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Imperfect Page 25

by Ari Reavis

“I know. Thanks.”

  My line beeps, and I pull it away from my face to look at it.

  “Mariah’s calling on the other line. I’ll talk to you later.”


  I click over and hear the longest groan.

  “Uh, Mariah?”

  “I feel like death warmed over,” she says hoarsely. “I had to leave work and come home.”

  “You sound like the undead.” I chuckle. “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t even know what you call these.” She groans. “Cramps, baby pains, punishment for all my sins.”

  “That bad?”

  “Worse. I don’t know if I should call the doctor or not.”

  “If it’s bad enough to make you leave work, I think you should call.”

  “Right. Okay, I’m gonna do that then.”

  “Let me know what she says and as soon as I can leave here, I’ll bring you anything you want to make you feel better. Or... Whatever the doctor says you can have.”

  “Okay. Bye.”

  I hang up, immediately texting my mom to see if what Mariah feels is normal. But in typical Evelyn fashion, she doesn’t text back, she calls, offering to drive two hours just to bring Mariah some Tylenol. After I tell her I’m waiting for Mariah to tell me what the doctor says and promising to call her with any news, she lets me go.

  Mariah texts that the doctor said they’re most likely growing pains and to bring some Tylenol, loads of chocolate, and ginger ale just as the developer walks into my office. After thanking him for his patience and updating him on the progress, I tell him that things will get done even more timely now that I’m back in charge.

  “You’ve done good work, despite the setbacks you’ve had,” he says.

  Setbacks. That’s a nice way to put it.

  “Thanks. It’s been really nice working with you. It’s nice to build something where the developer actually wants the best put into his buildings instead of cutting corners everywhere possible.”

  “I try. Not that my pockets thank me for it.” He chuckles. “I’m looking for somewhere to put my next development. Like this one, but a couple of townhouses in that one, still having a park and pool for the residents.”

  A light bulb goes off in my mind. “What would you think about building one about two hours from here?” I ask.

  “What do you have in mind?”

  “Where my parents live, a huge plot of land just became available. I don’t know how much the land is going for or anything, but it would definitely be big enough for what you’re talking about.”

  “And you would be open to that kind of drive every day?”

  “It’s time for a move and having work already waiting for me there would make it that much easier.”

  “Well get me the details, and I’ll look into it.” He shakes my hand.

  I stop at the pharmacy before I go home and find Mariah curled up in a ball on the couch.

  “Baby,” I rush over to her. “Is it worse? Are you okay?”

  She just groans, moving only her head so her eyes meet mine.

  “I have Tylenol for you. Let me get it and some juice. I’m be right back.”

  I shake out two pills and pour her a cup of ginger ale. She sits up slowly and takes both from me.

  “Can I rub your belly or something?” I ask.

  “I don’t think that would help,” she answers.

  “What can I do?”

  “Let me use you as a pillow and watch movies while the Tylenol kicks in.”

  “You got it.”

  I sit beside her, and she moves down the couch until she’s laying her head in my lap. She puts a movie on while I stroke her hair. Her snores reach my ears not even ten minutes into the movie. I smile as I look down at her, leaning forward to kiss her cheek while my hand leaves her hair and goes to her belly.

  Every single time my hand settles on the small bump, it feels like the first time. I still can’t believe we’re going to have a baby, but I guess I should have noticed the clues, or would have been able to if I had been able to touch her and see her without plexiglass between us. The moment Liam blurted out the news, everything changed. I knew we had to move so I could be here for my baby and not sitting in prison for something I didn’t even do.

  Then I knew I needed to propose to this woman. To make her my wife and let her know she means more to me than all the world. I’d spent the past few days racking my brain for a way to surprise her and ask and was coming up blank. But in speaking with the developer today, I think I’ve finally come up with an idea.

  When Mariah tries to shift and get comfortable, I pick her up and carry her to bed, tucking her under the comforter before I undress and take a shower. Then I get to do one of the things I missed the absolute most while I was behind bars. I bring my body as close to Mariah’s as possible before wrapping my arm around her middle. Tucking my face into the side of her neck, inhaling the smell that is uniquely her, I close my eyes and go to sleep.

  I wake up alone, but smile when I smell bacon. Walking into the kitchen, I lean against the wall and watch her, dancing to some tune in her head as she pours apple juice into two cups. My quiet chuckle draws her attention to me, and she gestures dramatically at the plates.

  “Breakfast is served.” She bows.

  “My mom must have really been doing a number on you.” I laugh.

  “She did show me the simplest, almost dummy proof, way to make bacon. In the oven for fifteen minutes. As for the pancakes, they were frozen and I popped them in the microwave.” She grins.

  “Well thank you. Trust me when I say I will never complain about anything you cook after that jail food.”

  “Good to know. Come on. Eat.”

  “You’re feeling better?” I ask.

  “Much. That Tylenol worked quickly. How was the movie?”

  “I was busy looking at you honestly. Didn’t watch much of the movie. Couldn’t really hear over your snores anyway.” I chuckle.

  “Snoring is a symptom of pregnancy.”

  “So what was your excuse before?”

