Bound For Blood (Feathers & Fire Book 1)

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Bound For Blood (Feathers & Fire Book 1) Page 4

by Loxley Savage

  Now that I’m alone, the flood gates behind my eyes open. Tears run down my face in rivulets of terror and apprehension.

  Why the fuck can’t I keep my mouth shut?

  By the time someone comes back to take me down, my arms and shoulders are completely numb, and I have no more tears left to cry. Lying in my bed, I beg whatever gods are listening to help me get through the punishment that I know awaits me. To give me strength to push through and survive another session.

  I’ve done it before, I can do it again.

  Finding my resolve, I make peace with my fate and fall into a dreamless sleep.

  The Auction is in two days, and I need this place immaculate by then. Looking around the auditorium, I’m pleased with the progress so far. Tables have been set and exquisitely decorated. The bar is stocked, and craftsman are hard at work fabricating the restraint crosses on the stage, which has fresh curtains decorating its sides. A greedy smile alights my face when I review the guest list and find everyone invited confirmed their attendance. Not only will the Auction be extremely profitable, but it will be one hell of a party. Satisfied that I’m leaving the auditorium in very capable hands, I make my way through the underground halls to my office, excitement flooding my veins.

  Slave Eight is ready for me in my personal dungeon, awaiting her punishment. My cock jerks at the thought of her perfect body just lying there, waiting for me to inflict whatever tortures I desire upon her. But that will need to wait a little bit longer. The Procurers should have captured a new female for me to examine. A smile stretches across my face, and I walk a bit faster, anxious to get to my destination.

  Entering my office, I walk past the team that awaits me and sink into the comfy leather chair behind my desk. Leaning back, I cross an ankle over my knee and lace my hands behind my head as I level them with an expectant look.

  “Well? Aren’t any of you going to tell me what happened?”

  None of them look me in the eye, which isn’t all that unusual. I think they find the lack of humanity in my gaze a bit…unnerving. But something is amiss, I can tell.

  I slam my fists onto my desk, causing them to jump. “Eddie! Speak up and tell me what the fuck is going on! Now!”

  “Mr. Cronin…Sir…We…Uh.”

  “Fucking hell, Eddie! Did you get her or not?”

  “No sir, we were unable to procure the female,” Eddie responds with his head lowered and shoulders hunched.

  I’m fucking livid. I was counting on this new recruit to serve as a special addition to the Auction. First nights with a new slave sell for a shit ton of money, which I’ve now been denied thanks to these pathetic shifters. My face heats with the anger manifesting inside me.

  Breathing heavy, I shout at them. “What do you mean you didn’t capture the female! This was a simple fucking job, you worthless bunch of assholes! She’s only a single girl for fuck’s sake. How could she escape an entire team of Procurers?”

  Silence is the answer I receive. Quivering in fear, my team sinks to their knees, ready to grovel at my feet and beg for forgiveness.

  “Do you need reminding of what happens to those that fail me?” I threaten, holding out my hand from behind my desk, palm up with a black swirling cloud of magic hovering over it.

  “No, boss! Please! I’m so sorry we failed you. It won’t happen again, just give us another chance,” Eddie pleads from his position of supplication on the floor in front of me. His three teammates kneel behind him with the same dejected looks on their faces, eyes downcast, the smell of their fear ever present in my office.

  They are part of the Procurers, an elite team I formed to find and capture the most exotic and unique females for my exclusive club. Eddie’s position as leader of the Procurers means it is his responsibility to see the mission through, and as the leader, he must also suffer any punishments for failure.

  “You’re sorry?” Chuckling, I wave my hand, extinguishing the power hovering there. “You’re scum is what you are. Not worthy to even look at one of my prized females.” I drum my fingers on my desk as an idea pops into my mind. “But I’ll let you try to redeem yourselves this time,” I say as I stick out my boot from behind my desk. “Eddie, crawl over here and lick my boot clean. Then maybe I’ll allow you to walk out of here—unscathed.”

  Wasting no time, he crawls over to me and laps at my boot, like the scared little monkey that he is. Fuck, these guys piss me off. Anger continues to build as I sit and seethe, dwelling on their failed attempt to capture the girl.

