Claimed And Mastered (Wayward Mates Series Book 6)

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Claimed And Mastered (Wayward Mates Series Book 6) Page 13

by Delta James

  Bess grinned as she said, “At the moment he’s pretty intent on giving her a well-deserved spanking for keeping a secret.”

  “Yeah, and we both know how that always gets resolved. Let me check with Greg. One of us will call you back shortly.”

  An hour later Bess’ phone rang and she found herself talking to the Hamptons pack’s doctor.

  “Doctor?” Bess inquired.

  “Greg is fine. Roz filled me in briefly. Let me get this straight—he’s a human, an alpha male, and has no idea about our kind. And a naughty alpha female on the run from her own pack has bitten him.”

  “In Ava’s defense I believe it was at the height of passion.”

  Greg laughed. “It usually is. Roz says he’s pissed and inclined to discipline her. Not a good idea. Oliver got us a plane and we’re maybe sixty to ninety minutes out. We should be there before he starts to transition.”

  “Should I come pick you up?”

  “Not necessary. Oliver has arranged for a vehicle. Should I talk to him?”

  “No, but I think we may try to explain about wolves.”

  Greg laughed again with genuine mirth. “Good luck with that. I thought Oliver had lost his marbles when he tried to tell me about shifters. I can tell you, it wasn’t until I saw him shift a couple of times that I believed him.”

  “How much danger is Declan in?”

  “Rest easy, Bess. I’ve got a lot of experience with this... including Roz and Liza. If you want a bit of advice...”

  “All I can get,” she said.

  “Keep him quiet. Tell him it’s doctor’s orders and ask him to go along as a favor to you. His knowing about shifters isn’t something that’s going to keep him from transitioning and it might make him fight against it. He’s better off if we try to ensure a safe and easy change and his being calm will help. We can fill in all the blanks later.”

  Bess hung up the phone and rejoined Ava and Declan. “They’re on the way. They should be here in less than two hours. The doctor says that Declan needs to stay quiet.”

  Declan chuckled. “I won’t be the one making the noise,” Declan said, standing up and taking Ava’s hand.

  “Declan, I’ve known you all your life. And I don’t disagree that your lady needs to be held accountable for what’s she done... for keeping secrets from you. But I need you to believe me and please do as the doctor ordered.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Bess convinced them that it would be for the best if they all just took a moment, had some breakfast and sat together. It was difficult for Declan as literally his palm ached to be spanking Ava and getting some answers from her. Ava was very quiet, which was a bit unsettling, and Bess seemed to be putting far too much effort into keeping things light and breezy.

  Declan watched Ava and Bess interact and he became aware that while they were united in their concern about the bite, which seemed silly to him, they were at odds over something. He looked back and forth between them. There was definitely something going on that he didn’t understand. Bess looked concerned but calm. Lizzy, rather Ava, looked distraught bordering on panicked and yet there was a sadness in her eyes that he hadn’t seen since the first day they got together.

  He picked up her hand again and rubbed the back of it with his thumb. “Ava, talk to me. Who are these people Bess is talking about?”

  “They’re people who will help you and keep you safe. I’m so, so sorry. I didn’t mean for this to happen. I should have just kept running that day and none of this would matter. If I’d never come here...”

  Bess sat down on the couch beside her.

  “Declan’s right. This will all work out. I know you don’t believe in fated mates, but I also know that you’ve heard his call and know who he is. Greg, that’s the doctor, says that Declan will be fine.”

  “But I don’t want to hear it.”

  “Don’t you?” Bess teased. “If not, then why did you bite him?”

  “I told you I didn’t mean to...”

  “And yet you did. We will see him through this and he’ll be fine. I suspect, however, you may be in for an uncomfortable time while he recovers.”

  “What the hell are the two of you talking about?” asked Declan.

  “Let’s see,” said Bess. “In addition to biting you, Ava here has run away from home. She is worried on several different levels mostly right now about you, but then about herself.”

  “Only about Declan,” mumbled Ava. “I’m not a completely self-absorbed bitch.”

