The Unacceptables Series Box Set Two: Books Five through Nine with Exclusive Bonus Chapters

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The Unacceptables Series Box Set Two: Books Five through Nine with Exclusive Bonus Chapters Page 16

by Mazzola, Kristen Hope

  I nodded, moving a throw pillow for him to sit next to me.

  “After everything, I don’t know how you’ve stayed by my side.” He sank down, throwing the leather over the back of the couch and tucking me into his side.

  “It’s because I truly and deeply love you.” The words hung heavy, I knew what was coming next.

  “I need to rejoin my club. I thought walking away was the right choice, but the best way to keep all of us safe is with those guys next to me.” His chin dipped as the statement finally escaped.

  “I’ve known for a while that you were going back. I’m actually surprised it took this long.” I put my hand on his cheek. “Ryan Axston, I love you, cut and all. If that is what’s best for you then it is what’s best for me.”

  “I never want you to be worried that I won’t come home,” he explained.

  “Then never let that happen. Always come home to us.”

  “I’ll still keep the business, and I won’t be the VP anymore. I just need to sit at that table with my brothers. They stood by us even when they didn’t have to. I need to return the favor.”

  “I’ll be your old lady, Ryan. I’ll be strong when you can’t, and I will stand by you no matter what.”

  He leaned over, kissing my cheek. “I promise our family will always come first.”

  “That is all I could ever ask of you, baby.”

  “I love you, Cassidy. I will until my dying day.”

  “Good. Now sew the patches back on—I know they’re in your pocket.” I squeezed his hand as a tear rolled down my cheek.

  The End

  Bonus Letter


  I am so sorry that I had to sneak out early this morning. I got a call and needed to head out right away. You looked so peaceful sleeping, I just couldn’t bear to wake you. Cassidy, you make me a better man. You make me want to live my life with the main purpose of being the husband you deserve and the father that Mikey will want to look up to when he gets older. I know that this life was not one that you would have chosen, but you chose me and us—for that I will be forever grateful. There is no greater joy in my life than when I see you in the kitchen, humming and rocking our sweet baby boy in your arms. Always know that I completely and truly am in love with you. I will be home soon. I promise to be safe. I’ll call as soon as I can. Have a wonderful day, sweetheart and kiss Mikey for me.

  I love you,



  An Unacceptables MC Standalone Romance

  “You see, I’m gonna be honest. I’m not much of a love poet, but if I was to wake up tomorrow morning and decide that I really wanted to write about love, my first poem, would be about you - about how I love you the same way that I learned how to ride a bike: scared, but reckless, with no training wheels, or elbow pads, so my scars can tell the story of how I fell for you…I swear, if I was a love poet, I’d write about how you have the audacity to be beautiful, even on days when everything around you is ugly…I swear, I’m not much of a love poet, but if I was to wake up tomorrow morning and decide that I really wanted to write about love, my first poem, would be about you.”

  - Rudy Francisco - "To The Girl Who Works At Starbucks"



  How did I let it get this far?

  I should have killed that bastard when I had the chance.

  Sitting at the window in a shitty motel room, with Scarlett finally passed out from exhaustion, I wracked my brain for answers. The evidence was ironclad, so how could her ex-husband have gotten out of the hole we’d dug him into? Nothing was making sense.

  Checking my Kimber again, I confirmed she was locked and loaded, ready to defend us again if need be. It would be the second night of me not getting any sleep, but that was a small price to pay to keep Scarlett safe from that fucking lunatic.

  My club was on lockdown, protected at our clubhouse under the watchful eye of my VP, Jaxon, and I’d hightailed it north with my old lady. I had to get her as far away from the impending mayhem as possible – it was the only thing I could think of. Even though I knew everyone else were safe, I was still worried but I had to push that to the back of my mind. Scarlett was the one in real danger and I had to do everything in my power to keep the love of my life safe.

  Finally, my phone buzzed with the call I had been waiting for.

  “Yeah?” I questioned as the blocked number flashed once on a fresh burner.

