A Lesson in Love: A sweet forbidden love story

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A Lesson in Love: A sweet forbidden love story Page 10

by Agnes Canestri

  Rose hugged herself with her arms and lifted her chin. “Where have you heard it? How did you know that’s how I named my novella?”

  Rasheed feigned a surprised look. “Your novella, really? I wasn’t aware. I just felt the urge to come up with a song that would express all my feelings for you. And ta-da, here we are.”

  Rose’s knees became wobbly.

  All his feelings? Rasheed had feelings for her? Since when?

  She squared her shoulders. “Why are you really here?”

  Rasheed swallowed then bent and put his drum on the pavement. He straightened and came one step closer to Rose. In this way he had almost closed all the distance between them.

  They were now standing so near to each other, that she could feel his breath caress her cheeks.

  “I’m here, Rose, because I realized I’ve been a fool. A fool so big that words can’t even describe it. My only excuse is I did it because I thought there was no chance in this world that your feelings for me could be as strong as mine are for you.”

  Rose angled back her body so that she could peek up at his eyes.

  The air that percolated between them filled up with sizzles.

  Did she hear him correctly? Or was her brain playing a trick on her?

  “What are you saying?” she mumbled.

  His arms opened and he snaked his hands around her waist.

  Rose’s body reacted to his touch immediately and desire flickered in each and every cell. But she ignored the sensation. She couldn’t let passion take hold of her before she was sure that she understood what he’d meant.

  “I’m saying, ana baħibbik, habibti. I love you, Rose Wilson. I’ve been in love with you for a very long time now. I just didn’t want to succumb to this feeling, because I thought our situation, you being my student, was an insurmountable obstacle. I didn’t want to ruin your academic career by causing a scandal for you.”

  Rose’s eyes widened. “You? You love me?”

  Rasheed nodded. “More than anything in this world.”

  Rose had difficulty forming any sentences because her tongue seemed to turn into jelly. She swallowed before saying. “But how is this possible? I’m…I’m nothing special. And you? You’re like…”

  Rasheed hauled her to him so abruptly that Rose’s breath hitched, and she stopped.

  “Rose, I’ve already told you. You’re amazing. Your smart words, your kind soul, your gracious presence.” His eyes dipped to Rose’s lips and he sucked in a breath. “And your beauty…you’re all-in-one and the only one for me. So the sole question remains, are you willing to stop pretending and give us a chance?”

  Rose wanted to say yes. All her molecules were dancing in anticipation for Rasheed’s skin, but she suppressed the urge to pull his face to hers and said, “But you said, we are who we are. You can’t date a student and…”

  Rasheed put a finger on her lips. “I’m no longer a teacher, as you’ve heard. I’ve handed in my resignation. I’ll look for another job in the community college. The locals have as much need for a skilled professor as the expat students.”

  This couldn’t be true. Did Rasheed give up on his career so they could be together?

  Then it meant…Rose’s heart leaped and exultation surged through her. “You really love me then?”

  Rasheed smiled. “I think I loved you from the first time you walked into my class with your earphones, wearing the light-green dress that reaches to your ankles. My feelings just deepened further since the first time you challenged my spirit with your intelligence. And then I saw you dance…” His voice trembled and the yearning that settled in his gaze threatened to swallow Rose up unless she did something.

  So she did something.

  She reached up, cupped Rasheed’s face, and dragged him to her longing lips. Before his skin stroked hers, she moaned, “I love you too, Rasheed. I’ve always loved you.”

  As their mouths united in a kiss, a thundering applause broke out in the hall.

  Rose winced and glanced around.

  Oh, my Gosh. How could she forget that they weren’t alone?

  A hundred pairs of eyes, including those of her sister, her brother and Emily had watched what just happened. Her face began to glow so heavily, she was sure the color must resemble the deepest shade of crimson.

  Rasheed brushed his thumb on her neck and whispered, “Don’t worry, my love. I have no intention of hiding my feelings anymore. You’ve made me the happiest man.”

  Aisha walked to them grinning. “Rose, brother, I couldn’t be more happy for you.” Then she raised the microphone and said, “We all agree what a lovely couple they are, right?”

  Cheers filled the hall.

  Rose’s eyes drifted over to Elliott and Stacey, who were standing and clapping their hands excitedly. Stacey winked at her as their eyes met and she wiggled her brows.

  Rose swallowed and snuggled herself into Rasheed’s embrace.

  He kissed the top of her head. A gesture so tender and intimate it made Rose’s heart come to a standstill.

  Aisha’s voice nudged her back to reality when she said, “As much as our audience adores happily ever afters, they came here to witness the Oriental Dance Contest. I know”—she lifted a hand to her chest—“my students have already proved they are the best, but how about watching Rasheed and Rose perform before the jury decides the winners?”

  Aisha’s cheeky announcement earned her loud laughter and applause.

  A few from the audience called out, “Let’s see them.”

  Aisha turned to Rose and Rasheed. “Are you guys ready?”

