Song of Dragons

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Song of Dragons Page 7

by D. R. Rosier

  I was covered with sweat, and my heart pounded inside my chest, I was dizzy with it, and the only thing that existed was the zinging pleasure and the needs of my body, and her next touch.

  She reached up and mauled my breasts, pinching, twisting, and squeezing. Just a little harder than I normally liked it, and it felt fucking amazing as she dug her tongue deep inside of me. I couldn’t help myself, I tried to grind my clit against her nose, I knew it would have sent me over, just a small graze was all I needed, but no matter how fast I was as a siren, the vampire bitch had me beat, and I missed as she pulled away again giggling wickedly.


  A needy gasp escaped my lips, and I looked down into her doe brown eyes, which were dancing in mischief. I knew what she saw, I pleaded and begged her with my eyes, my breathy gasps filled the silence, and I needed release.

  She smiled wickedly, lifted one of my legs, and spanked me.

  It wasn’t a gentle spank either, my ass stung, and then she started to rub it softly, the vibration and pain radiated through my body, and mixed with the tight coil of radiating pleasure. It was with relief that I started to go over, I gasped her name as my whole body trembled, and then locked up as my back arched and I cried out. Right as I was going over, she sucked my clit into her mouth, and softly brushed it with her tongue.

  The coil snapped, and explosive euphoria filled my body and mind. I couldn’t think or move as my body locked up and trembled, all I could do was ride the concussive waves of sweet ecstasy that overcame me. When I came back to myself, I was breathing hard, and Lisa’s sweet face was inches from mine. She must’ve crawled up my body while I was overwhelmed.

  She kissed me, a melty kiss, filled with strong love and sweet emotions. It made me feel horribly vulnerable, adored, cared for, and loved all at the same time.

  She nipped my lip, and moaned in approval as she sucked out a few drops of blood, before my new shifter healing kicked in.

  “Was I too rough?”

  I shook my head, I liked it kind of rough, always had, but with my new shifter stamina and healing, I think I liked it even more now. Not sadistic amounts of pain, but the way she mauled my breasts had very quickly turned from slight pain to intense radiating pleasure.


  She grinned, “Love slut.”

  I laughed, “Guilty.”

  She said, “Melody.”

  I said, “Lisa?”

  She giggled, “You can let go of the headboard now.”

  I laughed a bit sheepishly, and put my arms around her and rolled, which put her under me.

  “My turn.”

  I felt sated, but at the same time I couldn’t wait to return the favor, to taste her, to love her, to make her scream my name. To please her was my greatest wish in that moment. I still felt vulnerable, my heart was full, and the depth of the love in my heart both thrilled me and scared the shit out of me. This wasn’t about sex, it was about so much more. I also owed her, for the teasing.

  I grinned down at her a little evilly, it would also be a good way to practice my magic. Hot water, icy cold water, ice even, all applied in various spots on her sexy nubile body as I loved on her with my hands, mouth, and tongue. This was going to be fun.

  She might have been faster, but I was strong enough to hold her still, and payback was a bitch…

  Chapter Eleven

  It took me a second or two.

  The bed was comfortable, relaxing, and Lisa’s sexy tight body was plastered against mine with my arm wrapped around her. I loved how her nipples pebbled against my side and skin on and off through the night, and how her legs wrapped around and claimed one of my own. Her soft supple skin, and the heat of her core was warm against my thigh.

  The book I was reading, was of a world without any magic in it at all, and was some kind of mystery. A world without magic was a ridiculous idea, just a fantasy, but the author was good.

  Between my Lisa, and the words on my kindle, it took me a second or two, before I realized what I was hearing. The songs of vampires, and they were closing in fast.


  More assassins? So much for Brent’s theory, of course they were afraid of my vampire.

