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Forsaken Page 3

by Jennifer Julie Miller

  I have been standing here a really long time now and it’s getting dark. I finally sit down on the dirt. I know I shouldn’t, it will get my dress dirty, but I'm tired, my belly hurts, and I have the hiccups from crying so much. I keep telling myself that Mommy will come back and get me. Then we will snuggle in the dark together, but that doesn’t happen.

  It’s completely dark now and I'm terrified. I have never been outside by myself at night. I hear a howl in the distance. I stand back up in a hurry, twisting my hands together looking around nervously. I don’t know where to hide, there is no safe place outside. There are monsters in the dark. The moon is bright and the stars are twinkling like little angels in the sky. And I'm frightened, alone, cold, and hungry. I lie down in the ditch curling up in a ball hoping to get warm.

  I must have dozed off because I never heard the wagon pull up beside me. I have no idea how the woman saw me laying there in the dirt, but I thanked the heavens above that she stopped. I jerked awake when she lifted me up as she was wrapping a blanket around me. Then she set me on her lap holding me close. I started crying, telling her I couldn’t leave because Mommy would come back here to get me and I would be gone. She told me not to worry, they would try to find my Mommy, but until then, she had a safe place to take me. I know she never meant to lie to me. She couldn’t see the future, but she should have left me on the side of the road to die.


  Lucas jerked straight up out of the bed, tears of blood running down his face, as he relived the dream and the emotions of something that had never happened to him. He needed to find out who this Emma was, and what sorcery she had cast upon him. In all of his three hundred years, Lucas had never dreamed, even though he knew this was way more than a dream.

  Chapter Four:

  I jerk awake. I can hardly move, but I have the instant urge to run and hide. My eyes look around at the unfamiliar surroundings. I'm in a bed, an actual bed. I hadn’t been dreaming after all, the bed only felt like heaven. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. My body feels stiff. I must have been lying here a really long time. I slowly raise the covers up, then yank them right back down. I immediately look around to see if anyone is near. Dear Lord, I’m naked as a newborn and someone has given me a bath. I can’t remember the last time I was actually clean, it’s been so long. My hair has been braided, and is now lying over my shoulder hanging all the way to my waist. I had no idea it was that long. I feel like I'm in someone else’s body, my mind fuzzy on how I ended up here. I remember fighting someone, then running away, everything getting dark, and then I was in heaven.

  I hear a whine and I turn my head slowly towards the sound. Sitting next to me in bed is a really large black wolf. He reaches his snout out towards me and I shrink back away from him instinctively. He is huge and lord that’s a lot of teeth right in my face. He lets out a whimper. I have somehow hurt his feelings and I have no idea how I know this.

  It takes me a second to realize he has been the warmth, I have been feeling all along. He has been lying on my side this whole time. He moves away and I try to reach out for him before he can get off the bed. He feels me move and turns back around crawling back towards me so he could plop his head down on my belly, looking up at me with this pitiful face. “Ok, I get it; you’re not going to hurt me, and thank you for keeping me warm all this time.” Praying he doesn’t chew my arm off in the process, I lay my hand on his head. He immediately starts rutting around under it trying to get me to pet him.

  I let out a soft giggle. “You’re not so bad, you just want some attention.” My own voice sounded strange in my head. Then I hear this.

  “This is fucking priceless. If I hadn’t just saw that with my own eyes I wouldn’t have ever believed it.”

  The sound of that voice makes me jolt. I search the room trying to look into the darkness. That’s when I see him, sitting in a chair across from the bed. I don’t know if he is an Angel or the Devil himself, but I have never seen such a man before.

  It was like he was the darkness; it came from him, not from around him. He was tall; I could tell that by the way his entire form dwarfed the chair he was sitting in. His hair, shone black in the night even though there wasn’t any light in the room at all. I couldn’t make out his eyes, but they had to be black. No color would be brave enough to even try to appear on him.

