My Boss is a Dragon

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My Boss is a Dragon Page 10

by Rowan Porter

  But he had other plans.

  Liam pulled off, sympathizing with the soft noise of protest that came from Sebastian’s mouth. Standing up straight, he took hold of Sebastian’s face and kissed him harder and more fiercely than they’d done before. He was going to make sure Sebastian came, but Liam’s desperate mind wanted it to be deep inside him for their first time.

  Liam licked his lips, voice rough as he spoke. “I need you inside me.”


  T he words that spilled from Liam’s lips sent a hot blast of desire through Sebastian. Everything from the fierce, unexpected kiss, to the blowjob where Sebastian had felt hypnotized by Liam’s eyes, had his head spinning with need. He’d never been so thoroughly enchanted and dominated by the knowledge of someone else’s passion for him, so willing to do whatever someone else wanted.

  He wasn’t going to waste his opportunity, however, and with a low growl, pressed his mouth against Liam’s. Sebastian pushed away from the wall, using his greater bulk to nudge Liam back toward the bed. As they stumbled toward it, with neither of them willing to break the kiss, Sebastian found he couldn’t keep his hands off Liam.

  Sebastian pulled at Liam’s clothes, undoing the button of his pants, and yanking at the zipper. When Liam’s legs bumped against the bed, Sebastian took that moment to break the kiss and grip the bottom of his shirt. Liam extended his arms above his head, panting as Sebastian fought to get the shirt off and throw it aside. Sebastian bent forward, wrapping his arms around Liam’s waist and hefting him up.

  Liam wrapped his legs and arms around Sebastian’s body, pulling himself in close to kiss him once again. Sebastian moved forward, mouth working over Liam’s as their tongues fought, kneeling on the bed so he could shuffle forward. Muscles straining, he carefully lay Liam on his back.

  When he broke the kiss, Sebastian couldn’t help but smile at Liam’s groan of protest. The sound turned into a faint whimper when Sebastian nibbled at his neck, running his tongue down the pulse point of his throat. Sebastian inhaled Liam’s scent, a mixture of undefinable male and the rich cologne he wore. Running a trail of kisses over Liam’s body, Sebastian moved his way slowly down him, reverent to each part of Liam his lips met.

  Reaching the top of Liam’s pants, Sebastian took hold of the waistband and gave the pants a tug. Thankfully Liam wasn’t the sort to wear form-fitting pants, and they came down easily. Sebastian pulled them down far enough to let Liam kick them off the rest of the way and returned his attention to the bulge in Liam’s bright underwear. Licking his lips, Sebastian tugged those down as well, with Liam’s cock flipping up to slap against his stomach.

  Sebastian looked up. “I just realized, there’s no lube.”

  Liam took a deep breath, motioning to his bag. “My bag.”

  “You packed lube?”

  Liam huffed. “I did entertain the possibility that I’d want to get off after being around you so often. I’m not going to jerk off that much without lube.”

  He hadn’t thought it possible, but the idea that Liam would have been aroused just by being around Sebastian increased his own arousal. Before he dealt with what lay before him, he sprung up and grabbed Liam’s bag. Searching through the pockets, he found the plastic bottle and snatched it out.

  Turning to face the bed once more, Sebastian hesitated, breath catching at the sight sprawled out on the bed before him. Naked, completely vulnerable, with a look of pure lust and impatience on his face, Liam looked breathtaking. Sebastian approached the bed slowly, running his hand from Liam’s jaw, over his neck, and ever so lightly over his chest. His bottom lip caught between his teeth as he stroked Liam’s hips gently before resting on his thigh.

  “God, you’re beautiful,” Sebastian whispered.

  Liam flushed deeper than before, his mouth opening, hesitating, and then snapping shut. Sebastian smiled, bending over Liam to kiss him gently. The fire in his chest roared to life once more, but his lips were gentle, his tongue tender. At that point in time, his passion and need could wait, he wanted only to feel Liam’s body below his, the softness of his lips, and to hear the contented sigh escape from him.