  Mariah kisses me and leaves before I get in the shower. As soon as I’m dressed, I head out to a place I’ve been to a few times since getting released. John’s house. I always come in the morning, knowing his wife will be at work and his daughter at school, and put an envelope of money in the mailbox. I can only hope it’s enough.

  John called me the day after his family received the first envelope, asking if it had come from me, but I feigned ignorance. It still doesn’t seem like he buys it, but I know if I admit to giving the money, he’ll insist on paying me back. The way I see it, I’m the one paying him back for the kindness he showed me when he didn’t have to.

  When I get back in the car, I take out my phone to call my dad, hoping he can help me set some plans in motion. For the future. The only future I’ve been able to see ever since Mariah became unconditionally embedded in my heart. A wave of anticipation settles in me just thinking about everything coming together, and what comes next. Now, I just need Mariah to love everything as much as I do.

  Chapter 25

  “You up for a little road trip?” Damir asks me.

  “What do you have in mind?” I ask, already knowing I want to go wherever he suggests.

  “Thought we could pop up on my parents. It’s been over a month since they left here, and my mom has let me know it enough for me to get the message. Plus I know they would love to see the ultrasound picture we got yesterday.”

  “Sure, just let me make sure I pack copious amounts of crackers and ginger ale.”

  “I thought the morning sickness was over,” he says.

  “It is. Now it’s just in the car.”

  “Okay. If we don’t have any, we can stop for some.”

  I nod and leave the kitchen to shower and dress. Putting on my brand spanking new pair of maternity skinny jeans that I didn’t even know existed and a navy blue shirt, that wraps around to the left side, clipping into place th
ere to hold the shirt closed. But my favorite part is the bow right over my bump that isn’t just a bump anymore. I look at my heels with longing and go to put on some ankle boots instead as Damir passes me with a kiss before heading to the closet.

  My brow arches when he reappears wearing a button-up shirt and a pair of black pants. He hasn’t been this dressed up since our first date, well then and at court. It makes me wonder if we’re not going somewhere else along the way or when we meet up with his parents. When he looks over at me, his eyes sweep up and down my body, desire clear in them.

  “I must say, pregnancy looks very good on you,” he says.

  “Do not get used to it.” I glare at him in the mirror. “We will be waiting a while before the next one.”

  “The next one.” He wiggles his brows. “I like it.”

  “Let’s go.” I chuckle.

  Thankfully my stomach cooperates during the ride. A few times I notice Damir’s fingers thumping a nervous beat against the steering wheel as he drives. When we pull up to his parents, Damien and Evelyn are outside, standing by their car. They ask if we’d like to accompany them to go look at a place they think we’d be interested in moving to, so Damir and I get into Damien’s car. It’s a five minute drive before we pull up empty lot.

  “Um, are we in the wrong place?” I ask looking out the window.

  “Come on and see.” Damien chuckles.

  We all get out of the car and Damir’s hand links with mine. I look down at it, confused from the dampness I feel coming off his palm. What the hell is going on? Once we get to the middle of the lot, standing in the grass, Damir points to the left.

  “I picture our bedroom going over there,” he says.


  “This is where I’m going to build you your dream house.”

  My eyes widen. “Are you serious?”

  He smiles. “I am. If you want it.”

  “Do I want my dream man to build me my dream house?” I laugh. “I’m gonna go with yes.”

  “Your dream man.” He murmurs. “Well that makes this a little easier.”

  Before I can even question what he means, he drops down to one knee in front of me. My hands go to my mouth as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a black box. My mind is still trying to catch up to what’s happening when Damir smiles up at me, opening the box and showing me the ring inside.

  “Yes!” I exclaim.

  His head falls back with his laughter. “Do you mind if I ask first?”

  “Well hurry up.” I bounce from foot to foot, ready to have that ring on my finger.

  “Mariah, you own every single piece of my heart. You’re the only one I want to be with for the rest of my life and whatever is beyond that. I’m an imperfect man, but you love me perfectly, and I will forever appreciate that and never take it for granted. I would be honored if you would take this ring and promise to be mine.”

  “Yes, yes, yes.”

  I shove my hand in his face, and he stands up before sliding the ring on my finger. Moving my hand back and forth, I admire the ring, a simple diamond in the center and smaller ones wrapping around the band.

  “It’s beautiful.” I breathe.

  “I love you,” he says, tilting my chin up for a kiss.

  I wrap my arms around him, bringing him closer so our lips can meet again and again. Just as I’m about to slide my tongue against his lips, I hear a cheer behind me and remember his parents are here. I back up, but bring my forehead to his before pulling away.

  “I love you Damir,” I whisper only for his ears.

  “Thank you for saying yes.”

  “Thank you for asking.” I chuckle as Evelyn and Damien reach us.

  I hug Evelyn first, then Damien.

  “So, if this was all a prank, would you be mad?”

  My head snaps up at the sound of Liam’s voice. Tears fill my eyes and when Damien releases me, I barrel into Liam’s chest.

  “You’re here.” I croak.

  “You didn’t think I would miss my little sister getting engaged, did you?”

  “Well since I had no idea... Yeah.” I chuckle.