  “It’s Ryder. We’re an hour out,” Ryder responded, his low voice rumbling into the receiver.

  “I’ll be waiting outside the room for you.”

  Without another word, I hung up and shoved the small black cell back into the inside pocket of my cut.

  The Vilas president and his old man were going to save Scarlett and me once again. I hated that I kept dragging them into the muck of this crap, but that’s what brotherhood is about. The skull and bones that graced our backs and inked our skin meant we were family, and we always safeguarded family.

  “Hmmmm…what time is it?” Scarlett groaned as she stifled a yawn.

  “Three in the mornin’, darlin’. You should try to get some more rest.” I sank down on the foot of the bed, rubbing her leg as she stretched.

  “I don’t think I can.” Her frown killed me. I hated that she was so worried and in so much danger. Vulnerability was not in my vocabulary but in that moment, I felt completely helpless.

  “Ryder and Holt are almost here. We’ll be safe soon.” I tried my best to comfort my girl.

  Sitting up, she pulled the shabby comforter over her shaking body. “How do we know he won’t find us?”

  “Your ex is not going to find us. I will keep you safe, baby.” My words weren’t enough but they were all I had. I checked my watch impatiently; the guys would be arriving any minute. “I’m gonna go wait for them in the parking lot. Be back in a minute.”

  Leaning over, I kissed her tear-stained cheek.

  “I love you,” Scarlett muttered as she reached for my hand.

  I forced a smile as I said, “And I love you.” I gripped her hand tightly before making my way to the door.

  The bright headlights of Ryder’s truck lit up the dingy lot as they pulled into a spot next to my Ford.

  “How was the drive?” I asked, opening the passenger side door for Holt.

  “Not bad, brother. How’s Scarlett doin’?” he asked, putting his hand on my shoulder.

  Looking down at his weathered face, I couldn’t help but feel comforted. Holt was like a father to most of us younger guys in the club. If anyone would be able to help us, it was him and his son.

  “She’s hanging in there, rattled as fuck though,” I answered.

  Ryder came around the side of the vehicle, glancing left and right to make sure we were alone.

  He gave me a quick hug as he said, “Even though this is a shitty situation, Raine and Crickett are super excited to see Scarlett.”

  I led the guys into the room. Scarlett dropped her bag to the floor, practically jumping into Ryder’s arms. “Thank you so much for helping us.” She was sobbing again.

  “Don’t mention it, sweetheart. Nothing Bear and Jax wouldn’t do for Raine. We take care of our own.”

  Chapter 1

  The day before


  Sinking into the tub, I let the warm lavender and sage bubbles pop around me as I reached for my stemless wine glass filled with my favorite Malbec. Frozen blueberries floated around in the dark liquid, and the sweet earthy notes coated my lips and tongue as steam billowed up from the water.

  It’s the little things in life. I could hear my father’s words echoing in my mind as I leaned back and took in the calming moment.

  Bear had been called to the clubhouse on some business he couldn’t tell me about, and I was taking advantage of the alone time. As an old lady, there were secrets that had to be kept from me. I understood that, but curiosity had its way of getting the best of me, and distracting myself was the
only way I could cope.

  Finding my place in Aubrey Parr’s Love on the Malecon, I let myself get whisked away to the beautiful city of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico for a while. I loved getting lost in sweet romances while relaxing in a nice, hot bath filled with decadent bubbles; there was nothing better—well, almost nothing. This one had a little romantic suspense in it that kept the pages turning quickly.

  Just as I reached the end of Nicole and Derek’s story, I heard the front door slam.

  “Babe? I’m home,” Bear’s throaty voice called up the stairs as his boots stomped heavily.

  “In the bath, handsome,” I answered, removing the stopper to drain the water.

  He walked in, grabbed a towel, and helped me up. His strong hands dried me off with the plus fabric as I kissed his soft lips.

  “Everything all right?” I searched his worried eyes, the wrinkles at the corners pulled down as he tried to offer a reassuring smile.

