Ice Princess (Alpha Agency Protectors Book 4)

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Ice Princess (Alpha Agency Protectors Book 4) Page 4

by Scarlett Winters

  As if he can read her mind, he pushes back into her pressing her against the wall.

  “Yes, like that.” She calls out.

  He begins a punishing rhythm pounding into her harder and harder, she orgasms squeezing him tight, fisting her hands in his hair and screaming his name.

  She feels him follow her off the cliff with one more hard thrust.

  Her head falls to his shoulder as the waterfalls around him. She feels safe and protected as if the world and what is happening beyond this shower stall can’t get to her as long as she is in his arms. She was going to take these few moments and enjoy the good and not focus on the bad. She was going to take refuge in his arms and let herself believe that she would find a cure, that Maggie and Elizabeth will walk out of here and go home to their families. She held on to him and let go of all the negative thoughts that were swelling in her brain.

  Chapter 10 ~Blade

  Blade looks over at Raven bent over the microscope. It has been a frustrating few days all wrapped into one. Elizabeth their other patient dropped int a coma. He held Raven as she cried, promising her that they wouldn’t stop until they found a cure. None of the other staff had shown signs of the disease and they were all breathing a sigh of relief. They had not found a cure, but with help from Owens it felt as if they were getting closer. He felt like they were right on the edge of finding a cure, that at any moment the breakthrough they needed would happen.

  They spend all of their time now in the lab or in bed together. She slept next to him her head on his shoulder for the snatches of time he was able to get her out of the lab eat something and catch a few hours of sleep. Of course, there was the sex, which was mind-blowing. Any time they took a break, she was on him. It was as if she was trying to stuff a lifetime of feelings, of being with him into those moments. He knew she was scared they wouldn’t find a cure, that it would spread, and she would be helpless. The one thing he had learned about her was how much she hated to feel helpless.

  “I have new notes from Owens I sent them to your email you should be getting them anytime.”

  She responds with a grunt.

  He smiles, “I will take that as a thank you. He sits down at his own workstation and pulls up Owens notes. They were having some breakthroughs, and it was taking longer for people to succumb to the virus, but they hadn’t had any luck in having someone recover fully after receiving treatments. It was a grueling process. They were working with Owens sending information over to him in Africa hoping that they could stop the spread. It had migrated to another village, and Owens was desperate for a cure.

  “I think, what if I…. just yes?….”

  “I need a Skype call with Owens now, like right now.”

  Blade looks at his watch, “Babe it’s like 2 am there.”

  “It doesn’t matter I have it I actually have it. Call him now!”

  Blade pulls up the Skype app on his laptop and presses in the numbers.

  The call rings and a bed-headed Owens pops on screen. “This better is good, I just dropped off.” He growls.

  Raven pushes him out of the way, “Owens try this combination. It is too much to explain I am sending it through right now.”

  She uploads a file and they hear the beep on the other end.

  “You did it! Raven, you are a genius!! I am going to go synthesize this now. Stay close, I will call you in a few hours with results.” The Skype call ended, and she throws herself into his arms.

  “I did it. This is it, I can feel it.” She kisses him hard on the mouth and he fists his hands in her hair.

  “Let’s get the serum made and administer it to Maggie and Elizabeth. I know they are in a coma but maybe we will be able to save them.”

  He kisses her again and follows her to the lab. His fingers are crossed he hopes that this works. Maggie and Elizabeth were hanging on by a thread if this treatment didn’t work. He was afraid that they may not make it. They needed this win.

  Chapter 11 ~Raven

  Raven blinks, she is so tired, but this is the last step. She can hang the bag for Elizabeth and Maggie and then rest. It will take a few hours to know if it works if their symptoms are clearing and she can use that time to rest. If it works as she hopes it will, she is going to need to be fresh so that she can make the instructions more concise and get them out to other labs to start producing the cure. She had a good feeling that this serum was the one, it was going to work.

  “Hey, I have got some bad news.” Blade steps into the lab.

  “Did Elizabeth or Maggie?”

  “No, I am sorry their condition hasn’t changed. I just got word from the CDC five more cases have popped up. Our worst fear is confirmed they hit other places.”

  “Where? Do they have them in isolation?”

  “Two in New York City, One in L.A., One in Austin, and one in Washington D.C. All in isolation and backtracking to figure out where they were infected. The one in New York they found the source he was hit while riding the subway.”

  Raven felt a cold chill go through her body.

  “He had a bag of syringes Raven; they can see it on the camera. Our worst fear has come true.”

  “Ok, it’s not airborne it will be harder to spread that way. Fingers crossed we have a cure.”

  A machine beeped, and she turned.

  “This is ready, let’s get it bagged and into the patients.” He nods and takes one of the bags from her.

  They each go into one of the isolation rooms and hang the bag. It would take a few hours to see improvements.

  “Ok now we wait.”


  “Dr. Ballenger, Dr. Benson come quick.” The nurse crashes into the on-call room and flips on the light.

  “Betty what the hell?” Raven says covering her eyes from the bright light.

