The Unacceptables Series Box Set Two: Books Five through Nine with Exclusive Bonus Chapters

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The Unacceptables Series Box Set Two: Books Five through Nine with Exclusive Bonus Chapters Page 13

by Mazzola, Kristen Hope

  A playful smirk curved my lips as I growled, “I do have to run. Not just yet, though.”

  Warm water once again splashed over me as I pushed Cass against the cool travertine tile and hurriedly got down on my knees. There was just enough time to satisfy her needs before I had to head into work.

  Not wasting a moment, I flattened my tongue, letting it glide over her pulsing clit. Her head rolled back as her fingers ran through my hair and threw my coarse beard. Subtle moans escaped her lips, cheering me on as I sucked and licked. I loved tasting her sweet longing for me; it was the most unadulterated pleasure I knew in the world.

  Her hips shuddered and bucked against my bearded face while her knees started to shake.

  “Hold on, baby,” I whispered against her sensitive skin before getting back to my feet.

  Knotting my fingers through her long, soaked hair, I pulled her lips to mine. The hunger building behind her kiss as she melted into me was sheer perfection.

  Spinning my wife around, I stroked my growing cock as she arched her back, getting ready for me. Fucking water—it was worst damn anti-lube there was. Shower sex always seemed like a better idea until I was ready to fuck Cass and remembered what a terrible idea it actually is.

  I spit in my hand, rolling my fingers over her slick opening, teasing her a bit.

  Cass whimpered loudly, “Please, baby…”

  Gently, I thrust into her, letting her walls hug my cock tightly. Best feeling in the world.

  My head fell to her shoulder as my teeth sank in aggressively.

  “Damn it, Ax! Fuck me hard!” she cried out.

  That was all I needed to hear. I slammed her forcefully against the wall, giving her exactly what she wanted—rough and fast.

  Cass’s body quaked as I reached around to play with her swelling bud. In a matter of minutes, she was a puddle in my arms.

  “Holy shit,” she said breathlessly as I pulled out of her.

  I glanced at the large clock over the tub. Shit. I would have to wait.

  Hugging her to me, I let her regain steadiness. “I love you, Cassidy.”

  “And I love you. We’ll finish this later?” She shot me a little simper, running her hand over the skull and bones on my pec.

  I nodded. “Unfortunately, baby. At least you got yours. That’s what I really care about.”

  * * *

  “Hey, man! Right on time,” Buck called over to me from across the paved lot where he’d parked his Harley. He was leaning up against it smoking the end of a fat Cuban.

  “Come on, Tank.” I held the door of my white Bronco for my dog as he hopped out of the front seat and trotted next to my side. “Mornin’.”

  Buck followed me to the front door of the storage warehouse I’d bought when I started my security company with his help when I decided to earn a living legitimately. It had been beneficial for all of us and quickly turned into a pretty lucrative endeavor.

  “Early shipment?” I asked, flipping on the lights and leading the way to my back office.

  Slumping down in a chair, he ran his hand over his weathered face. “Yeah…something like that.”

  “That doesn’t sound good.” I cocked my head to the side, taking my seat across from him with a huff. “What’s up, man?”

  “The club needs a favor. We need you to hold some product for the Renegades for a while.” He refused to make eye contact with me. He knew what he was asking was more than I was willing to give.

  Even though I knew the answer, in a low voice, I asked, “It’s fucking drugs, isn’t it?”

  He palmed the end of the desk. “I’m not going to sugarcoat this one, Ax. They got their hands on a pharmaceutical connect and need to store it while they figure out where to unload it.”

  I leaned back in my chair. I was fine with storing guns and ammo for the club; I was used to that shit, but this was a whole other animal.

  “Stolen?” I rubbed the back of my neck where my hair met the collar of my dress shirt.

  He nodded slowly.

  “Fuck, brother.” Cracking my fingers, I forced myself to not tell him to fuck off.

  “This relationship is important to us.” He forcefully exhaled as he looked me dead in the eyes. “We’ve been in good standing with their organization for over two decades now. This is as important to us as it is to them.”

  I shook my head. “It’s important to you. I’m out, remember?”

