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Song of Dragons

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by D. R. Rosier

  Song of Dragons

  A Melody Smith Novel 02

  Author: D. R. Rosier

  Copyright 2018. This is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, Places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One


  About the Author

  Other erotic fantasies by D. R. Rosier:

  Non-erotic Fantasy titles:

  Book Description

  Chapter One

  The twelve-foot ceiling was very confining, as I lunged forward and ripped my claw through the stone golem. The stone crumbled easily in my strong talon grip.

  Okay, it was more like a lurch than a lunge, but I was still getting used to this other form, and at least I hadn’t fallen on my face like I had in that ancient jail during a real battle. My whole center of balance was off, and the wings and tail were kind of new and a large part of said balance. I also didn’t dare do it anywhere else but here, which meant I had yet to even attempt flying. I was deep underground in a highly warded magical chamber underneath Harold’s house. It was large and spacious, for anything but a dragon that is. Even a small baby one like me, only the size of a mini-van, minus the wings, sinuous neck, and head that is.

  Being away from a large source of my natural element for almost my entire life, had kept my shifter dragon side, which I’d inherited from my father Theo, completely suppressed. In fact, until a week ago I hadn’t even known I was anything but a solitary siren, raised human, who had a moral objection to some of my own abilities.

  Besides shifting into a blue water dragon, which Lisa assured me was beautiful, I still hadn’t seen it. Harold didn’t have mirrors down here. Anyway, as a water dragon I now had control over the element of water, and unlike my clumsy balance and strength in my unwieldy dragon form, I was very good at controlling water already. I could boil it, freeze it, shape it, and control it effortlessly. I could even sense shapes and sort of see, by feeling the water vapor in the air. That part was a little iffy, especially if the air in the place was very dry.

  Of course, I had to be careful doing that in the outside world, it wasn’t a talent that sirens had, sirens dealt with the songs of living beings, not elements. Which was my other half, my mother had been a siren, and a crazy one at that for seducing and enslaving a dragon with her song. Most everyone I knew believed that’s what I was, a siren and only a siren.

  A lot had changed over the last week, not just finding out I was a half dragon, in a world of dragons that killed any half dragons. The dragons guarded their bloodlines jealousy, I’d be seen as an abomination by them, diluted blood, and most likely killed out of hand, along with my sire for having me. Even if it wasn’t his fault for being controlled by my mother, by all rights he should have killed me when I was a baby. Instead, he’d protected me the best he could. Which is why I’d probably never fly, shift in public, or see Theo again if I could help it. My life depended on this secret staying a secret.

  Problem was, my scent had changed when my shifter side woke up. A vampire or shifter couldn’t tell what I was, but I wasn’t prepared to lay bets on if a dragon could. One of my life goals was to avoid finding out.

  Another side effect, was my strength had almost doubled, it had already been stronger than a human’s, but now I had shifter strength, and speed faster than most vampires, outside of the oldest ones, although the elves could still be faster. That part hadn’t changed, the speed I mean, I’d always been fast as a siren, it was the strength I had to get used to. I was also a lot harder to hurt, and I healed much faster now.

  Then of course there was my siren magic. I could hear the song in all life, and even reach out and change that song temporarily. To do so, I needed to sing, insert the notes of my voice, into the notes of their being. I could speed healing in humans, erase short term memory, confuse my enemy’s in battle, or if unwary and at rest I could put them to sleep. The one ability I never used, at least not since I was a sixteen-year-old delinquent, was my ability to enthrall and enslave men. That one was illegal, and by my moral human upbringing I also thought it might just be a little evil.

  There might be other things I could do, but I was self-taught, and if there were more possibilities I didn’t know about them yet.

  The bad part, or good part depending, was that my pheromones and presence effected men and women both. Outside of the few men that knew the secret to resisting a siren’s pull, and gay men, the rest would go out of their way to be nice to me, and wanted to bed me. The women on the other hand, all hated me for the most part. At best, some women would tolerate my presence and feel contempt. At worst, they would be violent. So, it wasn’t all good being a siren. That’s why most lived out in the ocean, on islands. Not only was our power stronger near the ocean, but they were separate from people out there, so they could have their harem of men, and avoid women altogether.

  Not me, I’d grown up until puberty thinking I was human, and I lived and worked in Dallas, Texas.

  There were exceptions to those effects. The most important one in my life right now was my ancient vampire girlfriend, Lisa. She didn’t hate me at all, she loved me. I’d also learned last week that with deep feelings involved during sex, I got a lot more energy to feed my siren side from it. So much energy in fact, that I hadn’t slept a wink since the first time we’d figuratively set the sheets on fire.

  There were other side effects to my new love life, and I did love my sexily petite insanely violent vampire. Another effect is that I no longer needed to pursue empty meaningless sex with men once a week to feed. That meant more to me than I could ever express, I never went home anymore, feeling empty and cheap, only to sleep alone. No, now I didn’t sleep at all, but I held my crazy raven-haired sex pot vampire all night while she slept, and I caught up on my kindle reading.