  “Come now, you have to come now.” She rushes out of the room and back down the hall. They get into their PPE and rush down the hall.

  There in the isolation room Maggie is sitting up drinking out of a straw.

  “It worked, Blade it worked!” Raven pushes open the door and rushes into Maggie gathering her up in her arms.

  “How are you feeling?” She grins at her friend even though she can’t see her face she knows it is showing through her eyes.

  “Like I have been hit by a train.” Maggie smiles up at her and lays back on the pillows.

  Raven pulls back and gives her a once over. “How long, how many bags?”

  “Three bags about five hours. We wanted to make sure before we woke you, but it is working.”

  The sores had receded, and her eyes were no longer bloodshot. The treatment seemed to be working.

  “Let’s give it 24 hours before we sound the horn. I think you are going to be ok.”

  “Elizabeth?” Raven looks over at Blade, giving her a thumbs-up through the window.

  “It looks like she is going to be ok.”

  “I will be back to check on you in a bit.”

  Raven runs to her desk and sees she has missed 5 calls from Owens. She pushes the button for the Skype call and his face immediately fills the screen.

  “It’s working, Raven! We have had at least six patients show huge strides towards wellness. I think you found it.”

  “No, we found it. Let’s not get too excited call back in twenty-four hours then we will sound the alarm that the serum works.”

  “Got it, see you in twenty-four hours.”

  “You are amazing, we have a cure because of you.” Blade picks her up and swings her around the room.

  “No not because of me. Because of us. Without you and Owens I would have never been able to accomplish this.”

  “I can think of a great way to celebrate.” He says making her laugh.

  She boosts herself up and wraps her legs around his waist, kissing him with all the joy she feels at having found a cure.

  “We do have some time to waste.”

  He walks her back to the on-call room. As soon as the door shuts, they are ripp
ing off their clothes. He latches on to her breast, making her moan. Each time is better as they learn more about each other’s bodies.

  He licks his way down her body, taking her scrub pants with him as he lays her back on the bed. Giving her a wicked grin, he licks down her body until he gets to her soaking wet pussy.

  “I am going to make you scream.” He promises and buries his head between her legs.He licks and sucks at her throbbing clit until she is screaming his name. She feels her body come apart as the orgasm rips through her.

  “I told you I’d make you scream my name.” He says as he crawls up her body. He kisses her, and she tastes herself on him. She feels him at her entrance and reaches, pushing him into her.

  “You are so hot, wet and tight Raven I love the feeling of being inside of you.” Blade begins to thrust into her, and she feels her body coiling again with each long hard thrust of him into her wet pussy. Just when she thinks that she can’t take anymore she explodes again feeling him spill his seed inside of her. She knows that he is the one and she is never going to let him go.

  Chapter 12 ~Blade

  “You ready to go and check on our patients?” Blade asks her as she puts on fresh scrubs.

  “Yes, I am ready as well as going back to the lab and using the serum to make a vaccine so we can leave this hospital. I am tired of being here and I am ready to sleep in my own bed, be in my own space.”

  He wondered how she would feel about moving to Florida where his base of operations was. He could use a good doctor on his team and even though she wasn’t an infectious disease doc, she was one of the smartest people he had ever met. She could learn. And if that wasn’t her cup of tea, he would quit the service and move here. He wasn’t letting her go no matter what.

  “I understand that if I never see another hospital bed, it will be too soon.”

  She gives him a wry grin. “In our profession I think that it is all too likely.”

  They walk down the hall and look into the first isolation room. Maggie is sleeping peacefully all the sores have healed.

  “I think it really worked. Let’s go check, Elizabeth.” They walk to the other observation room and open the door.

  “Hey, guys when do we blow this joint?” She grins at them. All of her sores are gone, and it is obvious she is feeling much better.

  “How are you feeling?” Raven asks.

  “Better, much better. A little weak, but that’s it. Your miracle cure worked Raven, you are going to be famous.”

  Raven blushes a little and Blade smiles she deserves every accolade that comes her way.

  “I don’t want to be famous I just wanted you to get better. Now I need to go work on the vaccine so we can as you said, blow this joint.”

  “Sounds good to me. And Raven?”

  Elizabeth gets teary-eyed, “Thanks for saving my life.”

  Raven nods and quickly walks out of the room. I know that she is trying to hide her feelings.

  “It’s ok to be moved when someone thanks you for saving their life.”

  She smiles at me, “I know but this is the first time that it really has sunk in. People tell me that after surgery all the time and sometimes it’s true sometimes I just got lucky, but this time we really did save their lives and the lives of as many people as possible with this serum. We are going to make a vaccine so terrorists can no longer use this as a weapon. It’s just it is all sinking in.”

  Blade gathers her in his arms and lets her cry all the good feelings, and worries out. She wipes her eyes and looks up at him.

  “Let’s make a vaccine.”

  “Sounds good to me.” Blade follows her into the lab to start work on the vaccine. He couldn’t wait to be out of this hospital so that he could tell Raven how he felt. He wasn’t about to tell her loved her in a lab, although it would be appropriate given how their relationship started.