  “Where am I, who are you, and how did I get here?” My voice seemed scared of him and it was barely above a whisper. I couldn’t make my body move away from him or his darkness. I was completely terrified of him and at ease all at the same time. He hadn’t moved a muscle, but I knew he was the one thing to hide from in the dark.

  “Please excuse me for not making the proper introductions,” he snarled at me like I had no right to even ask. “My name is Lord Lucas Valerian Rydell. I have been your host for the past few days, as your body has tried to heal. You’re still in pretty bad shape. The bleeding has slowed, but I wouldn’t move around anymore than you have to for a few more days. You’re at Rydell Manor, my family home, and as to how you got here, well, I packed you of course. I found you naked and to the point of death as you landed right at my feet.”

  I start to say something then I shut my mouth. I don’t know what to say, how did he pack me this far. I had heard of Rydell Manor. They said it was a place of demons and the walking dead, but Rydell Manor was miles away from Ione Manor.

  “I see you are troubled, you can ask me whatever you wish.” He sat forward, his face closer to the end of the bed. “Well!”

  “I'm sorry my Lord, I hope I haven’t put you out too much, can I speak freely?”

  “By all means, I would love to hear it.” He smirks at me like he knows what a terrible person I am.

  “My mind is fuzzy. I remember running from something or someone. I think I may have died to be honest with you.” I pull the wolf closer scratching him behind the ears, enjoying the warmth I feel coming from him. “I thought when I first woke up that I had made it to heaven.” I look away embarrassed when he burst out laughing.

  “I sure as Hell ain’t an angel and that black mutt you are clinging to laying on your lap is one of the most dangerous things on Earth.”

  The wolf raises his head up and snarls at the man. “Shooshhhh, it’s ok, lay your head back down,” I tell the wolf. “Lord Rydell, I know most wolves are savage and I’ll be honest, I was scared waking up with him hovering over me, but Blackie here seems very gentle.”

  The man stands up and is laughing so hard he almost doubles over from it. I can tell he is mocking me, as if I’m a complete idiot. I look away from him, trying to stop the tears forming in my eyes. People so love making fun of me and my simple ways.

  “Well, if for nothing else you have proved to be entertaining. Blackie, as you call him, has a name and it’s Rage. He didn’t get that by being gentle by the way and he is much more than a wolf my dear girl, he is part Hellhound. One of the most dangerous animals that walks the Earth, as I just said, one bite from him, and you would thrash upon the ground in utter misery until your heart gave out from the pain. So I wouldn’t piss him off if I was you.”

  Rage gets up off the bed and heads towards the door. Not looking back at either one of us. I think he is upset that the man told me this about him, but once again how would I know this. It’s like he is projecting his thoughts in my head. I close my eyes for a second. I'm so confused. The man must have noticed my instant silence.

  “I will let you rest, which is more than I was granted last night. Your body is far from healed and you have to be starving. Once I return from my own supper, I will have something brought up to you. The facilities, if you feel the need to use them, are past that privacy screen to your left. I will have Mary attend to you in the morning, I'm sure she will find something appropriate for you to wear. Good evening to you,” He bows at the waist and starts to walk out of the room.

  “Sir, may I ask you something before you leave?”

  He turns back towards me not saying a wor
d but stares at me like I'm a bug under his feet. “Was I dead?”

  “Close enough that you would be now, that’s for sure.”

  I know there is more than what he is telling me, “How did you save me and why? I also hate to ask but who gave me a bath?” I wasn’t sure if I wanted those answers after seeing his face.

  “I did all of the above, I just wish I knew why!”

  “You gave me a bath?” I asked again.

  He just turned and stomped down the hallway. I swear, even the air around him moved as he walked away. Have I gone from one Hell into another? Will there ever be anything good happen in my life? I had almost escaped the curse of being me. My eyes become heavy. The toll of that short conversation had worn me out. I close my eyes and reach for the peace only given in sleep.