  Finding someone to love, and someone that loved me, had been a miracle in my life.

  The final effect from my new love life, and stronger energy consumption, made my friends and boss happy, since I was no longer a total bitch. Turned out my bitchiness and snap behavior had been tied to the fact I’d been starving my siren side for ten years, because of refusing to build a stable of men under my thrall.

  Who knew? I was sort of nice now.

  Oh, I was far from sweetness and light, but I didn’t quite lose it for stupid reasons anymore. Now when I kicked someone’s ass, they really deserved it.

  There were two other exceptions in my life.

  Brent Walker was my boss, he was also immune to my siren call. That was a very good thing in my opinion. Our relationship was a little iffy right now, mostly because I’d found out he was how my father Theo was keeping an eye on me, and making sure I was both okay, and behaving myself. I respected Brent, and I thought he loved me, but it was impossible to forget the fact that he’d only saved me from my life on the streets as a teenager, because he’d been paid to do it.

bsp; I’d even been tossing around the idea of trying to find new employment, I didn’t like the fact that he was required to employ me because of his magical oaths to my father. It was… complicated. The problem was of course, any new job I got would be under a man under my influence, which was just as bad, if not worse.

  Plus, I loved my job. I got to apprehend supernatural skip jumpers, execute escaped supernatural beings who had earned the death penalty, and I also guarded interesting people on occasion. I couldn’t think of another job that would be more fun. I really did enjoy the challenge of it, and the violence, almost as much as my insanely lovable vampire partner. Well, I partnered with Lisa most of the time. Sometimes I’d get stuck doing a job with Chet who was an alpha type shifter that set my teeth on edge, or Tad, who was an arrogant elven prick.

  The final exception to my power, was another mage named Harold Moffett. My relationship with him was a bit complicated. Not only was he a sometimes client we protected for Brent, but Lisa and I were also sharing him in bed. Lisa and I didn’t have a typical open relationship, we’d agreed to be faithful in that no sex without the other present, but we were more than willing to share together, at the same time. Her whole theory was that we loved each other, but that we also needed cock in our lives. Plus, we’d in theory be together for hundreds of years, if not over a thousand with my half-dragon side, so adding other lovers to our bed would keep things new and exciting.

  I’d thought it was a little strange at first, but my vampire who was very old, was more cosmopolitan about the whole thing. Neither of us were supposed to score on our own, just when we were together, not even with Harold who we both sort of liked, and I think Harold liked us. It was hard to tell if he really did, or if he just wanted to fuck our brains out. I mean, what guy wouldn’t want a threesome with the two of us?

  Arrogant maybe, but Lisa was a hot sexy little thing, and I was a siren. Sirens were known for their beauty, and I was no exception that way, with long ash-blonde hair down to my ass, a model beautiful face, ocean blue eyes, and a sexy hourglass body with perfect measurements. I was also fit and toned, from workouts, apprehending or killing criminals, and my active lifestyle. I truly wasn’t arrogant about it, but I didn’t deny it either. It was almost beside the point anyway, outside of Harold who very much appreciated my body for its shapely charms, most men were taken in by the pheromones and magic anyway.

  I did get a really good hit of energy off of him, not as strong as Lisa’s, but definitely stronger than a typical one-night stand from my past. So, I suspected the truth lay somewhere in the middle, with room for growth in our feelings toward each other. More than empty sex, but not love either.

  Harold and Lisa were also the only ones who knew my dragon side was no longer dormant, and there were only four that knew I was half dragon in the first place. Theo and Brent were the other two of course, but they didn’t know my dragon side had woken up, and I wanted to keep it that way if at all possible.

  That was my crazy life, at least for right now, and today was my day off, which is why I was in Harold’s magically shielded basement trying to learn how to drive my dragon body. It was embarrassing, because I could hear Lisa laughing at that pathetic excuse for a lunge, but I’d get the hang of it at some point…

  Chapter Two


  Lisa said sensuously, “Slut.”

  Both of our voices had been far too gooey, and our usually insults fell totally flat.

  “See what I mean, we need new pet names.”

  We used to be good friends, and co-workers who gave each other shit and challenged each other all the time. We were both rather competitive. She was my best friend, my only friend who was a woman, and was beyond precious to me even before I’d fallen in love with her. But those words were no longer said with a teasing meanness, but rather with a loving lilt. It was ridiculous.

  She giggled, “I kind of like it, you’re my love-slut.”

  “Love slut? Really?”

  Actually, it had sent shivers down my spine and had gotten me moist, but I wouldn’t admit it. Even if she could scent it on me. It was probably a silly conversation, but we were on our way into work on a Monday morning. I’d gotten a little more fleet of foot yesterday, but had come to the conclusion that dragon fledglings were naturally clumsy, like human toddlers. I had a feeling it would be more growing out of it than practice.

