Zurkerx- The Empire Shall Grow

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Zurkerx- The Empire Shall Grow Page 26

by Eric William Haluska

  “Hey! We need assistance out here! The government has rolled in with reinforcements! They’re killing us!”

  “I got it,” shouts someone. “We’ll get these doors opened later. Right now, our comrades need our help. Let’s show these pigs we won’t be pushed around anymore!”


  The Gewerksols put down the explosives, grabbing their guns as they rush to the front of the building. Their comrades need help pushing back the oppressive forces. Striving with confidence, they run out, unaware of the danger they are facing.

  As they pour out, they are almost instantaneously shredded by the sentry guns. Realizing what they are walking into, some dive into cover as others run back inside. But it’s no use. The MPJs pull up, taking aim at the hapless Gewerksols.

  With the enemy’s numbers dwindling rapidly, the Red Skulls and Corps charge in. They shoot anyone who doesn’t appear to be trying to surrender. Those who do surrender are pushed around like dogs, the soldiers showing little sympathy to these traitors. Yet, this tad of kindness is remarkably better than being killed by the emotionless sentry guns that show no mercy, no remorse.

  The MPJs pull up to the entrance of the Tower. The Gewerksols inside are terrified to see the MPJs as bullets tear through their bodies, leaving a red mist inside. For a moment, the sentry guns don’t let up as they eliminate anyone inside who is hostile.

  Then the guns fall silent. Through the infrared sensors, they see that there’s no life within the building. Everyone is dead.

  “It’s all clear,” Gadget says with resounding assurance.

  With the coast clear, Gadget gets out, walking past the dead bodies that litter the ground. He stops, gazing at the walls that were erected earlier. Contacting someone on the other side will be impossible, given the thickness of the wall. However, there’s a hidden speaker he can use to communicate to the other side.

  He slides a slab of the wall open, revealing the speaker. He pushes and holds down a button. He leans in.

  “Can anyone hear me?”


  The guard jumps. She looks around, wondering where the voice is coming from. She then realizes that it’s coming from the wall. The speaker! She runs to the wall, pressing and holding down the button. She leans in.


  “Oh, thank God! Can you get the doors open? This is Gadget.”

  “Gadget? How can I trust you-”

  “Private,” echoes a voice. “Who are you talking to?”

  The guard turns around and sees Luis walking up to her.

  “A person named Gadget.”

  “Gadget? Hmph!”

  She walks over and pushes the guard to the side.

  “Identity yourself!”

  “Gadget here, is this CO Luis?”

  “What if it is? Identity yourself!”


  “And your status?”

  “Marquee, 2-2-5 Chalres.”

  Silence falls over the speakers. It gives way to an eerie silence that makes everyone a bit uncomfortable.

  “Give me a minute,” Luis says softly, breaking the awkward silence.

  Luis eases up a bit. She heads to one of the wheels, grabbing it with urgency. The guard stares at her, baffled by her strange behavior.

  “Don’t just stand there! We need to get this wall separated now!”

  The guard sighs as she runs and grabs the wheel. Simultaneously, they turn the wheels. The wall separates slowly as it lets in a ray of light.


  Gadget steps back as the wall separates. His message has gotten through, a relief to him. He watches the wall, waiting to squeeze through. He then approaches it and shifts sideways, popping up on the other side. He looks around and sees two women, one he recognizes. Luis looks up.

  “Gadget,” she says joyfully, shocked to see him here despite talking to him not too long ago. “What brings you here? Where’s the Gewerksols?”

  “The Tower’s perimeter is secured now, so don’t worry about that. I’ve been sent by the Supreme Commander to remove the CBW infecting our system. I have another CBW that can take it off.”

  “Tremendous! Come with me.”

  She lets go of the wheel, running to the room. Gadget follows her, trying to keep up. By the time he gets to the room, she’s already inside. He walks in, unsure what to expect.

  In the room, he can see that there are several computers destroyed. In one of the aisles is a large black circle, charred marks left by an explosion. Within the vicinity of the burnt area is a variety of shades of red, likely blood.