  Then Liam’s hand brushed over Sebastian’s cock, and the lust roared back into the forefront of his mind. He broke the kiss, sliding back down the length of Liam’s lithe body. He took a moment to open the lube and spread an amount over his hand. With his other hand, he gripped the bottom of Liam’s cock and pointed it upward.

  Bowing forward, Sebastian ran his tongue from the tip of Liam’s cock, down to the base with aching slowness. A low, soft noise breathed out from Liam’s lips, turning into a groan when Sebastian ran his tongue back up to take the sensitive head between his lips. The taste of Liam’s leaking cock splashed against Sebastian’s tongue, drawing a deep noise of pleasure.

  Leaning forward, he let Liam’s cock slide over his tongue and into his throat. With his other hand, he pressed a slick finger against the entrance to Liam’s ass, pushing forward. As Liam’s cock reached the back of his throat, Sebastian’s finger pushed through into the tight heat. Sebastian gave a low rumble as he felt Liam’s cock twitch in his throat, watching as Liam’s fingers tightened against the bedspread.

  Sebastian timed the movement of his mouth with that of his finger inside Sebastian. When the tension around his finger eased, he added a second one to the mix. His own cock twitched as he felt the tension against the intrusion, promising a tight ride. It was easy to shove aside his impatience, wanting this to be an enjoyable experience for Liam, not an exercise in releasing Sebastian’s own lust.

  When the third finger was added, Liam’s hips bucked up into Sebastian’s mouth with a weak gasp. Long fingers dug into Sebastian’s hair, pulling tight as he curled his fingers deep inside Liam.

  “I’m going to lose it if you keep doing that,” Liam gasped.

  Sebastian was tempted to follow through, making Liam come hard with Sebastian’s fingers buried inside him, his mouth around Liam’s cock. He sensed, however, that Liam wanted something else, if the pleading in his voice was any indication. Reluctantly, Sebastian pulled his mouth free from Liam’s cock, but not without curling his fingers once more, brushing against sensitive nerves and dragging a sharp cry of pleasure from Liam.

  “Don’t tease me,” Liam panted, face flushed.

  Sebastian kissed the man’s hip. “I’m getting you ready.”

  “I’m ready.”

  Sebastian looked down at his three fingers inside Liam. “Not to brag, but three fingers isn’t quite enough.”

  “I don’t care, it’s enough for me.”

  Sebastian wanted to argue, but the look on Liam’s face told him he probably wasn’t going to win this discussion either. He couldn’t help but chuckle as he carefully pulled his fingers free from Liam. Sebastian wasn’t sure how, but Liam always found a way to get the better of him with what seemed like the minimum effort.

  “You’re impossible,” Sebastian said affectionately.

  “From you, that’s a compliment.”

  Supposing it was, Sebastian took hold of Liam’s hips and hoisted them up. Kneeling, he lay Liam’s legs around his waist and grabbed the lube once more. Sebastian took another dollop of the fluid, this time spreading it over every part of his cock. Once he was sure there was no part left untouched, he leaned forward, taking hold of Liam’s hips.

  Sebastian watched, aiming carefully as he pressed forward. Not wanting to go too fast, he gradually increased the pressure, watching his cock strain to enter Liam. When it finally happened, he felt more than saw the head of his cock enter. A low groan escaped him as the tight heat wrapped around his cock.

  Liam lay his head back with a grunt. “Weren’t kidding about the size, holy shit.”

  Sebastian froze, both drawn in by the immense pleasure of Liam’s grip around his cock, and not wanting to move any further. After a few moments, and Liam taking a deep breath or two, he nodded up at Sebastian. Moving carefully, Sebastian eased himself in, earning little
noises from Liam as he spread him open.

  It felt as though it took an eternity until he felt his hips push up against Liam’s body, his cock fully sheathed inside him. Sebastian forced a steadying breath out of his lungs as Liam’s body wrapped completely around his cock, squeezing him tight in its incredible heat. He bowed forward, claiming Liam’s mouth with his own, tasting him, holding him, comforting him as the man adjusted to Sebastian’s size.

  Liam wrapped his arms around Sebastian’s neck, giving him a squeeze. “You’re good now.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Do I sound unsure?”

