsiderate of those around them, only concerned about themselves. What made them into these shameful creatures is the prosperity they could claim, the lives they can live without being mangled by the government. Our people have no conception of what true freedom or equality is.”

  He trails off, losing what he wants to say. Then his mind clicks.

  “True freedom. True prosperity. True equality is when the government decrees a doctrine that protects everyone as equals, regardless of our standing in society, that’s what the old government of Ukenhime once stood for. But that has been misconstrued intentionally with only the horrors being preached, fears that are immaterial. Who taught them these falsehoods? The government and its corporate scums that run this puppet show. The ones that tie our strings and play us like puppets, controlling our very lives. They spread falsehoods about our beliefs to turn people against us, against a life that they know would serve our people better. When we are divided, the government and its corporate minions inflict their control upon the masses, oppressing with an iron fist those that fight back. Only under a common united banner can we stand against the Einnerists that solely protect their wealth, their so-called freedom. Their days are numbered!”

  His listeners cheer again, shouting with ecstasy. Despite being unable to hear their patriotic cries, he can feel their positive energy, power that gives him greater confidence, affection to express what he has to say.

  “So how do we spread our message?” he says fervently. “How do we bring enlightenment upon those that have been educated wrongly? Our people construe our morals as unethical, barbaric to their way of life. We tried to reason with them by means of peace. We tried to be compassionate and mindful. However, the government has blocked all avenues of openness, a crime that can’t be tolerated anymore. The only way forward now is through violence, force that’ll show we will no longer sit and be bullied in silence.”

  He pauses again as his fanatic comrades wave their weapons in the air, excited and enthusiastic about what the Vorhrer is preaching.

  “And that’s why you are all here. You came because the government failed to protect you from the threats of an evolving world. You came because the government sold itself to the interests of a few. You came to put an end to the corruption that has saturated our society. You came to fight back against the injustice, the universal crimes, and the prejudice that have gone unchallenged for too long.”

  He pauses again, allowing his words to sink in as the Gewerksol cheer gracefully across the Empire. He knows that he can go on all day, speaking against a system they despise so much. However, their fiery passion will soon burn out if he continues. He needs to wrap it up, and with some fiery words.

  “And how can they get away with what they do? It’s the social contract they have written up hundreds of years ago they use to justify their positions. The Verfa Zurk has lived past its prime, unable to accommodate our needs in the post-modern era.”

  Argus pauses.

  “We say no more to this systematic oppression against us! The time has come now to emerge from the darkness. The time has come that we, the people, bring judgment upon the Empire! The verdict is by default guilty, but they’ll dig into their trenches and declare war on us. But war has already been declared. Tonight, we prepare ourselves for the fight ahead! Tomorrow, we make Zentari witness the fall of the Empire as we vanquish the old doctrine and write a new one! For that, I decree a declaration of war!”

  “War! War! War! War! War! War!”

  The Gewerksols across the nation chant war, waving their weapons fanatically in the air as they ferociously cheer. They are willing to fight, down to the last drop of blood. To hell with the Empire, they think, they will no longer submit to the current government that rules them. Argus has convinced them to fight. He has initiated one of the final steps in the Final Draft.

  Argus walks towards the exit, his confidence growing with every step he takes. He feels his power is growing, his influence becoming increasingly noticeable. Soon, Zentari will witness a new leader of the strongest nation in the region, one that’ll inspire other Neo-Demokrists to rise up. As he walks out, he’s greeted by Indra, who reaches out and firmly shakes his hand.

  “What an excellent speech. I’ll do anything for your humble service!”

  A big smile comes across Argus’ face.

  “Indra, lead your forces where the Einnerists originate. Seek redemption on the nation that has betrayed us all. Bring down the Empire’s most powerful individual.”

  A big grin comes across Indra’s face. He’s looking forward to killing the President, one of the most influential people within Zentari. His blade will be covered in blood, the blood of the President. The two men walk off, ready to lead the Gewerksma into the fight.


  In Fort Moskova, Gadget stares at the computer screen, mesmerized by the battle unfolding on the screen. He’s on the brink of falling asleep, deprived of it for days now despite the short rests he gets in between. He can’t miss the f
ight he’s dueling with Rubella Typhus, a program he hopes has finally met its match. Since the creation of CBWs, methods of containing and eliminating computer viruses became inadequate, unable to stop them.

  Yet, computer viruses differ from CBWs in that CBWs have firewalls and an autonomous mind, which they can utilize to combat and protect themselves from entities fighting them. This has caused great concern for businesses and governments, who search for a solution. In this drastic case, the government, technology, and cyber security firms have come together to find creative ways to undermine the power of these new WMDs, something that a mere hacker could create and initiate in a basement.

  Initially, all three developed their own CBWs, selling them as a form of protection, employing them as a weapon. But it soon became apparent that some CBWs are stronger, able to deter or overpower others. This problem led a company called HORNET[77] to innovate, developing a program called Trojan Jack, a hybrid between CBW and anti-malware program.

  Trojan Jack has the ability to quarantine any virus or CBW, just like an anti-malware program, but can keep up with the speed a CBW can spread at. It can also destroy these malwares, just like a CBW. But what makes this hybrid unique is that it has the ability to copy other CBWs, a trademark secret that few know about. It does this by scrapping bits and pieces of data code from the firewall protecting the CBW, copying it as if it were DNA. From there, it penetrates the firewall, either taking bits from the next or infiltrating the CBW itself, neutralizing it and taking control of it. This causes Trojan Jack to evolve, becoming more adaptable to more dangerous malware. And it’s the program that Gadget has installed.

  As his eyes close, a message pops up, briefly flashing. It reads Malware Controlled: Press Ok to Name New Malware. This props new life into him as he sluggishly taps the screen, hitting Ok. A keyboard comes up and he types in a name: TetraCure. He uploads it to his flash drive and saves it.


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