  This job was simple, easy even.

  The female in question is a Maine Coon, a mere housecat. How hard is it to catch something that’s a quarter of your size?


  He should count himself lucky that I don’t kill him where he stands, or should I say, where he kneels. The bastard is actually licking my boot, and it takes all my effort not to laugh at the absurdity of what these ‘alpha’ males will do at my demand. Although, if I’d been on the receiving end of one of my punishments, I would be more than willing to do anything to avoid one.

  I sneer at him. “Don’t you dare fucking stop, Eddie. The rest of you, stand up, take your shirts off, and face the wall. It is time the rest of you atone for your mistakes,” I hiss through my clenched teeth.

  The males visibly tremble, but they do as they’re told. Glancing down at Eddie, I move my boot into a new position, generously offering him more dirt to clean.

  Lifting my hand again, I call my power and unleash it on the three males across the room, throwing a blast of black magic into their backs. They howl as my power connects with their bare skin and courses through their feeble bodies like jolts of electricity. The spell I conjured inflicts excruciating pain, and though it only lasts a few seconds, it’s enough to bring these big shifters to their knees. They won’t soon forget what it feels like to fail me.

  “Consider this motivation for you to never disappoint me again,” I shout at them, my voice dripping with contempt as Eddie doubles his efforts to clean my boots. “Get up, Eddie, you disgust me.”

  “Yes, sir.” He stands, scrambling to check on his team.

  “Shirt off, Eddie.”

  “But sir—”

  “Now, Eddie!”

  A sob escapes his throat, but he does what I ordered and removes his collared shirt.

  “Face the wall and accept your punishment.”

  Slowly he turns, exposing his back to me, trembling in fear.

  Wasting no time, I launch my power at Eddie’s back, and it connects with a sizzle, bringing the howling male to his knees.

  I stand and walk around my desk with my hands clasped behind my back, surveying the males as their bodies continue to seize in aftershocks of pain. “Do. Not. Disappoint. Me. Again.” I take the time to enunciate each word slowly and deliberately while I toe their shuddering bodies, making sure I’m crystal fucking clear. Unable to look at these pitiful creatures anymore, I leave my office and head towards my dungeon.

  I don’t like to enter a punishment session without a calm frame of mind, but right now, I just don’t fucking care. Unfortunately for Slave Eight, she will suffer the effects of my anger. With her abnormal healing abilities, I know she can take the abuse. I won’t need to hold back.

  Taking an elevator to the very bottom level of Exotique, I crack my knuckles and create a mental list of all the ways I plan to punish her. She knows better than to break the rules.

  What the fuck was she thinking?

  Shrugging it off as a win for me, I exit the elevator and head down the long, damp hall to my dungeon. Holding my palm up to the scanner, I hear a beep just before the door slides open, granting me access.

  My breath hitches when I see her. She’s chained to the floor like a dog with a thick collar around her neck, a blindfold over her eyes, and her wrists shackled behind her back. She looks exquisite in the shimmery slave outfit that she normally wears during her sessions with other Handlers.

  She has no idea who I am. That it�
�s me who owns her. And I fucking love it.

  I rub my hands together and lick my lips.

  I am going to thoroughly enjoy this.

  So cold. I wake and find that anywhere my skin touches the floor is frozen from the icy, wet ground. A shiver racks my body when I move to sit up. That’s when I feel the large collar around my neck and the restraints on my limbs.

  Where am I? Who has me?

  My inner musings are interrupted when a sweet and smoky scent hits me. My spine stiffens, and my stomach coils with dread.

  No. Not him.

  This same male is always sent in to punish me when I disobey. He is harsh and demeaning, his ruthlessness and callousness know no bounds. I tremble in fear of the pain that I know is coming. He loves to make me scream.

  “Ahhh, my little slut awakens. Rumor has it that you have been a very naughty girl. Is that true?”

  I hold in the sob that threatens to escape and fight the tears that burn the backs of my eyes. Something hard connects with the center of my chest, and I’m thrown back onto the icy ground, my shackled hands crushed under my back.