  “Everything is perfect now that I’m home with you.” He hugged me to his rock-hard chest before asking, “Hungry?”

  I nodded rapidly. When was I not?

  “Bacon time!” Bear sang out as he scooped me up into his arms, twirling me around in the large bathroom a few times as I giggled.

  Even though it was well past eleven at night, I could always count on my guy to run into the kitchen and fry up some bacon and eggs for me.

  Bear pulled off his dark gray flannel, tossing it over to me to put on as I followed him down to the kitchen. The musky aroma of cherry wood and gasoline filled my nostrils as I breathed in Bear’s scent from his worn shirt. Most women would think it was grotesque, but it was his smell and I couldn’t get enough of it.

  After putting on his Kiss the Cook apron, Bear made quick work of our breakfast for dinner. I loved sitting at the kitchenette table watching my big, strong, manly man hum and sway while he fixed our meal.

  As he set our plates on the worn wood, the furrow in his brow and the way his lips were set in a hard line sent my spidey senses into overdrive. I knew better than to ask, knew my place as his old lady, but I couldn’t stand seeing him like that.

  Standing, wearing only his oversized button-up shirt, I ran my fingers down his tattooed bicep. As he looked down at me, I bit my lip and gave him a knowing smirk. I couldn’t talk to him about what was wrong, but I could distract him from it for a while.

  With one swipe, Bear cleared the table, sending the plates crashing to the floor, the bacon and eggs landing in a mangled mess on the linoleum.

  “The bacon!” I gasped dramatically, teasing Bear.

  He shrugged. “Bacon was a casualty but something had to be sacrificed for this.”

  With a deep, throaty rumble, he picked me up by the waist and threw me onto the slick wood before ripping open the flannel. The sound of buttons popping and our breaths quickening echoed in the small space as Bear got down onto his knees.

  Kissing my skin in rapid fire, he made his way lower as his short nails dug into the tender flesh of my inner thighs, tearing them apart for him to gain access. His hunger grew ravenous as he expertly sucked and licked my pulsing clit, sending every cell in my body into a frenzy of lustful euphoria.

  Two of his fingers explored my wetness as his tongue worked magic. I was a goner within minutes.

  “Cum for me, baby. I wanna taste how much you love this,” Bear growled against my delicate skin.

  My back arched, my knees quivered, and I cried out his name.

  “Good girl.” He sighed as he got back to his feet.

  I knotted my fingers in my long damp hair, letting his words sink into my skin like warm honeydew lime water covering my entire being. I lay there motionless, trying to catch my breath as I watched Bear throw his apron to the floor and undo his belt.

  “Do you want it?” he asked, the desire to dominate drenching his words.

  My lips played into a devilish sneer as I stared up at him. He knew the answer. Gripping the belt firmly, he let his black jeans and boxers fall to the floor.

  “I need you to say it, Scarlett. You know the rules.”

  Rules—I loved our rules.

  “Please, Bear, I want it around my neck. Please,” I whispered as my voice shook with anticipation.

  I threw my wet locks into a messy bun to give him the access he needed. He let the belt wrap around the base of my neck, the buckle cold against my skin, sending goose bumps over my body. He kicked off his boots, leaving his clothes in a pile where he stood. Gripping my hand, Bear helped me up and led me to the counter, taking care to steer me away from the mess and broken bone china. I gripped the edge of the granite tightly as he wrapped the slack around his right hand and the leather tightened.

  The soft flannel fell off my shoulders as I arched my back into his firm chest. Kissing the sensitive part of my bare left shoulder blade, Bear thrust deep into me. I moaned as the sensation consumed me. I could feel him watching my body language carefully as I choked and shook in his arms, completely surrendering to his every touch and movement. My breath hitched as the belt constricted more. Letting my head roll back, Bear loosened his grip.

  “Breathe,” he instructed.

  I took a deep breath in right as the leather tensed again. I went into the hyper-intensity of a convulsing orgasm as Bear’s cock twitched deep within me. His teeth sank into my shoulder as he rode out his own climax and bottomed out inside me.

