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Forsaken Page 10

by Jennifer Julie Miller

  “Please Mr. Ione. Please let me go! It was an accident! I didn’t mean to hurt anybody, just let me go and you will never see me again.”

  “Let you go!!! That will be a cold day in Hell nasty Emma. I have tried you for your crimes and I find you guilty, whore. You’re sentenced to be burnt at the stake like the witch you are before the sun sets this evening. I will make damn sure myself that you’re dead this time.”

  I struggle to get away from him, screaming out for someone to help as he is dragging me away through the crowded streets. Everyone, I make eye contact with looks the other way. I know he owns everything around me, including most of them. I beat myself up inside as the tears flow down my face. Why didn’t I listen to Lucas? He was only trying to keep me safe. Now, I will never see him again. He will probably think I ran away because of the fight we had. He’ll never know how I have grown to love him.

  I trip on the uneven ground and I feel my hat fall off. I catch a glimpse of the men with Mr. Ione step on it as they walk behind him. They all laugh at the cries coming from my mouth as he manhandles me to his carriage. Opening the door he shoves me in, I hit my knees on the steps tearing my dress. I was sobbing by this point. There was no one to save me this time, no one to find me at the brink of death. Just when I had found a reason to live, life cast another Hell upon me.

  He shoves me over into the seat across from him. When one of his men went to get in, he told them to walk home and slams the carriage door shut in his face. I try to sink over in the corner as far away from him as I could get. His face was red and I couldn’t understand what I had done to make this man hate me so badly.

  “Mr. Ione, if you would just let me explain.” I had to try one more time.

  “Shut your mouth, Bitch. There isn’t a single thing on this Earth that would make me change my mind. You will die, so save your breath and start praying that the flames consume you quickly because I am thoroughly looking forward to your screams.”

  “Why do you hate me so?” I had to ask because what did I have to lose at this point?

  “You survived!”

  I have this puzzled look on my face.

  “As worthless as you are, you survived. You and Katherine got sick at the same time. Elizabeth my beloved wife sent for the best doctors, but no one had a clue what you two girls had gotten into. But, guess who after a couple days of being unconscious survived, you! Elizabeth was beside herself with grief when Katherine didn’t make it past the third night. All we could do was watch our only child wither in pain, while you lay peacefully unmoving for days.”

  “I wanted to move you out of the room, but she would have no part in it. She said that Katherine would want you there if she woke up. I had to stand by and watch my daughter take her last breath. Do you have any idea what that does to a person? No, someone like you would have no clue! You’re just a sponge, sucking up the souls that touch you. The day after we buried Katherine, Elizabeth decided she needed a break from all the painful memories around the manor. She came to me that evening. I was in the study and she informed me that she was leaving for London immediately heading to our townhouse there. She told me to come once I got everything settled here in the country. She wouldn’t stay another minute, no matter how much I begged her too.”

  “I didn’t want to argue, so I didn’t try to stop her. We were both so grief stricken, that we were snapping at each other. She didn’t make it to London though. It had been raining off and on the whole week. The driver was passing another carriage and got too close to the edge, the hillside gave away under the weight of the horses and it pulled the whole rig, including the carriage over the hill, nothing survived the fall.”

  “I was awakened that same night to only find out I had lost my wife and daughter in the same week. But, still there you were, every time I saw you in Katherine’s room I just wanted to strangle you. So, I had you moved to the kitchens with specific instructions that I never wanted to see your face again.”

  “It stayed that way for years. Until I found out she was being mean to you. One of the scullery maids asks for a meeting with me one day. I don’t even remember her name, but she wanted to inform me that there was a young girl in the kitchen that the staff was being unreasonably cruel too. Of course, I fired her right on the spot. She was just one more person you destroyed.”

  “After that, I had the Cook report to me on a weekly basis. I enjoyed hearing about your suffering. Then you had to go and kill the woman. What an ungrateful, brat after all the years of her taking care of you. You selfish little Bitch, I had to have the entire kitchen cleaned from all that blood. The few guards that managed to come back assured me that you were gravely injured and there was no way you could have survived, but they couldn’t find your body.”