  “So, this is where it all started?”

  “That bastard blew himself up and took two of my officers with him. I can’t freaking believe he was able to slip past security.”

  “Worry about that later. Right now, I need you to bring the Tower back online.”

  “I can’t do that. If I do, the CBW will spread through the entire system-”

  “It’s the only way to stop it. Once my CBW reaches the other CBW, they will both engage in a bitter battle, halting the Gewerksma’s progress of destroying the entire system.”

  “Okay, but will we be able to recover anything?”

  “I can’t guarantee we will. We’ll bring in programmers later and see what we can salvage. Let’s get this bugger out. Now please, turn it back on.”

  Luis nods. She worries that the government’s CBW won’t reach the other CBW in time. They should have gone to another sector and uploaded the CBW from there to invade. Yet, it would have been impractical given the next control center is 100 miles away. Feeling she has no choice, she walks over to the mainframe and inserts the key.

  “To reactivate the system, please type in your security clearance code.”

  She looks at the holographic keyboard and types in a number. Instantly, the system comes to life, bringing the CBW out of hibernation. Knowing there’s little time, Gadget runs up to a computer that is pixelating. He takes his flash drive out and plugs it in one of the USB ports. A message box pops up, bringing him to his files.

  “The virus destroyed our security scanner? My God.”

  Knowing that he has little time before the computer completely dies, he right-clicks on TetraCure and clicks Download. In a matter of seconds, TetraCure travels through the cyberworld of Atlas Grid, looking for Rubella Typhus. Suddenly, the computer’s flickering intensifies as an intense cyber battle unfolds. Gadget uncomfortably falls into his seat. All he can do now is wait and hope his CBW can dominate the Gewerksma’s. Fate is out of his hands now.


  NOVEMBER 18th, 2060

  11:15 A.M.


  “What the hell are they doing down there?” asks Sadara as she watches Aceso and Argus through her scope.

  “I couldn’t tell you. The situation down there is rather awkward.”

  “We can’t just sit here idly. He needs our help.”

  “And what can we do? Our rifles can’t penetrate Argus’ armor.”

  “If we hit it enough, we can. You’re so pessimistic.”

  “Armor developed for the Krens is some of the toughest in Zentari. We’d be lucky to make a scratch. All we can do is keep our eyes open for any Gewerksols. We can help that way at least.”

  “Hmph! Fine.”

  The two sergeants continue to watch Argus and Aceso, wondering who will make the first move.


  Aceso is becoming impatient, desperation gripping him as he wants to save Argus. He needs to do something to provoke him. He takes a step forward.

  “Look around you, Argus. Is this what you want?” he asks in rage. “Is this how you imagined the creation of your utopia? The deaths of millions caused by your carnage isn’t a utopia: this is hell.”

  “It’s a work in progress, I’ll admit,” he says emotionlessly. “But sometimes you must do what’s right to ensure the future of the new generation is to thrive and survive. I’m sure you Einnerists understand t
hat; you took everyone’s suffering and built a nation out of it, a bond that allows the elite to rule freely. I’m here to sever that bond and forge a new one, here to distinguish between those that want change and a resistance that wishes to conserve its outdated values. Their defense is justifiable, but futile as they will be slaughtered by the masses that rightfully demand change.”

  “Is that how you feel? A work in progress? You’re out of your mind. How about instead of destroying the fabrics of what made us, we mend them together and heal together. Our bond…”

  “Our bond? That holds no value to me. This is what I want and if you are going to stand in my way, then you must perish with the cynics!”

  Impatient with Aceso’s placatory demeanor, Argus charges forward. He lifts his blade up, swinging to kill. Aceso lifts his sword up, blocking the attack. He was hoping diplomacy would soothe Argus, tame him in some way. Yet, it seems diplomacy can’t eviscerate Argus’ shadow that looms over him, his words unable to shatter its grip. Reluctantly, he fights back, recognizing that it may be the only way to set his friend straight, unaware he lacks the strength to do so.