  “Answer me, slut!” he shouts in my face. “And don’t forget how to properly address me.”

  How could I have forgotten? He requires that I answer his questions and refer to him as ‘Sir.’ He likes forcing me to humiliate myself.

  His hot breath fans my face. “I’ll ask you again, slave. Have you been a naughty girl?”

  “Yes, Sir,” I whisper, swallowing my pride.

  “And what happens to naughty slaves who lash out?”

  My pulse quickens, and I swallow down the lump burning in the back of my throat. “They get punished, Sir.”

  “That’s right, whore. They get punished. Now, stand up before me and hold still while I bare your body. I want nothing but air between me and your soft skin.”

  When I don’t move immediately, he slaps my breast, and I hiss through my teeth.

  “Get up! Now!”

  Another slap connects. I move to stand, which proves to be difficult with my arms bound behind my back and my legs shackled together. I stumble when a firm hand grips my upper arm and yanks me to my feet. I’m airborne for a moment before landing on my strappy heels.

  “That’s a good girl.” I hear him pacing in front of me, the pounding of his shoes echoing off the stone floor. “You have no idea how much trouble you’re in do you?”

  “N…no, Sir.”

  He chuckles then, and it’s a sadistic, menacing sound that sends tendrils of fear to grip my insides.

  “Let’s take off these bothersome clothes, slave.” He walks behind me and unties the bikini-like top. The flimsy material lands on my foot as he bares my tits. His crotch connects with my ass as he creeps up behind me, cupping and squeezing my breasts. He leans his face into the crook of my neck. I stiffen when he tweaks my nipples, his firm grip riding the thin line between pleasure and pain.

  His warm, wet tongue traces a vein in my neck while one hand drifts down to untie the bow on my bottoms. With one side released, the thong drops to the floor alongside my top, leaving me completely naked before him. My breath hitches, and a tremor runs through my body. Even though I’ve suffered through countless sessions, being blindfolded and naked in front of ruthless males still terrifies me and floods me with panic.

  “Such a beautiful creature,” he says while gently skimming his fingertips up and down my sides. The light contact causes my whole body to ripple with goosebumps and hardens my nipples. I gasp when something sharp pierces my neck just before he latches on, drinking my blood. He grabs my hips in a firm grip, and I freeze like a statue. I dare not move in fear of angering him further. I have suffered through his wrath before and don’t wish to repeat the experience.

  “Mmmm,” he moans into my neck, the power in my blood flooding his veins. He kicks my legs open with his shoe as far as they can go while still shackled together and runs his finger down my ass crack. He traces all the way to my pussy and shoves his finger in, pulling a quiet yelp from my lips. Taking one final gulp, he unlatches from my neck and removes his finger.

  “I forgot how delicious you taste,” he says after sucking my flavor off his finger. “Your delectable cunt is distracting me from your punishment, slave.” A spank lands on my bare pussy.

  I jump with the contact, reflexively closing my legs.

  “Oh no you don’t, whore.” He fists my hair, pulling my head back with one hand, and grabs my shackled wrists with the other. When he pushes me forward, I stumble blindly until my legs crash into something causing my upper body to fall forward. His large hand presses between my shoulder blades, shoving my face into something soft.

  He lands a brutal spank on my ass, and I shriek. “Don’t you ever close your cunt off to me, slave!” he shouts, before repeating the action. “How quickly you seem to forget who is in charge here.” He spanks me again. “Allow me to remind you.”

  He leans down over me. “Don’t fucking move,” he whispers, letting go of my back.

  I shiver in fear but manage to hold still when he leaves me to rummage around. I squirm on the soft material, my ass already throbbing, anxiety flooding my body in anticipation of what’s to come.

  I’m confused when he removes the shackles binding my legs. My confusion is soon remedied when he snaps something new around my ankles. He pulls hard on my right leg, extending it to the side and securing it to something. I groan when he repeats the process on my left side, pulling my leg over to him as far as it can go, leaving my cheeks spread before him.