  “So, you can now truly understand my own horror, when I walk into the market and a pretty girl in a pale blue dress catches my attention. I may be older, but I'm far from dead. I could feel my dick getting hard picturing that pretty figure underneath me until you turned around. I almost puked right in the middle of the road, I was so disgusted. That is just another thing that proves you’re a witch.” He turns and looks out the window. I can see his mind wandering.

  “You’re mad, none of that was ever my fault. Your wife brought me to your home to be loved and cared for. Not tormented by a sick fuck like you!” I have finally had enough, how dare this man blame me for these things. I was but a child when I was brought to his home. We are all dealt a certain hand of cards in our lives and sometimes things don’t land where we want them to, but if you blame everyone else for every wrong you have been dealt, then when does it ever end? When do you decide to start dealing for yourself? I'm tired of being a pawn in the game of life.

  “Kill me if it makes you feel better, but it won’t bring them back. It will only fill your black heart for a small time, then you will be looking for another to torment in my place. When the Lord above takes you from this world, I hope you see my face every day in HELL.” I know he is going to hit me. I prepare for the strike and welcome the darkness that comes with the final blow.

  Chapter Fifteen:

  I can feel them dragging me roughly across the ground. There isn’t a part on my body that doesn’t ache. I don’t even want to open my eyes. What’s the point? If they think I'm awake they will just hurt me more. They throw me down and I hit the ground hard. Once I hear them walk away, I crack my eyelid just enough to look in front of me. I can hear people talking, but I can’t tell who is who, there are so many voices around me. All I can see is the large woodpile directly in front of my face. I feel a sob rising in my throat. I can’t believe my life has come to this. I'm the blame for everything apparently.

  I suppose I should count my blessings. All of this led me to Rage and Lucas, even if for a short time. My heart hurts for the what-if’s in my life right now. Lucas was the only person who didn’t want a thing from me. He took me in, when he could have walked away, and nursed me back to health. He gave me a home with no stipulations. I know he has always been grumpy and stern, but now, I truly understand his reasoning. He was aware of the dangers around us. My own ignorance and immaturity is what brought me here today, just one more bad decision in my life.

  I sink into the depths of my own mind and relive the few moments we had together. Of the times, he held me close and chased away the monsters in my head. How comforting Rage was from day one. For one so ferocious, he was still like a big puppy to me. I see Lucas’ rare smile looking back at me and I pull it in close to my heart. I fell hard for him, even though I tried not to. I know he cares for me in his own abrupt way because he was the only person who pushed me to be more. I wish I could hug him, tell him “Thank you” for caring for me. I know he would never return my affections, but I will love him for eternity.

  Wrapped up in my own thoughts, I don’t hear the sudden footsteps surrounding me until someone kicks me in the ribs. I curl into myself and gasp for air. Instant tears flow freely down my cheeks, as pain rips through m
y body.

  “Get the witch up, it’s time.” I hear Mr. Ione say to someone.

  “Hey, boss can’t we have a little fun with her first, such a waste to not sample the goods right in front of us!” I hear the men laughing at whoever said this.

  “If you want your dick to fall off, you go right ahead. She is a witch you damn idiot. Get that close and I guarantee she will curse you just like she did my family.”

  I'm pulled roughly to my feet. I can’t straighten all the way up because my ribs feel like they’re broken. One of them shoves me forward, “Walk Witch.” I hear one of them say behind me, but I can’t make myself move. All I see is the stake they have put in the ground out in the field, surrounded by wood. The reality of what they are going to do hits me; they really are going to burn me. I try to run, but I only get a couple of feet before one of them grabs me around the waist. I was so focused on the scene in front of me that I hadn’t looked around, there were people everywhere. Men and women both are all here to watch the evening show. I guess this just proves how sick the human race is.