  Bess patted Ava’s knee. “I don’t doubt for a minute that your primary concern at this moment is for Declan. But once he’s through the change, you should be worried about what’s going to happen. That you will most likely get welted for this whole thing is pretty much a given. I’m not concerned about that...”

  “Gee, thanks, Bess, I appreciate your support.”

  “Don’t you take that tone with me, little wolf. You and I both know you deserve everything you’ve got coming to you. What worries me is who is going to do the welting.”

  Declan growled again. He wasn’t sure when, where or how he had started making that sound. He only knew that it had a profound effect on both Ava and Bess... Ava most especially.

  “I can clear that up for you, Bess,” grumbled Declan. “If and when Ava gets her ass welted, I will be the one wielding the belt that does it.”

  “There are those that may believe they have a prior claim.”

  “I don’t give a damn what they believe, Ava is mine.”

  Declan was no longer surprised at the depth of feeling he had for her. What still took him somewhat aback was the predatory and yet protective feelings that went with it. For all her strength, cunning, and skill—and Declan knew she had those in abundance—he still felt a primal directive to keep her safe and make her answer to him... and him alone.

  “What makes either of you think I’m going to stick around long enough after Declan is safe for anyone to take a strap to me? I’ll be long gone before any of that happens.”

  Declan stood up and pulled her into his arms. With his face a mere few inches from hers, he hissed, “You remember what I told you about running away. I’ll come after you and when I catch up with you, you and my belt will have a little chat about that particular level of misbehavior.”

  Declan stole a look at Bess’ face. He had expected to see at least a bit of shock or condescension at his blatant threat to Ava. What he saw instead was a benign smile and softness in her face he’d only seen the few brief times she had talked about Cameron.

  “And keep in mind, dearie,” Bess said to Ava, “an enraged alpha male whose been denied the comfort of his mate will have a knot for you to deal with as well. That is best not done with a welted backside.”

  For the first time since she’d discovered she’d bitten him, Ava grinned before saying, “And that would be the upside... if he still wants me.”

  Declan growled angrily at Ava and took some satisfaction at the fact that she seemed to shiver in response. He swatted her backside, making her yelp.

  “If? You do not question my feelings for you. Is that clear?”

  Declan was mollified somewhat when he saw Ava’s body soften as she molded herself to him.

  “I don’t question you at all. It’s my own thoughts, feelings, and actions I question. You are a good man, Declan. You will be an amazing alpha and deserve a mate that is worthy of you. I’m not.”

  Again his hand descended harshly on her rump.

  “Declan, please try to be calm,” said Bess, trying to soothe the angry mood.

  “I am calm,” he snapped at her. “It is my woman who seems to be having an issue that I think, doctor’s orders or no, could be best fixed with a trip over my knee. If you’ll excuse us, Bess.”

  Declan grabbed Ava’s upper arm and began to haul her over to the stairs and to their bedroom.

  “Ava, you tell him what he needs to hear. You stop this. He shouldn’t go into the transition angry like this.�

  Declan could feel Ava trying to dig her heels in to hinder his progress.

  “Declan, please. I’ll be good. I won’t go anywhere. I’ll do whatever you want. Just please, I need you to be okay.”

  Declan growled and swung around to toss her over his shoulder. He’d had enough of this bullshit. Ava needed to be spanked and fucked... and she needed it now. And he needed to do it.

  “Declan,” she cried. “I love you.”

  Declan stopped short. “What did you say?”

  Ava started to cry. “I love you. I don’t want to, but I do. I need you to be okay. I need you to let them take care of you... to let me take care of you.”

  Declan whirled around as Bess opened the door. He saw two men and a beautiful woman. That the woman belonged to the tall man at her side was without question.

  The woman hugged Bess before saying with a grin, “Maybe I’ve been in the refined Hamptons too long, Bess, but it doesn’t look like you’re keeping him quiet.”

  “Rozalyn, that’s enough. As you are all too aware there are times when the need to remind one’s mate of her proper place supersedes all else,” said the tall man.