  I can only imagine the view he has of my pussy now. My body flushes with embarrassment. He grips my head and yanks me up. With these high-heels on and my legs stretched wide, I have no balance and fall back into his hard chest. He belts out a laugh of surprise then spanks my pussy again. I shriek when a second one lands. My thighs quiver with the effort of trying to support myself, the noise from the chains rattling echoes off the walls.

  “Let’s see you try and close those legs now, little slave.” He chuckles and runs a splayed hand from my chest down to my pussy, dipping a finger in between my folds. I squeeze my mouth shut, forcing myself not to talk back to him. My position is already vulnerable. Riling him up any further won’t do me any good.

  “Are you ready for your punishment, slave?” His sweet and smoky scent fills my nose, and his deep voice rumbles against my back.

  I forget myself for a moment and don’t respond. “Answer me!” he shouts while twisting my nipple.

  “Yes, Sir!” I shriek. He lets go, and my chest heaves. My nipple still throbs when I hear that all too familiar jingle.

  “No. Please,” I plead.

  “Naughty girls get punished, slave. Now be a good girl and hold still, you know it only hurts more when you fight me.”

  A cry escapes my lips when he grabs my breasts and tweaks my nipples. My thighs continue to shake under my weight as he clamps my hardened buds. I mewl when they snap on my skin, their tiny teeth digging into my tender flesh. “Perfect,” he says jiggling the chain a few times like the reins on a horse, my nipples flicking up and down. “Can you feel them burning already, slave? Do your nipples ache with the pain?” He yanks on the chain. “Do they?” he shouts at me.

  “Yes, Sir! They ache, Sir!”

  “Good.” He shoves me back down again, my face smashing into the soft surface. He runs his hands over my ass cheeks, pulling them apart further. “Look at this fucking pussy, just begging to be punished.” He buries his face between my spread legs and sinks his tongue into my entrance, fucking me with it. All I can do is lay there and take it. It feels so fucking good with his warm tongue licking me, and I can feel the beginnings of arousal.

  He pulls off me and spanks my ass. “Naughty girls don’t get to come, do they, slave?”

  “No, Sir” I remember to respond this time.

  “I’m going to test your limits, see how far I can push you, how crazy I can drive your mind, how close I can bring you to the brink of pl
easure without going over. Now, where did I put—” he trails off. I hear him rummaging around the room. A low buzzing noise hits my ears.

  Oh no.

  A cold, wet item slides between my pussy lips, resting directly on my exposed clit. “To start your punishment I will put this vibrator on its lowest setting, high enough to wet your sweet cunt but too low for you to reach your climax.” He turns the vibrator on, and I gasp when it comes to life, buzzing against my clit.

  “I can’t wait to hear you moan, slave. To hear you beg me to fuck you. Now let me see this pussy.” I hear him take a few steps away from me. “Fuck. You have no idea how hot you look with your legs spread wide, both your holes spread and wanting my attention.” His dark chuckle sends a shiver down my spine. “I am going to give them attention. You can be sure of that, slave, but not the kind that you want. You were naughty after all.”

  He stalks across the room, rummages through something again, and comes back to me. Something cold drips on my asshole, then I feel his finger running around the rim. I whimper when he penetrates my ass and starts to roughly fuck me with his finger. I grunt and clench my hands. He pulls his finger out and replaces it with something new. It’s hard and thin, and an immediate burning sensation fills me, quickly intensifying.

  “I’m sure you’re feeling the burn by now. Am I right slave?”

  “Yes, Sir,” I say through clenched teeth.

  “The item in your ass is ginger root, a harmless spice when mixed with food in small doses. But when inserted into your ass it causes an unforgiving, burning pain. And you, tied up as you are, have no way of relieving yourself from the pain. You simply have no choice but to endure it.”

  A sob escapes my lips, and the burning spreads. My ass feels like it’s on fire. I squirm, trying to find a reprieve from the pain, but my movement only succeeds in shoving it further in my ass and grinds my clit against the vibrator.


  The noise startles me, and I still. I momentarily forget about the object in my ass as I listen to what he’s doing.


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