  Rasheed’s eyes darted to Rose and he arched his brows. “What do you say, habibti? Do you want to dance to my heartbeats?”

  Elation suffused through Rose and she smiled. “Yes, Rasheed. I wouldn’t want to do anything else. Not now and not ever. I love you.”

  Rasheed leaned in and blew a kiss on her lips, then he bent down and grabbed his drum. Aisha moved to the side of the stage, and as the drums’ thuds filled the hall, Rose felt her heart obey to its rhythms without hesitation.

  Her feet began to move, and her hips picked up the beats, making her twirl on the stage with the agility of a true dancer.

  She caught Rasheed’s admiring glance and smiled.

  The closing words of her novella flashed through her mind. Melting away in the eyes of the man you love is the best way to die.

  How could she have been so wrong?

  Melting away in the eyes of the man she loved was the only true way to live.

  * * *


  It doesn’t have to end here.

  Do you want to see what happens when Rose returns from her scholarship?

  * * *

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  EPILOGUE of A Lesson in Love now.

  Go to: www.agnescanestri.com/roseandrasheed

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  Rose dragged her heavy suitcases. Her chest hammered. As the sliding glass door to the Sauda airport’s arrival hall was about to open, she sucked in a breath.

  Her eyes fell on the enormous poster saying “Welcome back, Rose,” and her heart leaped.

  Her whole family came, together with Emily and Aisha, who were both waving enthusiastically at Rose.

  But Rose’s eyes searched only for one person.

  As they found him, she became light on her feet. It had only been a month since Rasheed last visited her in Oxford, but it still seemed like an eternity since they saw each other.

  She let go of her bags and sprinted to him. He swung his arms open, and lifted her into the air, twirling her in his arms like a feather.

  “Habibti,” he murmured before his soft lips pressed on hers.

  Rose abandoned herself in the familiar but still unsettling feeling of his skin on hers. Even after one year, this man didn’t cease to melt her bones into butter. And from now on
she wouldn’t have to miss him anymore.

  They’d done it. Her year of the LeGrand program was finally over. Joy welled up in her, and she deepened the kiss.

  Rasheed’s fingers caressed her neck then he pulled back a little and whispered in her ear. “I’m so glad to see you. But let’s not stretch your dad’s patience any more than necessary. He just started to like me, I think.”

  Rose felt her cheeks warm as she realized the others were waiting for her to greet them. “You’re right.”

  Rasheed slowly released her, and Rose was assaulted by the hugs and kisses of her family and friends.

  Elliott squeezed her so hard she had a hard time breathing. “Little sis, welcome.”

  Next one was her sister. “It’s so good to have you home at last, Rosie!” she squeaked. Her freshly cut bob bounced around her chin as she launched forward to hug Rose.

  “I like your hair,” Rose stroked Stacey’s head.

  “I got it for the meeting with Rob’s parents,” her sister gleamed.

  Rose looked at Stacey, and her heart warmed. Ever since that night, when Rose had decided to confide in her sister and brother, the sisters became inseparable. The bond of blood that had been lacking for so many years, had turned into an unshakable connection.

  In fact, her siblings had travelled so many times with Rasheed to visit her that her love had almost started to complain about not being able to spend time alone with Rose.

  After Elliott and Stacey, her mother and father stepped over to Rose.

  Her father gave her a kiss on her forehead. “Rose honey, you make me so proud. I’ve been raving to my associates about my daughter becoming a famous writer.”

  Rose whacked her dad gently on the chest. “Dad, don’t exaggerate. It’s just one book, and the publishing house that picked it up is small.”

  Rasheed patted Rose’s shoulder. “Habibti, you’re always too modest. I’m sure it will be successful. One of the many wonderful tales you’ll share with the world.”

  “I’m surely buying it,” Aisha winked at Rose. “After all, I want to see what the amiable and talented dance teacher in your story does to draw the couple together. I wonder whom you based that character on?” She looked at the ceiling, scratching her chin in an overly theatrical gesture.

  Rose smiled. Yes, her novella had taken on its own life. Her mentor in the LeGrand program had persuaded her to turn it into a book. Now the story was a mesmerizing fusion of fiction and reality.

  Emily glanced at her watch. “Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, we should get going. The restaurant reservation is for one p.m.”

  Rose’s mother snaked her arm around Rose’s elbow, pulling her with her. “Let’s go then. I’m so eager to hear about how you’ve been doing these past weeks. Guys“—she threw a brief glance at Rasheed and Rose’s father—“please get the bags.”

  Rose managed to get a glimpse of how her father turned to Rasheed and whispered something in his ears. She thought she even caught the words, ‘all is set’ before her view was blocked by the bouncing heads of her sister and Emily who joined them on their march toward the exit.

  The Al Farash looked just as Rose had remembered it.

  Abdullah rushed to hug her tightly and gave her even a kiss on her cheek. “My favorite Rose of the desert. Finally you’ve come back to us.”

  The lunch the owner prepared for them was beyond delicious. All Rose’s favorite delicacies were served, together with the sparkling house lemonade that Rose loved so much.