  Looking down at the long sleeves of my button-down, I pictured all my ink: the Semper Fi on the inside of my bicep, the Fear none, respect few on my forearm, and every other tattoo that stained my skin from my past life. They all acted as reminders of who I was now and the man I used to be. I was supposed to black out the club’s ink, but they let me keep it, probably in hopes that I would change my mind and rejoin the table, but that wasn’t in the cards. I was playing with a new deck now and here was my best friend trying to deal an outdated hand.

  “Yeah. How can I fucking forget that?” He scowled.

  I caved, slamming my fist onto my desk. “One week,” I growled.

  Right as Buck and I shook hands on it, a truck’s horn blared.

  “Really?” I asked as we walked to the loading dock.

  “They didn’t have anywhere else to go,” he responded with a shrug.

  “You owe me big for this one, Buck.” I grumbled, shoving up the large metal door.

  Buck slapped me on the back. “Your loyalty won’t go unrewarded.” He took a thick white envelope out of his cut and handed it to me. “Half now, half at the end of the week when the shipment is picked up.”

  Chapter 2


  “Mommy, Aunt Cass, lookie! It’s sooooooo pretty!” Kathleen flashed her bright pink, sparkle-covered toe nails to Teresa as the three of us sat in giant massage chairs getting pedicures.

  “So cute, baby,” Teresa responded with a little wink.

  “Ahhhhh,” I sighed, relaxing more into the kneading roller as it worked out a little kink in my shoulder blades. I could feel Ax’s teeth marks still on my skin and the sensation sent pleasurable chills down my spine. “This is exactly what I needed today.”

  “Is the baby still keeping you up all night?” Teresa asked, her eyes closed as she sipped white wine from a plastic cup.

  “He’s getting better about sleeping through the night, thank goodness. But with the business kicking up, Ax isn’t home as much as he used to be. I just needed a little mom break now and then,” I responded, checking the bright red color that was getting plastered on my big toe.

  “Oh girl, mom breaks are important as hell. I’m sure Witt is having a grand ol’ time changing poopy diapers right about now,” Teresa said with a chuckle.

  “I owe him for this,” I responded.

  Teresa waved me off dismissively. “He has baby fever again. Like big time. It’ll be good for him to remember what it’s actually like to have a crying, pooping baby in the house for a little bit.” She glanced over at Kathleen. “He even has that one set on being a big sister.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh at Teresa’s dramatic eye roll as she drank down the rest of her wine.

  “Is everything set for Ryan’s birthday next week?” she asked, switching gears away from all the baby talk.

  I looked over to her. “For the most part. When we leave here, do you mind if we swing by my parents’ house? I have to make sure Nate has everything he needs.”

  “Yeah, no problem. Haven’t seen him in a while. How’s the new job treating him?” she asked with an eyebrow raise.

  “I think working with Ryan has really helped him. Seems to be getting his head on straight finally.” My brother, Nathan, had had it rough for a while, and he was finally getting back on his feet.

  “That’s good to hear. It’s been a long time coming.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  * * *

  Pulling into the drive of my childhood home, I was relieved not to see either of my folks’ vehicles out front. Mom woul
d be pissed that I didn’t bring the baby by, and Dad would do his silent treatment like usual. His cold shoulder toward my husband and me was getting old. I knew he hated that I’d married Ax, but it was time to get over it. Ryan was turning his life around for our family, and my father was completely ignoring the changes he was making to better himself. All Dad could see was the leathery tattooed skin of a trained soldier, not the kindhearted man Ryan had grown to be in the last few years.

  “Hey, Nate!” I called into the house as I knocked on the door. Kathleen and Teresa followed me in as I heard muffled voices and the back screen door quickly slam shut.

  My brother rushed around the corner with wide eyes as he glanced around at all of us. “Hey, ladies. To what do I owe this wonderful pleasure?”

  “How’s it going, Nate?” Teresa asked, holding Kathleen by the hand.

  Rushing through the kitchen, I watched as a man wearing a bandana kicked up dust and gravel as he rode away on a motorcycle.