  I was yanked up the steps and shoved back against the post. Someone pulled my arms back and tied them roughly behind the post. I pull at the ropes, but I can’t get them loose. I twist and turn my wrist until I feel blood running down my fingers. I hear the crowd getting noisier and someone throws a rock at me, hitting me in the face. I feel my skin split under its impact.

  I close my eyes praying, for it all to stop. I'm ready to go; if this is living then I welcome death. I hear Mr. Ione whistle for everyone to quiet down. I look up and watch the sunset. Wondering where Lucas was right now, or will he even care that he couldn’t find me. Will they bury what’s left of me, or will the buzzards eat my blackened flesh?

  “Do you have any last words, Witch?” I hear his voice right next to me. I look away from him, refusing to give him anything. “Light the wood, I can’t wait to hear her screams,” I hear him say to the people standing around. I keep telling myself, that I won’t scream. I won’t give him one moment of pleasure if it’s the last thing I do. I see the wood ignite and the flames start to flicker, the smoke floating towards me like the ghost of death seeking out its next victim.

  The crowd cheers like we’re at a tournament. All of them scream burn the Witch, over and over. I look out over the smoke and see the men slap each other on the back like a job well done.

  As the flames grow higher, I can feel its warmth intensifying under my feet. I try to pull my legs up, but my arms aren’t strong enough to hold my weight for long. I see the smiling faces of the people around me, whooping and hollering. “Burn the witch,” they scream, but I’m not a witch. I was a kid born to a shitty set of parents. A girl who was abused and mistreated, a woman with no future, but I have done nothing in my life to deserve this.

  If I could have cursed them all I would have. I lower my legs back to the platform they have me standing on. The fire immediately singes the bottom of my dress and my thin shoes are melting under me. The flames were bright in the night sky. I take a deep breath, willing my own body to have strength as one of the embers burn my leg.

  This is when I start to feel different. I thought it was the heat off the flames that is making me feel like I am burning from the inside out. It’s something so much more. The smoke is no longer bothering my lungs and my side isn’t hurting from my broken ribs. I no longer feel the heat on my feet or legs. I see some of the men watching me and point my way with strange looks on their faces.

  My eyes feel like they’re full of little needles, red and painful. I close them for a second and when I reopen them I hear a gasp from the men right in front of me. They start to back away from the flames that are now taller than my head. I look down and I swear it looks like I am absorbing the flames. I can see right through the smoke like it isn’t even there, but everything has a red tint. I don’t feel the heat from the flames at all. I am confused. Am I dead already? That is until I sense them coming my way.

  Four very malicious minds are converging on me, seeking me out in the middle of this crowd. I see their auras before I see their bodies as they approached the platform. I saw all of this in a dream, just nights before. The four large beasts were stalking me and just as they were going to attack, I awoke. They’re not here to hurt me. They are here to protect me. I can feel them all; each individual animal reaches out and touches my mind. Their concern for me and willingness to do anything I command of them. What a glorious thing to experience. I feel empowered, with such strength that it’s pulsing inside of me.

  The men are still trying to watch me, but they can’t see into the darkness. I start to laugh, a sound that echoed throughout the night. Boy isn’t Karma a Bitch I thought. I flex my wrist and the ropes tear away like I had been tied there with paper ribbon. I was standing in the middle of the flames; my beautiful blue dress burnt in tatters hangs on me. Instead of running away I remain for a moment enjoying the feel of the flames on my unmarked skin. The Hellhounds were waiting in the inferno with me, awaiting my command.

  I open my mouth, the sound of my voice booming throughout the whole crowd. “You all wanted my last words!! Well, here they are, KILL THEM ALL!!!!!”

  The Hellhounds jump from the fire and into the crowd. As I walk unharmed through the flames to the ground. I see the familiar face of Rage as he comes racing into the field. He had sent the others to me. I could see it in his mind as he gets closer. I feel his instant love for me and his panic at the same time. He was terrified he wasn’t going to make it to me in time.