  After lunch, they all settled back on their seats waiting for the famous qahua of Abdullah, that he used to prepare for them with freshly brewed coffee beans and cardamom.

  Rasheed leaned closer to Rose, keeping his voice low. “Do you feel like taking a short walk while we’re waiting? I need to stretch my legs.”

  There was a weird glint in his dark eyes and his face looked tense.

  “Sure, if you want,“ Rose answered.

  Her father cleared his voice. “Yes, yes, just go on. We’ll call you once the coffee is served.”

  Her father’s voice was high-pitched and his eyes looked moist. Rose blinked at him with narrowed eyes.

  What was going on?

  Before she had the chance to ask him, Rasheed had already put his hand on her back. The sensation of his warm palm against her bare skin was so distracting Rose forgot all about her suspicions and stood up.

  They walked out of the restaurant. The parking lot was empty aside from their own cars. She just realized that all the other tables had been empty inside as well.

  “Did you guys book the whole restaurant for my welcome lunch?” she asked with wide eyes.

  Rasheed nodded. “Yes, this is a once-in-a-lifetime occasion.” Again that strange fire in his glance.

  Rose shook her head. “Isn’t that a bit of an overstatement, my love?”

  Rasheed pressed his lips together. “It depends.” Then he began to stroll toward the sandy road in the southern end of the parking.

  Rose followed him with her gaze and her heart jumped.

  He stopped on the exact same spot where she’d kissed him more than a year ago. The place where she had thought she’d lost the reason to live.

  Rasheed turned to her and stretched out his arms as if to indicate she was to go to him. So she did.

  When she reached him, he took hold of one of her hands. With the other he reached into his pocket. “Rose, I have been preparing to ask you this for so long now. I can’t bring myself to wait any longer. A year ago, under the watchful eyes of the stars you showed such bravery that it managed to change the course of our existence. I’m here to reciprocate this leap of faith now.”

  Rose’s felt her blood warm and her heart quiver. What was Rasheed planning to do?

  He pulled out a small box and handed it to her. “To my crescent moon.”

  She opened the box and her jaw dropped. Inside lay a ravishing ring with a diamond in the shape of a crescent moon. On its sides, two tiny sapphire stones had been crafted. Rose had never seen anything as perfect as this ring.

  She gaped at Rasheed, unable to say something.

  He took out the ring and kneeled, holding it up to Rose. “Rose Wilson, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  The wind from the desert picked up and began to twirl sand around them, without actually touching their skin. It was as if they were standing in the eye of a tornado. Time slowed as Rose locked her gaze with Rasheed’s dark irises. His expression held a promise of a life that used to seem like a mirage to Rose but now was turning into reality.

  What had she done to deserve this much joy? How could one human heart even contain the happiness she felt without bursting?

  She reached out for Rasheed’s face and pulled him up to her. “Yes, Rasheed. I would. I love you.”

  His lips moved into a grin. “Oh, habibti. You make me feel complete.” He grabbed her finger and put the ring on it.

  It sparkled in the afternoon sun with a dazzling glimmer.

  Rose admired it. “It’s so beautiful.”

  Rasheed pulled her close to him, running one hand to her waist and another to the nape of her neck. “It’s nothing compared to you, Rose.”

  His arms pressed her even closer to him and his mouth moved to her ear. “Habibti, I can’t wait for you to become my wife.”

  His lips moved to hers and when their skins merged, Rose had the feeling that it wasn’t just their breaths mingling but also their souls.

  Their hearts became synchronized, beating to the same rhythm, while they deepened the kiss.


  Would you love to read more sweet

  forbidden romance?

  * * *

  What about a sweet boss employee romance where falling in love is also against the rules? Check out Loving the Boss.

  * * *

  Or a fake relationship romance where falling in love needs to be just pretend. But the line between fake and real blurs all too quickly. Check out Fake-dating the
Single Dad.


  Gems of Love Series

  * * *

  LOVING THE BOSS - a sweet boss employee romance

  It could be her fresh start. If only she can avoid falling for her boss.

  GAMBLING WITH THE BILLIONAIRE - a sweet small-town opposites attract billionaire romance

  She’s all about passion. He only believes in reason. Their business deal won’t go down without fireworks.

  FAKE-DATING THE SINGLE DAD - a sweet fake relationship / nanny romance

  It was the perfect plan. Too bad it didn’t include what to do when the fake feelings start to turn real.

  SAVING THE BROTHERS BEST FRIEND - a sweet friends to lovers romance

  Saving her childhood’s crush by pretending to be his girlfriend. It might just become her damnation.

  About the Author

  Agnes Canestri writes sweet romance for all ages. She is the author of the Gems of Love series. Her home on the internet is https://www.agnescanestri.com. You can connect with her on Facebook at www.facebook.com/agnescanestri or using the icon below.

  Whenever the mood strikes you, you should send her an email at [email protected]. She loves to hear from her readers and answers all emails personally.


  Copyright © 2019 by Agnes Canestri


  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


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