  “What the hell is going on here?” I asked Nate in a muted voice.

  “Don’t worry about it. Just a friend,” he blew me off in a whisper.

  Teresa shot me a look of concern as she pulled her daughter in front of her tightly.

  I got down to Kathleen’s level. “Wanna see a really pretty doll house?”

  She nodded vigorously. “Oh would I?”

  Looking up at my best friend, I tried to give her a reassuring smile. “Why don’t you take Kathleen upstairs to my old room. It’s the second door on the left. You can’t miss it.”

  “Yeah, okay.” Teresa marched her daughter up the stairs. “Come on. Let’s go see what Aunt Cass has up here.”

  Grabbing Nate’s forearm, I pulled him into our father’s study.

  “Explain,” I barked shutting the door behind me.

  “Damn it, Cassidy. Will you ever mind your own damn business?” he asked, slumping into a large leather chair in the corner of the room next to the stone fireplace.

  “Fuck, Nate. Are you doing pills again?” I hated having to ask, but someone needed to.

  His eyes widened as his face got red. “Fuck no. Cass, I got clean months ago. You know that.”

  “Have you been going to your meeting?” I started to pace around the room.

  “Of course. At least once a week. Ask Father Murphy, he’s the one that runs ‘em.”

  I could tell he was lying, but there was nothing I could do in that moment with Teresa and Kathleen in the house. I wasn’t going to drag them into the bullshit family drama I had unfortunately just walked in on.

  “We’ll deal with this later.” I ran my hand over his shoulder, a look of defeat assaulting every muscle on his stubble-ridden face. “Is everything a go for the fire for Ryan’s birthday next week?”

  He glanced up at me, rubbing the back of his neck. “Yeah, I put the word out and everyone should be there.”

  “Good. I gotta get home to Mikey. Let me know if you need anything.”

  I squeezed his hand as he got back to his feet.

  “Yeah, okay.”

  I left Nate in the study to join my friends for a bit. Walking into my old room was surreal. The yellow flower wallpaper, the worn white carpet, the sweet lilac smell—it all took me back to a simpler time.

  “This is the best!” Kathleen held a tiny doll in her hand, making it bob down the stairs of the house.

  “Everything all right?” Teresa asked as I sat next to her on my bed.

  I shrugged. “Not sure, but I’ll figure it out.”

  She put her hand on my knee. “Let’s get you home to the baby. He’ll make you feel better.”

  “Good idea.”

  Chapter 3


  The sun was setting as I walked into the house. The consuming aroma of a delicious dinner wafted into my nostrils as I stood in the doorway of the kitchen, watching Cassidy for a minute. She hadn’t heard me come in as she danced with Mikey on her hip while stirring sauce on the stove. Music played as she bobbed and sang along, smiling down at our little boy. So adorable.

  Tank’s goofy ass clambered into her side, excited to be home. Cassidy twirled with a huge smile on her face as her eyes met mine. “You are just in time.”

  “Hey baby.” I kissed her cheek before taking Mikey from her. “How was your day?”

  Petting Tank, she forced a smile. “All right. Saw Nate this afternoon.”

  Laying Mikey down in his playpen, I enquired, “How’d that go?”

  She dished out spaghetti, smothering it in my favorite bison Bolognese sauce that she rarely made for me. “I think we might have a problem again.”

  I helped her bring everything to the table as she explained what she had seen while at her folks’ place that afternoon.

  “Damn it,” I muttered while pouring us both much-needed glasses of red wine.

  “What do I do?” she asked in a hushed tone, worry pulling at the corners of her beautiful eyes.

  I hated how sad she looked while taking her seat across from me. I ran my hands over my beard. “Nothing. I’ll take care of it.” I reached across the table, gripping her tiny hand with my callused fingers. “I’ll think of something, baby. I promise.”

  “Thank you,” she said sincerely before taking a huge bite of bison and penne.

  “Anything for you, baby,” I replied.

  We ate in silence for the rest of the meal then Cassidy grabbed our plates and made her way to the sink to start cleaning up.

  Walking up behind her, I wrapped my arms around her shoulders. “I got this. You’ve dealt with enough for one day.”