  He responds to my command as soon as he sees I'm safe. I soak up their screams as the men are torn apart. Body parts were being thrown everywhere, their tainted blood soaks into the ground. No one would be spared the wrath of the Hellhounds, woman or man. The humans shouldn’t have tried to hurt me. Hellhounds are very loyal to one of their own. They thought me a Witch. I wonder what their small feeble minds think of me now.

  I look down at my own body and see the claws on my hands. I can feel a large presence surrounding me like I'm in a cocoon of strength. I’m jerked out of my own thoughts when a man runs towards me screaming, a knife in his hand. I reach out just as he is about to strike and rip his throat out with my claws. Pausing for a second, I wait to feel bad for taking his life, but the feeling never comes. I walk around the fire watching my hounds enjoy themselves. I see a few men run towards the far gate.

  I send the image towards Rage. He lets out a bark like noise and the biggest gray Hellhound turns heading towards them. None of these men would survive to torture another innocent.

  I feel my blood boiling inside my body. The power pulsing from me was unimaginable. I felt invincible, so I decide to have some fun too. I went on the hunt for Mr. Ione. Let’s see how he likes to scream.

  I see him in a group of men running towards the fence line. I leap after him, my feet don’t even feel like their touching the ground. In just a few seconds, I'm in the middle of the crowd. Throwing men out of my way, the ones left standing were trying to keep me away from their master. I swat them away like mere flies. I can hear Mr. Ione yelling, “Someone shoot the damn Witch.” Before I could find the gun, I feel the buckshot hit me in the chest. It knocks me back a step. I turn towards the man with the gun and laugh as the bullet wound closes right in front of his face. I grab the gun out of his hands and shove it down his throat. I enjoy the sound of his gurgling blood drowning him slowly

  I watch as the men run away. They were finally smart enough to realize they could only save themselves. It finally dawns on Mr. Ione that his life was in great peril. He turns towards the manor house, but loses his footing and falls to the ground. I casually approach as he tries to get back on his feet; his pudgy round body wasn’t cooperating.

  “Here let me help you,” I smile down at the pitiful sight in front of me. He is trying to push my hands away as I pick him up holding him firmly by the shoulders. “Now you might as well stop that struggling you will only hurt yourself,” I say sweetly. I see m
y reflection in his eyes and I was startled to see my own eyes red staring back at me

  “What, you’re going to let me go?” He asked hopefully.

  “Let me see, you did just call me some rather nasty names. You let your men hurt me and you were looking “Forward to my screams,” if I recall that right. Ohhh, and yes, let’s not forget that you sentenced me to death because I'm a witch. Do you think I'm a witch now?” Mr. Ione just stutters some nonsense. “I have decided that since you were my judge and jury today, that I should repay the kindness in full. Where should I start, yes, the beginning, of course? I was just a child and never the cause or the reason your life took the turns it did. You weren’t the only person in that house that lost someone you loved.”

  “You could have been a better man and honored your wife’s wishes when it came to me, but it was easier to blame a child for the wrongs in your life. So, I sentence you to DEATH, for the unholy way you have treated everyone under your care and status in life. Do you have any last words?” He starts to say something and I put my clawed finger against his mouth. “I changed my mind; I’ll see you in Hell.”

  He starts to struggle in my arms when he sees the two Hellhounds on each side of me. I release him and turn away. “Take your time boys. I want to hear his screams.” And oh, how he screamed as they tore him apart one small piece at a time.

  Chapter Sixteen:

  Lucas felt like he was in a cage. He could feel Rage getting farther and farther away, but he still couldn’t sense Emma. After he marked her, he should have been able to find her anywhere, but something was blocking him.

  He felt as if he had been in this crypt for hours, pacing and alone counting down the seconds until he could go to her. The moment the sun sets he was immediately standing outside the crypt. His blacken hand had healed some, but it was still raw and very red, nothing a nice hot meal wouldn’t fix.


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