  Argus smiles as he hops back, landing on a ruined car. Now he finally gets it! He’s happy that Aceso is ready to fight him, something they should have done at the funeral. However, he senses that Aceso doesn’t want to fight and it irks him. I’ll force him then! He jumps off the car, lunging at Aceso.

  Argus swings his sword around violently as Aceso bobs and weaves. Despite being somewhat committed to the fight, he doesn’t want to seriously hurt Argus. He’s looking for a vantage point to disrupt Argus’ fury, to throw him off balance.

  Then he comes to a stop, his back hitting a car. Seeing an opportunity, Argus swings his sword down. Aceso ducks and jumps to the side as the sword slices through the car with ease. Argus goes to pull his sword out, but discovers it’s lodged in the car. He wiggles it around frantically and it slowly comes loose.

  As he pries his sword loose, Aceso swings underneath Argus’ sword, knocking the blade out of the man’s hands, mindful not to kill him. The sword goes flying in the air, landing by a truck and skidding across the torn pavement.

  Despite losing his sword, a Kren has skills in hand-to-hand combat, practicing the fighting style called Einhera[93]. Einhera is demanding, challenging both the mind and body to overcome the obstacles one may face, going hand-in-hand with Einzgu. However, Argus was never fond of either of these concepts, as he’s always believed they weakened a group’s collective intent. Thus, he never put the effort in, a grave mistake on his part.

  “Now you’ll have to listen to me,” Aceso says happily as he walks to the sword.

  Argus frowns and looks at his sword. He sees it’s a good distance away as it glimmers in the sunlight. He can’t reach it as Aceso kicks the precious blade away. Argus’ eyes follow his weapon as it skids underneath a truck.

  Aceso slips his own sword back into its scabbard. He raises his fists, ready to beat some sense into his friend.

  “Let’s see if you retained any of the training you have learned.”

  Aceso believes he can now break Argus’ will, ripping the darkness away from him. But he knows Argus isn’t going to allow him to do that so easily, even if he is at a disadvantage. Both men lunge forward.


  Bullets whiz by. Rockets explode. People scream in agony, in pain. Since the launch of the attack, hundreds of thousands have perished.

  The Gewerksma are on the offensive, pushing for violent change, their Gewerksols dying to usher in their ideal society. Despite the training they have received, they are underequipped, lacking in firepower. Only their rash conceited pride thrusts them forward as they strive to make a difference.

  Joining the Gewerksols in death are the Red Skulls and Corps fighting to fend off this absurd rebellion. Unlike their foes, they are on the defensive, fending off any attempt to change the structure of the society they have sworn to protect. It is their belief that their strength will vanquish the enemy and reestablish order, and they patiently wait to turn the tide of battle.

  The worst, however, has been for those who can’t fight, who have never experienced what war is like. While many are versed in the understanding of warfare, they have never witnessed or lived in the conditions that would breed war, simulate battle. They only know through history that it brings violence and death, a scenario they could never fathom. Now their worst nightmare has materialized and they are unable to cope with the sights and sounds of a conflict that traumatizes them to the bone.

  But the sounds of war can’t mask the distinct clanging sound of blades that toll like bells. For what has seemed like ages, Joseph and Indra are locked in an intense battle, vying for victory. Joseph is on the defensive, falling back into the Presidential Palace. He knows that whoever triumphs will decide the victor in this chaotic struggle, a morale boast for their allies to achieve their goals. It will be one of many events that determine whether the Empire goes on the offensive, or falls defending what it has stood for.

  “Stop running away, you coward!”

  Indra slashes with rage. His sword slices and dices the surrounding area, destroying historical artifacts and paintings. His ferocious attack plan has forced Joseph deeper into the Presidential Palace, leaving a path of destruction behind them. That’s right. Keep following me!

  Joseph rounds the corner, barely dodging the blade as it splinters the wall. Indra jumps around the corner and stops, staring down Joseph. Joseph backs up slowly and looks to his left. He sees a painting hanging on the wall, a valuable one possibly. Next to the painting is a room, labelled Conference Room 24D, which is what he wants to see.