  “So, does that make you my little love-bitch?”

  She glared at me, all five foot three inches of her, “Little?”

  She had a tight athletic body, with perfect curves and a set of thirty-four B breasts that were perfectly pert, rounded with large nipples I loved to tease, and looked a little too big on her tight curvy frame, but in a good way. She had beautiful long dark raven hair, wide doe eyes, and a stunningly beautiful face. Shallow or not, ugly people weren’t made vampires, and my lover was no exception to that rule.

  I laughed, “Great things come in little packages.”

  She snorted, and looked back at the road.

  I wouldn’t have dared say that to her last week, my lover was also crazy, just a bit, and being little was one of her triggers, but we made an incredibly good team in the field. It was different now, not that I wanted to upset her, so I suggested an alternative.

  “So, how about sexy love-bitch.”

  She smirked, “I suppose that fits, until we come up with the real replacements.”

  I laughed as we pulled into work, and went down into the sublevel garage. It was ridiculous, and also obvious we just wouldn’t really be insulting each other anymore. Not when I’d rather be teasing and kissing her lips all the time. They were like silk, and so soft, full, perfect, and tasty.

  Enough of that, or I’d soak my panties thinking about it.

  I wondered what Brent had in store for us if anything. I had so much energy now I felt a little hyper, and needed to expend it. The way sex with Lisa fed my siren side meant I’d probably only need sex once or twice a week, but we’d been doing it at least once or twice a day, except that one time we were on guard duty for two days running. I just couldn’t resist the sexy vixen. I had more energy than I knew what to do with, and even though I hadn’t slept in a week, I felt like I’d had. I didn’t feel strung out, or bad, I felt like I’d slept like a baby last night, my mind was sharp and fresh, and I had energy to burn.

  I wasn’t in full TAC gear, but I did have my skin-tight bullet proof and warded armor on, covered by a light blue blouse, and gray pants with a pair of black boots on my feet. It wouldn’t take me long to weapon up, I just really hoped I wasn’t stuck behind the desk today. Days like that were always torture for me, now that I had the extra energy it was even worse. Worse, but I was still less short-tempered.

  Lisa parked, and we got out, and we headed over to the elevator. Lisa had psycho face on, and I tried to keep my visage serious as well. We weren’t exactly hiding our relationship, but if we were all laughs, giggles, and gooeyness, the others in the office would make fun of us. As always, the wards built by Brent made sure I was authorized to use this entrance as we got on the elevator, and we rode up to the second floor and got off.

  I managed not to peak at her ass as we split apart, and headed to our desks. Mine was bare, except for the computer sitting on it, and the phone. I logged in to check e-mail and look for any newly filed reports. That took about three minutes, and then I was bored out of my mind for the next thirteen minutes, when I finally got up to grab a coffee. I probably didn’t need the caffeine, but it was habit, and got me out of the damned desk chair.

  I’d only taken two steps when my phone rang. I snatched it up like a viper, and then took a deep breath. I had to be careful about my speed from the extra energy, and especially my new strength when in the office, or people would wonder where that strength came from.


  Pricilla said snottily, “Brent wants you in his office.”

  “Thanks,” I said and hung up.

  As co
nversations went with a female, Pricilla was one of the nicest, it was just how it was. I’d long come to terms with that fact, the less I had to interact with females the better, and when I did have to, brevity was key.

  I headed over to the elevator, and took it up to the third floor. Brent had both his office and home on the third floor, it was all that was up there. It was his magical bastion as a mage, his home turf, and it worked for him. I’d hate living where I worked, but it takes all kinds.

  I got off the elevator, and walked past Pricilla without even looking at her. That wasn’t me being rude, it was actually polite, since any attempt to talk to her or be nice would just make things worse. It really was that bad, no matter what I did it would provoke her, so less was definitely more that way.

  When I walked in, I suppressed a smile when I saw Lisa was already in the office. That meant most likely we were going after a skip who didn’t make his court date, or it was an execution for an escaped supernatural. Outside of Harold, Lisa didn’t do the bodyguard thing, so it could be that, but Harold probably would have mentioned the possibility yesterday if something like that was in the works.

  Lisa hated the work, but Harold wasn’t snooty and felt more like a companion than a client, so she tolerated it with him. I’d always wondered why, until she told me she was actually an infamous figure in the vampire community and vampire history of a few hundred years ago, and had been a vampire bodyguard for hundreds of years to the old vampire king before it had changed to a council. That hadn’t worked out well for her, and she’d changed her name from Annaliese to Lisa, in order to disappear.

  I could see why bodyguard jobs would bring up bad memories.

  I took a seat next to my lover, and Brent looked at me pensively.

  “What boss? I’ve been good.”

  He laughed, “Guilty conscience? What about the hotel wall last mission?”

  I snorted, “Bad intel, the witch and shifters weren’t in the file, so not my fault. Besides, we kept the mayhem to a minimum, and only had to kill a few of them.”


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