  As he pulled out, hot cum dripped down my inner thigh. He removed the belt before grabbing a dishtowel from the counter and running it under hot water.

  Bear held me against the counter while he cleaned me and pressed the warm cloth against my pulsating cunt.

  “You’re such a good little girl,” he cooed as his lips brushed my forehead.

  “Thank you,” I muttered, using his strong body to steady my shaky stance.

  Whisking me up into his arms, he carried me to our bedroom.

  “What about the mess in the kitchen?” I asked as Bear tucked me under the covers on my side of our California king.

  “It’ll still be there in the morning, darlin’. We’ll deal with it then.”

  * * *

  A loud crash echoed through the house, shocking both of us awake.

  Bear grabbed his sidearm from the nightstand before tossing me my Kimber 9mm from its hiding place in the drawer. Safety off and one already in the chamber, I was ready to shoot first and ask questions later.

  “Stay here,” he ordered.

  There was no way in hell that was going to happen. I shook my head as he rolled his stormy eyes at me.

  Silently, I followed closely on my tiptoes as we made our way into the front room. The window next to the door was shattered, and a brick wrapped in brown paper and twine lay on the floor below it.

  Bear hastily grabbed it, unraveling the paper and showing me the note that was scribbled inside.

  I know what you did.

  That was all it said.

  My blood ran cold as every hair on my body stood on end—I knew that handwriting. Staring up at Bear, I burst into tears.

  “Jasper,” was all I could get out.

  Bear flew out the front door, trying to chase down the car that sped down our gravel road. He fired a few shots, barely missing the back tires as my ex-husband got away.

  Standing on the front porch, I watched as Bear trotted back to me.

  “Get inside,” he barked.

  He rushed into the house, ripped open a drawer in the kitchen, and pulled out a burner phone.

  “Jax, get to my house now,” Bear’s booming voice ordered his number two.

  I sank into one of the old wooden chairs as I listened to his short conversation.

  “Bring Brock with you. No one rides alone right now—we have a problem. Get all of the guys and their families to the clubhouse….yes, we’re going on lockdown.” Grabbing my hand, Bear knelt in front of me. “We’ll take care of this. Go upstairs and pack a bag for us.”

  My fingertips ran over his short beard
as I tried to remember that I had to be strong. “How are we going to be able to handle this? He almost killed me before.”

  “You weren’t with me then. Now go.”


  It didn’t take long for my guys to be on my front porch. I sucked on my cigarette as we tried to figure out what the hell had happened.

  “There’s no way in fucking hell Jasper was able to get out from under all the shit we buried him with,” Jax remarked, thumbing at the brown end of his Marlboro Red.

  “He is a fucking lawyer, for crying out loud.” I was fuming. I hated that the green light I had put on him in prison hadn’t sent Scarlett’s piece-of-shit ex six feet under like I’d hoped it would.

  “You gotta get Scarlett outta here, brother.” Brock looked over at me from his seat on the white railing.

  “I’ll call Ryder, see if we can hide out with the Vilas guys again.” It was my only option and we had to act fast.

  “We’ll ride with you,” Jaxon boomed as he stood next to me.

  I shook my head. “I need you both here. It’s better if the two of us get out of dodge alone and y’all stay and handle business for me here. Once I know Scarlett is safe, I’ll come back and we will put that fucker where he belongs.”

  “Aye, brother.”

  Chapter 2


  Vilas – 5 miles.

  The highway marker was a sign of salvation as I followed Ryder’s truck down the road.

  “Almost there, darlin’,” I whispered to Scarlett as her tired eyes fluttered awake.

  We pulled off at the familiar exit and made our way to The Unacceptables Bar and Pool Hall, the déjà vu settling in deep from the last time I’d made this drive with my girl. Her ex was really starting to piss me off. I hated running, hated the idea that I was going to have to leave Scarlett in North Carolina while I dealt with our little problem back in Atlanta. I hated everything about the entire situation, but being adaptable was the best defense with a looming threat hot on our tail.


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