  “Lisa,” I hissed and shook her as I rolled out of bed. We didn’t have long, which meant we didn’t have time for armor, or even clothes really. Fighting naked wouldn’t be fun, and if they were male it might even be distracting for them. Honestly though, I’d have preferred time to get dressed, rather than give the soon to be dead assassins a show. The skin-tight armor we wore would have been equally distracting, which was honestly why I usually wore clothes over it, I attracted men enough without deliberately showing my body off, outside of clubs I mean.

  I grabbed my sword with my right hand and pulled it out of the sheath, then grabbed my nine-millimeter with a silver load off of the night table with my left hand, and then clicked off the safety.

  Lisa mouthed, “How many.”

  I mouthed back, “Five.”

  She rolled her eyes, and then we heard the front door open. They were going for stealth, so they’d actually picked the lock instead of kicking the door in.

  Lisa ran out, and I followed her.

  I made a quick assessment, they all had short swords and knives, no guns. Apparently, they wished to be quiet, I didn’t care about quiet.

  I lifted my gun and shot twice over Lisa’s shoulder, one of the vampires went down. I could tell by their songs they were all under a hundred years old, fast, but nothing compared to Lisa and I. They must have been hoping to catch us in bed. Before the last week, with me being up twenty-four seven, they would have succeeded.

  Lisa’s sword moved so fast they couldn’t block it, and she took two heads in a split second. One reached for his own gun, and I shot him. Lisa stabbed out with her blade twice, so fast that the two sharp sounds of clanking steel sounded like one.

  Lisa grabbed his throat, “Do not move except to answer my questions.”

  I heard the power of her compulsion in those words, the vampire froze. Honestly, it wasn’t much of a fight, I probably could have let her sleep. Then again, she wouldn’t be able to get answers if I’d just killed them all, not that I had any doubts as to who sent these vampires.

  “You may blink. Now, tell me, who sent you.”

  The vampire looked terrified, at least his eyes did. I didn’t feel any pity, he was here to kill my best friend and lover.

  “No one.”

  Lisa frowned, I hadn’t been expecting that answer either.


  He replied, “Gene ordered us to desist until he was finished in town and had left, the fucking coward. The five of us thought you would be an easy kill while asleep, we wanted to claim the honor of killing you.”

  She turned to me and her eyes were a deep red, and she looked very angry. She turned back to the vampire.

  “So, he is merely delaying the assassins until he’s fled town like a coward?”

  The vampire replied, “Yes. He claims it is because the humans are keeping a close eye on him, but he’s a sniveling coward and bootlicker.”

  She laughed, “Perhaps, but he is far more powerful than you are. Maybe if you’d listened to him you’d have lived longer.”

  I don’t know why I was shocked, but she swiped her blade with a powerful twist of her wrist, and his head went flying off. Maybe because we weren’t supposed to be doing things like that, he’d been captured, he should have gone to jail. Then again, I didn’t care, he’d been here to kill Lisa, and he’d needed killing. I never claimed to be perfect.

  “Umm, let’s get dressed, and then call the cops.”

  Lisa nodded, “Tomorrow night, after work, we visit the local council and Gene. I’m not sure right now what we’ll do at that point, I’m too angry to decide. Maybe we’ll get lucky, and they’ll attack us without cause.”

  Yeah, lucky, because then we could claim self-defense. I imagine we would bring recording gear as well,
just to cover our asses.

  Lisa closed the door, and we walked back to the bedroom to put on some clothes, and call the cops…

  “Good morning?”

  It was Friday, and the office was in an uproar. There were a lot of government suits lingering around. Lisa and I had been called up into Brent’s office. They were sitting by the conference table by the windows, instead of around his desk. It was Brent, Stuart, and two others dressed in a way that screamed FBI.

  Stuart winked, “Always a pleasure Melody, and you as well Lisa. This is FBI agent Tamara Banks, and agent Bill Downey.”