  The man walked forward with an outstretched hand, seeming nonplussed that Declan still had Ava resting on his shoulder. Not knowing what else to do, Declan shook it.

  “Declan Collins? I’m Oliver Halsey. The beautiful woman with me is my most loved but usually naughty mate, Rozalyn, and the other fellow is Greg.”

  “Oh, I like that,” said Greg, grinning. “Roz gets a lovely introduction and I’m the other guy.”

  “What can I say, Greg?” said Rozalyn. “He doesn’t like sleeping with you.”

  Declan watched fascinated as Oliver growled at the woman he referred to as his mate and saw her respond in the same way Ava did to him.

  “What?” Rozalyn said with false confusion. “I didn’t say anything wrong. You do like sleeping with me... amongst more pleasurable things we do in the privacy of our rooms.”

  The growl from Halsey was decidedly more threatening and while his mate reacted, she did not seem overly concerned.

  “If you are not very careful, Rozalyn, Ava here will not be the only one facing discipline from her mate.”

  Rozalyn joined her mate, wrapping her arm around his waist and lifting her face to be kissed, which he seemed to do quite happily before swatting her bottom, causing her to tuck tail.

  “Ouch, Oliver.”

  “Behave, Rozalyn.”

  Declan looked at Greg, who was grinning from ear to ear.

  Ava began to squirm on his shoulder. “Could you put me down now?” she asked with a resentful tone he didn’t much care for.

  He swatted her rump with a punishing blow.

  “Owww, Declan.”

  “Say it again,” Declan ordered her.

  “Say what again?” Ava asked.

  He smacked her bottom. “Say it.”

  “Shit, Declan put me down. This isn’t good for you.”

  “If you don’t tell me right now what I want to hear, when I put you down it will be upstairs in our room right before I put you over my knee.” His hand connected again. “Now say it.”

  Ava took a long breath. “Fine. I love you. Happy?”

  Declan eased her off his shoulder before capturing her mouth in a passionate kiss that resulted in her melting against him.

  He looked into her eyes, his own shining with desire and happiness. “Delirious.”

  * * *

  Ava turned around, embarrassed until her eyes locked with those of Rozalyn Halsey, the mistress of the Hamptons’ pack and fated mate to its alpha.

  “Annoying bastards, aren’t they?” Roz said, grinning.

  “Very,” said Ava, taking an immediate liking to Roz.

  Even though Roz was not an alpha, the stories about her had spread widely. Ava had been fascinated. This was the woman who had been turned against her will but had survived. She had lived on her own before finding herself as beta to the now legendary Bae Diogel pack. Mated to one of the most powerful alphas on earth, she had been part of the group that had foiled a plot by some of the Eastern European packs to strike at those in North America.

  Suddenly Ava’s sense of confidence and false bravado began to crumble and Roz rushed forward to embrace her, shooing Declan away.

  “He’ll be fine. I fought the virus tooth and nail, but Greg saw me through it to the other side. Declan knowing you’re here waiting for him will help make it much easier on him. I was in New Orleans when Maddie transitioned, she sailed through it as though it were nothing.”

  “That’s Griffin’s mate. You know her?” asked Ava.

  “Quite well. You’d like her.”

  “She won’t like me. I wasn’t very nice to her the only time we met.”

  “You’d be surprised. Maddie is just lovely. She’s like Skylar and Lacey—always willing to see the best in people, which is why they put up with Darby, Catherine, and me. Have you met Catherine DeMedici? Now there’s a bitch I aspire to be.”

  Greg laughed, Oliver snorted, and Ava giggled. Ava had heard tales of the mate to the alpha of the great DeMedici pack.

  “Well, as much fun as it is for this poor, old, unmated male to watch those of you with stunningly beautiful and spirited mates to keep your beds warm, I’d really like to get Declan up to his room and get things set up.”

  “I’m not going anywhere until someone tells me what the hell is going on.”

  “She bit you,” said Oliver, casting a disapproving eye on Ava.

  Declan stepped between them. “It was an accident. I don’t know you, but I don’t need you making her feel worse about it. It’s just a little love nip.”