  Not needing to be told twice, Sebastian pulled his hips back, biting his lip as he felt Liam’s ass grip tight around him. He eased his way back until he was nearly out, only to slowly push back in again. As good as it felt, sliding deep into Liam once again, Sebastian loved the look of surprise and then pleasure that flashed over Liam’s features. Carefully, Sebastian rocked his hips, working himself in and out of Liam, eating up every little expression of ecstasy, every needful whimper.

  Bit by bit, Liam loosened up, opening to Sebastian. The grip around Sebastian’s cock eased, and he could move a little more freely. Taking the opportunity, he gave a push forward, burying himself in one thrust and earning a cry from Liam. Fingers dug into Sebastian’s back as Liam gripped him hard, his hips pushing up against Sebastian, demanding more.

  Sebastian was all too happy to oblige, pulling his hips back and snapping them forward. Before Liam could finish another cry of pleasure, Sebastian was already rearing back to shove forward once again. The bed shook as he thrust down into Liam, their skin meeting in sharp cracks as he steadily built up a hard rhythm.

  It seemed like no matter how strong his thrusts were, Liam ate up every inch of it, soaking in the pleasure and demanding more. A sheen of sweat coated their bodies as Sebastian drove into him, losing himself in the pleasure, and in Liam. Sebastian had no idea how long he lay there, burying himself in Liam, clutching to him, as he drove them both toward the edge.

  Liam stiffened, his body driving up toward Sebastian. Burying his face in Sebastian’s neck, Liam gave a loud cry as his hips jerked. The grip around Sebastian’s cock gripped harder than ever as he felt warmth splash between their bodies. Sebastian held him close as Liam came, murmuring unintelligibly in his ear.

  “Oh god,” Sebastian moaned.

  With the sound of Liam’s ecstasy filled cry in his ear, the grip around his cock, Sebastian’s own body went taut. Giving one, two, three more thrusts, he buried himself to the hilt, unable to restrain the fierce growl that escaped him as he came deep inside Liam. Pure pleasure poured through him as he unloaded, marking Liam from within. Clinging to one another, they basked in their shared ecstasy, their tapering moans mingling until there was no more strength left in their bodies.

  Sebastian collapsed to one side, carefully pulling himself out of Liam before he wrapped him up and pulled him close. Despite the nap earlier, an extreme but not unpleasant lethargy sank through his limbs. Liam’s body was warm and fit perfectly against Sebastian’s, with the slightly smaller man nuzzling back against him.

  Minutes passed without a word, and Sebastian opened his eyes a little. Liam was pressed against him, his long arms wrapped around the arm Sebastian had wound around him. Sebastian chuckled when he saw the steady rise and fall of Liam’s chest, with the man having drifted off to sleep. The sight of Liam sleeping peacefully in his arms, so content and happy with the world, warmed Sebastian so much, it nearly hurt.

  He buried his face in Liam’s hair, breathing deeply and promising he would make sure Liam stayed safe. Perhaps, once everything was all said and done, they could turn their attention to Liam’s dreams of helping others, not just big names like Sebastian.

  “We’ll get there, together,” Sebastian murmured, closing his eyes peacefully.


  Silence was both a skill he had learned, and one he still struggled with. He personally felt the meeting with Zhao had been near flawless. Sebastian had accorded himself perfectly, and seemed to practically ooze confidence while he’d said his piece. The struggle, came from Liam needing to keep his peace, and let Sebastian do most of the talking. If Zhao had felt the need to address him, Liam would have spoken freely.

  Instead, he’d been left to sit to the right and behind Sebastian, looking interested while he drifted off into his own thoughts. There was no question in his mind that Sebastian was going to nail the deal. The CEO was animated, engaging, and enthusiastic as he and Zhao wandered between talking about business, and pleasure. Zhao himself had started off the meeting a little reserved and stone-faced, but from his corner, Liam had watched as the man had become more interested and emotive as the conversation wore on.

  It was absolutely fascinating to watch Sebastian in his element. He had an excellent command of the conversation, while still having the sense to back off and let Zhao talk when necessary. The two flowed around one another, moving forward and receding in a perfect dance of ambition, ego, and a growing comradery.

  Liam would wait till later to tell Sebastian how attractive he’d found the whole thing.