  Tamara was a tall woman with brown hair put up in a severe bun, and brown eyes. She had on a gray pants suit with a white blouse and gray blazer. She also looked at me like I was shit stuck to the bottom of her shoe. I’d do my best to avoid her, but I wasn’t sure what was going on here yet, except that it was probably related to the cluster fuck yesterday afternoon with Kara James.

  Bill on the other hand had a wide smile for me, which only made Tamara bristle further. He was in his late thirties, still in good shape, had short black hair and brown eyes. His suit was typical FBI.

  Lisa and I sat down, I chose the chair furthest from Tamara.

  “What’s going on?”

  Brent said, “You’re both temporarily suspended from field duty, and you’re to answer any questions the FBI puts to you. Both you and Walker security as a whole is now under investigation.”

  “For what reason?” Lisa asked.

  Tamara said, “For your abysmal record at bringing in criminals, seems like most of the time they wind up dead for one reason or another.”

  Bill looked at me apologetically, or perhaps I should say he looked at my breasts apologetically, and somehow I held back a laugh.

  “Yesterday’s incident caused us to look into the past, though reading the report I’m not sure what else you could have done. Still, you have an alarming percentage rate of killed skips.”

  I held back a sigh. It was true enough, the executions weren’t a problem, but something always seemed to go wrong when we went out to simply apprehend. It was far from all of them, but it was a healthy percentage, maybe forty percent? Or perhaps, I should say unhealthy percentage. Still, it wasn’t entirely Lisa’s and my fault, escaped prisoners tended to resist the idea of going back to jail, and shit happens when my life or my partner’s life is threatened, sometimes there’s no other choice except deadly force.

  I said carefully, “There seems to be an unusually large amount of FBI agents here to investigate Lisa’s and my track record?”

  Brent scowled, “They’re investigating the whole business, not just you. Your license is on the line, but so is mine and everyone else’s.”

  Oh, crap.

  I said, “I’ll cooperate in any way I can.”

  Lisa said, “I as well.”

  Tamara said grudgingly, “I don’t see that there’s much you could have done either, it was a bad situation and a miracle you were able to fight off Kara’s magic. The problem is, it never should have devolved to that point in the first place. There was ample evidence in the case files that some kind of mental magic was being used by Kara James to avoid arrest. While you are quite an effective team in most cases, neither of you is a mage, or can form protections against such a thing. Mr. Walker, why didn’t you assign a mage to go with them?”

  Brent said, “I didn’t anticipate wards, I assumed the suspect was using a spell to accomplish that, which is something both Miss Smith and Miss Campbell could have fought off.”

  Tamara pursed her lips, and turned to us, “And why didn’t you try and apprehend her outside of her place of business. Taking on a mage on their own ground seems like a foolish idea to me.”

  She had a look of disgust on her face as her eyes flickered my way, and I decided it would be prudent to let Lisa speak for us both.

  Lisa answered, “We weighed the risk. Half the pride was away, the other half was split up inside the building. Three downstairs and three upstairs. We felt that lowered the risk enough to make breaching the building a viable action. We could have waited until she left the club early the next morning, but there was no guarantee they wouldn’t all come out together, or that the other six wouldn’t return at that point. We knew wards were a possibility, but the intelligence indicated her mage power was very weak, just well developed. We had no way to anticipate just how subtle and effective her magic would be on us. We planned to retreat if there’d been a ward to stop us from doing our job, but her ward had the opposite effect, and made us cocky and overconfident.”

  I was getting a bit uncomfortable under Bill’s gaze. I was used to that kind of thing, it was what I was. I ignored it most of the time, but there was an added dimension to it now that I had to get used to. Shifters had a very strong sense of smell, and I could smell his arousal, as well as Stuart’s which was a bit disturbing.

  Bill said, “That sounds reasonable.”

  Tamara gave him a disgusted look.

  The questions went on for quite a while, covering a number of cases where we failed to take in the target, because they’d died while resisting arrest. They started from the front and worked their way back, and we had to explain about the fae mage from last week, and why the bad intelligence and the involvement of a witch and her four shifter guards had skewed the odds. Then back from there, and it took most of the morning.