  Leading her by the hand, I walked my wife to the large claw foot tub in our bathroom that we didn’t use nearly enough for how expensive it was. I started the bath, filling it with Epsom salts and bubbles, then lit her favorite candles around the small space.

  “You’re amazing.” She started to undress before kissing me sweetly.

  “You deserve to unwind a bit. Ease that mind, babe. I’ll go clean up the kitchen and put Mikey to bed.”

  “How’d I get this lucky?” she asked, sinking into the warm water with a sigh.

  “I could ask you the same thing, my love.” I watched her for a second. Cassidy was the most gorgeous person in the world to me and I just couldn’t get enough.

  As I made my way back down stairs, I checked on my son. Mikey was content in his playpen, adorably blowing spit bubbles as he reached his fat fingers up to me.

  “C’mon little man. Let’s get you to bed.” I kissed the top of his head, breathing in the scent of his shampoo. I was relieved that Cass had already given him a bath so I didn’t have to.

  After putting Mikey down, I made quick work of getting the dishes in the dishwasher, washing pots, and wiping down the counters. Cleaning helped me decompress. I scrubbed everything until that kitchen was sparkling. I was still pissed about the shipment Buck had forced on me, but a week would fly by and then we could get back to business as usual. I was just concerned that it would become a habit or there would be some type of blow back. But that was a worry for another time.

  Thankfully, I was fast enough to catch Cassidy still soaking in the bubble-filled tub. I climbed in behind her, and she relaxed into me.

  “This is nice,” she said as she breathed out, resting her head on my chest.

  “Sit up, gorgeous.” I helped her shift her weight, grabbing her favorite tea tree shampoo.

  Massaging the lather into her scalp, I took in the moment. Simple moments were what life was made of, and I didn’t want to miss any of them.

  After rinsing out her hair and draining the water, I toweled both of us off. Cassidy’s fingers trailed down my abs as lust built behind her eyes. Pushing me against the counter, she kneeled down on the plush white rug.

  Looking up at me, she licked the tip of my cock, letting her luscious lips rest on my sensitive skin. “I think we have some unfinished business, babe.”

  Lacing my fingers through her damp curls, I slammed my eyes
shut. As she licked the shaft of my growing dick, I gripped her hair harder. Opening her mouth wide, I thrust to the back of her throat, letting it crash and making her gag a bit. I loved watching her tits bounce as I face-fucked my wife. Fucking glorious.

  Looking down, I could see the enjoyment playing on her lips as she sucked and gurgled with my cock in deep.

  I growled, “I need you right the fuck now.” I picked her up in my arms then threw her onto the bed. Grabbing her hips, I pulled her to the edge, helping her get her footing on the floor and putting a pillow under her to grab on to.

  Smacking her perfectly round ass, I gripped her sides, forcing myself into her soaking cunt as she cried out with pleasure.

  “Oh, Ryan…” I loved hearing my name roll of her lips as I pleasured her.

  Her back arched as her head leaned back. Mouth open, her breathing got fast and heavy.

  A light layer of sweat coated my body as my nails dug into the tender flesh of her sides.

  “Fuck, right there, Ryan,” she whimpered as I rode her spot perfectly with the head of my dick.

  Every cell in my body buzzed as pure ecstasy consumed me. My cock twitched and pulsed as I came hard deep inside Cassidy’s dripping pussy.

  Getting down on my knees, I licked the sweetness from her clit as she shook in my arms, moaning as her own euphoria consumed her.

  Climbing onto the bed, Cassidy fixed the comforter and pillows. Taking a towel from the bathroom, I cleaned both of us up before crawling into be next to her. I pulled Cassidy into my arms, kissing the top of her head.

  “Two orgasms in one day, a mani-pedi with the girls, a relaxing soak in the tub—today has been quite the day.” She cuddled into my side as I pulled the blanket up over us.

  “I’m glad, babe.”

  “Thank you,” she muttered into my chest.

  “For what? You have nothing to thank me for.”

  She nodded. “I do. I couldn’t have asked for a better life and it’s all thanks to you.”


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