  Zhao turned to Liam. “You’ve worked for Sebastian here for only a month, give or take. Would you say he’s worthy of developing a partnership with?”

  Liam straightened, noting Zhao had used Sebastian’s first name with pleasure. “Absolutely. I think his history, and the history of his company indicates he’s a capable, ambitious, and intelligent leader. In both his dealings with the public at large, and those he develops a business relationship with, he does his best to make sure everyone comes out a winner. It would be foolish to choose anyone else for this deal, not when you have someone like Sebastian Carlton to work with.”

  Zhao raised a brow. “I judge a man, not only by his deeds and words, but by the company he keeps. Sebastian, I saw you found yourself a consultant who isn’t afraid to speak his mind.”

  Sebastian chuckled. “Honestly? It’s why I hired him above anyone else who interviewed for the position. Doesn’t matter if I sign his checks, Liam here isn’t afraid to speak his mind, or give me a piece of it.”

  Zhao smiled. “I have someone like that, not my consultant, though. My wife.”

  Sebastian eyed Liam affectionately. “It’s important, I think, to have someone who keeps us on our toes. I didn’t realize I needed someone like Liam at my side until I had him there.”

  Sebastian’s words almost brought another flush to Liam’s cheeks as he tried to keep his features situated into a pleasant expression. While in truth, they made his gut churn, and his head feel light and floaty. They were words meant for Zhao to understand Liam’s worth to Sebastian, but they held a far deeper meaning for Liam.

  It was hard to keep his expression normal as he remembered the night before. The sex had been brilliant, intoxicating, and more pleasurable than it had ever been with anyone else. So good in fact that Liam had been intent on having another round in the shower while they prepared to leave for the meeting. No doubt, he would find himself crawling into Sebastian’s lap happily before the day was done.

  Yet, it was the warmth and happiness he felt when looking upon Sebastian which really stuck with him. He’d woken that morning, still wrapped up tight in Sebastian’s arms. The dragon had been deep asleep still, his breathing even and heavy as he enshrouded Liam with his body. Liam had no idea how long he lay there, basking in the warmth and comfort offered by Sebastian, feeling utterly safe and protected. Whatever came their way, Liam had to stand by Sebastian’s side and help him through it, there was too good a thing between them for anything less.

  Zhao extended his hand. “I do agree with him, however.”

  Sebastian’s eyes widened, taking Zhao’s hand in his. “You’ll take it?”

  “I will, I’ll have the paperwork drawn up and sent to you by the end of the week. After that, we can hash out the little details and move forward,” Zhao said.

  It took everything in L
iam’s power not to leap up and wrap Sebastian in a hug. With strong commercial backing from Zhao Air, Glass Inc. would be able to pour more money into development and expansion. It would allow Sebastian to make the changes to Glass Inc. so he could focus more on spreading helpful technology across the globe. The real future had started the moment Zhao had offered his hand, and Liam couldn’t have been happier for Sebastian.

  “You won’t regret this,” Sebastian assured him.

  Zhao grinned at that. “I believe that. Now, let’s say I show the two of you a nice little bar not too far from here. We can have a few drinks in celebration, on me.”

  Sebastian mirrored Zhao’s expression. “That would be great.”

  And here Liam was, a horrible lightweight, he could only hope he didn’t manage to make a fool of himself.

  TO HIS IMMENSE satisfaction and pride, Liam thought he was handling his alcohol quite nicely. It hadn’t hurt that he’d scarfed down a meal while he had the first few drinks, slowing the process of the alcohol leaking into his system. Zhao had been a generous host, buying them several rounds while he talked the time away with Sebastian.

  To Liam’s dismay, it looked as though the alcohol was barely touching Sebastian, despite the man having several more drinks than Liam had. While Liam had been careful, accepting drinks from Zhao and nursing them carefully, Sebastian had kept right up with Zhao, knocking drinks back without a care in the world.

  Liam nudged Sebastian. “How are you able to drink like it’s water?”

  Sebastian chuckled. “Dragon metabolism. I’d have to drink a lot more, and a lot stronger stuff before I started getting tipsy, like someone I know.”


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