  It was awkward as hell, because I got the idea that Tamara wanted to shoot me the whole time, and Bill wanted to fuck me. At the very least, it made me appreciate Brent being in my life, since he was immune to my magic and pheromones.

  I couldn’t help it though, it was an automatic thing, and not something I could control.

  It was late morning before things wrapped up.

  Brent said, “Why don’t you two get out of here, relax and take a long weekend, and if they have more questions you can come back into the office.”

  Bill said, “Agreed, the investigation shouldn’t take longer than two or three days.”

  We didn’t hesitate, and got out of there as quickly as possible. I was a little worried, but more for Brent than myself. If they pulled my license, I’d figure something else out. It almost seemed inevitable that my life here in Dallas would be ending soon, too many secrets we had to keep, too many secrets being spilled. Between the council trying to kill Lisa, and my dragon being free, it was just a matter of time.

  I didn’t think I was being a pessimist either, just a realist. I supposed time would tell. It was possible we might get the council to back off, and it was also possible Harold, Lisa and I could keep my secret, but the odds were certainly stacked against such an occurrence. Lisa and I even discussed the idea of just going now when we left the building, but we decided in the end to stick it out a little longer and see what happened.

  We also decided that after lunch we’d be hunting down the local vampire council to have a word with them, and Gene. Who knew? If things went badly enough, we’d have to go on the run for murder…

  Chapter Twelve

  “Is this a good idea?”

  We were both in armor, with professional clothes over it, and loaded out with our swords, throwing daggers, and weapons. Lisa drove, and we were heading to the local vampire council’s place of business. It was a fang club, with a large underground bunker, and also a second floor filled with rooms where vampires could take their willing meals.

  Lisa said, “What do you mean?”

  I shrugged, “We’re suspended, and I’m fairly sure there are wards there.”

  Lisa smirked, “There are, but they were put down officially, which means our ward key badges will work just fine. The wards should ignore us. Plus, we aren’t going there as agents, I’m a vampire and have a right to approach the council, and bring along a friend.”

  Yeah, I could still see how this would bite us in the ass, but fuck it. We also had mini-cams attached that would upload exactly what we did, and what they did.

  “Do you
have a plan?”

  Lisa nodded, “Determine if we can get them to back off permanently or not. I know the accusations they made back then were political to keep me out of power, as if I wanted it. I never wanted that.”

  “And if we can’t?”

  Lisa shrugged, “Not sure yet. We either disappear, or we go to Europe to the root of the problem. I’d rather live and let live, but if it’s me or them…” she trailed off, and then added, “You don’t have to go.”

  I snorted, “I’m not letting you go alone, if it comes down to it.”

  Lisa nodded, “The modern world makes it much harder to simply disappear again. Three hundred years ago it was much easier.”

  “Maybe the humans can help. Witness relocation.”

  Lisa said, “Maybe. But these ass hats were never my friends, not like the king was. Their council and their pronouncements were all about grabbing and keeping power. If they want a war that badly…”

  I couldn’t disagree with that assessment. Still, I wondered just how unhappy the humans would be. In the end though, that didn’t matter. We wouldn’t just roll over and die. Lisa pulled into the club parking lot. The outside building was much nicer than most clubs, probably because it housed the local vampire council.

  The three floors had one way tinted glass, and the club was toward the back of the building. The front looked like the lobby of an office building.

  Lisa said, “Be careful, don’t look them in the eyes, especially Gene.”

  “I’ll just stare at your ass. Although, it’s rather mesmerizing too,” I said tongue in cheek.

  She snickered, “Behave, slut.”

  We got out of the car, and we walked over to the building. A sense of dark foreboding went through me when we opened the door and moved inside. The walls were half painted a burgundy red, and the upper half was an off-white color. The club was toward the back, but we turned right and made for the stairs which were guarded by two mountainous vampires.


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