  “Hey, you got sight of me?” he hisses, hoping Indra doesn’t pick up his voice.

  “Umm, wait- yes!”

  “Good! I’m going to lure him into Room 24D. I want you to lock me in there with him.”

  “But General Fitz-”

  “Just do it,” he grunts.

  “Admiring the painting?” Indra asks, a bit perplexed. “Shouldn’t you be worried about yourself, just like how all Einnerists are?”

  Indra casually walks forward. With every step he takes, he forcibly crushes the debris under his feet. He wants to show strength, striking intimidation into his enemy.

  Yet, Joseph feels no trepidation from him. I guess I’d better put on an act. He grabs the painting and throws it at Indra. Indra grabs it and rips it in half.

  “You know, that was a very expensive painting-” Joseph says, pointing at him accusingly.

  “Oh, shut the hell up!”

  Indra throws the pieces of the painting at Joseph. He deflects the oncoming debris as Indra jabs his blade forward. Joseph raises his blade and deflects Indra’s attack into the air.

  “I see you’ve stopped running away now.”

  “For someone that’s always running, you have some nerve to spew that out of your mouth.”

  “Oh, please!”

  Enraged by his comments, Indra shoves Joseph into the room. He goes flying onto a glass coffee table, shattering it. Grunting in pain, he hops onto his feet. He backs up as he taps his mask, unveiling his face. Indra steps into the room, smiling threateningly at his prey.

  “I’ve got you now.”

  Indra saunters forward, confident he has Joseph trapped. Joseph shrivels up, seemingly afraid of what might happen next. Yet, a sense of relaxation strikes him as he mellows out. He lowers his head, giving a small smile.

  Indra stops and lowers his sword, confused by Joseph’s sudden emotional change. Just a moment ago, he saw Joseph cringing in terror, defeated it seemed. He senses that something isn’t right as he looks around. He decides to look up and sees a camera watching them. Joseph has deceived him.

  “Do it!” Joseph shouts stridently.

  A thunderous sound dongs. Indra turns around and sees the entrance has been sealed by a large metal door, imprisoning both men.

  Indra backs up, almost heading into the direction of the door.
He has now been restricted into a room with no escape. He has never liked being confined in an area he can’t maneuver well in, believing he is at a disadvantage. Now he’s forced into a situation he must vigorously push himself out of, a task that won’t be easy. He tenses up, trying to push aside the building pressure placed on him.

  “Nowhere to go this time, Indra. Let’s settle this. Here, and now.”

  Indra looks at Joseph with revulsion. He clamps down hard on his teeth, trying to match the pressure in the room.

  “Indeed, let’s settle this,” he says as he grinds his teeth.

  Joseph knows that Indra is now cornered and has nowhere to go. He also knows that this is when Indra is the most dangerous. He can become unpredictable, ruthless if he has to. Both men charge at each other, continuing their long-fought battle.


  Argus stumbles back. He pants heavily. He has been struggling to keep up with Aceso in hand-to-hand combat. He has been on the defensive, unable to counter any of Aceso’s attacks. Yet, he knows that Aceso will get a licking in, one that could prove to be fatal. Acting, he lunges forward.

  However, Aceso sidesteps, repelling his attack. He grabs Argus’ arm and places his left hand on his shoulder, shoving him diagonally into the ground. Argus face-plants into the ground, his body shaking from the forceful hit to the ground, shutting his eyes. Despite being in pain, he rolls away, landing on his back.

  He then opens his eyes and sees golden grass around him. A gentle breeze blows past him, causing the grass to dance. He is confused as to where he is, baffled as to how he got here. He then realizes this is a flashback, a memory wherein he and Aceso would run around and play. It is a flashback that reminds him of their bond, a bond he needs to sever.

  He stands up, feeling somewhat relaxed. In the distance is a truck. To Argus, it seems out of place. When was that ever there? He takes a couple steps forward as the breeze pushes the grass to the side, revealing something shiny underneath the truck.


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