  Easing between the two alphas trying to defuse the situation, Greg said, “Why don’t we go upstairs and let the guy with the medical training determine that. Ava, you want to give me a hand? Declan looks like he’s starting to run a fever and I want to get him upstairs. I think he’ll let me take him upstairs with less resistance if you come with us. What do you say, Declan?”

  Declan reached for Ava’s hand. “All right, but she stays with me. Bess? Can you see to our guests?”

  “Of course, Alpha.”

  Ava saw Declan’s eyes register surprise at Bess’ using his title... a title he didn’t know he had. She helped Greg get Declan up the stairs and to their room. By the time they got him to sit down, Declan had beads of sweat rolling down his brow.

  “I’ll go get some cool compresses,” said Ava, jumping up.

  Declan’s arm snaked out, his hand seizing her forearm. “You stay with me,” he growled.

  “Ava, why don’t you sit with Declan? I’ll get Roz or Bess to bring them. You keep him calm and quiet while we get him set up.”

  “Set up for what?” snarled Declan.

  “It’s a long story, but the short version is that Ava’s saliva that entered your bloodstream via the bite has given you a virus. I’ve treated it before, always successfully, and so Bess asked that I come up and give a hand.”

  “You keep him away from her. I don’t like how he looked at her.”

  Greg laughed. “That’s just Oliver’s way. He means your lady no harm, I promise you. And if he did, he’d have Roz to deal with... a lot of fun to watch from a distance, but not so much I’m thinking if you’re the guy having to do it. Well, that’s not true. I suppose once he gets her subdued he rather enjoys her passionate nature.”

  Ava watched helplessly as Greg’s soothing tones and slow, careful movements maneuvered Declan so that he was lying on the bed. When Declan shuddered and passed out, she looked helplessly at Greg.

  “It’s begun. Now I need you to stop fretting. That won’t help anybody. I also need you to get some cold compresses and send Oliver up here. I want to get Declan into something more comfortable and into this bed properly. Then I’ll get the IVs set up and the waiting begins. Once that happens, you can be here with him.”

  Ava jumped up and raced down the sta

  Chapter Fifteen

  Ava spent the next several days at Declan’s side, only resting or eating if Bess was close at hand. She had growled several times at Oliver with Roz intervening to try to disperse the growing tension between the two of them. So far Roz had been able to persuade Oliver to tell those at Calon Onest only that Ava had been found and was healthy and safe.

  According to Roz, Ioan had wanted to send some men from Calon Onest to retrieve Ava, or at least keep her from bolting again. Ioan was insistent that she be returned to her pack. Oliver, to pacify his mate, had assured Ioan that he would ensure Ava’s safety and that she would be kept either at the house in Maine or at Oliver’s estate until a decision could be made about her future.

  Ava had bristled at that. Who were they to decide her future? Hadn’t she shown them she would not be subject to their rules? Yes, she regretted having bitten Declan, but it hadn’t been on purpose and Greg assured her that he was doing well. She continued to refuse to leave his side.

  When it was just the two of them alone with Declan, Ava had hissed at Bess. “Who the bloody hell do they think they are deciding my fate?”

  “They’re only trying to do what they think is best.”

  “But best for who? Not me.”

  “Ava, you didn’t think they’d even be looking for you. Ioan has made it very clear that they have been worried sick about you.”

  “What they’re worried about is that a female slipped their grip and refused to let them determine her destiny,” stated Ava emphatically.

  “But your fate is lying on that bed beside you. You’ve scarcely eaten enough to keep a bird alive. If you’ve made yourself sick over him, Declan will be none too pleased. As it is he already believes you’re owed a sound thrashing. When he wakes as an alpha wolf and learns our ways, I daresay he’ll lay claim to you. Oliver can attest to the truthfulness of that evidenced by your behavior and my guess is Ioan will agree and honor that claim.”

  “That is such bullshit. Declan will do this; Oliver will do that; Ioan will go along. What about what I want? Why do they decide what happens to me? And you give Ioan too much credit...”


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