  Lucas paced the floor in the library, bothered by the feelings of protectiveness; he suddenly had over the girl upstairs. It wasn’t like she was a raging beauty or anything. Her body was so broken and hollowed out it would take months of good food for her to even fill out any. Then who knows if the body could ever completely heal from such neglect. Someone had gone out of their way to make her young life miserable. If the people responsible weren’t dead already, he would get a lot of enjoyment in killing them over and over again. They call him the monster; Hell, if he didn’t like someone, he just killed them and got them out of the way. He sure didn’t keep them around to torture for years.

  Even after that thorough bath her skin still put off a slight odor. His luck it would take multiple baths to get rid of that stink.

  Rage had left the manor sometime ago. Lucas could tell he had upset the wolf, but the girl was hugging him like he was her favorite stuffed animal. She needed to be warned, or maybe, once again, he just wanted to be an ass. “Shit.”

  Lucas walked over to his desk and got out a piece of paper. He needed to leave a note for Mary. She only comes twice a week to clean, and he was sure she wouldn’t like the scare of finding a naked half dead girl upstairs. And unfortunately, he was going to need her help because he sure didn’t know what to do with the girl. He still couldn’t wrap his mind around the fact that he had brought her home. What the Hell was he thinking?


  There is a young lady here, her name is ---- he goes back and scribbles that out, he didn’t even ask the girl her name---- in the gray room upstairs. She is in the need of some toiletries, clothing, and food. I know we don’t keep much in the kitchens, but it will need to be stocked as of now. If you could help me out with this, I would greatly appreciate it. I will make sure your salary is compensated for the extra workload. I'm also leaving extra funds in this envelope, for you to purchase whatever you think she may need. Also, there are some older dresses upstairs in the attic. I don’t know if any of them would be appropriate, but please be considerate. she isn’t in the best shape… And no, I didn’t do it, before you ask. I found her this way. Discretion is all that I ask in case the people, who hurt her, are still looking for her. Thank you for your services, as always.

  Lord Rydell.

  The girl hasn’t been here anytime and she is already messing with my routine. He walks over to the closet door and pulls on a long cloak. He has to find his dinner this evening, he walks out into the cold and a shiver shakes down his body. Lucas knew deep down that there was more changing in his life than that young girl and the strange dreams. He was looking forward to change, because it is the one thing you can always count on in life, is it never stays the same.

  Chapter Five:

  Mary arrived promptly at nine, taking her key and letting herself into the manor. This place had become a second home for her. Her family had worked for the Rydell’s for three generations now.

  She immediately heads towards the library, Lord Rydell often left her notes on things he would like done during the week. He was very courteous about his request and that way she could change her schedule around accordingly for the things he needed done.

  Reaching for the note, she noticed the money in the envelope. He must want me to head to the meat market and pick up something for Master Rage. This was her first thought, that is until she read the letter twice. There’s a girl in the gray room? The Rydell’s very seldom ever let anyone stay the night at the manor, let alone stay during the day. She turns and immediately heads towards the back of the house. There were only two bedrooms on the main floor and those were for immediate family only. The fact that Lord Rydell had put a girl in his Mother’s room was shocking.

  Mary knocks on the door lightly, when no one answers. She opens the door softly, “Ma’am, my name is Mary, and I’m the housekeeper here. Do you need assistance dressing this morning?” She could barely make out a human form lying on the bed, walking into the room she opens up one of the main curtains, giving the room some light.

  “Ma’am,” she says again as she approaches the bed. Mary gasps when she sees the girl. “Oh, Lord Child what has happened to you? At least the note makes a little more sense now. Especially when Lord Rydell said in the letter that he didn’t do this,” she whispers to herself. Mary takes the back of her hand and lays it on the girl’s forehead, hoping she didn’t have a fever. The young lady was a hollow shell lying there in the bed. Mary pulls the covers up higher on the girl when she realized the room had a light chill. Mary moved away from the bed and goes over to build the fire back up in the hearth. Once the fire is banked correctly, she goes into the kitchen to heat water up for the tub, and then heads to the wardrobes on the upper floors. Not knowing exactly what size the girl is laying in the bed, she grabbed several sizes and lengths. The dresses were older and needed to be aired out. She would need to take them down and hang them in the gray rooms wardrobe until she could get them properly steamed. She could alter them once she seen how they would fit.