  “I’m happy for you. He’s a good guy. He’ll give you everything you want.”

  I nod, not wanting to leave this embrace yet. This feels like I’m finally leaving Liam, even though we moved away from each other months ago. But this, getting engaged, getting ready to have a baby, standing on where my home will be, it all feels like a new phase of life starting. As if he can read my mind, Liam puts his finger under my chin, tilting my face up until my eyes meet his.

  “You’ll never lose me. I wouldn’t go anywhere, even if you begged me to go.” He grins.

  “I know. Thank you...for everything Liam. You’ve done so much for me, been there for me, protected me. I love you, big brother.”

  He kisses my hair as he hugs me again. “I love you, little sister.”

  He looks at something over my head as we seperate. “I hope you don’t mind that I brought Nia.”

  “Of course not,” I say, turning around and wiping my eyes to look at Nia.

  She stands by Liam’s car and waves. I motion her over and hug her when she reaches me.

  “Thank you for coming,” I say.

  “This was so incredibly sweet.” She smiles.

  “That’s what I was going for.” Damir chuckles, coming to me and wrapping his arm around my shoulders. “My parents have some food waiting for everyone back at the house.”

  “Well you know I’m hungry.” I laugh.

  “Do you mind if we ride with you?” Damien asks Liam. “Let them have a little time to themselves.”

  “Yeah, sure.” Liam nods. “We’ll see you guys at the house.”

  They leave as Damir opens the door for me, but instead of starting the car, he turns to face me in his seat. He hands me a piece of paper, folded up and a little worn. I slowly open it, expecting a love note or something, but what I find is something so much more.

  “I wanted you to know that I didn’t propose because you stuck by me while I was in jail or because you’re pregnant, but because I love you with everything inside of me and can’t picture a life without you. About that, I never wanted you to have any doubts,” Damir says.

  I know I should say something back, but I’m speechless. My eyes go back and forth over the words, again and again. It’s a list of my favorites. The list I told him my husband had to have. And on it is exactly what I asked for, my favorite flower, restaurant, and movies. My favorite foods and shows, things he’s asked me about both when we first started dating and when I was visiting him.

  But even more than those are the favorites he never asked about, the favorites he figured out all on his own. My favorite color, favorite headband, favorite pieces of jewelry to wear. And next to all of them are the dates he discovered them. I don’t even realize I’m crying until a tear drop falls onto the paper. I sniffle, wiping my eyes to look up at Damir.

  “I... I can’t believe you made this.” I croak.

  “I had to make sure I didn’t forget a single one.” He smiles.

  I lean over the center console and bring my lips to his. This time there’s nothing stopping my tongue from sliding into his mouth. He groans, his hand going to the back of my neck and bringing me closer as his tongue circles mine. We break apart only when we need to breathe, looking into each other’s eyes.

  “And just to be clear.” I give him one more quick kiss. “I never had any doubts.”

  “I do have one request for the wedding though.”


  “You wear a backless dress, so I can see that butterfly.”

  I smile. “I think I can make that happen.”

  Chapter 26

  When we get back to my parent’s house, I see my mom has prepared much more than food. There’s a giant cake and gifts on the table in the living room, and when we enter the kitchen, she has enough food to feed us for the next three days laid out on the island.

nbsp; “Mom.” I chuckle. “Did you think the whole town was coming?”

  “Listen, this is basically the combination of three parties.” She explains. “An engagement party since my son bribed this amazing woman to marry him, it’s a baby shower for my grandbaby, and a moving party for both of you.”

  “A baby shower?” Mariah exclaims. “We don’t even know the sex yet.”

  “We got gender neutral gifts,” Liam says. “Or so Nia told me. I wanted to get everything in blue since I’m sure it’s a boy, but I was...dissuaded.”

  Nia laughs. “And by dissuaded, he means I put back everything he had in the cart and got new gifts.”

  “Well thank you.” Mariah smiles. “But first, we eat.”

  Terry joins our little party just as we begin making plates, adding his gifts to the ones already sitting on the table. I make Mariah and myself a plate, hers much heavier than mine before taking a seat beside her at the table. We all gather around it and eat, my dad asking me how I’m going to get the house done before the baby arrives. Meanwhile, I hear my mom next to Mariah, telling her all the things she’ll simply need me to build in the house.

  We open gifts, a weird mixture of baby items, things for our to-be house, and Mr. and Mrs. gifts. But my absolute favorite part of this day is looking over at Mariah, her beautiful smile beaming on her face, my ring sitting on her finger, and her rounded belly showing through her shirt. When I reach over and put my hand on her stomach, her eyes slide to mine as she places her hand over mine.

  “I love you,” she says softly.

  “I’ll always love you,” I reply.

  Even though my parents refuse a thousand times, we all begin helping them clean up the wrapping paper and putting food in storage containers. When I look back into the living room to see what has my mom laughing so much, Terry catches my eye and nods his head for me to join him. Telling Mariah I’ll be right back, I walk over to him with eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the serious look in his eyes.

  “Everything okay?” I ask when I reach him.

  “I didn’t know if I should bring this up today, but I thought you’d wanna know.”

  Anger rushes through me. “Something about Miller?”


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