  Chapter 13 ~Raven

  “It feels so good to be free.” Raven walks out and puts her face up to the sun.

  “The real air does feel good, and the sunshine,” Blade says standing beside her on the sidewalk.

  “Do you have to go back to Florida tonight?” She asks, shading her eyes from the sun.

  “Not until tomorrow.” He says.

  “Then come home with me, Blade. We can order in and watch a movie and pretend like we are a normal couple.”

  “I thought you would never ask.” He said, leaning down to kiss her.

  “What would you have done if I hadn’t?”

  A twinkle lights up his eyes, “I would have kept coming around until I wore you down.”

  “That is what I was hoping you would say. I love you Blade.” She kisses him softly as he looks down into her face.

  “I love you too, Raven. I have something I want to talk to you about, I hope that this is a good time.”

  She feels her heart stutter, “What is it?”

  “I want you to come to Florida and join my team. I want you to come to Florida so I can marry you too, but I think you might need some time for that part.” He winks at her and she feels her heart start to beat harder.

  “I am not an infectious disease doctor I am a surgeon.”

  “Is that a no?”

  She stands there looking at him. Finding a cure for this virus has given her a sense of purpose that she felt was missing in her work. Having to remove another appendix or gallbladder would pale in comparison to finding the cures for diseases that have the potential to kill millions. Being able to do it at Blade’s side makes it an even better deal.

  “It’s a yes. As frightening as this has been it made me feel alive. More alive than I have been in a long time. If you will have me on your team, I would be honored to join.”

  He grins and kisses her hard.

  “That other thing, if you were serious about that. I would say yes.” She feels her heartbeat harder. Did she go too far? Was it too soon?

  “Are you serious?” He asks looking down at her, searching her eyes.

  “Yes, I am serious.”

  “Then I say to point me to the nearest jewelry store because I can’t wait to ask you to be my wife.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “I have never been more serious about anything in my life. I love you Raven Ballenger and I am going to spend the rest of my life proving it to you.”

  Chapter 14 ~Raven

  Epilogue 5 years later

  “Hey honey, have you seen the binky?” Raven asks looking under the couch cushion while trying to bounce their one-year-old on what is left of her hip. Her life in the last five years has changed so much she doesn’t even recognize it.

  She moved to Florida and joined Blade’s team until they got married and spent the next few years flying around the world solving disease crises and helping people. When she found out she was pregnant, they decided it was time for a different life. Blade retired from the Navy with full honors and they moved to Oregon to start a lab to look for serums and vaccines for some world’s most deadly diseases. It was still dangerous work, but they had moved back and do most of the administrative work now. She was content with that and with another baby on the way she was going to have her hands more than full.

  “This is what you are looking for?” Blade walks in a binky in his hand. Their daughter Clarissa squeals, bouncing on her hip and reaching for her Daddy. She is a daddy’s girl through and through.

  Raven rubbed her belly as she hoped this little girl turned out to like Mommy.

  Clarissa rubs her eyes and puts her head down on Blade’s wide shoulders.

  “Someone is ready for a nap.” He says rubbing her back.

  Raven watches as Clarissa’s eyes become heavier and heavier and then finally close.

  “I am going to go put her down and then it is time for some Mommy, and Daddy time.” He wiggles his eyebrows at her.

  She laughs and sits down on the couch to wait for him to return. She was a very lucky woman she had met her soul mate who loved her more each day. She had a
beautiful and bright daughter and another one on the way. She couldn’t possibly ask for more.

  “You ready for a back rub?” Blade asks, coming over to stand next to her by the couch.

  “I have a better idea.” She says pushing him down on the couch and kneeling down in front of him.

  “Babe, that isn’t,” She reaches forward and puts a finger to his lips.

  “Shhh, she unzips his pants and pulls out his long hard cock.

  She squeezes him and he muffles a moan. One thing they have learned in the last year is how to be quiet.

  She leans over and takes him into her mouth. She licks and sucks him, listening to him groan.

  “Your mouth feels amazing on my cock.” He says in a low voice. She licks his head then sucks him, listening as his breathing starts to come hard and fast. His hips bucking against her mouth as she pleasures him with her mouth.

  He pulls back, pushing her gently away and then picking her up and walking to their kitchen table. He puts her down leaning her over the table lifting the skirt of her dress.

  “I don’t want to come in your mouth, I want to come in your sweet pussy.”

  He lines himself up and plunges himself into her body. She groans and the amazing full feeling of having him inside of her. Due to her pregnancy, her orgasms come quickly and rock her entire body.

  He is moving inside of her, his cock sliding in and out of her as she pants. Then the orgasm is exploding, and she is biting her lip to keep from crying out. The waves of pleasure go on and on and she hears his low groan as he follows her.

  He hugs her from behind, massaging her swollen belly.

  “I love you Raven so much.” He whispers.

  She turns to him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  “I love you Blade; you are my husband, the father of my children, and my soul mate.”

  She kisses him and tastes forever on his lips.

  ~The End~


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