  Mary walks back in the room her arms full of material, looks towards the bed, and sees the girl’s eyes fluttering open.

  “Well, hello, Ma’am. I'm Mary. I found you a couple dresses. I hope these will get you through a couple days. Sam and I are heading into town later to pick up a few things. I could see what the tailor has available if these are not to your liking. Mary turns back towards the bed with a smile on her face, when she sees tears flowing down the girl’s face.

  “Oh, my deary, what has brought this on? Are you hurting terribly? I can get you some laudanum in town later today; it would help with the pain? But all I have to offer you right now is some tea and a hot bath.”

  The girl looks up hesitantly, moving her bruised arm up to wipe away her tears. Mary reaches her a handkerchief out of her pocket.” Should I call you, Mary?”

  “You sure can, ain’t no fancy names around here, Miss.” May, I ask what your name is, young lady if you will?

  “My name is Emma ma’am. Why are you bringing me dresses?” The girl kept looking around fidgeting with the blankets.

  “Maybe I’m confused. The Lord left a note in the library asking me to get a few things to make you a little more comfortable. Did I misunderstand? I didn’t see your trunk anywhere. I just assumed it hadn’t been delivered. Please forgive me for not asking first.” The girl’s eyes were as large as saucers, almost like she was scared and didn’t know how to answer.

  “I'm sorry,” the girl stuttered. “I didn’t mean that Mary, but I don’t have a trunk. I don’t have anything, never have. I woke up here, like this. After I thought I died and I was in heaven. I think I did something bad, but everything is fuzzy in my head. I think Blackie found me and then Lord Rydell told me that he packed me all the way here. I'm so confused. I'm not for sure what I'm supposed to do now. But, I don’t think he meant for you to bring those nice dresses in here for the likes of me.”

  Mary had a smile on her face, “Blackie? Are you talking about Master Rage? Dear, he’s a very large black wolf.”

  “Yes, Lord Rydell told me that was the name. He wasn’t very happy that Blackie was lying in the bed with me. I started to tell him, that I w
ould wash the blanket, but I never got the chance and Blackie hasn’t been back since.”

  “Rage, was in the bed with you?”

  “Yes, ma’am, he was keeping me warm.”

  Mary let out a soft laugh and shook her head. “Now nothing should ever surprise me again. And yes young lady the dresses are for you. Even the likes of you, as you put it, can’t run around naked now can you? Unless, there’s another damsel in distress hiding somewhere in this room.”

  “You’re teasing me aren’t you?” The girl had a strange look on her face.

  “Yes, I am. Now, let’s get you up and dressed for the day. It will make you feel better, lying around isn’t good for the body. Our bodies were made to move.” Mary starts to lift the sheet up, and immediately she sees the towel soaked in blood.

  “Very well, maybe moving should wait. You lay right there and I’ll be right back. I'm no doctor, but I have seen my share of scrapes in my time. No wonder you’re so upset. I’ll be right back.”

  Mary walks out of the room and had to stop halfway down the hall, tears form in her eyes. That poor child didn’t have an unblemished spot on her body. She was a mass of black and blue bruises all up her right side. What had this girl done to deserve such a beating? She seemed so timid and scared. It was almost as if she was tired of breathing, her soul was leaving her. Mary would put up her very last dollar that she hadn’t had a decent meal in years. Taking a deep breath, she hurries towards the pantry to get her first aid supplies. That girl needs her strength, not her tears.

  Almost running back, she tries to smile when she walked back into the room. “Now dear, let’s see what Mary can do to get you all well!” Emma stared up at her holding on to the sheet for dear life. “Come on it’s just us girls. No need to be bashful. I can’t fix what I can’t see, Miss.”

  “The door is open. What if Lord Rydell comes in?” Emma asked quietly.


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